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About Schatten

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  1. Check if an UAV backpack is in a weapon holder.
  2. In Arma even single unit is in a group. So you just need to add a new waypoint to the group. I would recommend to add an invisible marker and then use it during waypoint creation: _waypoint = (group myUnit) addWaypoint [ATLToASL (getMarkerPos "myMarker"), -1]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; ...
  3. That's just variable passed to event handler (source). Use it or ignore if you don't need.
  4. Since waypoints are added to groups (source), you need to add them to the unit's group, after it leaves the squad.
  5. Use either BIS_fnc_wpLand function or _waypoint setWaypointType "SCRIPTED"; _waypoint setWaypointScript "A3\functions_f\waypoints\fn_wpLand.sqf";
  6. Kill him using setDamage command.
  7. Well, according to the BIKI: Directly relate. Again, according to the BIKI: Very strange. BIKI describes this, @pierremgi described this + provided code snippets... Have you tried this one? Have you checked arguments values? Have you changed arguments number and their values, to see how they change inside the script?
  8. I provided a set of links to articles, have you read them? You can't pass the variable, defined in the scope, to arguments param, as it's outside the scope.
  9. This variable isn't passed in any way in this script. But you can pass it as usual: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Function#Parameters_(input) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Parameter These articles explain everything: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/params https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction
  10. Schatten

    How to remoteExec a Spawn

    Could you post error message from RPT file?
  11. Schatten


    You should choose a grid system that supports monitor resolution adaptation, preferably Pixel Grid.
  12. Schatten

    Converting setFog to remoteExec

    [0, [1, .2, 5]] remoteExec ["setFog", 2];
  13. Schatten

    How to remoteExec a Spawn

    [ [ ["Recon Position", "<t align='center' shadow='1' size='1.5' font='tt2020style_e_vn_bold'>%1</t><br/>"], ["0557h", "<t align='center' shadow='1' size='1.0'>%1</t><br/>"] ] ] remoteExec ["vn_ms_fnc_sfx_typeText"];
  14. Looks like you haven't tried my code. Try it -- replace forEach's body. Pay attention to the second arg for addAction -- just passing the path to the script is enough.
  15. You can do it the same way I did.