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anyone else feel the gameplay

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Tried all night to work through some of the clunky controls and animations, but I dont think I can do it. Arma makes Flashpoint feel as smooth as counterstrike on the gameplay aspect. Too bad too cause I really want to explore this game. I have played flashpoint so much I know exactly where I am and which island just by looking at my feet, but I think I am going to be missing out on that with Arma. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to modify the game to make it feel controllable/playable?

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Quote[/b] ]Sprint transitions are quite broken in ArmA. The idea is to replace sprint with run gameplay wise. This addon doubles the diagonal forward and straightforward run speed to make it equal to the sprint speed. In addition the diagonal forward and straightforward walk is accelerated by 150 percent to make it more useful. More info in the BI forum in the thread: Very buggy sprint (fast forward) transition..., What about a workaround?

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Q did you know about your own suggestion on PROPER wiki site:

Quote[/b] ]Obsolete PROPER addons in 1.14

Due to changes or integration you are NOT recommended to use these PROPER addons in 1.14:

* PROPER_Anims_Fast_Forward_Transition (integrated - sort of)

Bit confusing isnt it?  wink_o.gif

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well its a matter of perspective.

transitions are still broken and i like feel of this addon.

yet most people complain about the look..

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I changed ArmA controls to like OFP has them by default and game is much better. Well i play OFP with little tweaks with sights (right mouse button, V is lock and reveal) and binoculars (K-key), but rest is default.

It's funny that my regular fps controls (works well in other games) don't work in ArmA or in OFP. Don't know reason, maybe it's animations?

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probably broken transitions - care to explain your standard controls

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probably broken transitions - care to explain your standard controls

I believe biggiest differences to ArmA/OFP are:

-Shift+W for sprint (i like to use E in OFP/ArmA)

-Z,X,C as prone, crunch, stand buttons. Can also be Space and ctrl. (In OFP/ArmA i use Q for up and Z for down)

-Q and E as lean. (ArmA/OFP has Shift+A and D)

I quess that is the main difference. ArmA was first game where i needed to remap lots of controls to get it enjoyable, i usually play pretty much with controls what game gives me.

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bit confused here

whats first keys and whats the ones in brackets?

i use

awsd - movement

shift w - sprint

ctrl + awsd - walk

mouse 4/5 - lean (the ones on the thumb's side)

q - crouch toggle

e - stand toggle

r - firemode

f - scope

</y - zoom

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Tried all night to work through some of the clunky controls and animations, but I dont think I can do it.  Arma makes Flashpoint feel as smooth as counterstrike on the gameplay aspect.  Too bad too cause I really want to explore this game.  I have played flashpoint so much I know exactly where I am and which island just by looking at my feet, but I think I am going to be missing out on that with Arma.  Does anyone have any suggestions about how to modify the game to make it feel controllable/playable?

Aside from gameplay altering mods, the other option is just to get used to it. I don't find I am hindered by how ArmA's controls and animations work at all. I have an uncanny amount of patience when it comes to this kind of thing, though, and I like to learn things and make them work. I know this view is not shared by everyone, but I have really come to like the way ArmA's controls are. It's the same with il2 or any other kind of game that's hard to control but rewarding to learn.

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It's the same with il2 or any other kind of game that's hard to control but rewarding to learn.

The difference is that IL2 has realistic controls, ArmA simply has bad ones.

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It's the same with il2 or any other kind of game that's hard to control but rewarding to learn.

The difference is that IL2 has realistic controls, ArmA simply has bad ones.

I don't find that ArmA has bad controls.

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bit confused here

whats first keys and whats the ones in brackets?

i use

awsd - movement

shift w - sprint

ctrl + awsd - walk

mouse 4/5 - lean (the ones on the thumb's side)

q - crouch toggle

e - stand toggle

r - firemode

f - scope

</y - zoom

First ones are standart shooter controls i use. Brackets were for OFP/ArmA. Yeah it became bit confusing smile_o.gif

So here hopefully better list. For ArmA i use this.

awsd - movement

e - sprint

douple shift - walk toggle

shift + awsd - walk

shift + e/d - leans and rolls

no bind - crunch toggle (i use stand-key for it)

q - stand

z - prone

space - firemode

right mouse button - scope

v - zoom & hold breath

b - reveal

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thanks for the post Second.

e - sprint

isnt e + a/d hard to press?

shift + awsd - walk

what do you have for ctrl?

shift + e/d - leans and rolls

e/d??? (e sprint and shift d is also walk) crazy_o.gif

v - zoom

you dont seem to use zoom that much as infantry, do you?

for me its a constant use of zoom and no zoom as infantry while movement and even for observation. scope is only the last

moment action before using the weapon.

z - prone

maybe its just me, yet i find z hard to reach

thats why i use it for +- zoom for vehicles

you basically only need this while being gunner = no movement keys needed.

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thanks for the post Second.

e - sprint

isnt e + a/d hard to press?

