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Found 472 results

  1. hello all, i would like to open a config.bin ? how does it work . i try with Unrap . but didn't work . Go a message : bad rap .Using arma tool not working . using eltiness not working . how could't i open such files? Is there a special way to open it? Thank for your time and your answers
  2. qbert

    Sound track

    Well, firstly thank you NeuroFunker, that was a good solution and was a good way to preview some of the tracks. Secondly, Chaplain, I agree, atmospheric music is very good for building up a tense situation, and even bringing emotional responses. I think it'd be cool if BI somehow did dynamic sound tracks, where situations you're in dictate what track plays. For instance, half your squad dies, and you get a very desperate fighting heroic song or something, or you're travelling through a dark forest like in that first OFP mission, and you hear an iconic orchestral piece. As fpr the Van Halen thing the reason I'd opt for hard rock music like that would be for those "gung ho" face crushing military insertions. I remember a long time ago the community I'm in decided we'd play gangster rap and black metal on a Ventrilo music bot when riding into battle in a stripped down recon humvee, and there was another instance where a friend blared "Eruption" by van halen at 500 percent volume while we did a barrel roll in a UH60 from the 600 (feet? I don't remember the measurement for height in arma) and leveled out at 150.
  3. TFM_Callas

    Music Recommendations

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LrvLdLa93s Maybe check out my Mash-up of several songs using What's the Difference by Dr. Dre? Probably not too many west coast rap fans but I would appreciate your opinion on it. :)
  4. purepassion

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    Or imagine if we wouldn't get dynamic shadows from every lightsource there is! I would rage so hard! Seriously though, Arma 2 didn't have fully modelled tank interiors either. And no, you don't have to be afraid and conclude it's some sort of "streamlining" and "balancing" process which is ruining your game. Just take a look at the various Helicopters, M-RAP's and APC's. They have a beautiful interior because they are needed. You can't just get in one of these vehicles as a passenger and then look at a black screen. In a tank, you have your optics to work with. It was stated quite clearly that it is just a matter of ressources. It was simply not possible to have fully modelled and functioning interiors for tanks. That's what happens in game development and that's what happens in real life. You have to make compromises. There is "nice to have" and then there is "actually possible to make with all the little practical details". In this case it's either having one fully modelled tank/apc or two different and functioning ones. In functionality, there would be no difference. Because well, if you look at it from a very practically point of view, what would you do there? Change from HE to SABOT rounds, switch from VS no NV to TH mode? RtT viewports? RtT is too ressource heavy to have a image that would satisfy in such a situation. Start the engine? There won't be any complex start-up manoevers. Practically none of these switches you're looking at would be usable and it wasn't so in Arma 2. The realism didn't suffer. Arma is not Steelbeast and has never been. These interiors would only make it a little more immersive. But you know what also creates a big deal of immersion? Sound. The main concern I have when it comes to warmachines like tanks, is that it shouldn't feel like you are the tank when you are using it in the game. You are not the tank. You are controlling a human, sitting there and operating a machine consisting of tons of steel and electronics. Recieving feedback that it's actually a machine creates this feeling. You don't have to fiddle around in a freelok camera, and try to aim at a specific tiny button to switch your optics to thermal. Just let there be the sound of that button clicking. This sort of audible feedback should be implemented for practically every action such as zooming with the optics etc and I will guarantee you operating these machines will feel much more immersive, even without fully modelled interiors for drivers and gunners.
  5. purepassion

