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Everything posted by zagor64bz

  1. zagor64bz

    Creating and Editing Campaigns.

    LOL..we didn't choose to jump...THEY TROW US OUT...hahahaha.
  2. zagor64bz

    Creating and Editing Campaigns.

    Hey Scott, welcome aboard. I'm sorry to be the one telling you this, but what you're asking is a lot of accomplishment for an Arma beginner; making a campaign it's NOT as easy as it seam. I have played close to 7000 hours, mostly in the editor, and I still feel a rookie...what I suggest is first learn how to walk, and then you can run. As far as opening up campaign folders from the vanilla game, it's not that difficult (You will need a program like "Pbo manager" or something like that tho....) but it gets complicated to really understand what's going on if you're not VERY familiar with mission/campaign structure. Please, don't get offended by me saying so, it's just a suggestion. Arma3 editing&scripting can get overwhelming and complicated at times, but if you start by making a simple SP mission in the editor then adding things a little at the times, it gets easier. I have military experience myself (served in the paratroopers in 83/84) but nothing like covert ops and stuff like that. Just a regular "gear-up, buckle-up and jump out of the plane" kinda guy..hahahah But seriously, when and IF I'll be still in the mood for a mission making can I reach to you for "technical" advice?
  3. I know nothing about ALiVE, but I have some minor knowledge on mission building...and what you're asking is A LOT. Besides the complexity of the scenario, it's not clear if what you're asking is for the player to be involved in it, or it's just an "ambient" to set the mood of the mission. To start, maybe I can steer you toward a "tool" that I use often; it allows you to populate maps/missions with different factions, assets, and tasks. All customizable.
  4. zagor64bz

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    I didn't know that...however it makes sense. Besides being a well-exported fighter plane, hence the possibilities to see smaller nations deploy it even against the USA, the "Viper" is still a tough cookie to swallow. Unless he's thrown against 5th gen planes, I bet the latest most upgraded versions flown by expert pilots could still hold its own in short engagements. So those F-18 and F35 better work and train hard...😋
  5. zagor64bz

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    ..and NOPE..it's NOT! PS: F-15E? YAP...it is, indeed!😋
  6. mmmm...do you mean that some INCOGNITO CIA/SF dudes could use the Hijabs/burqa to disguise himself for a recon mission? Naaa..that will be outrageous😋
  7. zagor64bz

    Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets v2.0!!

    ....but no biggy m8...untill you'll feel the need for a fix (IF there's need for one, indeed...) I'll just compensate by adjusting the coordinates with a little offset. After all, 99% of the time the attack ingress is dictated from the module position...so it's easy to predict a bombing path. Thank you again 4 your work, Steven. EDIT: ..actually, just thinking about it...you're right: a bit of inaccuracy is legit, especially for unguided bombs. Laser ones should be pretty precise though ( hence the "precision bombing" appellative😋 )
  8. zagor64bz

    Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets v2.0!!

    Awesome job, mate!!! Just one little thing: it's normal that regardless if it is laser-guided or unguided the bombs miss the mark quite a bit? (support module version)
  9. zagor64bz

    Help to create a task

    Thank you bud!😉 I use scripts myself, but I tried to keep it simple for the rookie...so starting from the editor is the simplest way to understand triggers and whatnot. Besides, you've been plenty helpful in this forum...no need to apologize!!😉
  10. zagor64bz

    Help to create a task

    1-Create task module with BLUFOR as owner, assigned,title:KILL OPFOR, description: describe task to player. 4- Create task module with BLUFOR as owner, assigned,title:MOVE TO NEW AO, description: describe task to player. Trigger A) set this trigger as described above...when OPFOR is dead or exit the trigger,(OPFOR NOT PRESENT) it will fire the SET TASK STATE module (2) giving you the SUCCEEDED status to your task. It will also fire the second CREATE TASK module (4) assigning you the second task (move to new AO) Trigger B) Once you enter the trigger area, (BLUFOR PRESENT) it will fire the SET TASK STATE module (5) giving you the SUCCEEDED status on your last task. Hope it helps, dude...BUT READ THE WIKI @HazJ posted..THAT'S BASIC!!!!!
  11. zagor64bz

    AI Enhanced Movement [Script]

    I LOVE THIS!!!!...As I play predominantly SP and use BB mod this is an awesome addition.Finally can get those AI to follow me properly👍
  12. zagor64bz

    Support provider

    CARGO/VEHICLE AIRDROP SCRIPT This script is awesome, and with a little twitching, you can add radio calls and whatnot... @GEORGE FLOROS GR did a great job with this..USE IT!!!!!😋
  13. zagor64bz

    JBOY Sniper Nest In Tree

    @johnnyboy....you little devil...hahahahaha...AWESOME work brother!!!!
  14. ...absolutely the 🔝🔝🔝
  15. zagor64bz

    United States Air Force Mod (2019)

    Just my 2 cents..... ..there's plenty of action in single-seat jets if you're craving "...wing-mounted weapons and 'gunslinger' weapons... " action. the mod is striving for much realism possible, so AC130 should stay the way it was designed and with the purpose it was intended for. I can see that piloting it may be "boring" for someones...but if you stop and think that you are in charge of one of the most deadly airplanes on the planet, it should be pretty "exciting". Stay safe and take care. Zagor out!
  16. zagor64bz

    JBOY Scripts Compilation

    Somehow I missed this, back then.....😋 AWESOME job brother!!!!
  17. zagor64bz


    Hey Pierre, did you see THIS? Maybe it could be useful... Cheers mate!
  18. Hey man thanks, your offer is welcomed, and if you don't mind I'll PM you on a much forward time for that. (gotta get a clear idea on how to play this card first..lol). As far as the UI template/standalone goes, many mission makers know how to put together a campaign but not all of us have the knowledge to create a UI like that to present the campaign so nicely. By adjusting the "campaign Description.ext" and the UI files/graphics elements should be easier than starting from scratch...right? I'm just babbling brother...don't mind me...this quarantine has worn me out..hahaha
  19. Yap..absolutely stunning!!! Ever considered to release the UI/menu as a template/standalone? 😋
  20. AWESOME!! Well...let me clarify what I was thinking... Since the Ghost recon drone is a "nano-drone" it should be hard to spot it unless it got VERY close to the enemy. In Arma, the smallest UAV is the Darter, which is EASILY spotted below a certain altitude. So by giving a captive status, it could"simulate" the stealthiness of the nano-drone, and by having first-person only it will force the user to a more thought out fly path and a more "realistic" use. But I guess giving the freedom to server admin or the mission maker is the best choice.