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Everything posted by Bamse

  1. This pack just keep getting better and better. I absolutely love it! Keep up the good work! :D
  2. Hi Major_Shepard! Quick question, the two options under build options when it comes to file exlusion; 1. Repository files excluded from build - this means skip and do not include the selected files from build/upload, right? 2. Repository folders with excluded extra local content when sync - same as above but with folders? Thanks in advance!
  3. Bamse

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Roger, much appreciated :)
  4. Bamse

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Hiya Terox! I was trying to joining the public server yesterday without even checking if there was any changes to the modpack. Silly me. After a bit of fiddling I realized that the JSRS-key was taken out. I'm so used to playing with it and are also planning a new pack for our small community so I thought I'd ask; why no JSRS? :)
  5. Bamse

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Latest update of the EDTracker sketch (along with new GUI) with opentrack is really effin' awesome. For you who haven't tried, please do :) Magnetometer (MP9150) support is in the works also, and there was talk about a release for testing this weekend :D I was able to play for about two hours yesterday without a single reset. Now I just need a better mount on my headset. Two rubber bands doesn't quite cut it ;P
  6. Bamse

    Arma 3 - Developer's Livestream

    Nice to see you guys streaming! However, please consider NOT using NVenc/shadowplay as encoder. The quality is sub-par and creates like 0.5cm2 big JPEG-y pixly blocks when there's rapid movement (like in all FPS:es) and its looks quite ... well, bad and low res to be honest. It's very easy to test in OBS/Xsplit or any streaming software that can use NVenc. CPU encoding is almost a must to get the quality needed for an official stream. Sad but true. :/ It will make the production look quite a bit more professional looking. Just a friendly tip! :)
  7. Bamse

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Using the EDTracker firmware or my Cyborg/Saitek FLY5 stick causes the same identical choppy-vision . Using a joystick device as an analog free look device seems less than mediocre at best. I've gotten some input from one of the developers of the EDTracker on the youtube clip; So for now the ruote to be taken seems to either be the spring-sketch way or using the alternative way reported on the RSI-forums that still uses the EDTracker sketch along with the excellent drift compensation ... but it take quite a bit more configuring along with 2-3 additional programs running ... stealing the precious and very well needed CPU cycles from Arma :/ I find running the "RSI"-way best so far. Bug reported to feedback tracker, please feel free to up vote this! :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20603
  8. In regards to http://prntscr.com/4j7x1v There is no -exThreads=8, only 0, 1, 3, 5, 7. Its main use is client side and we've getting told by devs in this thread that using more than 1 isn't necessary. reference: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters Why use -noCB but still -enableHT? I'd remove -noCB (remember that -cpucount overrides -enableHT so only use one of them). MEM is ASM reports way more than the amount you specified in -maxmem. Since official up-to-date documentation is hard to get (to say the least, one forum post here, one devblog there ....) when it comes to dedi-servers I'm not sure if -maxmem=3071/72 is in effect yet but try changing to that. Not sure those parameters will help you up from the quite abysmal 2FPS to 40+, but it ought to bring an improvement at least. :)
  9. Bamse

    Head Tracking for under 10€

    Heya! I ordered two Pro Micro 's along with one MPU6050 and one MPU9150 some time back and recently got everything home and I'm trying out some different options. After I've spoken to the guys over at EDTracker I liked the simplicity so I built one and got everything up and running. (EDTracker supports both sensors, you just don't get any benefits with the MPU9150 over the 6050, yet). When using the EDTracker ingame I get a _very_ choppy resolution on the analog look. It's feels like your'e mashing your face against minecraft blocks and it's pretty much impossible to use it when flying. Looking around just makes you dizzy and using zoom together with this is just not possible. The drift compensation worked like a charm and I could play for about an hour before even noticing it. So, I uploaded one of the sketches found here (tried both the latest mentioned spring and SnowSky's) but I didn't become friends at all with the spring version and I had crazy drift with SnowSkys after just 10-15 minutes, but otherwise I liked it alot. Still, I cannot use it during my 2-4 hour long sessions. This ends up like a Sophie's Choice kinda situation; choppy "resolution" using EDTracker or crazy drift using FTNIR/Hatire. I still like the simplicity of EDTracker and would prefer if I could get that running. Any recommendations on how solve either situation would be most appreciated :) Edit: Two very crappy videos I made to show the difference FTNIR+Hatire: EDTracker "Official":
  10. Could you please elaborate on this? I'm playing on a Altis Life server that has this problem, suddenly and very sporadically like 50%+ of all the players CTD with "ArmA 3 has stopped working". The server is running no mods at all (altho CBA and JSRS are allowed, but optional) and it's a giant ~20MB custom mission. I really suspect this might be the error. Have you found a way to replicate the error? Do you know what malformed data that actually makes ppl crash? More importantly; is there a way to stop ppl from using squad xml's? In this case there's no way to tell ppl to stop using it (quite a big community and public access) :(
  11. Bamse

