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Everything posted by jone_kone

  1. jone_kone

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    Unfortunately I think no high command dlc etc. although I would wish for one myself. Arma 3 Tac-Ops (est. Q4 2017*) Plan and execute to successfully accomplish your mission objective in a series of 'tactical operations'. The Arma 3 Tac-Ops DLC will deliver new singleplayer scenarios that focus upon challenging, replayable, and authentic military gameplay - making the best use of Arma 3's sandbox terrain, vehicles, and weapons.
  2. jone_kone

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Congrats! Great to see some good Jets maps! :) I tested some of the early versions so if this has already been changed I´m sorry for asking. Will ground level textures be detailed enough and suitable for ground troops at some point? I´m thinking of combined arms scenarios with Tanks and IFV:s being supported by jets. There are very few maps that are actually big enough to really simulate armor warfare.
  3. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Basically the blade works as its own item and you can clear AT and APERS mine fields by just driving through them. Bouncing APERS mines will damage the weapon and turret and maybe the driver if unlucky.
  4. jone_kone

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Based on some experience running a few non-profit organizations: When someone asks something, my recommendation would be (not telling how things should be.. :) ): 1. Generic/standard question = Link to a faq page or similar (e.g rfs fb page etc.) 2. If the question is resonable and answerable with little effort or you have the time... answer. Any tiny tidbit of info is much appriciated by fans. If youre short on time questions can go unanswered. 3. Have someone from the community work as an inbetween "pr" guy? As someone pointed out, there will always be new people asking questions (especially in a 400 page forum thread). Having a process to deal with them is less stress for everyone. :).
  5. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Tested the bobacat yesterday. Seems that bouncing mines can damage the gun and turret (which makes sense). I almost certain that, at some point I tested the bobcat and deemed it unworthy for mine clearing but as pointed out it really works perfectly for AT and standard APERS mines. My bad. :) However, I would still wish to see a vanilla infantry based minefield clearing system. :)
  6. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Does is detonate standard APERS mines with the DLC update if it drivers over them? earlier it didnt (not able to test now). Edit: But having some form of mine clearing device/functionality added to the bobcat would be awesome.
  7. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Thing is.... that already in 2017 we have pretty advanced mine clearing systems for big militaries that are designed to support assaulting forces (hence speedy). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine-clearing_line_charge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_flail The game play benefits of these systems are that you could have very large mine fields that an assaulting force needs to work and create corridors through to achieve tactical benefit. The defending force again could use a lot of mines and create elaborate defenses. With the current DLC... if you stumble upon a large mine field you have no option but basically go around. Not saying that I´m demanding a line charge or mine flail... but it would have been nice to see a creative take on a counter for the apers disperser, UXO:s, etc. E.g. a line clearing charge -dispenser that shoots a clearing charges in a an 15 m arc forwards and then detonates the charges?
  8. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Mines

    Considering there is a APERS dispenser, there should be a way to effectively clear parhs through minefields too? Something like a bangalore but 2035 version of it? Or deployable explosive charge designed for mine clearing? Seems a bit strange that militaries still clear minefields by hand in 2035. But data lock is on so... oh well.
  9. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

  10. jone_kone

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

  11. jone_kone

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Seems inline with the peace keeping idea. Would guess that we´ll have some reskinned peacekeeping units and an extended civ pack. However they also said that Orange grew to be more extensive so there could be some interesting new assets on the way (not getting my hopes up though :) ).
  12. Arma could use something like this to complement the JETS DLC (that currently has no decent SAM:s or AAA btw ... ;) ) http://www.armyrecognition.com/germany_german_army_artillery_vehicles_systems_uk/skyguard_i_1_oerlikon_air_defense_system_cannon_missile_technical_data_sheet_specifications_pictures.html ... and a 50*50 km map.
  13. jone_kone

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    That´s my whole point. :) Modern 20 mm cannons use HE ammo. In any other sim (or IRL) you can visually confirm you hits from the exploding rounds impacting the target. Last time anyone used non-exploding rounds in AA -combat was in WW2 (at later stages of the war many fighters already used canons too). Also... IMHO. As with any other asset, it should be up to the mission/scenario makers to achieve a playable balance. Nerfing and artificial balancing takes away from what Arma does best.
  14. jone_kone

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    While you´re at it. Any chance for adding a explosion effect on Jets "miniguns" ammo? Splash -damage could still be low or zero, but would be good to have a visual confirmation when you actually hit something with the gun. :)
  15. Agreed. That is the whole point of having sensors and radar... to have the ability to engage targets beyond visible range. :)
  16. Agree, droppable flags or other item needed for minefield clearing. Lightsticks are not visible in high grass so a squad really has no way to follow the "sweeper" through a minefield.
  17. Carrier landing in the dark with rain and gusting crosswinds would be a mini-game in itself. :D
  18. Strong winds with AFM can make flying helso almost impossible. I´m not saying that having the FWFM account for wind is something that i require or really miss. Just realized that I had completley overlooked it while testing the new FM. :) As someone said. It´s only gameplay effect would be when flying low and slow or making landings more interesting. So wind can for my part stay low on the priority list and have something else added instead. (like a working CCRP or GPS zoom etc.).
  19. I do agree that the FM is pretty good now (for being Arma). Just realized that I haven´t tested if the wind influences airplanes at all. Probably not as I haven´t noticed an effect yet.
  20. Could we get a separate G:s thread? Although an interesting topic. Wall of texts posts with very little to do with Arma 3 fixed wing flight model is getting tiresome to read. :)
  21. I have the same issue. Sometimes they will go on until they run out of ammo. :) Would it be possible to have tanks use HE ammunition if available. You seldomly use sabots for suppression. :)
  22. jone_kone

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Any chance to get HEAP rounds for jets cannons? It would much easier to know if youve hit something ( and more realistic ) if the rounds would explode on impact. Tested by switching the wasp gun to the vtol 20 mm cannon and confirming hits is definitely easier with explosive rounds. Penetration values could be kept the same and splash damage could be kept minimal?
  23. jone_kone

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Looks awesome (BI take note.. ;)). What is the steerpoint information based on? Shift click left mouse or editor waypoint?
  24. Is it just me or does the black wasp feel like it's loosing speed really fast when turning independent of aoa? It also feels a bit underpowered. However the improved fm is much better now (while not perfect). Never expected 100 % realism so im pretty ok with the current model. Landing on the carrier is now more consistent and in general flying feels more intuitive now.