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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Try to make sure you are coming in from the same side you are designating from. The LGB can overshoot sometimes if you are coming in from the side opposite your laser target. Also, if you have that issue try to place the Laser marker on the ground directly next to your target.
  2. Try using Eden Enhanced. You can get granular skill adjustment, so you can drop their Spotting distance/Skill down by itself instead of overall AI skill.
  3. Thanks for the info. I do have the Compat Mod that A26Mike just updated, and can confirm it is working as advertised! Thanks for the great work so far, and look forward to more of it!
  4. Ok, 181E and A-159 are both spawning for me now. We did some testing last night, and things seem to be working for the most part. I noticed it seems that Insert Key is not working for Datalink Broadcasting. We tried deleting the keybind and resetting it, but Datalink for Rover seems to only work from the MFD. I know you said that Documentation will be updated this week, but I have a question now. Does the Laser coding work now for LGB's? Or will it only work for ACE Hellfires? We didn't get a chance to test that out. Also.. what are the differences in the GBU-54 and GBU-54 LCBD?
  5. Freaking awesome quick work! I am running ITC on a server for testing, and having some issues. I can't seem to spawn either the F-181E or the A-159 while in Zeus. I will check to see if they are in Eden, but for sure I can't see them while in Zeus. This is on the version previous to 1.2. I'll check again as soon as possible though.
  6. First off, this mod is great! It is bringing some awesome capabilities for pilots in my unit and JTAC integration with the ROVER SIR and Marker Spot. We're anxious to see your future development and looking forward to more weapon types and quantities on racks along with the MFD implementation. So I understand you want to start reducing dependencies to a minimum for ITC. It looks like the suggestions above will work to help that. Maybe you can use the GBU-12 models for one or more bomb types? If you are looking for texture work to do different color variations on the Mk82 to differentiate your Weapon types I can ask one of our guys that has done some texture work to see how hard it would be to do them for Mk82's. Have you thought about making a Compat file to integrate With Firewill's AWS mod and/or Aircraft? AWS and his aircraft have some amazing features that would work well with ITC I believe. I know A26Mike is working on some form of compat mod for them, just wondering if you had thought about it also. FIR AWS has all the custom Ejector racks and Weapon models you could possibly want.
  7. Hmmm.. how much of an impact will it be to keep them as keybinds? I ask because one of our pilots has F16 MFD sets and can only utilize them with controls that can be bound to keys. If they go mouse only that may impact people that use MFDs or HOTAS setups. If it's not possible I understand. Just want to give you an idea of where the interest is coming from.
  8. That is nice! Might get issues with the PIP size for those MFD's. With extended range it might cause some FPS issues. Any way to shrink them down just a little bit? Looks great though. All the information in one place, can adjust with mouse if needed. Will you keep the keybinds? Since those can be bound to HOTAS keys still.
  9. So No dev build today as they are starting RC release. I saw this in there, which excites me from a Zeus/Mission maker point of view: Tweaked: Jets DLC addons were decrypted to PBO Tweaked: Laws of War DLC addons were decrypted to PBO So hopefully we'll be able to play around with and use assets in our missions that we have not been able to utilize up until now. Maybe we'll see those unlocked in Dev build tomorrow?
  10. Extending on that thought, would it be possible to share data from a Rover Equipped unit on the ground marking Waypoints on a Micro-DAGR and uploading to orbiting aircraft?
  11. I wonder if you have to be in the aircraft for target point designation to work. If you can be out of the aircraft and get it to work... that would be awesome!
  12. Yax, you might want to talk to Firewill about his weaponry mod. He has Dual Use weapons with multiple weapon systems. GBU, EGBU, SDB' etc. He has managed to get them using Non-Lock employment with midrange GPS guidance, and terminal guidance using Laser/IR/CCD etc. Question: How do you program the GBU angle of attack? I could find no documentation on your website for it. Rover Documentation also appears to be absent so far
  13. Some of our players have had luck using the Harrier in full VTOL mode. You have to turn off autovector and spam your flaps down/vector down key and get up to full throttle. But, it is possible to take off in VTOL mode and land in VTOL mode.
  14. I do not believe that you can do BVR shots with missiles at this time. Lock on after Launch, which was talked about, may not be in game yet.
  15. Yes... hoping a Dev sees this and is like BAM! Radar Sensors!
  16. We use Firewill's AWS and several airframes so I am familiar with what he's been doing regarding HARM and SARH missiles. The standard Sensors defined with JETS DLC can do what I want to do right now. It will just take someone making the config mod for the Nyx to make it reality. You can add active radar to any vehicle, you just have to define a location, range, and cone for it. Missile ammo can have defined sensor heads also, so it just takes making a config for Active Radar missiles and swapping them out for the IR missiles. I'm just not terribly well versed in actually doing the code for it. @Hvymtal Oh yeah, I know all about Pooks. My unit won't use it because of package size issues though. Too much other stuff. A custom, small config mod should do the trick for me with the Nyx.
  17. Well, I play in a unit that uses a LOT of mods. I've just been wishing for an Active Radar SAM system other than the Carrier based stuff as the launchers are rather large. Custom mini-mod it is!
  18. NOooooooooo..... I was sooo hoping for an Active radar mobile SAM vehicle for Vanilla. Who do we have to sacrifice to this late in the game to ask for an Active Radar variant with Radar Directed SAMs. Or even just HARMs for directing against Radiating aircraft. Alternate ammo/radar config mod in 3....2....1....
  19. For anyone that has managed to get in game and test out these vehicle variants. Does the NYX AA variant with SAAMI missiles have Active Radar or only Passive? Or are the SAAMI missiles IR seekers? I noticed that the Recon variant has active radar. Does this vehicle need to be used to pass targeting data on to the AA variants?
  20. Yes. When you make the mission, CBA allows you to set the variables on the Missions tab. As far as I know, mission settings overwrite Client settings and server settings. You can change that via the settings priority checkboxes. For CBA https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/CBA-Settings-System#mission-settings https://ace3mod.com/2017/12/20/cba-settings.html
  21. Assuming they get in Lock on After Launch, then any missiles with Laser Seeker heads should be kept as is. This will allow shots from over a horizon to a Laser Designated target.
  22. Can the new armor modeling and extended parameters be applied to other than ground/armored vehicles? I'm just wondering if someone could model up the armored bathtub that the A10 Cockpit sits in to give it that much more resiliency in say, the Wipeout or any other A10 mods? i think this new system, once it gets finalized and modders figure it out, will help to extend the life of Arma 3 and mods quite a bit.
  23. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I am aware. That was a turn of phrase indicating a want, not a promise on RHS's part. It would just be nice to have a SAM system other than Short range IR seekers or MANPADS in RHS, so that other mods don't have to be sought out to fill that void.