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Everything posted by Dedmen

  1. That is exactly what Intercept would get rid of. Execute scripts without the slowness of actually executing scripts and without having to pipe stuff through the slow callExtension interface. Redis can detect key inputs? I thought Redis was a database ^^ How are you doing that without SQF scripts and callExtension?
  2. Big update going on for the last few months. Didn't find time to report about it here. The profiler got brofiler integration and is now WAY more powerful than just the ingame profiling view. With brofiler you also don't need profiling branch anymore to use it. Here are a couple screenshots: As you can see in the tooltip. It also stores parameters passed to script functions so you can also use this to see what exactly happened in your code. Brofiler can also profile over the network (By default TCP port 31313). Meaning now you can load the profiler mod on your Arma server. And just connect the Brofiler GUI to it over the network and profile the scripts on your server. This stuff is still in "beta" but only because I'd like to make some performance improvements and maybe add some more features before a full release. For example in combination with my Debugger I might be able to add profiling of scheduled scripts too. You can get it on the Profiler Github: https://github.com/dedmen/ArmaScriptProfiler/releases/tag/RC6 It uses a special version of Brofiler which is included in the download. If you want to get REALLY crazy with it. The new Profiler also has integration of my SQF-Assembly mod. So you could profile your scripts down to every single SQF VM instruction or command call or variable assignment. This is enabled by default I think. But this will generate huge amounts of data. You can disable it by just removing the sqf assembly plugin from the intercept folder.
  3. Fix confirmed after benchmark with 2000 units. All back to normal like it should be.
  4. I could swear I already replied to this... There is your problem. You don't have ACE. But you need ACE. Edit: O look!
  5. Dedmen


    Same answer I gave you one week ago in Discord...
  6. This bug is clientside only. Doesn't need server restarts. Not this bug
  7. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/arsenal-framework.html#21-adding-ace-arsenal-to-a-box Just pass the items.
  8. Arma can't do that though. Not the CBA programmers fault.
  9. Nope.. Empty -mod is same as no -mod. So just leave it away.
  10. That is exactly what that error message is telling you. You don't have ACE. But something needs ACE.
  11. @fn_Quiksilver Even ACE_NoVoice doesn't work. I don't hear any callouts. But they still land in the sound queue. This bug is not a leak on the server.
  12. DUH... I don't even listen to myself.. But you also didn't write that ;) If I'd just listen to what I say.. But atleast we know now that, that is indeed the case. Edit: successfully reproduced. at 1600 units I am now at 12788 entries in the sound queue.. Edit2: I found two probably causes for the bug. Forwarded the Info to Dwarden.
  13. Well fullscreen-windowed. So I can see them :D I updated your script to 0.1s sleep and 80 concurrent units. Don't wanna wait so long. 2200 units. ssAdv is at 0.1ms per frame... Seems like I can't reproduce.
  14. Liberation is vanilla ;) No it's not gunshots. As I wrote in my report it's the AI units callouts of enemy positions. I cannot reproduce it though. I just let it run along to 2000 units and nothing. Well.. I guess I probably have to be tabbed in to hear the sounds.. brb testing again :D
  15. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124746 Well known... So it is indeed related to spawning/killing units like I expected, which is why I could only reproduce that on Liberation, because there are so many kills on there. Why do you create a new Feedback Tracker report even though you know very well that there is already one report open about exactly that issue? Atleast they have a way to reproduce it now. But to fix that you need engine devs on Arma which... Is a little late now... I could probably make a mod that regularly empties the sound list.. That would atleast be a workaround. A ugly non battleye friendly one though.
  16. CBA 3.7.0 https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/releases/tag/v3.7.0.180430 ^ It contains Arma 1.82 stuff. 1.80 doesn't have that stuff so it won't work on the old version. You can update if you want. But then your CBA won't work anymore. But you already answered yourself. Or was that meant as a question? In that case sorry. There wasn't a question mark and the statement was correct. So I didn't expect it to be a question.
  17. Well... Why ask a question if you are already answering yourself? Not sure what that should mean? Newer CBA versions don't necessarily work on older Arma versions. If the latest mod version doesn't work on your older game version. Why would it make sense to update if the mod won't work if you update?
  18. Exactly the same as windows XP till windows 8. Windows+R -> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\ -> press "OK" -> open Arma folder. Or if you want it shorter. Just %localappdata%
  19. Dedmen

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    RV engine at one point was modified to work on Xbox 360. I think it was a OFP title for xbox? And the new Enfusion will also run on consoles. BI also already said that Enfusion will be the base for potential new Arma games.
  20. Like belbo posted above. You can add the eventhandler as part of your init.sqf (Btw Commy recommends to use the initPost handler) Or you can add them in your description.ext as a eventhandler config. https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/Extended-Event-Handlers-(new)#extended_initpost_eventhandlers ^ Description.ext option
  21. No. You cannot protect a language. In the end obfuscation does more bad than good. We right now have a case in Arma discord where someone stole code and obfuscated it to hide it. The Author said some people already stole his code before. But he just DMCA'ed it if they did so and then they were gone. But with the obfuscated code he can't prove it. Only took about a day till it got deobfuscated by the community so that the author could get proof. So he can DMCA them now. But does it really need to be that hard to fight bad guys? This is driving people away from sharing anything, and hurting the entire community. We can be lucky that the great minds of Arma aren't obfuscating yet and are contributing to the community. What are you saying? You are also a great mind and are writing beautiful code that many people can learn from? Show me your code then. Oh? You can't because you obfuscate everything? Arma lives from modding. Anything that hurts the modding community is a bad thing. Stealing hurts us. Giving the thieves means to protect themselves is a dumb idea. Obfuscation would not be that bad if the obfuscation tool makers would take measures to prevent it being used for stealing. Just a little idea. This won't work for free tools. But the biggest problems currently are the full PBO obfuscating tools. Both biggest tools on the "market" are paid for. How about inserting a signature of the obfuscator in the files. And let people report ripped, obfuscated files of thieves. The obfuscation tool maker can then find out who stole it and missused their tool. And ban their license. If the bad guys wanna keep stealing and obfuscating stuff then they are free to buy the tool again, and thus provide more money to the tool makers. Win-Win on both relevant sides.