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Everything posted by Belbo

  1. Belbo

    ADV - ACE Splint

    Ah... it should've said: disabled. healHitPointAfterAdvBandage has to be disabled in order to give the option to use the splints. Otherwise there's no need for splints. - updated description.
  2. Belbo

    Forums Upgrade

    I have a suggestion for the forums: Currently the notification system works like this: A user does an action that creates a notification on my end (let's say he quotes a post of mine). Now I get a bleep-noise and at the bottom of the screen a notification pops up, which allows me to directly go to the post that has the quote. Additionally the notification is added to the list of notifications in the top right corner, showing a little sign that a new notification has been added. Clicking on the new notification in the notifications list, I can go to the post that has the quote just as much as using the bottom screen pop-up. By clicking on the entry in the notifications list in the top right corner, the little sign is being removed and the notification is being marked as 'read'. But if I click on the pop-up at the bottom of the screen the notification is not marked as read, so I have to click on it again in the notifications list if I want to remove the little sign. I suppose it would be better if clicking on the pop-up would mark the notification as read too.
  3. //creating the base variable private _themIn = false; //we create a little function to call for the waitUntil: private _checkForUnits = { //creating an array of all objects from the type "MAN" closer than 10 meters to _veh private _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [_veh, ["MAN"], 10]; //counting all objects in that array with the name "unit1" or "unit2" - IN is case sensitive, so you have toUpper the str _themIn = { toUpper (str _x) in ["UNIT1","UNIT2"] } count _nearestObjects > 0; _themIn }; //with the sleep you ease the strain on the mission performance. waitUntil { sleep 1; call _checkForUnits }; That should do it.
  4. if (!isNil "unit1") then {}; and if you want to check if the player is unit1: if (str player == "unit1") then {};
  5. Belbo

    Ai Skill Settings?

    Start here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Scripting Or here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/145056-arma-3-scripting-tutorial-for-noobs/ There's no way around learning the basics. The bits I posted earlier are all informations you need after that.
  6. Belbo

    Ai Skill Settings?

    No. His code is faulty and won't work. Use something like this: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/AI/fn_setSkill.sqf
  7. Belbo

    Ai Skill Settings?

    only possible with CBA: ["CAManBase", "init", { //set skill here }] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
  8. It's not setting related. The shown line drawn on the gps map is not vanilla behaviour and not reproducable within the base game. What kind of mod is being used - I don't know. I suppose it's something with a Draw3D-mEVH: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers/addMissionEventHandler#Draw3D
  9. There's no relation between CPR and blood loss in ace. You can do it before or after, it doesn't matter. The same goes for the order of medication. There are only logical considerations, but nothing in the code itself: Having CPR being applied while the patient is being bandaged is usefull if you're using ace_medical_enableRevive. If the patient's heart rate doesn't go below 40 after morphine has been given, you can keep the epi - but you won't know this until after you give the morphine first. There are certain CPR mods out there which simulate that stuff, but in 'regular' ACE³ there's no factual correlation.
  10. If you use the vanilla garbage collector ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#corpseManagerMode ) then you might simply put this in the init-line of the objects or apply it in the necessary way: removeFromRemainsCollector [this]; If you're using any other scripted garbage collector you need to ask the creator of that.
  11. Well... technically you can't. You can have a fullscreen nvg or the new one, there's no actual middle ground without completely removing ace_nightvision.pbo. "ACE_NVG_Wide" is currently the only nvg object that offers a playable experience for those who disagree with the idea behind dslyecxi's nvg concept.
  12. Belbo


    In that case you made some other mistake. You have to change the probabilities in the fn_init.sqf anyways. Just set your own probabilities there.
  13. Belbo


