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Everything posted by Neviothr

  1. Thanks, you'll look for your post. Edit: Found it, thanks again! And for Silola: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches Edit #2: Tortuosit's solution didn't work, what did, though, is changing the CfgPatches section inside config.cpp to look like so: I think the problem was with the author line.
  2. I'm getting a []: 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/DAC_Source/' not an array error when saving a scenario in the editor. Any clues?
  3. Neviothr

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Agent Orange DLC confirmed.
  4. The star would be red if they were Soviets.
  5. Perhaps this could be of use? https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191021-160-terrain-config-update-example/
  6. Neviothr

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    V1.2's workshop link leads to Google drive.
  7. Neviothr

    Basic scripting issue

    hint format ["%1", _theGreeting];
  8. Neviothr

    Splendid Smoke

    Very nice!
  9. Neviothr

    Script performance

    Why is there a false at the end of the count loop?
  10. Glad to see that this is still being worked up, despite the troubles encountered after the visual update.
  11. You're not doing anything wrong, it's the AI. https://youtu.be/sWlLSohypvo
  12. They need to update the mod so it uses the new CBA functions.
  13. Neviothr

    Remove personal waypoint

    Yep. It has a small bug though: if place a marker, then teleport (using MCC for example), then try to place the marker in a different location - it won't move. There might be a workaround, I haven't looked into it, though.
  14. Neviothr

    Remove personal waypoint

    Perhaps this could be of help? https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185737-removing-waypoint-distance-indicator/
  15. If you want to add items into the vehicle's inventory simply right click the vehicle, and use the Edit Loadout... option. If you want to attach an actual launcher to vehicle, take a look at attachTo.
  16. Try to playing around with with setObjectTextureGlobal and with the user texture objects (under Objects >> Props >> Signs >> Blanks). Not sure if this would work, but you could try creating a .JPG texture that has blank spots on it, basically make a texture that is just enough to cover the actual, in-game sign. Kinda like this, blue is the actually sign, enough to cover the in-game texture, and the green is blank. https://i.imgur.com/eeko21J.png
  17. Neviothr

    Trigger spawning respawn module

    [west,"respawnPosition2"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; [west,"respawnPosition1"] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; respawnPosition1 and respawnPosition2 are marker names.
  18. Perhaps: // In the init line of one of the objects near the entrance of the shoot house this addAction ["Make dight", "night.sqf"]; this addAction ["Make day", "day.sqf"]; // Night.sqf setDate [2035, 1, 1, 0, 0]; // Day.sqf setDate [2035, 1, 1, 12, 0];
  19. Could this be it? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_respawnTickets
  20. Which re-spawn ticket system are you using?
  21. Possibly helpful: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/156412-changing-site-modules-options-from-script/