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Everything posted by torndeco

  1. BIS changed how server query works, so they could include extra info like steam workshop id. There is no documentation for this. If we are luckly BIS might document for Eden, but there is no offical plans etc :( --------------- https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188304-has-anyone-got-a-working-arma3-server-query/ This is also prob the reason why PlayWithSix released there server deamon tool i.e https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188490-withsix-gsd-game-server-daemon-released/
  2. Version 71 https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2/releases/tag/71 This is just a minor maintance build SQLite Update: Long INT DataType in SQLite should now be supported Fixed: Minor Issue of not trimming whitespace from INPUTS Options in SQL_CUSTOM_V2 ini file. Updated: Poco Library Updated: TBBMalloc (Windows Build only) Updated: MySQL
  3. torndeco

    SQF feature requests

    The problem is arma is already screwed up, just most people aren't aware of some of the quirks. Both of the following can happen in scheduled & un-scheduled enviroment If you add/remove/add uniform straight away you will run into issue were the unit will end up with different uniforms. Basically if add/removed same frame engine gets confused. Hell if you use createVehicle sometimes the returned value will be null for a tiny bit of time, until the unit is created. (Need to basically use a waitUntil check if not null) ----------------------- The sync aka mutex lock command would be very useful. Atm the only way to accomplish this behaviour is to use a custom callExtension, you can try to write SQF version but it won't work 100% of time.
  4. More info about this issue with strings is at Google Cache of arma3 feedback tracker http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BiMtTjR6R0MJ:feedback.arma3.com/view.php%3Fid%3D21362%26nbn%3D6+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ie
  5. Seriously arma is the one that isn't escaping strings.... https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/str ----------------------------- If i provide a function to escape quotations. No matter which method you come up with, you will still need to parse the data in SQF, before you sent to the extension. i.e what happens when the user string has /: in it ?? (you still need to parse for it & escape it correctly in SQF before you send it to the extension) Since any user inputted could have manipulated the string to screw with the extension. So until BIS fixes this issue, there is a single unicode char (default is : ) that you can't use, which you just need to check for on user input / playername (if stored in database). Also there is builtin functional in extDB2 to change the seperator character to any unicode char you want to use instead. You can even custom define it for a single database query if using SQL_CUSTOM_V2. -------------------------------- Anyway this is an arma issue, all BIS needs todo is escape their strings correctly. If arma did this, then all extensions could parse a stringified array, with zero worry about user inputted strings test = "str"ing"; // Error test2 = "str""ing"; // Correct diag_log (str test2); // Output is str"ing the str/format commands doesn't escape quotations !!!!!!!!!!!! For example test3 = call compile format["%1",test2]; // This will fail since the quotation isn't escaped, ie it tried to compile "str"ing", instead of "str""ing" But if you think you can solve this issue correctly in a generic extension then by all means prove me wrong
  6. The problem is Arma str command doesn't escape quotations properly. For example if user inputted some text, it could close the current sqf array & insert whatever they like. Since you are unable to parse input correctly (especially when you allow user input), there is no way to tell were the current value ends and the next one starts. That is why extDB2 uses a seperator character The problem is the seperator character could be in a user input string in the 2nd param. Now your database query input values are screwed up If this is an SQL Update there will never be any errors from MySQL/SQLite once the query itself is valid. And the chances of you noticing the database not updating is almost zero ------------------------------------------------ Unless Arma makes a new str command to escape quotations (its like 5 minutes work for them todo) there is no really no nice way todo in a generic fashion. Arma Engine is already using Boost Library, so there is no excuse already has a find/replace string function. They just need to find & replace the quotations and escape them. Call the new command strX so it doesn't break any existing code. Then it would be possible to parse inputted values correctly with an extension & not have to worry about user inputted data. -------------------------------------------------- The easiest solution is to check user input for : character, or if you want you can define a different seperator character.
  7. You can use either one, i would use the extDB2 one (Its the updated version) Just remember for latest extDB2 requires vc2015 x86 While mARMA requires vc2013 x86 (i been meaning to rebuild this with vc2015)
  8. Incase you aren't aware, i am author for extDB2 & mARMA extensions :) ------ Working with each other ? Technically they share the same memory allocator tbbmalloc when you are running them. But otherwise they work completely seperate to each other. So yes you can run them both at same time, there will be no issues. Hope that answers your question
  9. Believe they are referring to callExtension blocking the engine. ALIVE recently switched over to c++, so the new developer prob wasn't aware of this.
  10. The Arma Server Query Got Changed, all the documentation is old and out of date. BIS aren't going to document it. Aparently because its in a state of flux and there are 3 different versions currently. If we are lucky it might get documented for 1.58 If anyone manages to figure out the hash & steam ids is done that would be fucking great. When you think you figured it out, try it against ASDG Joint Rails, the hash seems to be encoded differently. Really not sure what is going on there, or how to process it. But yeah have wasted way to much time looking at captured packets trying to figure it out atm.
  11. Steamcmd for workshop content does work, just abit of a pain to setup. To download via steamcmd you need to use a steam account that owns Arma3 Also don't forget about steam guard code aswell etc
  12. Chances are most people will use this command for small objects / buildings / plants not static vehicles with no simulation :P So using Vehicles as a benchmark isnt exactly a real world test imo
  13. extDB2 is on v70 atm v16 prob has afew different ways to crash, that i can even be bothered to check (its over 2 years old) extDB also has known issue that can cause server to crash, if the database connection to die. There is a reason i hide the extDB repo to try stop people from using an old version & sending in crash dump reports to BIS. Its honestly not really much work to change the code from extDB->extDB2 (it is also faster) Honestly if i were BIS i wouldn't even bother to look at any crash dumps that isn't extDB2 v65 or later
  14. Ahh i missed the part were there is less info to sync in MP. Any rough numbers in how much network traffic reduction from a createObject versus (createVehicle with disabled simulation) Really curious about that thanks
  15. Kinda curious whats the purpose for this command ? This would be useful for including models in missionfile But with the new Offical Arma3 Launcher supporting auto-downloading mods off steam workshop around the corner. People could just upload an addon to steamworkshop with all the config entries defined for the model. Edit: Or those this object have less network updates versus a normal createVehicle with disabled simulation ?
  16. Yeah i am not great at coming up with names + can't be bothered lol Anyway extDB-rcon, started as a test program for testing out some rcon code for my extension extDB. Its now a useful program in its own right, for sending rcon messages etc to a server. You could also use it to lock server before restarts etc.... extDB-rcon Options: --help Print help messages --ip arg IP Address for Server --port arg Port for Server --password arg Rcon Password for Server --file arg File to run i.e rcon restart warnings The file is just a text file, each line is a rcon command. If line is empty (has to be empty line), a 1 second delay is added (this is just roughly +1 sec may vary). For example extDB-rcon --ip= --port=2302 --password=testing --file=server_restart_warnings.txt server_restart_warnings.txt SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins SAY -1 Server Restart in 10 mins All the commands are just raw BE Commands... https://github.com/dddlazer/BattleNET/blob/master/BattleNET/BattlEyeCommand.cs Atm the build is available only @ https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB/tree/dev Note: its the dev branch atm... To build u will need to compile & make & make install the Poco Library mkdir temp cd temp cmake -i /path/to/extdb/build/extDB Select Test Rcon App = TRUE make I will fix up the CMakeBuild files later today/tomorrow, so it won't ask for entire requirements for extDB i.e Mysql ODBC etc Also will move it to own github page Credits Prithu "bladez" Parker for https://github.com/bladez-/bercon This program is basically heavily based off bercon edit: Windows builds (its purely for testing purposes @ https://github.com/Torndeco/extdb/blob/stable/windows_release/15/extDB-rcon.exe) BEC + EPM Rcon Tool, got rcon covered for windows users.
  17. The tool still works kinda, its more a test application https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2 But you should check out http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29626 It is actually designed to be CLI Rcon tool, while was just away to test rcon for an arma extension
  18. torndeco

