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ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

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Hello y'all. Thought I'd liven up the place with a new thread.

What's this thread about?

It's about you and your imagination. It's about you creating a "fictional" :D ArmAverse starting from the end of the PMC campaign and the begining of the ArmA 3 campaign.

You can portray anything regarding anyone and anyplace. So, if you want to imagine something that does not have to do with Europe and Iran, go ahead.


The scenarios have to tie into the scarce information we have until now:

"10'th Chinese AirCav supported by 1'st Fleet overrun the X island formation in the South China Sea in 2017" or " 100 GB of classified files were stollen from NATO servers by the P8H8 hacker group in 2016" or "Norway sent another frigate to Somalia in 2015" -GOOD (Plaussible scenarios that do not affect the official BIS timeline)

" NATO went to Iran and F'ed shit up for the Iranians in 2017" -BAD (Iran F'ed shit up for NATO)

THIS IS NOT A WISHLIST THREAD. Use THIS thread if you want to make a wish.

Don't be afraid to go crazy. Remember that nukes went off around the world in the ArmAverse and it's WW3 all up in this place :p

Your idea can come under any form. It can be a news video, written news article, photo(screenshot).

Edited by Maio
The voices wont stop... the damn voices!!!

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Good thread, though being the pessimist I am, and in the light of the sparse information available, I fear it won´t grow large.

I´ll see if I can contribute something though. I love community art projects

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Good thread, though being the pessimist I am, and in the light of the sparse information available, I fear it won´t grow large.

I´ll see if I can contribute something though. I love community art projects

Cheers :) . I'll cook up an article myself later tonight or maybe tomorrow and post it here. I'll also update the first thread with links to the user ideas :)

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"Norway sent another frigate to Somalia in 2015" -GOOD

Not so probable. With the speed the norwegian military is decommissioned, by 2015 the Norwegian Navy will be as impressive as the Swiss Navy.

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Not so probable. With the speed the norwegian military is decommissioned, by 2015 the Norwegian Navy will be as impressive as the Swiss Navy.

True that, but then again the US has RAH-66's in the ArmAverse. Plus it was ment as an guideline example, one that does not affect the BIS timeline in any major way.

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Ok here we go:

AAN World News


Monday,17 November 2016, 10:35

San Antonio Naval Base, San Antonio CA, USA

If you would happen to drive by San Antonio Naval Base this mourning, you would see crowds of people gathered both inside and outside the US Navy base. The ones inside are family members of the sailors aboard the USS Geralt. S. Fox aircraft carrier, the United States newest, biggest and most advanced aircraft carrier.

The ones outside are members of the "Homeland Now" movement, protesting against further over seas deployment of US forces.

The USS Geralt S. Fox will be replacing the USS George Walington aircraft carrier within 7'th Fleet , lost 1 month ago due to a reactor meltdown durring a joint naval exercise with the Chinese Navy as reported here on AAN.

Navy spokesman, Cmdr. John Rico had this to say: " The US is demonstrating it's commitment to it's Asian allies by assiging it's most powerfull ship to the Pacific Fleet. Let this by a counter to the rumors that the US has lost interest in safegurading the area."

Cmdr. Rico was reffering to the more and more present speculations within international media that the US is planning a major withdrawl of forces from the Pacific area. Rumours founded by the decommissioning of 10 ships throughout 2014-2016 belonging to 7'th Fleet including the USS Flashpoint, flagship of 7'th Fleet.

The aircraft carrier will be escorted by the navy destroyers USS Theodor Wolle and USS Mark S. Foxhound until it reaches Huzishima Naval Base in Japan.


Full article


Monday,17 November 2016, 08:10

Constanta Harbour, Constanta, Romania

Romanian Border Police has seized 10 cargo containers containing a shipment of ilegal weapons. The weapons were hidden among boxes of spare part components for washing machines.

After close analysis, specialist arrived at the conclusion that the weapons were copies of the israelian Tavor assault rifle design. Besides the assault rifles the border police was stunned to find 10 man portable anti aircraft missile systems. The final count led to 85 assault rifles, 330 empty rifle magazines and 10 MANPADS.

This is the second and largest weapon shipment seized this year within Constanta Harbour, a thing that leads the Romanian Border Police to believe that an international weapons smugling ring might be operating through the harbour.

When contacted, the Chinese shiping firm responsible for the transport of the containers had nothing to declare.


Full article


Monday,17 November 2016, 17:05


A car bomb was detonated near City Hall while an UN envoy was attending a meating with Mayor Iusuf Farid and other city officials.

5 people were killed and 12 injured. Amongst the killed were 2 members of the NTA and 1 member of the envoys security group.

