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Everything posted by severgun

  1. severgun

    USP Flags & Markers

    author in CfgPatches must be a string. Also missing \usp_markers_core\ui\usp_dlc_icon_ca.paa
  2. Is there any way to handle submunition damage? Ammo with submunition triggers event multiple times. How to handle them as one event with sum of damage dealt by submunition projectiles. For example, RHS use this submunition theme in tank shells
  3. @Tom_48_97 Almost a year past. Let me ask too. Is there any chance to get Poseidon Tools based on Sublime 3? As for me, I want it due to: Ligatures 4K resolution support PS Snippet editor ruin snippets by missing <![CDATA[ wrapping
  4. Is it possible to move posseidon to Sublime 3? Actually I want highDPI scaling.
  5. severgun

    Targeting improvements

    Feature request: Tank turret and commander optics sync button. Even on real T-72 there is a button wich turn turret to commander's azimuth.
  6. severgun

    User Mission Request Thread

    Is there any Xano like Dominations with ACE3 and RHS?
  7. #BUG Update button on Mod tab and Missions tab did not fully update list. Need to press button multiple times.
  8. TADST have nothing to network interfaces, ports, OS or firewall. This is just config file generator and launcher. So search for issues at your OS, firewall, router, NAT ports forwarding(if it is behind home router)etc. I don't know what canyouseeme is. All logs are OK. You can check that game server started on configurated ports by typing into windows command line or linux terminal this commands: For windows: netstat -an | find "2302" You should get line with LISTENING state if server started on this port. For linux: netstat -anp | grep 2302
  9. SOLVED? :unsure: DLCs in Arma 3 Server 233780 didn't the same as current client DLCs. So... I copied DLCs folders from client to server and all became GREEN.
  10. I tried: D:\Games\Arma3\arma3server.exe "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\profiles" -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_server.cfg -world=empty -name=arma -mod=heli;kart;mark;curator;dlcbundle D:\Games\Arma3\arma3server.exe "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\profiles" -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_server.cfg -world=empty -name=arma -mod=heli;kart;mark;curator D:\Games\Arma3\arma3server.exe "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\profiles" -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_server.cfg -world=empty -name=arma -mod= D:\Games\Arma3\arma3server.exe "-profiles=d:\Games\Arma3\profiles" -port=2302 -config=CONFIG_server.cfg -world=empty -name=arma http://pastebin.com/jrAHYwPS
  11. Oh. Thank you! P.S. Mercenary and Expert still a bug ;) Hope it will be fixed soon.
  12. of course I tryed clean start. Nothing changed. All dlcs marked red. To avoid questions about dlc on the client, I must say that on other servers dlcs are green
  13. Nice tool. I remember it from Arma2 dedic. But for now I have some troubles with Arma3 server. My way to troubles: Windows 2012 dedicated server -> Windows Firewall add rules for 2302-2305 -> SteamCMD -> Arma3 stable dedicated server -> TADST -> default profile -> set server name -> Launch. 1) Server list with filter by name can't find my server 2) If I login by IP I can see line that I connected. I can see at the bottom "Group channel" and that is all. No mission list or lobby. If I make all by tutorial and start server by shortcut I'm still can't find server but I can connect and play vanilla hardcoded missions. Where is my fault or TADST issue? Also at difficulty settings... If you set Default difficulty to "expert" you will get "expert" in profile file but in this file above this line it is declared as Mercenary.
  14. I'm trying to start dedicated server(Vanilla for start) I have all DLCs on my client and I set -mod=heli;kart;mark;curator on server, but getting all mods marked red in Server browser and question mark near server name. How to make all DLCs green? Also I dont have dlcbundle directory.