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[SP] Pilgrimage

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Was running around the big terminal/airport and found this guy who looks like my brother... I couldn't load him so I guess it's just a hickup?

div><div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><img src=FUnnGXA.jpg' alt='FUnnGXA.jpg'>

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FYI selling in DEV branch is broken because weaponsItemsCargo is now returning the bipod item as the last element (after any ammo arrays). I'm fixing for my own use by iterating all elements after first and checking typeName. If array, it's ammo, otherwise, push to items.

So you're not having any issues with enemies not spawning at all? I tried a few times and i cannot get guys to load properly. I know its not supported on DEV-Branch so i dont want to comment but makes me wonder now if i'm the only one having issues here with this. Anyways I'm only on DEV mode until April 8th :)

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So you're not having any issues with enemies not spawning at all? I tried a few times and i cannot get guys to load properly. I know its not supported on DEV-Branch so i dont want to comment but makes me wonder now if i'm the only one having issues here with this. Anyways I'm only on DEV mode until April 8th :)

Not sure yet, haven't played in a while because of the bugs on dev branch but I gave it a try tonight for almost an hour. Took out a couple camps and a group that was called in and para-dropped on me. Heard some distance fighting going on too. I recorded the gameplay, will try to upload it soon, at least the first part of it.

RPT indicates there will be lots of them, will have to see if they spawn ok:

22:49:44 "Garr count: 171"

22:50:08 "EG: 139 IG: 86 All units: 925"

Edited by Robalo

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Thanks. Gotten farther then me the only instance i came close to seeing any AI unit was the message of a foot trail. But running around the entire map its empty. :) Going to try the beta version to see if that makes a difference. Maybe there's a mod conflict as well...

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Just watched your first video, some things came to my mind.

1.: Question: Have I seen this correctly, is it possible to simply sell stuff directly from enemy bodies action menu? Because then OMG. I always organzied stuff into my backpack, then into the grey box, then sold from the box, very time consuming.

2.: You're saving a lot. Maybe we need a simple mod which binds auto saving to a fancy custom key like F5?

3. That ArmA rain.

4. You couldn't resist using 3rd person cam sometimes.

Edited by tortuosit

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Was running around the big terminal/airport and found this guy who looks like my brother... I couldn't load him so I guess it's just a hickup?

Some random civilians may have same clothes - means nothing. If no white exclamation mark over him and other notifiers, also if not close to the chapel/church and if can't be loaded, then it's not Alex's brother.

1.: Question: Have I seen this correctly, is it possible to simply sell stuff directly from enemy bodies action menu? Because then OMG. I always organzied stuff into my backpack, then into the grey box, then sold from the box, very time consuming.

Sure, it was introduced several versions ago. :) All in the original body holder/container, so except primary/secondary weapons and except anything, you'll drop at the body (those apparently have separate weapon holders created).

2.: You're saving a lot. Maybe we need a simple mod which binds auto saving to a fancy custom key like F5?

Maybe. But if no one made such till now, then maybe not. I don't know. I somehow haven't a habit to use quick saves in games, so doubtful, if I would use it.

3. That ArmA rain.

At first some rain is normal. Should stop later. For me it stopped indeed. Of course later may appear again shortly. This way I set weather. Strange are those gameplays I heard of, where rain never stops. I don't know, when they do something about weather BTW. Seem on the very end of their priority list.

4. You couldn't resist using 3rd person cam sometimes.

It's even not about resisting. Normal thing for me to use this nice feature sometimes. I'm not some ultra "realism" freak here, I just play a game for fun. :) Though not so often use 3rd usually, some moments I showed in 3rd view only because of recording. However I'm always use 3rd view, when driving - too shitty driver I am to do it in 1st.

Edited by Rydygier

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Reckless no doubt. Nicely planned ammo consumption. :) Important however, this madness was effective.

Oddly, fourth part of my playthrough so far seem to uploading thrice as fast, as three previous (115 kB/s compared to 40). That will be the last from my last sunday session. I would like play second time this weekend, so continuation after Oreokastro stage possible next week.

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Reckless no doubt. Nicely planned ammo consumption. :) Important however, this madness was effective.

My AI companion in the house was the backup plan :)

Amazingly he managed to draw lots of fire while hiding inside without getting killed.

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Tactical glasses? Part of the TPW's mod. HUD was customized by me though, as I prefer this design over default. Mod allows that, if user knows structured text. Sadly, elements positions on the screen are dependent on screen resolution/aspect ratio, so copy&paste sharing is kinda futile. But anyway:

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,600}; // effective range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)  
tpw_hud_colour[] = {0.025,0.8,0.4}; // HUD and friendly units colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0.025,0.8,0.4}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {0.5,0.5,0.9}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.1,0.05}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0,1,1}; // squad and marker colour
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.65; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] =	{0,1.08,0.76,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] =	{1,0.38,1.05,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze). 
tpw_hud_grd[] =	{1,1.08,1.04,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] =	{1,1.08,0.97,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] =	{0,1.08,0.83,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .  
tpw_hud_hlt[] =	{1,1.08,0.90,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] =	{1,0.3,1.06,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze. 
tpw_hud_vel[] =	{1,0.46,1.06,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {0,0.5,0.5,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1.5,0.5,0.65}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 2 = icon max size, 0.5 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0,0}; //HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.6; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 0.7; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 0; // Automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses 
tpw_hud_audible = 0; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {6,5,12,11,6,5,12,11,16,15}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_asl_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Height</t>"; // ASL
tpw_hud_azt_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.5' shadow='2' font='PuristaBold'>%1<t size='1.0'><br />%2</t>"; // AZT
tpw_hud_grd_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Coordinates</t>"; // GRD
tpw_hud_lmt_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1:%2<t size='0.8'><br />Local Time</t>"; // LMT
tpw_hud_tmp_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1°C<t size='0.8'><br />Temperature</t>"; // TMP
tpw_hud_hlt_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Heart Rate</t>"; // HLT
tpw_hud_rng_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.3' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />meters</t>"; // RNG
tpw_hud_vel_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.3' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />km/h</t>"; // VEL
tpw_hud_airvel_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.2' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />kn/h</t>"; // VEL IN AIRCRAFT
tpw_hud_prx_txt = "<t color='%8' size='0.7'>%4</t>"; // PRX

PRX is not workin, probably numbers changed - by intention should show number of detected enemies. Maybe better, it doesn't however... It's for 1920x1080 (16:9).

Edited by Rydygier

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Congrats Sir!

A well deserved result for all your work for Arma!

Have a great party tonight! :D

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Congrats Rydygier!

I figured one day your skills would pay you back, nice job!

I wish BIS could look at Ragnarok and see what you did there, even that was amazing work!

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Thanks, guys. :)

So many so great projects and mine was evaluated so highly amongst them. Truly, I am honored by this fact. Congrats to all the winners and my deep thanks to all other contestants for their amazing work.

Probably will take some time, before I fully realize, what actually happened.

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Congratulations Rydygier ! Well deserved !

And thanks for the info on the HUD. I was talking about the direction info, etc. that was green at bottom center of screen.

Edited by Major-Stiffy

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Thanks to all again. :)

I was talking about the direction info, etc. that was green at bottom center of screen.

Yes, that's the part of this HUD. Of course, you can in the userconfig hide everything else.

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Felicitaciones, creator. I'm very happy for you.

I'm pride too because this special mission is my favourite.

Thank you

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Very well done mate .... time for a super dooper computer to run arma3 at max frame rates :)

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Yep congrats Ryd... well deserved!! Don't spend it all on beer! :p

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