The envoy and city officials were reported safe and unharmed.

More news as the story developes.

Edited by Maio
Added some more

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Great :devil:. This reminds me of War with the Newts from Karel ÄŒapek.


Wednesday, 11 July 2014, 19:30

Athens, Greece

Only 30 minutes remains for so called Occupy Government radical terrorist movement to withdraw. Almost 150 people are still held inside Hellenic Parliament as hostages. Syntagma Square is filled with young radicals holding machine guns and Greece flags. One of our reporters was let to make interview with leader of radicals. These are his words: "We strive 2 years, pay high taxes, no help for poor people... Now the government sells our whole country. This is my country and I'm gonna defend it against western business even if it means killing the enemies. We are not going anywhere until US army goes away". In the meanwhile US special forces counter-terrorist unit is preparing for eventual attack. Occupation of Hellenic Parliament started 3 days ago after Greece Prime minister unveiled his plan for saving the country from deep economic crisis. This plan assumes presence of foreign military forces, mostly US, in the Greece for taking care of security. Both China and Russia insisted on no intervention of US forces in this event this morning.

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Nr.2 Hope you enjoy. I made it short for the sake of your time.

AAN Global News

11 December 2016

AAN Global News presents a debate between independent californian congressman Raymond Miles, Desmond Dess PhD in Psychology at Washington State University and USMC Lt. Col. Emilio Estevan on the rissing popularity of the "Homeland Now" movement. Other topics are disscused such as the results of the poll asking Californian citizens if they would agree with a split from the fedreal state structure and the ongoing US lead NATO anti-terorism war effort in Azirstan.

AAN: Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to participate in this debate.

AAN: Mr. Miles, we will start with you since you are at the head of a major movement that is winning public support day by day. What made you start "Homeland Now" and what are your plans for the near future.

R.Miles: Thank you! Well I would like to start by mentioning that I was not a founding member of "Homeland Now" even though the media keeps saying so. The movement was started by the parents of Lt. Jim Porter a MEDVAC helicopter pilot shot down by Takistani militia during the withdrawl of forces in 2014. They got in contact with others that lost family members deployed over seas and got the whole thing running over the internet. I got involved in 2014 after I left the party and helped them gain creadibility and some resources with the help of some old friends.

They voted me as their main rep. beacuse I quote "You look presentable Ray " (laughs)

As to the reasson I joined them... I lost a son in a conflict I and my party supported. He died in Chernarus back in 2009 for reassons I can not mention. His friend also died a year later in Takistan when the marines assaulted Zargabad. Another confict that we backed up.

I spent the next 4 years trying to change something within the party, but I guess you can guess how that went.

After the more personal reassons got out of the way the bigger picture came into focus. The economical impact that the deployments have on an already weakend economy. You can see the facts on our websites.

As to our plans for the future, more peace rallys, support for the ones who lost someone or who have someone on mandatory overseas deployment and we will continue to publish hard facts on our many sites and blogs.

AAN: Col. would you like to comment anything on the matter.

Col. Estevan: Yes.The loss of life has always been tragic thing, but as in the past we can not let this bend our will to fight against global terrorism and opressive gouvernaments. Congressman I was deployed both in Chernarus and Takistan. I'm sure you saw or heard about the things we found there, yet many chose to go back. I was even wounded durring my first Takistan deployment, yet I opted to retun for my second tour. The things that we take for granted these days have their price.

As for the "Homeland Now" movement, my personal opinion is that it's another populist movement. If it will become something greater, I can not say at the moment.

AAN: Dr. Von Dess?

Dess: Colonel, you said you opted to go back for your second tour.

Col Estevan: Yes.

Dess: So you had a choice on the matter . Do you consider the mandatory over seas deployment that US troops undergo... moral?

Col. Estevan: No one is forcing them to sign the recruitment papers. If they wish to serve in the Navy, USMC or Army they have to agree to this clause. I see nothing imoral about it.

Dess: Tell me Col. what was your last over seas deployment.

Col Estevan: My second tour in Takistan. I've been at Fort Price ever since I came back.

Dess: Was it your choice or were you assigned?

Col. Estevan: It was my choice.

Dess: Thank you Col. Regarding "Homeland Now" I tend to agree with Col. Estevan. It's a populist movement backed by a respectable political figuer. Honestly I see it as a natural response to the many social and economical factors that plague the US these days. I havent seen any undertones emerging...yet.

AAN: OK moving on to the next topic gentlemen


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I tried to distance from current politics as much as possible...


