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Everything posted by manzarek

  1. I think duplication is easier than ever with 64bits Taking vest at the same time One player have to disconnect to "fix" the vest Taking backpack at the same time with item in it One player have to disconnect to "fix" the backpack Some players reported that it only work with backpack and some weapon like the katiba
  2. manzarek

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    The doc about simulation is really incomplete...
  3. manzarek

    Revive Feedback

    Do you have eventhandler for unconscious or revived?
  4. manzarek

    Line Drawing Splendid Screenshots [Official Thread]

    We have a lot of this: https://gyazo.com/0add27028c8e5a4a47d2a37ae40cd798
  5. Thank you for thoses commands :) Can you explain how disconnectTimeout works? Its when a player ALT-F4/lose connection or something or even if the player disconnect properly? What value do you recommand for high pop server (120+)?
  6. We have a shitload of be filters But c'mon you should be aware that there is a way to kill people without being logged and make it looks it was someone else. For now I just go full Donald Trump and ban all foreigners... The way they do (I think) it is by spawning a bullet set the owner of the bullet to a random guy and teleport the bullet in the head of victims. All of this in memory or with network manager... Ammo->setAcceleration(targetAccel); Ammo->setPos(targetPos - TA + D3DXVECTOR3(0, 1.0f, 0)); Ammo->setOwner(FramePtr); But I have nothing in setPos.log Just trying to help here :(
  7. But i mean a real way to deal with them for server admins to prevent 150 players kill every 10 minutes until the guy get a global ban the next week (if the hack used is sig detected by BE) It seems that there is more more hacks that dont cause any logs in battleye log files. So there is no way to prevent or at least see the person that kill people because for now it is out of control? There is no way to know who is hacking.
  8. Hello Dwarden Thank you for the good work Do you have plan to counter non script based hacks for example the hacks that killed everybody on the server and frame another player with nothing on BE logs? like this http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/arma-3-a/176911-arma-3-external-hack-driver.html And ty for free week end ...
  9. Of course not but if you can hotfix this (in a perf build or something) I will be very happy :)
  10. How to make maxping work?
  11. manzarek

    Difficulty Overhaul

    where the fuck is the documentation
  12. Since last update1.56 when a lot a player (like 120-150) download the mission at the same time the server cannot handle it. The ram used goes to =~ 3.5GO then it crash. A lot of Small mapped regions: 18, size 86016 B Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B) Virtual memory free 18 MB (19197952 B) Physical memory free 25895 MB (27153731584 B) Page file free 28567 MB (29955076096 B) Process working set 3471 MB (3640262656 B) Process page file used 3770 MB (3953782784 B) Longest free VM region: 3276800 B VM busy 4275703808 B (reserved 205877248 B, committed 4069826560 B, mapped 53534720 B), free 19132416 B Small mapped regions: 18, size 86016 B in the rpt then crash
  13. manzarek

    Arma 3 Server monetization

    Really really bad monetization rules. Our perks are not pay to win but whatever, bi doesn't want to hear anything. They probably dont know how much work it takes to run a server. After 1 year and a half of providing quality content to the french altis life community they asked us to remove our negligible perks. This makes us very sad to know that we are not on the same side :(
  14. Hello, I have some questions about the new remoteExec commands In the wiki you can read: While any function can be used, only commands defined in CfgRemoteExecCommands and functions defined in CfgRemoteExecFunctions are supported. So any function can be used or only functions defined in CfgRemoteExecFunctions ? Plus why does it says Doesn't execute function on dedicated server I tought this function was made to do that? Is this function better than using publicvariableserver/client with the function name and paramaters and having a publicvariableeventhandler calling/spawning the function? Thank you
  15. manzarek

    The new remoteExec command

    Hey Neokika Thank you for your answers :) And what about the performance, is this going to be the best or about the same performance as publicvariable with publicvariable eventHandler?
  16. I create the bikey and biprivatekey. I signed my pbo with the private key. I put the bikey in the Keys folder and the bisign in the @hc/addons folder next to the pbo but i still get wrong signature for file @hc\addons\addon.pbo when the HC connect to the server I dont understand? EDIT: It worked when signing whith binpbo but not when signing a pbo packed with pbo manager
  17. My headless client is getting kicked EDIT: Ok i added my ip ( in addition of the and now it is working)