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Everything posted by k0rd

  1. been seeing a lot of you today Pergor :)
  2. each mission gets created in a directory - look in my documents\arma3\missions (or something like that) - if you just zip the whole dir (should be name_of_your_mission.mapname) up and have your bud extract it on his machine in the same location, you should be golden.
  3. how about the shahed 278? http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/6/9/9/1818996.jpg ( i don't think it can carry very heavy loads, but seems like a good CSAT recon chopper )
  4. k0rd


    there are a couple of good ones here (disclaimer: a real firefight, contains profanity)
  5. k0rd

    Defuse the Bomb

    you need to not use 'this', but instead the object name that is the actual bomb. so instead of nul=[this, 300] execVM "bomb\keypad_defuse\bombTimer.sqf"; you should nul=[bombobj, 300] ... where bombobj is the object you want to blow up :)
  6. thanks, I agree that steam account would be much better than forum registration - i was confused, my apologies
  7. thanks Dwarden, I'll continue to work on the stable/dev branches to track down the issue.
  8. yeah - you can configure battleye to kick or ban if someone runs a script :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159295-Battleye-is-here-%28Quick-tutorial%29
  9. So someone can use something 3rd party APL-SA? Can the non-commercial clause even be waived? I can see where some of that can get murky. What if I license something APL-SA because I have to (like if I use BI data) - then I shouldn't be able to waive that clause for the object because it isn't mine to waive (although part of it is?).
  10. yes. they should have said "use battleye filters"
  11. not sure what you are observing with AI vehicles, can you be more specific?
  12. current theory: 1) server spawns a vehicle and immediately setposes it .5 meters into the air and sets direction 2) client 1 gets in, drives away (lets say 3 km?), then gets out 3) client 2, who was far away from the initial spawn then drives/teleports/whatever to client 1's location 4) client 2 may observe the vehicle floating in the air, client 1 will not because the vehicle is local to client 1. but i have nobody here to help me test this theory
  13. "use battleeye" is WAY more helpful than the links you posted.
  14. more likely is that the clients are not being informed of previous setpos* when the vehicle is outside of a certain range.
  15. k0rd


    You are hearing a 'sonic crack' google it :)
  16. Implying that stable is stable :) I want 1.16 back, personally.
  17. locality is a big consideration in ARMA. some functions will only work where the target of the function is local (e.g. player 1 executes a script to spawn a group of enemies - many commands to manipulate those enemies must also be run from player 1's machine, because those units are local to machine 1) please see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Locality_in_Multiplayer
  18. I rarely disagree with you - but I think in this case "high" settings would give more performance than "medium-high" with recommended specs. (just to offload some of the work to the GPU)
  19. It was said that this one is a really deep bug - I'm hoping the fix will squeeze some much-needed performance out of the server.
  20. I see the bug with only 2 players :) I've tried a repro too, but it's an unreliable bug (it always happens, just not sure how to force it to happen)
  21. if you do that, won't the units simply regroup when they have reached base?
  22. hey - is your mission using setpos and/or setposatl on the vehicles? my research is pointing at them as potential culprits.
  23. k0rd

    bug on changing render distance ?

    To directly answer your question OP, there is no such bug known at this time.
  24. bug is a couple of years old : https://dev.withsix.com/issues/30543