Non-biased News


Monday, 28 October 2015, 11:00

France, Paris

French Ministry of Defense (MoD) issued a press release about a latest data breach in french military networks. According to press release, all attacks originated from Iran. This is 4th known attack this year. According to MoD spokesman dozens of other Internet attacks were made by Iran in last 3 years. "Hopefully no sensitive information was stolen". These attacks comes shortly after reports of major data breaches in UK and US military networks. Internet activists claims that these attacks are made up by government to allow easier progress of undergoing plan of UK and France to cooperate in filtering Internet. Julian Assange has given us a statement from his exile in Russia: "Clearly this is a lie. It's part of plan for global Internet censorship. We're heading towards Orwell's 1984 world". The spokesman of french MoD mentioned in his speech that preventive attack on Iran is now highly possible. Jean Girard, a student of political science says that such adventurous claims are over-estimated in current political situation in France.

Edited by batto

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I tried to distance from current politics as much as possible...

That one was good!

Iranian Hackers FTW

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-//user_terminal: swordfish






-//domination/5F_clearance <---


-//user_terminal: knight_killer






-//persistingthreat <---


-----Persisting threat from the PNA-----

Today, U. N. officials gave a warning to the recently formed Persian Nationalist Alliance to cease any and all military mobilization in the direction of the Mediterranean immediately, as well as any hydrogen fusion bomb testing taking place. P.N.A. spokesmen refused to comment on the increasingly tense situation that is developing in the own backyard.

--- This is what the news say, gentlemen. Call from up top came through yesterday, demanded we start prepping for military action, effective immediately. NATO has already received the same notice, and rumors of a so-called 'Operation Magnitude' are rising. This is a serious situation we've got, which we must handle DELICATELY. We cannot afford another disaster like the one in al-Diwaniyah 6 years ago, you understand that?

Also, if I see anyone invading my office and stealing my personal stash of candybars, I AM GOING TO --*redacted*--

-J.M., 6/11/27


Edited by OnlyRazor

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Numero 3:

Royce's Military Blog

Here is a distrubing read for y'all...

21 March 2017

Ok guys you are about to read the transcript of the radio comms between the commander(s) of the NATO supply convoy that got hit while passing through Sharta in Southern Azirstan a week ago and NATO regional HQ in Feruz Abi. Now this is the full transcript and not the bits that the mainstream have been feeding us. I got this from someone I can trust and who is responsible for the info in several other articles on my blog so you know it's legit.

I was reluctant to post it, but you need to know what trully hapened:

06:03 Feruz, Wagon aproaching point David , 3 mins out. How copy. Over

06:03 Waggon. Feruz. Copy. Hows the weather? Over.

06:03 Wagon 2 this is Actual. Scope David with IRish. Over

06:03 Copy Actual. IRish says groups of 2-3 scatered around 2. 3 seems clear . Big one at David 1. Over

06:04 Feruz. Waggon. IRish says pockets of clouds. Disspersed. One big cluster mark David 1.Over

06:04 Copy Waggon. Over

06:04 Sentry. Feruz. Take point for David 3. Loiter. How copy. Over

06:04: Copy Feruz. Sentry on point for David 3. Loiter on mark. Over

06:04: Watch you tail rotor Sentry.

06:04: Wagon 2 keep off comms.

06:04: Roger that

06:04: Feruz. Sentry. At mark. Loitering. Over

06:04 Feruz. Wagon. 1 min till David 3. Over

06:05: Feruz copy's all. Watch for rain. Over

06:05: Wagon. Sentry here. Mind patching us into your IRish. We got a small problem with ours. Over

06:05: Copy Sentry. Stand by. Over.

06:05: Wagon 2 patch IRish to Sentry.

06:05: Copy. Done.

06:05: You got it Sentry?

06:05: We got it. Much aprriciated Wagon 2.

06:06: Feruz. Wagon. At David 3. How copy. Over

06:06 Copy Wagon. Proceed to David 2. Sentry hold at David 3 an provide cover for Wagon. How copy. Over

06:06:Wagon copys and taking point for David 2. Over

06:06:Sentry holding David 3 and covering Wagon . Over

06:06: Feruz copys both. Over

06:06: Actual. Wagon 2. IRish saw something move SW of Sentry. Over

06:06: Copy that Wagon 2.

06:06: Sentry you got movement SW of you. Check it out. Over

06:06: Roger that Wagon. Over

06:07: Wagon. We got nothing besides sand and rocks. Over

06:07: Copy Sentry. Over

06:07: Feruz. Wagon. At David 2. Over

06:07: Copy Wagon. Hold mark. Sentry go for David 2. Over

06:07: Sentry on the move for David 2. Over

06:07: Incoming. Sou(static)

06:07: Shit they got Sentry. S-W . It came from S-W. Sentry went down to my S-W.

