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Sus and Sus Service and Supply For you bunch of hippies to chew on. utilisable pieces of wearables from the Cold War, primarily 60s-era US military. (and some bonus like the Nederlanders and possibly more to come!) This addon is composed of 20% cotton, 40% synthetic polymer, 40% Spastic nylon Blend, OG-107 Ranked Uniforms S&S includes a modified version of KP Ranks, which (currently) only works for S&S Uniforms. in an MP game, the host can assign ranks to players via the KP ranks menu which is accessible through the in-game context menu. All credits to Wyqer for the original KP ranks code Source code : github Download: Steam Workshop Units/Groups S&S includes no units/groups by default as these and only has arsenal items. groups/units that are insertible via eden/zeus however can be found here: S & S: Units (Armed with CUP weapons, therefore requires it) Additionally, Radios in S&S are compatible to TFAR. For ACRE2 compatibility, please use this workshop entity: S & S: ACRE Compatibility Files This pack has been configured to be rather modular so that you can remove certain files if you wish to not play with certain things. - simc_uaf_67: US army assets - simc_uaf_68: more US army assets - simc_uaf_67_preview: icons for arsenal and editor etc (do not remove) - simc_mc_67: USMC assets - simc_nv_67: North Vietnam assets - simc_svn_67: South Vietnamese assets - GR_Medium_Utility_Helicopters: modified version of Medium Utility Helicopters by Grumpy Rhino which includes a set of UH1Ds and Hs - sns_dutch: Cold war era Dutch Army - sns_vehicles: M38A1/Nekaf Jeep - simc_uaf_67_cfg: config files for US army gear, requires simc_uaf_67 - simc_uaf_68_cfg: config files for additional US army gear, requires simc_uaf_67, simc_svn_67, and simc_uaf_68 - simc_mc_67_cfg: config files for USMC gear, requires simc_mc_67 and simc_uaf_67 - simc_nv_67_cfg: config files for North Vietnamese gear, requires simc_nv_67 - simc_svn_67_cfg: config files for South Vietnamese gear, requires simc_svn_67 - simc_uaf_67_gruppe: config files for all the groups. requires CUP Weapons Known Issues - M38A1 Jeep is currently missing proper backlight - Dutch Faction is still WIP and does not have its own webgear, however, we recommend using SPEARPOINT's british webgear for now 🙂 Included contents: Full Changelog: (Possible) Upcoming content Disclaimer: No designated ETA - Dutch Web gear - US Field Jackets - ARVN rucksack - ANZAC If you do enjoy the content i made, please consider supporting me vie patreon or make a donation to my paypal (address: arkan_ebi@hotmail.com ) Credits - Justin N. : Lead-dev; assets such as Machete, 3D scanned compass pouch and mitchell pattern covers, Dutch uniforms and helmets, VC and NVA uniforms, importing vehicles - Grumpy Rhino: Hueys that are included, originally from Medium Utility Helicopters - Wyqer: original KP Ranks script - Bohemia Interactive: arma sample models - Motta: providing M1 helmet shell and chinstrap, M61 grenade model, and Leather combat boots - Ethridge: M1 Helmet shell texture - Lakarak: M1 Helmet cover, Towels - Jujurat: M56 pouch, 100rnd box bandoleer, and ALICE pack model (converted to an LW rucksack) - Petr Švenda: PRC-77 model - Olmo Potmus: M1974 SWDG model; part of the CVC helmet model - Pandemic: making eden/zeus group configurations - Frenchy56: collar rank textures, screenshots - adriaNsteam: Tiger stripe pattern texture - TeTeT: Fixing NEKAF rearlight - Lackrica: Unit patch textures - Bigstone: Unit patch textures - Schwienyy: helmet accesories texture, screenshots - Toney: USMC advisor - Шоиветс: references and death threats - Carrick: ACRE racks config for vehicles - ashton324 and Joe: TFAR compatibility for radios - did I miss anyone? S&S: Service and Supply title was coined by Motta and Ethridge Brought to thee by Justin N. along with the Simcardo Association: - Simcardo (himself) - Brainfag - TheGrass - Vagineer089 - Casper_TFG - did I miss someone? Additional screenshots : (Disclaimer: S&S only includes uniforms, gear, and M38A1 Jeep and the hueys, every other thing u see in the screenshots (such as guns) are from other mods such as CUP Weapons or UNSUNG.