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Exile overrides afew functions for security / performance reasons. If you look @ exile_client/trashbin you will notice pretty much afew functions are overridden including BIS_fnc_MP BIS_fn_MPexec. Thats is why no remote execution for switchMove is working
  19. Wiki got updated awhile ago, was switched over from vc2013 -> vc2015 just before christmas. Should be installed on most GSPs, since Exile is using the latest extDB2 version.
  20. @yourry You are missing vc2015 redist, remember it needs to be the 32bit version i.e vc_redist.x86.exe
  21. It takes 5 minutes to patch SQF from SQL_RAW -> SQL_RAW_V2. All thats difference is the result you get when a SQL Query returns empty result. SQL_RAW = [1,[[]] ] SQL_RAW_2 = [1, [] ] Timeline SQL_RAW_V2 Added: Apr 11 2015 SQL_RAW Removed: Jul 4 2015 ------------------------------------------------------ The Version Info is really just to let people know there are new options. Just compare your version against the example one. Will take less than a minute
  22. Debug version does have the ability. In fact if it was broken, you wouldn't be able todo anything. More than likely its just user error
  23. hint format ["%1", "extDB2" callExtension "9:VERSION"] That means either extDB2 is blocked or you didn't install the requirements. https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2/wiki/Setup:-Windows
  24. Check extDB2 log files for error messages... Use the Debug Version of extDB2 & send me the log version if you are still having issues.
  25. TINYTEXT 255 (+1 byte overhead) TEXT 64K - 1 (+2 bytes overhead) MEDIUMTEXT 16M - 1 (+3 bytes overhead) LONGTEXT 4G - 1 (+4 bytes overhead) TINYTEXT + TEXT Work fines and is used by most/all mission/addons using extDB2. MEDIUMTEXT can cause issues, if a query has to many rows&columns that contain MEDIUMTEXT. LONGTEXT will result in crashes, you don't need 4GB Text. Arma couldn't handle that much anyways its only a 32bit application. ------------------------ Short version just use TEXT 64/65k Text is plently. Or use varchar if you know the length of input i.e steamID edit: Give me a shout on discord / skype if you are still having issues