    As per the GPL-2.0 licence you can modify away - as long as all requirements by my applied licence are met.
  14. The Biki is a really great place: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Commands_requiring_server_side_execution
  15. setVariable has the great perk of giving you the option to both define or change a variable value and broadcast it at the same time. missionNamespace setVariable ["var",1,true]; does the same as var = 1; publicVariable "var"; But you can as well grab the original value with getVariable and change it - getVariable offers the additional option to define a standard value if the variable is not yet defined: missionNamespace setVariable ["var",(missionnamespace getVariable ["var",0])+1,true]; That still doesn't change anything in regard of network traffic though, so you still have to consider whether or not you want a variable to be broadcasted. To be a little more helpful: There are very few commands that don't work on a dedicated server. There are certain commands that have to be executed on the dedicated server only in order to work globally (like setFog - you recognize those commands with the green sE-icon at the top of their page in the biki). The only thing you have to keep in mind for scripting for dedicated servers is that you don't have a player on the server - in hosted games the server is the client of the host, so player is defined as the host's player unit. That is not the case on the dedicated server. But that aside there's fairly little that has to be changed for something to work on both hosted and dedicated environments. Locality is always an issue.
  16. Belbo


    Updated to version 1.4.9: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Mods/releases/download/1.4.9/adv_aceCPR.zip FIXED: removed superfluous animation start on CPR or AED action. I've heard some reports about problems with IVs being deleted upon completion of the AED action (but only with ACE³ version 3.12.0). I could not yet recreate the problem, but I'm looking out for it. As T.Fork said: Create a file called init.sqf in your mission folder and put it in there. And the code is not meant to be strings. These are global variables. You don't actually need adv_aceCPR_onlyDoctors if you're using adv_aceCPR_probabilities. Just put this in there: adv_aceCPR_probabilities = [40,0,0,85]; That way only doctors have a chance to resuscitate.
  17. Ah... completely missed that section. Thank you.
  18. I got a little question regarding this quote from https://ace3mod.com/2017/12/20/cba-settings.html Does that mean that using the old framework's way changing the ace options with a mission config within description.ext will still be usable or do we now have to do everything all over again?
  19. Hi! I'm currently trying to create a mod that adds some of Tryk's Uniforms to a new faction. The uniforms work perfectly well if the units are configured as blufor, but for the life of mine I can't get them to work on any other side. I suppose that's because these uniforms are tied to side blufor. So I try to change the side of the uniforms. This is my cfgWeapons currently: #define sideMacro_ind scope = 0;\ class ItemInfo: UniformItem {\ uniformModel = "-";\ uniformClass = "adv_ind_isit_infantry_base_F";\ containerClass = "Supply60";\ mass = 40;}; class UniformItem; class TRYK_U_taki_BLK; class opf_TRYK_U_taki_BLK: TRYK_U_taki_BLK { sideMacro_ind }; But that leads to the unit (on side independent) having no uniform at all (only an untextured placeholder as it seems). How would I go about using a uniform that's only available to blufor units to be available to units from other sides as well?
  20. "Car More Left" and "Car More Right" have a completely different behaviour than "Car Left" and "Car Right". You have a much more proper input. "Car More XYZ" give you a kind of delay between mouse movements and vehicle steering. But with direct controls it's no longer suitable. Additionally: "Car More Left" and "Car More Right" should just as much be direct ai commands as "Car Left" and "Car Right" or "Car Left Analog" and "Car Right Analog". There's no reason to include the one and exclude the others. It's as if noone has even thought about this direct control mess before implementing it. There should simply be an option if you want direct control or not - because it breaks so many systems (like controlling your vehicle with mouse commands).
  21. Set "Mouse Left" for "Car Left" and "Mouse Right" for "Car Right". You can no longer turn your turret without moving the whole vehicle in the commander seat. Or additionally enable freelook and go in 3rd person: You can't look around without moving the vehicle. That's what I'm going on about.
  22. Still: Moving vehicles with the mouse (eg. not using vehicle free look) heavily interferes with the new system. As a commander you can't rotate your turret without moving the vehicle.
  23. Belbo


    Nope, still working. You probably use a version older than 1.4.8. Update to the current version of ADV-ACE CPR.
  24. First (and best way): Write a mod with a unit config that provides the units with the equipment you need. Second (and only second best way): Safe your custom arsenal builds as sqf-files in your mission folder, compile these file names as functions (so you don't have to type in the whole path everytime), and call these functions in the execution field of the units in the zeus interface. Third (and least best way): Add the build manually in the arsenal for every unit. There are no other ways to do this.