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Everything posted by npmproductions13

  1. npmproductions13

    Need Help Making Simple Money System

    Thanks for your response but i don't think this is what i was looking for. I essentially wanted money added to the myMoney variable if you kill someone. Somewhat like a assassination mission that you get paid for. I look forward to your response.
  2. So my issue is quite simple can someone help me with my vest clipping my character. I've copied the sample vests selection groups as close as possible example would be "Spine1","Spine2","LeftArm","LeftArmRoll","LeftShoulder" etc.. But i still get major clipping when the weapon is raised. Any help or input is appreciated and if you need any more info to help me just ask. Images Many Thanks -Irish
  3. So ill kick this off by saying i'm a huge fan and constant player of ArmA 3 i bought ArmA 3 on launch and iv'e been in many military units and have 2500 hours+ racked up on steam. I always play ArmA everyday without fail. But in my opinion you criticize what you love and here is what makes me angry with the development of ArmA 3 since the beginning. So first off is the DLC in my opinion every DLC released regardless of the price tag has under delivered, ill use the recent Jets DLC with the addition of the carrier that was added as an example.. In my opinion the carrier was the biggest selling point for the jets DLC and was a joke to the few milsim and general units that still exist in ArmA today essentially the carrier is a beautiful looking shell with a launch platform and a landing one. It should have gotten a full interior with elevators and a complete interior storage area for planes and helicopters alike, then the carrier could have been used for operation briefings and overall would have increased a persons immersion in the milsim environment that ArmA is supposed to simulate. Overall the scope of the ArmA 3 DLC and how they have been released is ultimately a disgrace when compared to the far more enjoyable and commendable ArmA 2/OA release method. My second issue with ArmA 3 is the Environments/Terrains almost all terrains released have been a bare bone mess and ultimately they have little to no foliage with the exception of the Apex DLC (Tanoa) which again added very little to the game besides the map its self. When you compare these new terrains to Arma 2 that got a tonne of new vehicles and weapons with the map. All apex got was the same vehicles but re skinned a new faction with 3 ak variants and an RPG-7. (Which again in my opinion under delivered) Comparing Arma 3 to Dayz yes i said it Dayz. Today on the 26/05/2017 DayZ is currently in an experimental 0.62 that adds new trees and foliage (A Complete Overhaul) and after personally testing it after awhile i asked myself why hasn't Arma got good foliage like DayZ has now. Well the Apex DLC (Tanoa) tried to give us a map with great amounts of foliage (In a Jungle) but again fell short the Tanoa map although a great map on paper suffers from massive performance hits (DayZ new trees and foliage doesn't) and not to mention the map is plagued with Houses and Buildings that have one enterable room and the rest of the rooms are "Barred Off" so you can't enter the rest of the house because again it feels Bohemia Interactive are cutting corners alot like the carrier and the retextureing of vehicles instead of making new ones to accommodate the terrain. Before anyone metions the fact that DayZ now has its own engine and Arma 3 is on another i do know this but i think my point still stands. Now to wrap up i would like to say if any staff from BI see this please pass it on to the top and have a good read and sit down and discuss the scope of the game please because your all over the place. To anyone else reading please post your opinions and suggestions for this wonderful game and maybe we can save it together because right now it's sinking like a rock and that's sad to see.
  4. npmproductions13

    I love ArmA 3 but feel let down

    Thanks for your input its appreciated i also noted that both Arma 3 and DayZ are on different engines. But i get what your saying Just annoyed that the game i love is going downhill with both its player base and content is all.
  5. npmproductions13

    I love ArmA 3 but feel let down

    Well all of this is in my opinion like i said so no need for Citations.
  6. npmproductions13

    I love ArmA 3 but feel let down

    I also forgot to mention my prediction for the Tanks DLC expected to drop in 2018.. well here it is 3 new tanks 1 for each side and some overhaul that should have been in the game since the beginning.
  7. Hi there everyone so here is what i'm trying to create i want three Tanks to spawn with crew and then move to waypoints after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This is what i have so far.. major disclaimer here I've been experimenting with a lot of this just seeing how certain things work and trying to get the basic understanding of the language so Arma 3 coding veterans prepare the defibrillators because you might need to restart your hearts after seeing this. On a side note if anyone has any tips on learning how to code SQF, SQS etc in arma please let me know as im hungry to learn this language but can't find any good material anywhere. //if (isServer) then { _type = _this select 0; _mark = _this select 1; _time = _this select 2; _slaGrp = createGroup INDEPENDENT; //Sherman #1 _vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn1", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; _S1vehicleName = "sherman1"; missionNamespace setVariable [_S1vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; publicVariable _S1vehicleName; //Sherman #1 Crew _s1Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable _s1Inf; publicVariable _s1Inf; _s1Inf moveInDriver "sherman1"; //Sherman #2 Crew _s2Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s2Inf]; publicVariable _s2Inf; _s2Inf moveInGunner "sherman1"; //Sherman #3 Crew _s3Inf = "LIB_US_tank_crew" createUnit [ getMarkerPos "spawn1crew", _slaGrp]; missionNamespace setVariable [_s3Inf]; publicVariable _s3Inf; _s3Inf moveInCommander "sherman1"; //createVehicleCrew (sherman1 select 0); //Sherman #2 //_vehicleObject = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn2", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S2vehicleName = "sherman2"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S2vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; //publicVariable _S2vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman2 select 0); //Sherman #3 // = createVehicle ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes", getMarkerPos "spawn3", [], 1, ""];_vehicleObject setDir 217.344; //_S3vehicleName = "sherman3"; //missionNamespace setVariable [_S3vehicleName,_vehicleObject]; // _S3vehicleName; //createVehicleCrew (sherman3 select 0); //};
  8. OMG thats great so far how did you learn to code in SQF ? i want to learn so much. Anyways it works but probably not as neat or as efficient as you sent it. At the top you say i can use 1 line of code for multiple tanks can you give an example of this or is this code i have what you meant ? //Sherman #1 & Crew _grp1 = [getMarkerPos "spawn1", INDEPENDENT, ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes"],[],[],[],[],[], 0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // _leader1 = leader _grp1;//Note1: the return value is a group (even for one unit). So don't wait for any change (during combat) but add following lines to get the extra info: //(here for one tank/one group) _vehicle1 = vehicle _leader1; _vehicle1 setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _crew1 = crew _vehicle1; _vehicle1 setDir 212.340; //Sherman #2 & Crew _grp2 = [getMarkerPos "spawn2", INDEPENDENT, ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes"],[],[],[],[],[], 0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // _leader2 = leader _grp2; _vehicle2 = vehicle _leader2; _vehicle2 setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _crew2 = crew _vehicle2; _vehicle2 setDir 212.340; //Sherman #3 & Crew _grp3 = [getMarkerPos "spawn3", INDEPENDENT, ["LIB_M4A3_75_Tubes"],[],[],[],[],[], 0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // _leader3 = leader _grp3; _vehicle3 = vehicle _leader3; _vehicle3 setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _crew3 = crew _vehicle3; _vehicle3 setDir 212.340; //Waypoints for Sherman #1 - #3 _wpt1 = _grp1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "shermanadvance1",0]; //Note2: for waypoints, it's immediate: _wpt1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; //.. and what you want with setWayoint.. commands _wpt2 = _grp2 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "shermanadvance2",0]; _wpt2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; //.. and what you want with setWayoint.. commands _wpt3 = _grp3 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "shermanadvance3",0]; _wpt3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
  9. npmproductions13

    Animating Based on Vehicles Speed and Flying Mode

    Ok ill tinker with the cfg and see what i can do thanks lads.
  10. Ok i want to animate my vtol's engines to a certain position when VTOL mode is activated and or a certain speed is reached like the Apex vtol Any help is appreciated i don't know how difficult this is going to be to achieve. On a side note are the Apex assets and configs accessible as a sample at all ? Thanks -Irish
  11. npmproductions13

    Animating Based on Vehicles Speed and Flying Mode

    All right ill try that is there much tutorials on making animations. When you say animation do you mean within the model.cfg or is it nothing to do with the model.cfg ?
  12. npmproductions13

    Animating Based on Vehicles Speed and Flying Mode

    Yea for example when im going < 30 i want it at a certain position then > 30 i want it at another. Sorry if my reply is vague it's just hard to explain
  13. npmproductions13

