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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    So, Alive works by analyzing map object placement to determine targets for an AI commander. Those objects can be Buildings, Power Plants, Ports, Airports etc. This is usually done when Indexing the map with a set of tools and a procedure defined by the ALiVE team. When you start a mission that you have built on a server, Alive goes through a long INIT process that checks your parameters against the Map index. Depending on how you have your mission set up (Conventional or Asymmetric warfare), the AI commander looks at all the possible indexed locations and chooses it's own targets for units that you defined as it's force pool. Then it will send it's troops out to go take those targets. You can also define troops as starting in certain Indexed locations (usually called CQB units), and those will spawn all over the map in a concentration that you define. Tactical Areas Of Responsibility- TAOR's, are marker locations you can place down to either define areas you want the AI commander to be responsible for (Invade any indexed location inside this box), OR TAOR's can be used as blacklist sites to prevent any Spawning of troops inside. What I think is happening is that certain items inside your SAM site compositions are each coming up as Indexed items or locations for whatever reason, and appear to be spawning a bunch of troops near them. I don't know what would be causing that. I'll refer the ALiVE guys to this thread, or at least send them a link to the discussion about the problem the other poster is having and maybe they can find out the issue.
  2. ski2060

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Unsure if this is related to the map or just Arma. Flying a Littlebird, in game about an hour and I got the following error resulting in a cmoplete lockup of Arma (showing in background processes). ---------------------- Process exit ---------------------- Exit code: 0x00000001 - UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI Running time: 00:57:07.6968492
  3. ski2060

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    I'll try to test under more load later, but running a Zeus template of the map on my server I was getting much better frame rates and performance. After spawning in and letting things load for just a minute or so, I placed down a couple squads and a BTR to fight with a LittleBird. I was getting in the 40+ FPS range now with little to no stuttering, with 3K view distance. Seems to be a great update so far!
  4. Dynasound 2 is up on Steam. Works fine there...
  5. ski2060

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    I believe that is by design so that it has a new rooftop look.
  6. If you do any integration with other mods, can you please make it optional? I know CUP is a widely used set of mods, but my unit will not use them for the most part. I'd hate to have to give up trying to use your stuff. It's good to hear you are thinking of coming back and working on Spookwar more. It is a great set of mods for Arma 3.
  7. ski2060

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    My guys have been testing it out a bit over the last few days. I am still experiencing complete clientside lockups while running this map on my server. I don't know if it is an Achilles related issue or just the map at this point. When I go to my process manager I show at almost 3GB of RAM, 20% CPU, and it will be completely frozen. Right now all graphics are set to Ultra or High for the most part. I brought my view distances down to 1000 Meters for better FPS. I don't know if it's just terrain loading or what. The mission is a simple Zeus template with player slots. Not a single placed AI until done with Zeus. Anyone else experiencing similar issues?
  8. ski2060

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    I've been on it a bit since yesterday and have it running on my unit's experimental server. I keep it passworded and set for unverified keys so have had no problems with keys. The issues we're seeing are complete lockups on some people's machines. I had system lockups running the map after I had been on it with variable lengths of time. I mean, black screen that I couldn't ALT-TAB out of. I could only get to the CTRL-ALT-DEL menu to do a hard restart when it happened. Also, like most other people, are the FPS issues. We understand that things will be tweaked as it is being worked the last little bit. Dunno if it will help, but maybe a reduction of some trees in the very densest forest areas? I am running all the needed mods for it (CUP Full), along with our unit's normal mod list. The map itself is extremely nice looking. We are exploring it, and just trying to think of good scenarios for it. Keep up the great work. I think this map will become a cornerstone map of A3 play in all play styles. EDIT: server RPT. hopefully will show issues causing my lockups. my systems is W10, i5-6600K, 16gb DDR3000, GTX 1070, 2x SSD. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4CmmU0JFMEkNUdFR0NZZEMwRmM
  9. You need to look in the Complete Mods forum. It's been there at least that long.
  10. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We use multiple MODS other than RHS. The main one is ACE3. No others that utilize explosives though.
  11. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I am at work right now, but listened in on unit mates. They said that they could scroll through Countermeasures, select DUKES, and using Shift+C to activate DUKE. He got the hint then, showing it was active. On the Guardian, it showed as a scroll menu option. When turned on, both showing "DUKE activated", it still permitted TFAR transmissions, and IED detonation using Cell phones, Radio detonators etc. I'll see if we can get a video showing testing and a list of mods used. I guess we're all wondering what explosives and detonation methods the RHS DUKE system are supposed to work against? Is it just RHS explosives? Anything from Vanilla + RHS?
  12. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So, how does one go about using DUKES, and what Explosives/Detonators is it compatible with for Zeus usage? Unit tried to get it working with no luck. Did not seem to be effective against TFAR radio transmissions or against Vanilla or ACE explosives using Cellphones or radio detonators. Are there config parameters that need to be set or RHS modules that need to be placed?
  13. ski2060

    RSO Buildings pack

    You can create map templates for missions using any assets you want. Just add them to the map, save, and export for MP or SP. When you load up the map mission those buildings will be there. Great for Zeus missions.
  14. ski2060

    RSO Buildings pack

    Downloading now, and looking forward to testing these buildings out. Are you planning a STEAM release when STEAM comes back up?
  15. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Gotcha covered.. Check out the Brasil map. Rivers and jungle/rainforest galore!
  16. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    ALiVE Military placement and Objectives : http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Military_Placement_(Military_Objectives) Dunno why a blacklist TAOR isn't working. Nothing inside it should be showing as a Mil Objective. I'd hit the ALiVE guys up on their thread or Forum and they will probably be able to help you better.
  17. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    You should probably set up a blacklisted TAOR to remove OBJ's from the site. That should drop your OBJ's back to a manageable level.
  18. Hope your team has a good holiday season, and all are well. We're all looking forward to more maps being helped with this great mod.
  19. Yeah, no clue there. My use of mods extends to "shit, I think i got that dropdown menu option correct" ;)
  20. Hmm.. Let me run my VQI test map real fast and I'll let you know how mine works. I can't remember if it stays and you have to drop it manually or not.
  21. Ok, just checking. I guess we'll run it with CUP and see what happens. No one in my unit will get AiA again just to run a single new map, no matter how good it looks. Best of luck to you guys and I hope you can find an easy resolution for those issues. It truly is a phenomenal looking map and I can't wait to try it out.
  22. So, I think in the last patch that BIS fixed the messed up .p3d files that were giving you guys issues. Am I reading correctly that Taunus will require AiA TP, instead of the more widely available CUP Terrains-Core? AiA TP is not being updated as far as I know, and is a pain in the ass to get for most people.
  23. Yes, LEAP works well enough for MP. Some issues at times, but for the most part it works fine. Helljumper watch doesn't read continuously, but you can use the ACE Altimeter watch if you use ACE.
  24. I ran my test mission that has all the VQI models on it, Map is Altis. Single Player mission from Editor load up. I spawned in, was able to generate a mission from my placed laptop, and proceed on mission. Items generated for a Trojan Horse mission, and multiple Green and Opfor troops spawned as complications. I had air traffic set and got a couple of random flyovers also. So, it all seemed to be working for me.