06:07: All Wagons hold position and stay focused. Wagon 2 , get me a lock on the shooter and the crash site.

06:08: I got nothing to the SW. No runners, nothing. Sentry crashed into a house and is in flames. I marked it on the map. Over

06:08: Feruz. Wagon. Sentry is down near David 3. Negative ID on the shooter. How copy. Over

06:08: Roger Wagon. Push forward to David 3. MEDVAC will be on the way. Over

06:08: Feruz. I already sent Wago

06:08: Fuck!They got Wagon1. They got Javelins. They got fucking Javelins. I picked the smoke trail on IRish. Fuck!

06:08: This is Actual! All Wagons reverse reverse reverse! Pull back to David 3. Wagon 7 on point. Go.

06:08: Wagon 7 on it.

06:08: We got a vehicle coming down main street this way. It looks like one of our Roamer UGV's sir.

06:08: Roger Wagon 2. Wagon 3 watch your 6.

06:08: Javelin!

06:08:Holy christ they got 7. Sir we are blocked by 7.We cant go past him. Mother fuckers timed their shot.

06:08: Sir the shot came from another roof but still no lock on shooter. That UGV thing is getting closer.

06:08: Feruz. Wagon. They took out our point and rear guard with what looked like Javelins and we are boxed in. No direct contact with the enemy. Possible enemy UGV heading our way. Over

06:08: Copy Wagon. CAS on it's way. Predator holding Mk-90's.Striker Zulu. 1 min out. Mark tragets with IRish. ADF on it's way from Surat. How copy Over

06:08: Copy on all Feruz. Over

06:08: This is Wagon actual. Everyone out of the vehicles and into that constrction site at our 2. o'clock Wagon 2 switch IRish to your PDC. Over

06:08: Roger that.

06:08: Javelin !

06:08: Shit! They got capn's M-ATV. Actual is down.

06:09: This is.. this is Wagon 3 taking command. Same plan, head for the build site. GO GO GO

06:09: Fuck they shot at IRish. I lost visual.

06:09: 2 see if you can patch into Sentry's IRish.

06:09: UGV !!! Front of us. It has weapon po(static)

06:09: Fuck. FInd cover now.

06:09: They got Rogers.

06:09: Sorensen's hit.

06:09: Padalia's hit.

06:09: Jav(static)

06:09: Wagon. Feruz. CAS in range. ark targets. Over

06:09: Negative. Negative. IRish is offline. Enemy UGV 50 M north of our position. Light (static)

06:09: Feruz level the whole damn area 50 m N of us.

06:09: Copy Wagon. Target marked. Standy by for splash. Over

06:09: Threat eliminated. Over

06:09: Copy that Feruz. Over

06:09: Incomin

06:09: (static)

06:09: Wagon come in.

06:09: Wagon. We got multiple impacts near your last position. Status. Over

06:09: Wagon. Status. Over

The whole engagement lasted 2 minutes and those boys were engaged by what seems like remote weapon stations and a UGV...

Since when do damn sand crawlers have this kind of firepower. I smell foreign aid...

I'm starting to think those "Homeland Now" guys have the right idea...

Royce signing off.

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Awesome. Absolutely love the Armaverse. I actually feel excited just to think it is in constant expansion. I just hope that BIS won't go only to the future but re-visits the past once again.

Maybe one conflict in the 90's and another on the 70's? Also re-visit old characters. Younger James Gastovsky in the 70's and older David Armstrong or Sam Nichols/Robert Hammer in the Nineties.

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If you're looking for some info about Arma canon, let Armaverse Timeline be your guide ;)


So, FIA stands for Freedom and Independence Army? Took only 10 years for me to figure that out. :p


2009 / 12 / 22 Eagle Wing Preemptive Strike Plan is cancelled by Pentagon and never happens.


Edited by NeMeSiS

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So Eagle Wing basically happens in a "parallel Armaverse". :D

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Yes and because of no orientation skills, no comms those EW hero didn't made it to Utes. He got lost and several years later he was found+rescued by some fishermen. Luckily he found a transponder somewhere in his body with a number from a Swiss Greek bank on Lemnos... :D

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So the player character is 43 years old and only a Captain? Wow.

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Retrieved from Milipedia, the Military Encyclopedia:

Today's featured article:


Operation Warlord
was a joint-forces NATO operation, devised to cause critical damage to
war elements and topple the
current regime
. Amongst the reasons cited,
increases in nuclear capability
were the most common. It was launched in 2020 and would be the precursor to
a massive counterattack by Irani forces
pro-Iran insurgents
, sparking the
NATO-Iran conflict
The operation ultimately failed, with NATO forces retreating 3 months after the operation began.

Edited by OnlyRazor

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