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Everything posted by damsous

  1. damsous

    Ravage Persistent Server

    Im using the persitence provided by ravage mod for player character and use GRAD to save spawned vehicle and static object, didn't really dig into the custom variable. There a periodic save every 1h https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-persistence/wiki/saving-variables
  2. damsous

    Ravage Persistent Server

    I forget to say the last version of GRAD persistence got a lot of improvement : -The fuel in vehicle are saved (no more full vehicle on server restart) -Possibility to save custom variable. -Possibility to save current state of a trigger. -Persistent task.
  3. damsous


    Hey so i have set up a TvT gamemode on a private server we are few folks on it so here the information about the server and the mission if you are interested and need help to join it here the topic :
  4. damsous


    Its possible to disable the vehicle spawner module to spawn new vehicle at mission start ? I mean for exemple on DS, if i add a trigger that check a number a vehicle already present on the map, (for exemple more than 35), add a line of code to prevent the ravage vehicle function to kick in ?
  5. damsous

    ACE Default Loadout

    I think the most simple thing to do its to create a composition for playable slot with your desired loadout then just add the composition on each new mission. If you want get the same loadout when respawning just add this in the init.sqf : if (hasInterface) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {alive player}; player setVariable ["loadout",getUnitLoadout player,false]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { player setUnitLoadout (player getVariable "loadout"); }]; }; };
  6. Yeah just try the updated fn_initSearch.sqf, there is an issue with the character size, just open it with notepad you will see it... if you open it with notepad++ you will not see any difference. So in the basic notepad just overwrite the small character with that and it will work : if ( !isNil "LARs_searchDebug" && { LARs_searchDebug } ) then {
  7. damsous


    I find this in the BI forum, so it can be useful for anyone who want to add loot without interfer with Ravage Check the post from Larrow, the script can be dowloaded and fully configurable. I m currently working on it by adding all the cargo contenair, wood shack, few closed building, plane and ship wreck, wagon, few box and front store from vanilla and cup asset. There is hundred of item to add so that will take some times, but if you need it i can share it just ask
  8. Yeah im using a script that spawned AI in static as group subordinnate, that the reason why they dismount
  9. Yeah already do that, only the marker on the map is not displayed the red arrow is still here, but i removed this line in the LARs_lootSettings.sqf thats work if ( !isNil "LARs_searchDebug" ) then { drawLine3D[ ASLToAGL eyePos player, (( ASLToAGL eyePos player ) vectorAdd ( getCameraViewDirection player vectorMultiply LARs_searchDistance )), [1,0,0,1] ]; };
  10. damsous


    Its look like there a lot of closed building but i think i have find a way to search for loot on every object, bigger the object = more spot to search on the same object 🙂
  11. Wouah thats really an awsome script, larrow i find so much cool thing you made for Arma 3, but its always lost somewhere in a thread 😉 I got a question, the script work fine, but its possible to remove the tiny red arrow that moving in the middle of the screen ?
  12. damsous


    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1865395754 This map look really great for a ravage scenario
  13. damsous


    There is a way to add the search feature on map object ? Cause i would like to add search action on all the map object like non enterable wooden shack
  14. damsous


    Hey just toying with the alias anomaly by combine twin anomaly with gravity that look not bad!!
  15. damsous


    An external database was usefull in Arma 2, now in arma 3 everything can be stocked via profileNamespace https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/profileNamespace Thats how works the character persistence in Ravage (i think, maybe im wrong), just make sure to keep the same server profile, new server profile = clean start. So i think an external database may be usefull for a rented server or for script like a personal vault or vehicle storage... but in my opinion a personal vault or vehicle garage system is not really great for a survival scenario, more usefull for a life server. On my side i never had issue with the character persistence provided with the ravage mod, i only lost it if i do thing with Zeus but i think its not a bug Haleck have done this to avoid any exploit, im right ?
  16. It is possible to disable globaly the AI who disembark from static weapon, i didn't find the setting in the script.
  17. Im using script version, there is something special to do for mortar AI request or just place/spawn an artillery asset then the AI will request it ?
  18. Yeah its normal because in this mission the IA love the squadleader so they all running to save your life 😉
  19. Yeah thats kill a lot the survival aspect, i have set up a mission with this script : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32083 But the people just want go in discord 😞 .... thats sad, a radio system add a nice immersion to the game and create some cool situation that cannot be reproduced with discord, radio feature add a more deep coop experience.
  20. damsous

    GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script - Mod

    It is possible to disable fire and smoke effect ? or at least make them temporary, cause im working on a mission and i got a minor performance issue after a certain amount of time im not sure if its the cause but im using a high amount of crashsite (not at the same time they pop up randomly after a amount of time) and i use dynamic sim for the patrol around crash, so the AI are not simulated. If i delete the part of this script ----Smoke and fire attached to Oil_Spill_F--- & ---Smoke and fire attached to vehicle--- the script will work ? I got an other question about the weapon holder, i saw you use "WeaponHolderSimulated", can i replace it by "groundweaponholder" without geting loot in Air ?
  21. damsous


    I think i find where that come from im not sure i need to test, the uniform class name was in the backpack array in the loot script, but that weird there is other uniform too and i didn`t have this bug. I have noticed few other thing, I know it’s not really fun to receive bug reports, but there is few functionality that didn't work on dedicated server (thats work in Single player it was working with some previous ravage version). So the Trader and the recruitable survivor are not working on dedicated server, there is no action avaible.
  22. damsous


    i just added a line to enable dynamic sim on the loot, i don't think that can cause an issue like this, i have a legal copy of the game from steam that just happen on this uniform don't know why, the other ravage uniform are fine.