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    No, no you're not making sense. When you're talking about "future equipment", you're in fact talking about the AH-6, the Oshkosh M-ATV, the GM6 Lynx, the KAC LMG, the Cheytac M200, the "Ansyr" M-RAP, the TAR-21, the MK14 EBR, the SMAW, the RPG 32 and a rifle series designed by an professional working in the arms industry... Additionally, you should let it free to those "Milsim" clans what they like or don't like. Only speak for yourself. Arma was never strictly based on real life, nor strictly based on mimicking the real world today. It has always been the Armaverse. The only difference is the shift in the timespan. However it's still the same. The equipment and weapons exist today and are being used today. It is real. If you prefer to use Cold War era equipment, that's unfortunately your problem. BIS won't do the same stuff yet again ;) But hey, at the same time there are people complaining the equipment is too less futuristic :rolleyes:
  6. You asked if SQF was interpreted or if it was run from bytecode. It's neither, it's compiled. I did state there was a intermediate representation in ArmA(raP) but incorrectly assumed it applied to SQF. However I was correct in stating that intermediate representation is not a bytecode language. I don't understand how this anything different from what I said, other than you seem to be implying that Zend and the classical PHP intrepreter are the same which they are not. EDIT Your question still doesn't make sense. What exactly is a 'bytecode layer'? You have machines and you have input. Bytecode is input into a virtual machine.
  7. And bytecode/intermediate code (which is the question of this thread) are not serialized data. So neither raP nor BSON is relevant to SQF! You were saying - the optimizations are a property of virtual machine, not the bytecode. I am asking - can you have a virtual machine without a bytecode layer (and whats the point of your statement)? The Zend Engine (PHP 4) is/was an interpreter. The Zend Engine 2 (PHP 5) is a virtual machine (without JIT), just like early JVM. I just wrote you the Zend Engine 2 (as a VM) together with PHP 5 was released 9 years ago.. ... clearly you do not know the answer to the question. The only option left is to wait for any dev to jump in and to clear it up.
  8. JSON/BSON is an excellent analogy for raPification. The docmentation states "raP encoding applies to any humanly readable text file in OFP that contains class statements.". So while it is true that raPification doesn't apply to SQF files specifically, it is not because it contains SQF contains logic or satements. Both raP and BSON are forms of serialization. I don't understand exactly what you're asking. Yes, the Zend Engine is a virtual machine. The Zend Engine however is not the classical PHP interpreter which is not a virtual machine(more or less, like I said this has changed relatively recently). The article you linked specfically talks about features from Zend the classical php interpreter will borrow.
  9. >The fact that compiled code is running up to 20 times faster then uncompiled, is a hint that the compiled code is something like metacode? The comparison being made there is compiling once vs compiling multiple times inside a loop (by using execVM). SQF is always 'compiled' (in the Arma sense) even if it's done implicitly by the engine when loading init.sqf or running execVM. >but is true that there is an intermediate representation of a SQF, however this intermediate representation doesn't qualify as a bytecode because this binarised format still requires parsing by a grammar to make a set of instructions free of semantics like object type and scope .rap is incapable of expressing sqf (except as an embedded string) and in any case is a storage format rather than an execution format. *Edit* (Too long since I actually wrote any sqf!) You can get an idea of how much is determined at 'compilation' simply by checking when the engine emits errors of various kinds. Function calls are obviously symbolic references since you can redefine the contents of a function by 'compiling' different code against the original symbol (as was done in the recent MP hack) Type correctness (what little of it there is) is determined at runtime not 'compile' time. IIRC operator and syntactic correctness is determined at 'compile' time which would imply that the internal representation is some kind of expression tree but perhaps I'm more disposed to think that's true because it's how squint represents code for analysis.
  10. RuecanOnRails

    Heavy disk usage (could lower my SSD life?)

    Arma 3 STREAMS the game from your hdd or ssd. If you use a process monitor and watch disk activity for each file, you will see files the same file getting read hundreds of times with no file caching. It's the way Arma games run, it's why using ramdisk or ssd will give you less stutter and a smother overall experience. For that reason you are much better off to play Arma games from your ssd. Don't worry about your SSD, not only are all the file accesses reads but SSD's outlast HDD's when it comes to longevity and lifespan. The only difference are ssd's tell you at what point they can start to degrade, and HDD's don't. For the post where someone "jokes" about not buying OCZ... The failure and issue rate on OCZ's is NOT higher than any other ssd brand in fact when compared to others their stability can be higher in some cases. The reason OCZ has a bad rap is purely because of the volume of drives they sell. They sell more SSD's than any other company. People are always more inclined to post issues than they are to post praise for a piece of hardware. If you try to compare the amount of bad ratings on an ocz drive compared to a samsung ssd you will see there might be 100 bad reviews for ocz, but only 10 for samsung... Chances are very high that OCZ sold ten times more drives than samsung did and their failure/issue rate is just as good as the other brands. The did have some issues with firmware a few years back, but that was promptly fixed.
  11. So I've extracted the config.bin from Arma 3\Dta\bin\bin with Eliteness, but when I try to unRap it (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411) it says "Decode Failed" and "Invalid Rap File". Is there an updated version somewhere or a different tool?
  12. I am trying to edit one of the existing config files for the OA weapons config because I want to make some changes to the G36. As of right now, You can import ArmA 2 weapons but not OA because you get a "class name burst" error from the G36 eotech SD. So I unpbo the weapons_e, and I grab the config.bin and I use the bi tools to turn it into a .cpp file. I try to open it and edit it with notepadd++, but it does not look like its suppose to... So I can't really make the adjustments I need to. It looks like this. And Some of the info does not show up properly. However, most other Config files, to me, look like any other sqf file. So I am not sure if my unbin is working properly or not. raP Â< CfgPatches ¦ Mode_SemiAuto Mode_Burst Mode_FullAuto CfgAmmo O CfgMagazines Ù& CfgVehicles êa cfgWeapons Ò› CfgNonAIVehicles ¹: Â< CAWeapons_E ½ O units weapons requiredVersion \‚?requiredAddons CAweapons CAweapons2 CA_Modules_ARTY CAWeapons_Kord CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons O LBulletCore BulletBase V MissileCore MissileBase ¢ GrenadeCore LaserBombCore B_9x18_Ball ³ B_9x18_SD B_9x19_Ball , B_45ACP_Ball a B_45ACP_noCartridge_Ball Ÿ B_545x39_Ball ¾ B_12Gauge_74Slug Ø B_765x17_Ball ò B_762x51_noTracer B_762x51_SB_SCAR ¨ ShellBase Sh_105_HE ( Sh_100_HEAT ‘ Sh_120_HE g Sh_105_HESH æ Sh_120_SABOT b Sh_105_APDS á Sh_125_HE P Sh_125_SABOT à Sh_85_HE N Sh_85_AP à R_SMAW_HEDP R_SMAW_HEAA R_MEEWS_HEDP L R_MEEWS_HEAT u M_Javelin_AT ž M_Stinger_AA Ú M_Strela_AA M_Sidewinder_AA R M_Igla_AA Û M_Vikhr_AT M_R73_AA S M_9M311_AA Ê M_AT2_AT M_Hellfire_AT { M_Maverick_AT ' BombCore Bo_FAB_250 q IRStrobeBase ¶ IRStrobe À IR_Strobe_Marker ã
  13. I am trying to edit one of the existing config files for the OA weapons config because I want to make some changes to the G36. I unpbo the weapons_e, and I grab the config.bin and I use the bi tools to turn it into a .cpp file. I try to open it and edit it with notepadd++, but it does not look like its suppose to... So I can't really make the adjustments I need to. It looks like this. And Some of the info does not show up properly. raP Â< CfgPatches ¦ Mode_SemiAuto Mode_Burst Mode_FullAuto CfgAmmo O CfgMagazines Ù& CfgVehicles êa cfgWeapons Ò› CfgNonAIVehicles ¹: Â< CAWeapons_E ½ O units weapons requiredVersion \‚?requiredAddons CAweapons CAweapons2 CA_Modules_ARTY CAWeapons_Kord CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons O LBulletCore BulletBase V MissileCore MissileBase ¢ GrenadeCore LaserBombCore B_9x18_Ball ³ B_9x18_SD B_9x19_Ball , B_45ACP_Ball a B_45ACP_noCartridge_Ball Ÿ B_545x39_Ball ¾ B_12Gauge_74Slug Ø B_765x17_Ball ò B_762x51_noTracer B_762x51_SB_SCAR ¨ ShellBase Sh_105_HE ( Sh_100_HEAT ‘ Sh_120_HE g Sh_105_HESH æ Sh_120_SABOT b Sh_105_APDS á Sh_125_HE P Sh_125_SABOT à Sh_85_HE N Sh_85_AP à R_SMAW_HEDP R_SMAW_HEAA R_MEEWS_HEDP L R_MEEWS_HEAT u M_Javelin_AT ž M_Stinger_AA Ú M_Strela_AA M_Sidewinder_AA R M_Igla_AA Û M_Vikhr_AT M_R73_AA S M_9M311_AA Ê M_AT2_AT M_Hellfire_AT { M_Maverick_AT ' BombCore Bo_FAB_250 q IRStrobeBase ¶ IRStrobe À IR_Strobe_Marker ã
  14. purepassion

    Development Blog & Reveals

    For anyone wondering, "Ifrit" is a creature in arabic culture known for their strength and cunning. Usual weapons are said to don't have any effect on them. :) That's quite spot-on for a M-RAP!
  15. -Coulum-