    Animating Based on Vehicles Speed and Flying Mode

    I must be missing something is there a way to set the "increments" at which the engines move ? What part of the config is responsible for that ?
  14. npmproductions13

    Animation Issue with landing gear

    To add to this i fixed it by removing the specific translation for example translation X,Y,Z i just used translation and adjusted the memory points. Thanks for everything i have a lot to do still. Like animating the vtol engines when vtol mode is activated etc.. Ill have to try find a post on this or else make one.
  15. So im having an issue with my landing gear and with how its behaving. I feel like its following my model.cfg only a little. The gear in question is the front landing gear. It works fine when i preview it in Object Builder like this.... This is what the gear does in game. Im so confused with this issue :( But once in game it wont work the same as in Object Builder is there a reason for this any help is appreciated. Here is a look at an extract from my model.cfg regarding the gear in question. //FRONT GEAR VVV class gearF_1 { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="gearF_1"; begin="gearF_1_axis_begin"; end="gearF_1_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.65; angle0=0; angle1=-5; }; class gearF_2 { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="gearF_2"; begin="gearF_2_axis_begin"; end="gearF_2_axis_end"; memory = 1; minValue=0; maxValue=0.65; angle0=0; angle1=-6; }; class gearF_3: gearF_2 { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="gearF_3"; begin="gearF_3_axis_begin"; end="gearF_3_axis_end"; memory = 1; minValue=0; maxValue=0.80; angle0=0; angle1=10; }; class gearF_3_trans { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="gearF_3"; begin="gearF_3_axis_end"; end="gearF_3_axis_end_2"; memory = 1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1=10; };
  16. npmproductions13

    Animation Issue with landing gear

    Off topic i really wish to thank you for your time. But back on topic i want my gear in a logical sense to move back then up so to do that i have ... class frontGear_1 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_1"; axis="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_1_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_2: frontGear_1 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_2"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_3: frontGear_2 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_3"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_1"; axis="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_1_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_2_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_2"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_3_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_3"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; But this obviously is causing some unexpected behavior as i'm effecting the gear/memory points twice with different translations. So like i said in logical sense i want to go back, then up into the aircraft(like the gif above) and i do this using the above code which doesn't work. i say this because if i remove the "translation z" like below VVVVV class frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_1"; axis="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_1_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_2_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_2"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; class frontGear_3_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_3"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; begin="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; end="frontGear_2_axis_end"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.728; offset0=0; offset1=-7.1; }; it works perfect but doesn't retract into the correct part of the aircraft frame. So i guess my question is how to i make the gear move up and back and ideas are appreciated, or is to my surprise my code correct with another type of error ? I love getting feedback and your general input Thanks -Irish
  17. npmproductions13

    Animation Issue with landing gear

    Thanks for the reply. The model by default is modeled with the gear extended down. One question though would i be wrong in saying translations don't use "angle" they use "Offset". And another strange anomaly is it feels like me switching the values have no effect so for example if i change VV THIS VV offset0=0; offset1=2.0999999; VV TO THIS VV offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; I notice no difference in the direction in which the gear retracts. Here is the model.cfg im using right now. Its different than the default because iv'e been messing around with it wait for a responce. //FRONT GEAR VVV class frontGear_1 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_1"; axis="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; class frontGear_2: frontGear_1 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_2"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; class frontGear_3: frontGear_2 { type="translationZ"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_3"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; class frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_1"; axis="frontGear_1_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; class frontGear_2_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_2"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; class frontGear_3_trans: frontGear_1_trans { type="translationY"; source="Gear"; selection="frontGear_3"; axis="frontGear_2_axis_begin"; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=0.244; offset0=2.0999999; offset1=0; }; }; }; };
  18. npmproductions13

    Animation Issue with landing gear

    Surely im not the only one who has experienced an issue like this. I still haven't been able to solve it iv'e taken a break as it was annoying.
  19. npmproductions13

    Animation Issue with landing gear

    Does anyone have any idea how to fix my landing gear ? retracting the wrong way. My project is on hold until i can get this completed.
  20. npmproductions13

    Confused about classes in a config.

