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Everything posted by RikugunTaisaDancho

  1. I do hope you will include one of the special units participating in Tarawa, which was the Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai or Imperial Japanese Navy Special Naval Landing Force (Marine) SNLF for short.
  2. RikugunTaisaDancho


    so, whenever i play i 3DEN and i placed a squad with the player the side suddenly went from BLUFOR into Empty... but then when i reload the save, it turns my side into OPFOR so EDITOR is basically forcing me to play as OPFOR.
  3. Hello, i heard you guys were in need of historical researcher, it so happens that i know alot about WWII German Uniforms, usage and issue dates also variations. if you guys are willing to accept my offer, ill be willing to help. contact me on steam Rikugun Taisa Dancho or PM me if you are willign to accept my offer.
  4. RikugunTaisaDancho

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I also agree with the idea of making IFA3 compatible with FoW, because IFA3 has a couple of CONTENT that can be used for placeholder, for example, the shermans as a placeholder for new sherman models (if theres going to be any), or. the maps, just like mentioned before, the vehicles, and the props for mapping, makign WWII maps is difficult if you do NOT have the assets for it, and right now IFA3 has all those assets i am talking about, bunkers, trenches, houses you name it Eastern Front to the Western Front they got it all. for placeholders IFA3 makes a great mod to be played with other WWII mods, not to mention that IFA3 has some high quality accuracy, so heres an example, if FOW were to release an alpha, lets say it includes British factions and German faction, for placeholder we can use IFA3 Americans to play with whilst we wait for FOW's update, but for me, i am never playing WWII mods without some IFA3 content, i am definately playing FoW and IFA3 all mixed when its out, i think IFA3 should be compatible with FoW as it does have advantages towards the sections of placeholders. like mentioned FoW is a small team, so they can't get thigns done within short time. IFA3 has some contents that we can use to play with whilst we wait, and if you guys have Converision issue regarding the IFA3 detected issue, please head over to Gunter's IronFront Chitchat. there are ways to solve your conversion issues, the community will help.
  5. RikugunTaisaDancho

    War Chronicles: The Forgotten War

    Also, regarding helmets i have an original korean war M1 Helmet that i could help for the devs to use as a reference, it's actually a 1946 Indonesian War of independence Dutch M1 Helmet, however it's using the Early korean war chinstrap, so it basically is a Korean war M1 Helmet.
  6. RikugunTaisaDancho

    War Chronicles: The Forgotten War

    Hey, that taisa account was my old account i was roaming with. heres me as i am now, also regarding uniforms, i can help with some research.
  7. RikugunTaisaDancho

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Hello devs, i saw your IJA Bousyo-e tunics, looks nice so far. however i do have to point out something, you missed the standard collar tabs, your tunic collars should look like this. https://gyazo.com/4f142f8b7d2a15646160e99b3cf35e2c it should have the collar tabs on the flaps of right and left, and also, canteen should be a satched on to the left part of your body whilst the regular standard IJA bag should be satched onto the right part of your body. there are various ways to use the collar tabs, first you can hang it on your chest like a medal or a badge https://m1pencil.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/tpx.jpg?w=497 however that is quite rare, second you can hang them onto your pockets https://m1pencil.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/pocket6.jpg?w=497 also, your Tropical tunics or bousyo-e tunics should be colored white, like a dark shade-ish white and should not match the color of your pants if you wish to learn more about WWII japanese uniforms you can contact my steam: Rikugun Taisa Dancho
  8. RikugunTaisaDancho

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Great mod guys i am a huge fan of the Imperial Japanese Army, i dedicate my everyday life to them! i studied them for about 2 years and know everything about the uniforms they used from 1905 to 1945, i know what equipment they used, i know alot abotu these guys, i am very much dedicated to these guys, i have a request ot make... i'm asian also, please.....do not use Ximi as a head, i felt that this is quite racist when people use Chinese heads for japanese or other asian uniforms, especially that the asian heads in A3 has chubby cheeks compared to the caucasian faces in Arma 3, please... at least shape the faces abit, Japanese soldier was mostly skinny due to the resource shortage they suffered during the Pacific theatre, please please..... don't make the Japanese soldier use chinese heads, and also... if you ever plan to make any face accecories or anything. please..... make it Asian compatible, i felt that the asian heads in ARMA are not always considered, since most facemask doesn't go with them, it's hard to play ARMA III with my pride as an Asian, i had to play as a different race, due to glitches. i do 3D editing for Rising Storm uniforms, i create accurate versions of them in Blender, so if always need any help with Uniform research please feel free to contact me, i have high hopes on your IJA uniforms, i wouldn't want anyone to mess this up... i have high hopes for you guys, i also know German Uniforms. i study both Heer and SS uniforms, just the basic field combat uniforms, but other than that i mostly focus my studies on the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, i love them very much so please don't hesitate to contact me for uniform research. thank you for reading thank you for listening to me,
  9. RikugunTaisaDancho

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    If possible can you please do tucked out uniforms? you see, most uniforms in ARMA III including the mods, are tucked in, we are lacking some tucked out uniforms, if you do not know what i ment by this, i will provide you an example. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Jsdf-%E5%80%99%E8%A3%9C%E7%94%9F%EF%BC%88%E6%96%B0%E9%9A%8A%E5%93%A1%E5%89%8D%E6%9C%9F%EF%BC%89.jpg the JSDF or the Belgian Army, there are so many possibilities you could do with tucked out uniforms, it would be very much appriciated if you can do so. thank you for reading
  10. Hey, so recently i have been retexturing a couple of uniforms, remaking the Belgian Army using different clothing models, and the JSDF, and i'd love to turn them into standalone uniforms, can anyone help me with this? i am confused about the whole concept, CFGAddon etc etc NOTE: ALL THE ITEMS/MODELS/TEXTURES ANYTHING I AM WORKING ON, ARE UNDER PRIVATE USE I DO NOT PLAN TO RELEASE THEM WHATSOEVER Unless a permission is given to do so, I am only modifying a couple of uniforms for my private use, due to how i think AAF Uniforms are being overused, please understand that my intention are nothing dirty, i plan to keep them all for myself if not permitted to share them, thank you for your understanding.
  11. RikugunTaisaDancho

    Scripting Standalone item help

    Thanks alot! i am also having this issue, so i retextured a balaclava, but i don't know how to get it loaded in-game, i use hidden selectiona dn still it doesn't work, so originally the texture of the balaclava is olive, so i retextured into a different color. when i went in-game the texture were still default textures.
  12. RikugunTaisaDancho

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    For some reason i can't find anything in the NV Slot, previously on my old computer i can find shemagh with varities in my NV Section, but now there's none. any idea why?