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    +1! African insurgent be the best kind. Feel like a badass taking down tacticool guys with ma "choppa" and then jumping in the back of my buddies barely functioning, rusty old pickup, blaring my rap music as we drive away. Don't mess with those guys or
  16. If the problem is what I think it is, It's just that the mission.sqm gets jagged up. DePBO with Eliteness. Make sure the mission.sqm is corrupt. If it is, use Eliteness to view it where it looks lke it should, copy from Eliteness (right click, select all, ctrl+c) and paste to mission.sqm (right click, select all, ctrl+v), save. It will open in editor now. If my explanation escapes you (I doubt with 5000+ posts that it will and that you know exactly what I mean), post up which mission.sqm you need and I will send it. if it looks like this.... raP × version Mission Z Intro ߎ OutroWin ‡ OutroLoose / × addOns CA_Modules_ARTY camisc3 takistan cacharacters_e CAAir_E_UH60M caair_e_ch_47f CAWheeled_E_stryker CAWheeled_E camisc_e_wf camisc_e CAAir_E_AH6J CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 ca_modules_functions addOnsAuto cacharacters_e CA_Modules_ARTY ca_modules_functions caair_e_ch_47f CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 CAAir_E_UH60M CAWheeled_E_stryker camisc_e CAWheeled_E camisc_e_wf camisc3 CAAir_E_AH6J takistan randomSeed 5Â¥b Intel J Groups ÿ Vehicles = Markers ê^ Sensors ¿ŠßŽ briefingName co40 Domination OA! West [2.71] briefingDescription by Xeno startWeather forecastWeather year × month day hour minute ÿ items Item0 o Item1 Ô Item2 3 Item3 Ä Item4 ~ Item5 9 Item6 y$ Item7 f% Item8 ?& Item9 ú& Item10 µ' Item11 p( Item12 +) Item13 æ) Item14 ¡* Item15 \+ Item16 , Item17 Ã’, Item18 Â- Item19 I. Item20 / Item21 Ã/ Item22 }0 Item23 91 Item24 õ1 Item25 ±2 Item26 m3 Item27 )4 Item28 Ã¥4 Item29 ¡5 = side WEST Vehicles  Ô items Item0 ¬ Ô position êÛ Fâ€Cà Eazimut ÃrMÄ special NONE id side WEST vehicle US_Delta_Force_Air_Controller_EP1 player PLAYER COMMANDER leader lock UNLOCKED skill Å¡â„¢? text RESCUE init this setGroupid ["Artillery 1"]; description First Artillery Operator and Rescue Ô side WEST Vehicles ô 3 items Item0 3 position Þ Fâ€C ÃŒEazimut ÂÕñ special NONE id side WEST vehicle US_Delta_Force_Air_Controller_EP1 player PLAY CDG leader lock UNLOCKED skill Å¡â„¢? text RESCUE2 init this setGroupid ["Artillery 2"]; description Second Artillery Operator ....it's bad. It should start like this..... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////DeRap: Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 3.97 //http://dev-heaven.net/projects/list_files/mikero-pbodll //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _ARMA_ //Class C:/Users/Paul/Desktop/chop/co40_Domination_2_71_West_OA.Takistan/mission.sqm{ version = 11; class Mission { addOns[] = {"CA_Modules_ARTY","camisc3","takistan","cacharacters_e","CAAir_E_UH60M","caair_e_ch_47f","CAWheeled_E_stryker","CAWheeled_E","camisc_e_wf","camisc_e","CAAir_E_AH6J","CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1","ca_modules_functions"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"cacharacters_e","CA_Modules_ARTY","ca_modules_functions","caair_e_ch_47f","CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1","CAAir_E_UH60M","CAWheeled_E_stryker","camisc_e","CAWheeled_E","camisc_e_wf","camisc3","CAAir_E_AH6J","takistan"}; randomSeed = 6464821; class Intel { briefingName = "co40 Domination OA! West [2.71]"; briefingDescription = "by Xeno"; startWeather = 0; forecastWeather = 0; year = 2007; month = 6; day = 6; hour = 0; minute = 0; }; class Groups { items = 30; class Item0 ... and so on
  17. So I ran unrap on the rvmat, but when I edit it, I still see rap in the beginning of the code.
  18. To me that looks like a binarized rvmat - note the "raP" in the beginning. Try to unbinarize it with Mikeros derapify tool (command line) or his Eliteness GUI.
  19. I changed an rvmat's texture to a texture I made (yellow colour) and applied it to my car, but when I load bulldozer, the yellow colour doesn't show on the car. raP ambient diffuse forcedDiffuse emmisive specular ·¶¶>·¶¶>·¶¶> specularPower î PixelShaderID Super VertexShaderID Super Stage1 I Stage2 û Stage3 « Stage4 U Stage5 ÿ Stage6 ± Stage7 \ texture bc_vehicles\civilian\cars\camero\textures\skin_nohq.paa uvSource tex uvTransform *** û aside up dir pos û texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT) uvSource tex uvTransform P « aside up dir pos « texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC) uvSource tex uvTransform ú U aside up dir pos U texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS) uvSource tex uvTransform ¤ ÿ aside up dir pos ÿ texture bc_vehicles\civilian\cars\camero\textures\yellow.paa uvSource tex uvTransform V ± aside up dir pos ± texture #(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(1.4,1.54) uvSource tex uvTransform \ aside up dir pos \ texture ca\data\env_land_co.paa uvSource tex uvTransform ¹ Filter Anizotropic aside up dir pos Do rvmats not show in buldozer or am I doing something wrong?
  20. Rapify.exe Version 1.73, Dll 3.99 1111.txt In File C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\1111.txt: Line 33 rap: missing inheritence class(es) //forcing arma raP class CfgPatches { class Pachi_rhm4replace { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {M16A2}; requiredVersion = 1.04; requiredAddons[] = {"CAweapons", "RH_M4", "CAWeapons_E"}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class M16A2; // External class reference class M16A4 : M16A2 { model = "\RH_m4\RH_m16a4aim.p3d"; picture = "\RH_m4\inv\m16a4aim.paa"; }; class m16a4_acg : m16a4 { model = "\RH_m4\RH_m16a4acog.p3d"; picture = "\RH_m4\inv\m16a4acog.paa"; }; class M16A4_GL : m16a4 { model = "\RH_m4\RH_M16A4glaim.p3d"; picture = "\RH_m4\inv\m16a4glaim.paa"; }; class M16A4_ACG_GL : M16A4_GL { model = "\RH_m4\RH_m16a4glacog.p3d"; picture = "\RH_m4\inv\m16a4glacog.paa"; }; class M4A1 : M16_base {
  21. Well it really depends on how your vehicle is set up.... For example with making vehicles unless all your selections are the exact same as bi models you will have to write your own model config. As for the config.cpp, the same really applies. I suggest looking at others work and see how they do things, there are lots of addons with unbinarised configs such as this. Also, Kegety's arma 2 tools come with a neat little program called Un-Rap. Which essentially allows you to de-binarise configs/rvmats. You can find the tools here. Good Luck :D
  22. f2f_bho

