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Found 12 results

  1. Hi everyone, I've been playing with ace for a few months and at first with when I took my pulse or checked my blood pressure, I came up with numbers, example: Blood pressure is 51/54. Shortly after, it started to come out in a simpler way, but for me it was better, example: The pulse is normal. The problem is that at times it comes out with the first example and sometimes with the second, but I want it to be the 2nd format at all times since for me it is more comfortable. Does anyone know how I could do it? Thanks, greetings and sorry for my English as a translator.
  2. Is there a way to make AI surrender and take captives with ACE3? I've looked around the internet and I haven't found anything of the sort. Basically, AI units will surrender instead of fleeing sometimes and so enemy AI will take them captive.
  3. What are the EL76_Logistics? This is a logistics mod package, which we have been using at Gametwitter for a long time, but now we want to make it available to the public. Why EL_76? Quite simply, because the mod developer in our clan is called that. Release Date? It‘s done. Are there dependencies to other mods? CBA_A3, ACE3 What does offer EL76_Logistics? 1. LCM-8 Landing Craft This landing craft offers you a real powerhouse on the water. The ramp can be lowered for the pleasant driveway of the vehicle or for entry of the infantry. The vehicle offers space for 16 soldiers and a driver on board. In addition, a vehicle can be added. 2. Floating Bridge These swimming bridges are powerful ways to continue on the path over water. Your pioneers will be pleased about this quality product. This makes it easy to put a pontoon bridge over a water hazard. So that they do not have to transport the bridges individually, we have supplied the good old MTRV from Arma2 as a transport vehicle. Thus you manage to transport five of these floating bridges in one go. 3. Faltschwimmbrücke (FSB) German Army In a very early stage of our development department are the so-called floating folding bridges. These offer you the full potential of a floating bridge. Since the topic of occupational safety is very important to us, there are hinged handrails. Thus, their vehicles and infantrymen can not take an involuntary dip in the water. 4. Powerfull Modules In order to be able to build up a high-performance logistics even with a shortage of staff, we have developed the GT_Support modules. These offer their mission farmers numerous methods to bring supplies to the troop. Known bugs: Dont drive to fast against other bridge parts , they can be damaged or the driver flys to the other side of the map  Mod Download @ Gametwitter
  4. Hey all, Does anyone know if there is any way to enable the advanced medical system of ACE 3 for specific units? To be more specific I am trying to create a medical training system where you will be able to spawn wounded "mannequins" and practice on them. It works fine in general (please let me know if you would be interested on it, it's just two scripts and I would love to share them), but if you want to practice with the advanced medical system you have to activate it on the AI too (not just the players). "That's fine" you may say, but according to the ACE developers (see here) the AI is not able to handle the advanced medical system. This means that the rest of the AI on the map won't be able to heal themselves (or their friendlies), which is something we definitely want to avoid. Thus, I come for a search of a way to enable advanced medical to only specific units (my mannequins :)). The other alternative would be to handle explicitly all the injuries and wounds and "medical behavior" of the mannequins but this is quite too much work to be done. I will definitely consider doing if I don't find any other solution, but I would really appreciate some thoughts and insight on this before going this way. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
  5. Background I'm attempting to successfully fast-rope AI in an urban environment, which is apparently very difficult. I've already set up the helicopter with a FRIES system which works fine when used by a human of their own volition. I've done plenty of sifting through archives and people have been struggling with this for some time without a clear resolution. It would be nice to be able to make things a lot clearer here. Problems Still requires a human to use the "prepare fast rope action" Pilot does not fly low enough to successfully drop troops with their legs intact Pilot does not hover precisely where he needs to I know there seem to be issues with flyInHeight, particularly over buildings, so I'm attempting to intervene within the ACE scripts to maybe add some extra lines to really force the helicopter down. I've managed to find the deployAI.sqf script from the ACE 3 github repository, but I can't examine the operation of it much more because it references functions which I have no idea how to view. For example: [{[_this] call FUNC(deployRopes)}, _vehicle, _deployTime] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; I've scanned through the entire list of functions with my addons loaded and I can't find deployRopes anywhere. With respect to preparing the fast rope system, does anyone know how I can determine what code is being executed when a human player uses this action via the ACE interaction menu? My hope is that I can find out how to trigger the same commands by script. Outcomes Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover over a very precise spot Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover at a very specific altitude Description of how to view functions referenced by ACE Suggestion of how to determine the "prepare fast rope" commands used by ACE interaction menu Thanks in advance.
  6. The issues is a follows. With ACE 3 running on a server. When a player is shot enough they can become unconscious, when this happens I believe it is ACE that changes that players "Side" over to a civilian from in this instance Blufor. On occasion when said player dies or re-spawns they are not always changed back to the original Faction they were with. Causing AI of an opposing faction not to engage them as they are still seen as a civilian. This creates a few problems resulting a misrepresentation of balance, AI difficulty, Medical system intensity, and a broken experience for players, both those who are now "Terminators" and those who die watching our "T1000" players push onward undieing.