    To learn is pretty simple once everything is broken down into more understandable bits. I used examples/templates to get me started like reverse engineering in a way. Rewind to the beginning of this year and i was exactly like you not knowing much about mod making (And i still have alot to learn :D) More than anything time is whats needed for modding especially trying to understand what makes the game "tick" and what works were, much like a "Rule Set" if you want to call it that. I looked at this template to get me started and this allowed me to gain a greater understanding of how things work and are used https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188679-tutorial-supersimple-aircraft-template/ About 5-6 months ago i was having issues making my own custom helmet and now im currently working on a VTOL aircraft. And i say this not to boast but to inspire you to stick to modding and try to learn Arma needs more modders :D Best of luck -Irish
  21. npmproductions13

    Confused about classes in a config.

    I also just found out that if you increase the containerClass = Supply40; to containerClass = Supply180; it will increase the amount of items you can store in the uniform. just for your info. Here is a simple example uniform with a unit wearing the uniform. class CfgPatches { class My_Mod_Config { units[] = {"New_Unit"}; //UNIT_THAT_WEARS_THE_UNIFORM_CLASSNAME Goes inbetween the ----> "" weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"}; //Dont Touch if making / using a uniform }; }; class cfgWeapons ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { class Uniform_Base{ }; class UniformItem; class ItemInfo; class U_I_CombatUniform; class Test_Uniform : U_I_CombatUniform { scope = 2; displayName = "New Uniform"; author = "Splendid Modder"; picture = ""; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "New_Unit"; containerClass = "Supply180"; mass = 70; }; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class cfgVehicles { class I_Soldier_base_F; class I_soldier_F; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class New_Unit : I_soldier_F { scope = 2; displayName = "New Unit"; author = "Splendid Modder"; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "Test_Uniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""}; identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO", "G_NATO_default"}; // to prevent the unit from getting old man greek face.. can be left out side = 1; // making the unit a blufor.. leave out if you want unit to stay on the independent side backpack = "B_Parachute"; linkedItems[] = {"ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","FirstAidKit"}; // add helmet & vest classname to this list respawnLinkedItems[] = {"G_Combat","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","FirstAidKit"}; // add helmet & vest classname to this list Weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; // only add rifle & / pistol classname, leave throw and put they are used for explosives and grenades respawnWeapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; // only add rifle & / pistol classname, leave throw and put they are used for explosives and grenades Magazines[] = {}; // add the rifles/ pistols magazine here respawnMagazines[] = {}; // add the rifles/ pistols magazine here }; }; };
  22. npmproductions13

    Confused about classes in a config.

    From my little knowledge and i mean little... Your issue is your uniform "class U_B_soldier_new" is a child of the parent class "Uniform_Base" meaning your class "class U_B_soldier_new" is trying to link or inherit information from "Uniform_Base" but it doesn't exist in your config. Again i'm new to editing configs and modding in general myself so i hope my information was correct & useful. -Irish
  23. npmproductions13

    Vehicle Crew Not Visable

    Ok iv'e found the issue blender is not making my selections a proxy. Now when i'm in object builder and i right click the selection proxy is grayed out, i assume this is used to make your a selection a proxy is there a reason why it's grayed out ? --=EDIT=-- Fixed the issue. It was blender exporting the proxy incorrectly. I fixed them in OB
  24. Hi all iv'e made a new thread here separate from my other one that's currently new as i feel this is a problem others could be facing and hopefully they to can get a fix for this problem. I have searched for this issue but cant seem to find previous threads on this issue. So my issue is i can only see the passengers in my plane when i myself am a passenger, i can't see anyone at all in the back of the plane even if i'm in the pilot seat or outside looking in. I'm sure this is a simple fix but i have set up the proxies similar to the samples BI gives us via steam but i can't seem to get it to work or fix it myself so this is why i have made this thread any help is appreciated. -Irish
  25. npmproductions13

    Vehicle Crew Not Visable

    Yea that's not the issue its strange to be honest. Iv'e copied the proxies from the cargo lod that works and copied them over to the visual lod and pilot lod. I know its supposed to be as easy as that but its still doesn't work. Any ideas why ? Thanks for the response. Cargo LOD Visual LOD There is no difference i can see and their selections are the same.