    Combat Medical System

    Very nice rap
  23. How can i put UnRap-ed file back to bin, cant find any RAP tool. Thanks in advance.
  24. This is why our MP aspect gets a bad rap, every time.
  25. *zeewolf*

    Multiple Session Gamemode

    Going back on topic for a minute, the things I would save in some kind of dynamic RPG style mission (which is what I think you are doing here) would be: Player's last position (doesn't actually need to be exact if you use a safehouse mechanic where the player spawns at the nearest safehouse to their last position). Player's inventory (rather than saving strings for object class names why not assign each class a serial number which can be looked up in an array/database of classnames, this allows you to just save integers). Player's quest status (a list of currently active quests, again these could reference a quest database maintained by the server). Player experience and level Regarding Sinews of War, the basic SOW 1.0 uses savestatus to store an unsigned integer in the damage property of a game logic, there are utility scripts included to convert other data types (bools, reals and signed ints) to saveable unsigned integers. In multiplayer all missions load and save object status to the same raP file (Users\ProfileName\Save\Tmp\Object.sav) which means the same variables can be accessed by multiple missions. SOW 2.0 is far more advanced. As well as exploiting save/loadIdentity has an entire dialog framework to manage player status and equipment as well as handle all the client/server synchronisation. SOW 1.0 is very easy to learn and use and is ideal if you're just interested in a saving/loading function, you can adjust it to client or server side saving fairly easily. If you want a ready built framework and dialogs for persistent multiplayer missions then SOW 2.0 is available.