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About Crazy538

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    Private First Class

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  1. Crazy538

    Patching another mod

    To 'patch' a mod, add the mods CfgPatches classname to your mods requiredAddons property. This forces Arma to load yours after 'My_mod'. To then over write a script, simply define the CfgFunctions class of the script in your patch mod and point the file property to your updated version. Hope this helps.
  2. Oh don't get me wrong, multiple places is better and yea it is up to Roy. I just know steamCmd can automate and that is worth considering is all. What exactly is it with the Steam Workshop terms of use that worry content creators? I read a while back something along the lines of "They ow anything you ipload and steal your rights" but I am not sure if that is true. Either way, I will be hosting the new PO when it is out.
  3. You can automate your server via steamCmd to always download the latest version though. I imagine you can with other methods too but it is pretty easy via steamCmd. Combined with the visability and the recent turn of Armaholic I think most people prefer Steam Workshop.
  4. Crazy538

    Need Help with Extraction!

    You can do it all via the editor. Just make a new task using the modules and sync the create task module to a trigger. In the condition box of the trigger put: !alive targetCommander Where "targetCommander" is the variable name of the commander to kill. What this does is when the commander is no longer alive the trigger activates. This in turn activates the create task module providing the players with their next objective. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  5. Ops code is all local though, unless there is more that he has not shown us or he is adding those EH's in a global position like init.sqf or an obects init line. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  6. Where are you putting that code? Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  7. Crazy538

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    Nice, thanks for the quick response. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  8. Crazy538

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    If that is the only issue I'd say not bad =) The NVGs still work, they just aren't there visually. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  9. Crazy538

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    Looking really good Mike. Spotted 1-2 potential issues. NVG's aren't showing up on players now, and I can't be 100% sure but in first person body armour isn't visible when looking down (may have just been my angle). Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  10. The grenade isnt what the repeat cariable is going on I don't think, that's the module. The module will most likely have a script (probably a loop) running to spawn new ones constantly. That or the script is generating the same smoke particles the grenades use. Dont ask me how =P Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  11. Sorry yes, player not _player. I copied it from a framework of mine and for some reason I chose to use _player (it's passed as an argument to the initPlayerLocal.sqf).
  12. The first in initPlayerLocal, the other one in initServer I think... Realised mine might not catch all conditions so I've made it a bit more intelligent. It's still really light weight being an EH. // Rating handling: Stops the player being shot by friendly AI. _player addEventHandler [ "HandleRating", { params["_player", "_rating"]; _return = _rating; if(rating _player < 0) then { _return = abs rating _player; } else { if(_rating + rating _player < 0) then { _return = 0; }; }; _return } ]; This one adds the difference between 0 and rating if the rating is below 0 already. If it's not, it checks to see if the current rating plus the new rating to add will be below zero. If it is then it won't change the rating. If neither of those two occurs the rating is added as normal. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  13. // Rating handling: Stops the player being shot by friendly AI. player addEventHandler [ "HandleRating", { params["_player"]; if (rating _player < 0) then { player addRating abs rating _player; }; } ]; That's a quick and easy event handler that will always bounce the players rating back to 0 if they're below 0.
  14. Crazy538

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    Where did you read that? Curious, not saying you're wrong. I thought the visor was a replacement to the ballistic glasses issued at the moment. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  15. You can alter the pylons manually using add/remove magazine commands, but I'm not 100% sure the proxies appear and if they do under what conditions. It's a bit tricky, you need to add the magazines in the right order to get them to appear in the right places. I'm not at my computer so I can't give you an example either. Look for addMagazineTurret on the BI wiki, I think that's the command you need. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk