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About Schatten

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  1. Try to disable this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#respawnOnStart Try to add different positions for the survivor and the group of the rest using BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition. More info is here.
  2. Try this code: _hasAliveCrew = ((crew _vehicle) findIf { !(alive _x) or { _x getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false] } }) < 0; if (_hasAliveCrew) exitWith { }; { _x moveOut _vehicle; } forEach (crew _vehicle);
  3. I would recommend to read triggers related articles by @killzone_kid, specifically this one: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-triggers-v3/
  4. Too complicated, @pierremgi. These settings should be enough: Activation: Type: none Activation: none Repeatable: checked Server only: unchecked Condition: player inArea thisTrigger On activation: hint "You've entered!"; On deactivation: hint "You've left!";
  5. Make local trigger with this activation: player inArea thisTrigger
  6. Inside nested forEach, at the same scope.
  7. Since _KnowledgeArray is returned by targetKnowledge, its elements must obviously be accessed after this array is returned.
  8. You need to use nested loops: { _FriendlyUnit = _x; { _KnowledgeArray = _FriendlyUnit targetKnowledge _x; ... } forEach _EnemyUnits; ... } forEach _FriendlyUnits;
  9. Check if an UAV backpack is in a weapon holder.
  10. In Arma even single unit is in a group. So you just need to add a new waypoint to the group. I would recommend to add an invisible marker and then use it during waypoint creation: _waypoint = (group myUnit) addWaypoint [ATLToASL (getMarkerPos "myMarker"), -1]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; ...
  11. That's just variable passed to event handler (source). Use it or ignore if you don't need.
  12. Since waypoints are added to groups (source), you need to add them to the unit's group, after it leaves the squad.
  13. Use either BIS_fnc_wpLand function or _waypoint setWaypointType "SCRIPTED"; _waypoint setWaypointScript "A3\functions_f\waypoints\fn_wpLand.sqf";
  14. Kill him using setDamage command.