  7. Hello there, i have read on the ace3 doc that if you use ace_captivestatuschanged To listen for a unit being freed/ cuffed but i cant seem to get it working everytime i use the code its telling me its missing ; or if i use [_unit2, _state(false), _reason (“SetHandcuffed” or “SetSurrendered”)] its telling me a ] is missing and i dont know where or how. if anyone has gotten this to work please let me know :)
  8. Spezialkräfte Bundeswehr The Projekt: We started this project for our Clan about 3 Month ago. We play as German KSK and EGB. Our plan is to support the German Arma Community playing as German Special Forces without having any equipment to disposal. The first results of retexturing and config writing were really not good. I've got to know a modder of the 'BWMod' who can help me to keep up my project. Media: http://imgur.com/a/DJLYZ http://imgur.com/a/GvgKb WIP Media: http://imgur.com/a/aUlcx G38 alias HK416A5 http://imgur.com/a/CpGoP G82 Gunbag with ACE support http://imgur.com/a/GPhj8 New WIP Pics from Dragbag http://imgur.com/mfoGJBl and the G38 The Roadmap: Units and Uniforms Backpacks Helemts and Vests Weapons Drones Satcoms Sniper Gun Bag to carry a Sniper rifle and an primary weapon with ACE and mayby Vehicles Done and in Progress: Units and Uniforms 85% complete Backpacks 90 % complete G38 55% complete Vests 25% complete Satcom 80% complete Helmets 5% complete Requirements: BWMod CBA ACE 3 Optional: Spec4Vets SOC Gear TFR Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n79jd92aekzxapx/%40Bundeswehr%20Spezialkr%C3%A4fte_v%201.0.zip?dl=0 Timeline: Next update in 2-3 weeks with G38 and Helmets Notes: Feel free to give suggestions and ideas. I'll try to realize them all. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. I'll try support you so good as possible. Special thanks to: Road Runner for really great retextures Ir0n1E for support me with this projekt Marshal_Jud for support with Photoshop and textures Qwer for helping with Configs My Clan SRU for testing and support me Authors: Bounty Ir0n1E alias BECK´s License: APL PS: DO NOT publish this on withSix. We only want it on Armaholic / thank you
  9. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  10. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  11. Over the past 7 years, Arma has been my go-to game. I have accumulated thousands of hours of gameplay, and created a great deal of mission based content. Over these 7 years I've been a part of numerous variations of these game modes. I've seen what works and what doesn't. I've edited their mission files. I've even been a senior developer for many of these communities. In the past few weeks, I began working on my own variation, from scratch. It's focused on quality over quantity. And so far it's good. Now I could do this on my own, but I want help. I want to make this something great. So, basically... Help Wanted: 1 Specialized Scripter 1 Person Specialized in UI 1 Specialized Texturer 1 Specialize Modeler The Mission: Create, from the ground up, the most immersive and fun Role Playing Mod out there. Features: There are a several key features that make this mod unique. One being ACE 3 implementation. ACE will be a huge part of this mod, whether it's EMS actually having to do something or if it's logistic. Another thing this allows us to get rid of it massive amounts of over-scripting. Most Life communities have massive amounts of scripts and mods for absolutely no reason, which causes performance to suffer. ACE mod comes with great functionality, including vehicle cargo, handcuffs, a medical system, vehicle keys, and much much more. A goal for persistence is to create actual physical garages in houses or in buildings, where vehicles will be persistent, as well as boxes in homes. Plus much more... PS: I lead a community and we have our own server, so hosting will not be an issue. Anybody has any questions please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks guys! Haymaker
  12. Teamspeak: 21starmyrangers.enjinvoice.com Website: http://21starmyrangers.enjin.com/home YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/21stusarmyrangers -- 17+ age requirement -- WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANYONE BELOW THE AGE OF 17 -- Why join this group? --More Than Just A Clan-- Weather we are out in the field during an Op, or just enjoying some down time in Teamspeak the 21st is present. We are more than just a group of guys that gather to play Arma this is a community. -- We've Been Here For A While -- This is not some newly started up group. We have been around for quite a while. Our members are experienced and know how to keep a mission together. We had been on ArmA 2 for quite some time and began to switch over to ArmA 3 the day the Alpha was released. We made the official switch at midnight the day the full game was released. --Relaxed Realism-- Realistic gameplay with a laid back style. No drill sergeant screaming here. --Solid Teams-- We operate in assigned platoons within the whole company. This ensures you will always be with people you know and trust. All is controlled by a chain of command. --Welcome Party-- We welcome anybody with the right mindset and the ability to remain mature and collected in realistic combat situations. No special skill-sets required. --Missions Are Custom-- Missions are created from scratch and coded to ensure realistic combat scenarios. AI is actually coded to be smart. Users suggest mission ideas and our map editors make them a reality. --Mods Are Custom-- We have dedicated mod developers that work extremely hard to create custom content for the 21st. Do not limit yourself to what Armaholic or the vanilla game can offer. You will get a realistic military experience here that no other unit can offer. --Training Provided-- New to Arma? Been playing a while but are a bit "rusty"? Have no fear! Our loyal officers will gladly throw you into boot camp and teach you a thing or two. Our boot camp program is conducted on a custom FOB and designed to take you from 0 to 60 as quickly as possible. Learn to be a Ranger! _________________________________________________________________ --Dedicated Servers-- Our multiple - stable dedicated servers are online 24/7 to allow members to play and practice at will. These servers include the cutting edge that the milsim modding community can provide, along with an embedded headless client to maximize performance! --250 Slot Teamspeak-- Our TS3 server is available 24/7 for members to gather and chat. This also allows easy access for the TFAR mod - which grants radio use in during operations.