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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. From now on I call this here PoolPunKsPorn thread xD
  2. Private Evans

    Do you like my Xiยดans and Tarus ?

    Nice...very good job ๐Ÿ™‚ I never understood why the devs did not give a bit more more love to the A3 factions....no pacific tectures for the Nato vehicles ( for a long time) , no pacific textures for the CSAT helicopters...no CSAT pacific ( chinese) urban/guard units...no CSAT urban camo for vehicles in general...a very poor job on the otherwise prettycool CTRG faction...no Nato variants of obvious Nato vehicles like the Strider, Kuma and Mora...no UN units (like they did with the CDF in A2) ...no other NATO units beside US ...also why not adding a full african CSAT faction instead just adding 3 soldiers with the last dlc I mean they did such an amazing job on improving the game in so many aspects...but factions... meh ๐Ÿ˜•
  3. Private Evans

    Community Factions Project

    If you are going to make an ultimate edition I guess this will include mods like RHS and 3CB ? If so, are you going to merge /patch the major factions as well...does not make sense , or better said it is a pain in the ass to have so many different versions of US, UK or Russian forces visible in the editor.... keep it up ๐Ÿ™‚ PS: if only someone could make a tool that simply allow us to show/hide faction in the editor...maybe even with the option to save presets ( one can still dream)
  4. F.ck yes ๐Ÿ™‚ even a badge for the Franco-German Brigade ...nice
  5. Private Evans

    SOF UNITS ADDONS by massi

    Very nice ! One thing though, I would seperate the enemy faction from your IDF mod since all your other special forces come nice and clean on their own. keep it up
  6. Private Evans

    S.C.A.R -- Enemy Areas-of-Operation

    Afaik you have to place all 4 Scar modules even if you do not use them all.
  7. Private Evans

    S.C.A.R -- Enemy Areas-of-Operation

    I'm also adding an option to Turn On a 'Task' option for missions for those who prefer the whole "Success" pop-up when completed. I'll also add an option to just leave all markers on the map for those who want it in the next release. Great...I am defenetely one of those ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Well while this is a real shame I hope you will be able to replace at least the infantry weapons without bigger problems. As far as it goes for the frigate...I personally use it more as a cosmetic asset for the sake of immersion than for gameplay reasons ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep it up..this is still one of the best mods out there for Arma 3 PS: Since this Project Homefront is all about spaceships and battles in space....it is beyond me why they told you to remove the infantry gear ....does not make sense in any way ...
  9. We were all hyped for that terrain but it will not happen because of engine limitations afaik....
  10. Private Evans

    S.C.A.R -- Enemy Areas-of-Operation

    This is absolutely great ๐Ÿ™‚ Saving Private Ryan.. Kill Colonel Kurtz...so many possibilities
  11. Private Evans

    S.C.A.R -- Enemy Areas-of-Operation

    Awesome ... Since I guess that we will be then also free to choose any faction for the enemy side in the mission generator module, will there also be a way to customize mission briefings generated by Socom module to match different settings like for example WW II , Nam , Halo etc. or will you make briefings completely generic so that they will match any kind of setting ?
  12. Can't wait for the complete pack on Steam. High quality map resources matching the Arma 3 standarts are so bittely needed ๐Ÿ™‚ thx again for doing this !!!
  13. Private Evans

    SOF UNITS ADDONS by massi

    Absolute amazing !! Any chance of getting a Nato collection including all EU factions ๐Ÿ™‚ ??
  14. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Since the STuG III was based on the Panzer III chassis...any chance to see this also being worked on ๐Ÿ™‚ ?? Also I am a bit curious, seeing the Stuart Honey Desert Rats textures and now the Panzer III, which was the main BT in Africa during Rommels campaigns, should this be a hint that we will see Northern Africa theatre being worked on in FoW ?? I mean you showed us Italian light tank and gear also some time ago.... keep it up can`t wait for the next update ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. F.cking green hell....I can not wait much longer xD Awesome work man !!!
  16. Regarding taking photograhs....would there be a way to use the screenshot function for this...have to take real screenshots..I remember Hidden and Dangerous 2 had this feature and it was very cool ๐Ÿ™‚ just an idea
  17. Since this muddy road textures are custom made by you, it should be possible to add custom surface sounds for it ...not nagging just dreaming...would be the icing on the cake ๐Ÿ™‚ beautiful pics !
  18. Private Evans

    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

    There are some cool cool mods coming bringing not only other provinces of Tamriel but also a very promising mod making Skyrim playable in COOP/MP....so yeah
  19. I can feel the Metal Gear Solid vibes...
  20. Private Evans

    LM_OPFOR, A Generic OPFOR faction pack

    Nice...there is still a big need for more fictional Armaverse factions :)
  21. Yeah exactly :) Something completely different that I am thinking of also, is a WII conversion of this mod...Hidden and Dangerous style missions playing as an SAS team ( even more dreaming) cheers
  22. One major request ( getting greedy I know) ....could you add exfill points that one has to reach after doing the mission, maybe different ones...or safe houses :). I mean...there is always the chance to fuck things up and then have to escape somehow while every CSAT soldier their mother and their goat on Altis are trying to hunt you down...this could then include even checkpoints and stuff ... just dreaming :) btw...this mod really will bring me back to play more Arma again :)
  23. Assasin, Kill, Sniper, Sabotage, Destroy, Search and Destroy ( for example druglabs), Recon, Forward Air Controllers, Rescue ( hostage or downed pilots),, Gather Intel, Medivacs, Clearing EODs and mines, Evacuate and protect civilians, Protect ( for example UN or IDAP) , Support ( bringing supplies)