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About TheMightyMooseKing

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    Lance Corporal

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    The Mighty Moose King
  1. TheMightyMooseKing

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    I believe that this is similarly if not as important as the implementation of the bipods. I think that depending on the caliber and velocity a character should react with anything from flinching (pistols and 5.56) to falling down and getting injured(.338LM), of course body armour would play a huge role here.
  2. TheMightyMooseKing

    Marksmen DLC Weapon Feedback

    I've played around with the new guns and gear for a few hours so far and I think there are a few things that should be balanced for realisms sake. 1. I think that the guns chambered in .338 and similar calibers should do more damage. .338LM is said to be one of the most effective anti personnel bullets in use today and a definitive step above .308(7.62x51) yet in game the guns chambered in these calibers don't really feel too different when compared to guns chambered in 7.62x51 or 7.62x54. 2. There seems to be some sort of texture issue with the black variant of the MAR-10, the weapon's details seem to be somewhat distorted. 3. Not directly gun related but I think that the new grenadier vest is somewhat overkill for regular use by grenadiers I think the new model should be used as a supplement to the new Special Carrier Rig and a new model similar to the regular Carrier Rig and Carrier Lite Rig should be created. So far though the DLC really looks great and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the bipods.
  3. TheMightyMooseKing

    Arma 3 - Marksmen Community Challenge

    JSRS 3 has already been released, it's called JSRS Dragonfyre now.
  4. TheMightyMooseKing

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I've just installed the Dev-Branch again and I've noticed some really weird issues with the AI, I'm going to just go ahead and list everything I've noticed so far, I'm playing on regular difficulty with both friendly and enemy AIs at a level 0.70 by the way. -Ridiculously weird accuracy levels, 9/10 times the AIs score perfect headshots as long as they're hitting the enemy, if otherwise they will often not cause any damage at all despite hitting. -Absolutely ridiculous reflexes, even if you're in their crosshairs for only a splitsecond they will start firing and very often end up hitting you, this is especially annoying at medium-long distances when for instance moving between cover. -I've also noticed this on the regular branch but it just got worse due to the two points stated above, the AI seems to have no turn limitations at all and thus it often occurs to me that I enter a building or get into close contact with the enemy just to see atleast one AI soldier completely turning around and perfectly shooting my character in the head despite me not even being in their field of view.
  5. TheMightyMooseKing

    Is this color normal?

    Doesn't look normal to me, you might adjust your Gamma and Brightness settings in the video options.
  6. One thing that really annoyed me was that often your AI companions wouldn't use actual military techniques which they supposedly should've learned in their basic training, for instance in the second mission when going through the forrest the unit should've split up and used a 'travelling overwatch' or used 'bounding overwatches' so that one element could have flanked the enemy while the other one could've suppressed them and kept them busy as encountering contact was extremely probable, but they stayed together in a 5 men group and especially when playing on maximum difficulty you would often find yourself in the situation that all your AI companions are dead and you're the only one alive being lid up by a whole squad of enemies. However it was done right in the mission where you are supposed to meet up with the FIA near Camp Tempest where one part of the Squad is taking a vantage point above Agios Ioanis while the other guys are enveloping the enemies, I would really appreciate it if the characters would use these military techniques during the entire next campaign episodes as it is simply more effective while also enhancing the immersion. Btw, about overwatches, that's page 170 in the Tactical Guide, the different kinds of enveloping are adressed on pages 188 and 189.
  7. I've already completed the first campaign episode and the overall quality is extremely good in my opinion, there are barely any bugs, there are no repetitive gameplay elements and the cut scenes are outstandingly realistic thanks to the new engine. Unfortunately however I've found a couple bugs and complaints I'll write them all down. In the mission "Valley of Death" I occassionally got script errors, they did not affect the playability of the mission though. In the mission "Blackfoot Down" the Medic of the fireteam often gets stuck after having lost the pilot of the Blackfoot making him unavoidably die at the end of the mission where you have to blow up the Blackfoot. In the last mission the paratroopers are deployed directly in front of your unit meaning that they can't take cover and just get slaughtered by the NATO soldiers, also the mortars are extremely annoying and you can't do anything against them, I would suggest to remove them/tweak them. Also I've found an AI related issue, often the AIs are unrealistically accurate, they can easily run for 300 meters and subsequently hit enemies at long ranges with pinpoint accuracy while still standing up.
  8. I noticed 3 things: In the mission "Blackfoot down" the fireteam's medic often gets stuck next to the helicopter making it impossible to blow up the helo without getting him killed and thus failing the mission. In the last mission the mortar bombardment is extremely annoying as it constantly gets you killed without anything you can do. Often the AI soldiers have ridiculous accuracy, I've on several occassions seen them stop after having run for several hundred meters and then using pinpoint accuracy at long ranges to take down enemies while they were still standing, thats an AI issue though and I've already posted it in the AI discussion thread.
  9. TheMightyMooseKing

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I just tried out the new 4-5 handgun on the Dev-Branch and I noticed how it's magazine can only hold 11 rounds while it's real life model the FN-FNP45 can hold up to 15 per magazine. I made a post about it on the feedback tracker as I think the magazine size should be tweaked for the sake of authenticity. The post: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15569
  10. TheMightyMooseKing

    Mouse non-linearity?

    I have recently noticed a problem with mouse innaccuracy, however I am uncertain wheter or not it is caused by my Razer Imperator 2012 Mouse or by the game, I deactivated mouse acceleration in the Windows options btw.
  11. TheMightyMooseKing

    AH-9 Pawnee minigun damage values

    I think the 7.62 miniguns need to be tweaked in the following categories: Fire rate, in another thread I heard that the miniguns only have about 1200rpm as opposed to the real life M134 minigun which can fire at 2000-4000 rounds per minute. Convergence, Right now both miniguns just fire straight instead of actually having both bullet streams meet at a certain distance, e.g. 300 meters. Damage value, It's a 7.62 yet it still takes up to 5 shots center mass to kill somebody with it.
  12. TheMightyMooseKing

    So how good is MXSW?

    Exactly! let's throw it at some CSAT guys:cool: It basically unites all the good stuff about the MX rifle in an automatic rifle, just like the L86A1 does it with the L85A2.
  13. TheMightyMooseKing

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    I got 2 wishes. -Weapon resting -Updated weapon animations(for grenade launchers for instance)
  14. TheMightyMooseKing

    Searching for TrackIR5 ArmA3 profiles

    @KevsnoTrev Put mine at the exact same location, also I completely centered the middle LED with the TrackIR camera. (Display>Camera View in the TrackIR5 program) Could you mabe post a pic of your exact setup? @dale0404 Did you attach it to your headset or to a hat?
  15. TheMightyMooseKing

    Searching for TrackIR5 ArmA3 profiles

    You can disable and configure the different axis when you're configuring a profile, in your case you'd either have to reverse or disable the 'Z' axis. Also, I'm searching for some tips on where to locate the TrackClip pro on a Logitech G35, I just received the package with mine 30 minutes ago and I kinda noticed how looking down and left is impossible with it when the TrackClip is mounted directly above the left ear piece.