I quess i'm able to press e + d at same time. But i mostly steer with mouse, instead of running sideways.

Quote[/b] ]

shift + awsd - walk

what do you have for ctrl?

I use ctrl as another shoot button... It looks great in command view when looking at my playing character and firing LMG's belt empty at the same time (left mouse button doesn't work as shooting button there)  it makes beautiful corpse too. tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]

shift + e/d - leans and rolls

e/d??? (e sprint and shift d is also walk)  crazy_o.gif

Oh crazy_o.gif i ment to write shift + a/d as lean and roll. And no shift + awsd as walk... I'm not dumb, i'm not just very smart, that's all  banghead.gif

Double shift as walk toggle is problematic in these issues (too many times it's toggled on/off when should not), but i can live with it. I don't use leans much anyways, those are ment for n00bs only (did i already mention that i leave pretty corpse?)

Quote[/b] ]

v - zoom

you dont seem to use zoom that much as infantry, do you?

for me its a constant use of zoom and no zoom as infantry while movement and even for observation. scope is only the last

moment action before using the weapon.

I do use zoom quite much when observing, but as hold breath is bind also to v i mostly use just + in keypad when scanning for long duration of time. If i need to be able to do it fast i use v.

Quote[/b] ]

z - prone

maybe its just me, yet i find z hard to reach

thats why i use it for +- zoom for vehicles

you basically only need this while being gunner = no movement keys needed.

z is just fine, i basically reach it as easily as q key.

Yeah it probably ain't optimal setting (yeah this is perfect excuse to tell when i get my ass handed to me in PvP biggrin_o.gif ), but i find it most pleasuring system for me. I've tried various other things in ArmA but they just don't work.

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Can someone tell me how to set up a toggle on crouch and stand up? I've got a friend whose got a Nostromo and would like that but I've already told him it's not possible.

Sounds to me like everyone has their own favorite keyboard setup. I go with all defaults and have no problems but I'm familiar with Z-X-C from Ghost Recon.

I'm getting a "real" gaming mouse from Santa and may assign the two little buttons on the left to 1st/3rd person.

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I'm getting a "real" gaming mouse from Santa and may assign the two little buttons on the left to 1st/3rd person.

I have a G7 mouse.

Thumb button is for Teamspeak.

But i tilt the mouse wheel to the right for 1st/3rd person.

Tilt it left for fire mode.

DPI+ is prone smile_o.gif

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I think the default keys make for a clunky gameplay, but thats because Im no WASD person.

I use the numpad:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

num/ - fast forward,turbo,sprint (2x - evasive forward)

num8 - forward

num5 - slow forward (2x toggle walk)

num2 - backwards

num1,4,7 - left

num3,6,9 - right

numlock - lean,roll left (2x toggle lean)

num* - lean,roll right (2x togle lean)

page up - stance up

page down - stance down

num- - switch between first and secondary weapon

num+ - weapon mode

numenter - action (also on mousewheel/3rd button (need a better mouse))

actionmenu - mousewheel

num, - reload

num0 - switch handgun

end - "salute" (used for jumping fences with the puny anim)

home - select all units

delete - lock, reveal

insert - next target

uparrow - zoom in

downarrow - zoom out

left&rightarrow - sightadjustment for GMJ addon

enter - gear

rightshift - lower,raise weapon

c - compass

g - gps

n - nv

m - map

w - watch

As arma uses alot of buttons I find this logical for me. I need a simple layout where I "can see" what I need. Its also easier for me to find the right button in the heat of the battle. This setup works fine for vehicles too as the same buttons do the same things. Planes and helicopters are controlled by my CH hotas, but should be easy to fit into the numpad by the same logic.

edit: And ofcourse I uses addons that fixes broken animations! Makes the gameplay more fluent.

I really like armas control and gameplay!!

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beside key controlls I am using the original radio sound from OFP.

Thats just a addon which will be loaded up with my regular loaded Addons.

That takes the most OFP feeling  back to the game....for me.

But ArmA grew up to a good game. Playing is much funny, espacially online with my Squadron. ArmA has it´s own feeling.

So for my opinion OFP and ArmA have finally seperated from each other and got their own flair, although I am using OFP sounds.

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Anyone uses TrackIr and can comment on how it changes gameplay? I would think it makes it alot easier(better)? Im thinking of bying me my own x-mas present........

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Anyone uses TrackIr and can comment on how it changes gameplay? I would think it makes it alot easier(better)? Im thinking of bying me my own x-mas present........

2 in our clan have it and wouldnt be without it now! smile_o.gif

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2 in our clan have it and wouldnt be without it now!  smile_o.gif

Cool! That was the answer I needed. wink_o.gif  I wanna use freeview as much as possibly but its not the same, there is no fluid gaming changing between free and regular. Not for me anyway.

Just noticed this on naturalpoint´s website:


(OFP II is not listed) sad_o.gif

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