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Sorry for the noob-questions, but for someone that hasn't used ACRE in any form for _way_ too long, is anything needed file- or config wise on the TS server? Does channels need to be set up in a certain manner and so on? Are there any limitations on channels vs. ingame ... as in will audio transmit across TS-channels if you are on the same freq.? How about direct chat/audio? I couldn't find any docs regarding this, should I just read up on the ACRE1 docs regarding this perhaps? :) Really looking forward to trying this out during the weekend. Cudoz on the release!
  12. This is a great content mod. Will try it out and see how it operates on a dedi server with JIP and stuff later this week :)
  13. Bamse

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Holy f**king shit. I will carry your babies OS, any day of the year. Totally f**king homo. ;) Can't wait to try this out!
  14. Very aware of that :) Just informing that BI won't make it easier or much different from how it is now since Wacko were waiting for information regarding that ;)
  15. regular arma3 syntax is #login password, not #login admin password :)
  16. Sad to see you go Trixie. The Javelin and L129A1+acc are true masterpieces (along with all the other content ofc). :( Thanks for your hard work and good luck!
  17. Interactive cockpits will not be a part of the DLC it seems :( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181550-Advanced-Helicopter-FDM-Feedback&p=2746866&viewfull=1#post2746866 The counter-question was if tools were be to released so the community atleast could give it a shot; answer was straight up nope :( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181550-Advanced-Helicopter-FDM-Feedback&p=2746939&viewfull=1#post2746939 However. This mod looks mindblowingly good. Can't wait for release! :D
  18. I did the same interpretation u did on that parameter. Thanks for the info! :)
  19. Is that even possible? If you omit mission auto-load in server config you will end up with the dark splash screen by default.
  20. NikolaiSergeyev: regarding all above changes and additions. U DA MAN! <3<3 :D
  21. Really good job and good looking uniforms! Would it be possible to add DCU pants with Desert Night shirt? If possible also the parka version of it :) http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll260/JKinnaird/Reference%20Pictures/US%20Army%20SF%20and%20CAG/MayflowerCAGwithnightcamoparkainIra.jpg http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/13/38/25/46/aimqu210.jpg
  22. da12thMonkey: ah, so the early pics were more of a prototype or test stage? Thx for letting me know! :) ref: http://www.firearmsworld.net/usa/m16/diemaco/2228.jpg not to be rude but the gas block pic really is airsoft. ref: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=76944 Agreed on the SBR-version gas block tho ;D Well, according to KAC the only difference between the "SAS" RAS lower and normal lower rail is that the SAS-version clamps to the nut, not just sits there by delta ring pressure like the normal one. I've only held one in my hands once and that was a few years to many ago, but I'm pretty sure there was no reinforcement other than that. Sry for taking the thread offtopic! :)
  23. Bamse

    Gameservers and playwithsix

    huh? I updated our custom repo yesterday with Six Updater and the changes was reflected in PWS like it always has. What's stopped working for you?
  24. Hi Massi! Awesome job on 1.4 ... I looooove the initiative and got a MASSIve (harhar ;D) effin' boner when I read the changelog with the added L119A1. Cudoz and keep up the awesome job :D Just to nitpick some there's a few details that might seem small but kinda makes the L119A1 different visually from the other AR15's; * Biggest most notable (to me ); barrel being 16" and the special barrel profile: http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/C8-SFW.jpg * Front sight. Atleast early models had this gasblock/front sight: http://www.dmt07.com/airsoft/FEB2009/1K_SFW_03.jpg (Couldn't find any real steel close-up pics so airsoft will have to do. In this case it's actually correct. This being a fairly minor detail ;D) * Stock. Ingame model uses the 6-pos LE stock not the correct regular old school 4-pos that's on the new-weap-pic above. * New weapons pic in your post above shows the buttpad, ingame does not. * Pistol grip is made by Lonestar Ordnance and is called "Stowaway Grip" and has a slightly different profile (quite a bit fatter) from the regular A2-grip: http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu351/naem08/002.jpg * Magazine looks like a non-see-thru G36 magazine. More correct would be STANAG/Pmag/Emag depending on era. Don't get me wrong, these are no complaints, just friendly hints if you want to improve even further. I have a few of the parts athome if you want more detailed photos than the ones above. :inlove: