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Everything posted by novahot

  1. novahot


  2. A mission I built in old editor works in multiplayer, but as soon as I convert it into eden 3d editor and export it to multiplayer, the zeus curator entity won't work, only player zeus does.
  3. @Dusa What can we look forward to concerning overall soundscape like realistic far distant battle sounds?
  4. novahot

    Let's talk about tanks

    Since first time Showcase Tanks came out, I once again played tonight. It' s been five minutes into the mission. Because of a cheap little wall it's over. Track damaged, crew got out, I wasn't able to get the tank back driving. My question is headed to the community and BI. Will this ever be fixed or do I have to live with fact, that we are not supposed to play heavy machinery? I've got lots of questions concerning vehicles (Michael Bay movie explosions, turned-out driver view for every tank) but this ... this!
  5. novahot

    Let's talk about tanks

    Jafit, that's not funny at all. I wasn't driving, I was commanding the driver. ;) But for real. Indirectly you are right but let's not get started with AI. These walls are everywhere. Why isn't it possible to make these walls for vehicles above a certain weight (Merkava 60+ tons) or track-driven ones clipping? Because of the desastrous situation on public servers, I play a fair amount of time Wasteland. 2t-Pick-Ups at fences are another story.
  6. Doesn't Speedx4 result in framesx4 in the gamers eye? With croppy 15 FPS you're getting 60 FPS but for the cost of Altis beeing a Benny Hill Show?
  7. Still not working. Any statement from a developer on this or a feedback tracker that needs some upvotes?
  8. On my mission I lased from a SDV (Submarine). Arty doesn`t hit shit with the laser-marker spot on. Did try with Scorcher. Rounds were way off or never hit bottom. Also tried CAS with A-164. It won't even attack. WTF is wrong?
  9. novahot

    Will someone explain the whole Zeus game mode to me?

    Could someone plz edit the titel of this thread? Admin? Plaese?
  10. The thing is: I don't think this a bug. It's a cheap workaround for something, that should be an ambient effect. This is how it looks to me in the editor with @alive, @cba, @a3mp, @caf_ag, @task_force_radio. And if this effect has to draw polygons and one single AI, it has to be a factor with performance. (100 effect modules tracer = 100 AI + polygons of 100 boats) http://i.imgur.com/0VALUCb.jpg This is not a bug. It's not even in range of tolerance!
  11. novahot

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I'd stick with your answer, but Moricky is not just anybody at BI. I'm happy with Zeus and looking forward to it but he is a Senior Developer and there is tons of other things that shoud be taken care of.
  12. I overlooked that this is the dev-branch forum. Nevertheless I'm on stable branch and can repoduce it. My tracer module is a hovering, full-manned attackboat that fires in the air and gets shot down as soon as its detected.
  13. As a matter of fact at a mission I'm bulding with A3MP/Takistan the boat was fully visual and even got attacked by AI.
  14. novahot

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    But the countdown should still be going for three hours.
  15. novahot

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    This will be great on public servers. Imagine the wrath of an unbalanced 13 year old game-master-god. Gotta be a very origin experience concerning the Twelve Olympians.
  16. novahot

    [CO-05] Altis Bus Driving Simulator 2014

    Everyboby please calm the funk down! The intention of this is clear, especially due to the fact that the island of Lesbos is not far away from the island of Altis. The movie mentioned and quoted is the opposite of homophobic. It's an icon in the LGBT community (a community half as much that hysterical as this one) and i.g. was played at several themed filmfestivals. And a headshot is always a headshot!
  17. novahot

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Would it be possible to use the carrier from Utes with other maps?
  18. I`m building a MP mission that raises some questions. 1. A trigger which fires on mission start-up needs to have a countdown of thousends of seconds to get an AI convoy running. Is there any problem concerning desync with a dedicated server in a way that there is a delay of several minutes? 2. I`m using 'simulation manager' module in editor due to performance. Does my trigger work, although the trigger activation position exceeds the modules 2000m range? 3. AI convoy is a beast, I know, but is there any workaround helping the convoy to arrive its destination in one piece instead of wrecking the vehicles? Thanks in advance.
  19. Is this script really able to synchronize weather conditions between clients? If so, it would be a must have.
  20. Is there any state of weather that will not change for players? For example all values to zero, clear blue sky, time of changes maxed. Would it lead to different weather for clients too?
  21. I searched the forums, tried five several scripts, even tinkered with the modules in editor which won`t work after vehicle respawn on dedicated server. I desperately need an repair/rearm/resupply script thats easy to handle. This one would be great, the only thing is, I need it to work but don't get it to work in a trigger area. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Thumbs up for this release. Feels great in the djungle. Nice, nice and nice. Sounds great, looks okay, but ... ... at the map, there's a strange transition in performance, that could kill. First step into 100m grid in map is at 60fps and then the fps goes down big time to 6 fps as I zoom further in for next grid resolution.
  23. I got a question concerning the view distance module. In vanilla video options raising the view distance also raises the distance for objects. As far as I can tell, raising the view distance in ALiVE does not raise the object distance. Am I right?
  24. I understand this limit as a visual (3D) limit of units spawned into world when a player is near to profiled units.