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Update: Decmber 2021 (Both S&S and New Wave) - added beo gam uniforms and boonies - added highland ERDL boonies - added french faction assets by Justin N. (F1 uniforms, M51 helmet, basic MAS webgear) - some bug fixes with misassignd texure paths - added flagged BDUs - added kneepad BDUs - added DCUs - added DBDUs with tan boots and kneepads etc - added raid DCUs and BDUs - added LBVs - added LBVs w/ alice gear - added LBVs on pasgt - added RBA mk1 - added RBAs w/ alice gear - added RBAs w/ LBVs (and alice gear) - added 6cd, dcu, m81 boones by frenchy - added t/mout uniforms nd pasgt and gear by rrrrrrr - added T/G Faust Vests - added AWS chestrig - added pro-tec skate and watersports helmets; w/ ANVIS mount by Lennard and Jefferspang - added Birth control glasses by Lennard - added Oakley tactical glasses (90s type razor blades, sort of) Fixed/Adjusted: - Missing HL selection on low-roll BDUs - Missing facewear proxy on viewpilot on BDUs - Duplicated bayonet models on some PASGT vests - several PASGT vests missing stencil shadows - adjusted colour shading on RDF ERDLs Download: S&S S&S: New Wave
Im aware they dont show in 1pv but im not aware there has to be separate proxy for that, since all the proxies are straight from the samples 😕 and thanks will fix the skintone issue
yes, in fact now the new wave addon consists only config files to unhide those; i may move some files out of the base sns mod but it will still have to be dependent due to the large amount of shared assets/textures like for webear parts gas bags whatsoever
update: 5 November 2021 - added nomex gloves (facewear/NV slot) - added TCUs and OG107s with nomex gloves Thanks to Lennard for the gloves 🙂 Also some small updates that weren't listed here, such as - added standaloen M1956 early type buttpack - added poncho rolls w/ buttpack as backpack configuration, and standalone poncho rolls - added tropical rucksacks with PRCs inside - forgot what else but im pretty sure there were something else However, is this it? nope! today marks the release of Expansion pack for S&S: S&S: New Wave This project adds a New wave of uniforms and other equipment from the Post-Vietnam decades, 70s, 80s. This expansion requires the base S&S mod to work, due to the amount of shared assets such as grenade vests, M17 gasmask bag, webgear parts, flak vests, etc Full list of assets: Known Issues - BDU t-shirt textures don't match their blouse counterparts (e.g. green t-shirts for desert/ripstop M81, which otherwise show tan t-shirt under blouse) - M17 gasmask strap clips with RDF uniforma (rigging issues reeee!) - some rollsleeves may clip thru hands (Possible) Upcoming content Disclaimer: No designated ETA - LBV - RBA - Flakvest-fitting Buttpacks If you do enjoy the content, please consider buying Justin a coffee 🙂 or supporting vie patreon, or make a donation to my paypal (address: arkan_ebi@hotmail.com ) Credits - Justin N. : Lead-dev - Bohemia Interactive: arma sample models - Motta: M1 helmet shell and chinstrap, cover shape and texture variation, and Leather combat boots - Jujurat: raw models for ALICE pack - Olmo Potmus: CVC helmet model - Lennard : Nomex gloves, CVC helmet import, additional screenshots, title suggestion - GeorgeRavioli: Temperate BDU - Lyaskavka : camo pattern mafia - Frenchy56: collar rank textures, screenshots - Шоиветс: references and death threats - MachoMan : additional screenshots - Justin : additional screenshots - Remi Mercier : additional screenshots - 🅱orton hears a thot: additional screenshots - Bigminstone99: additional screenshots - John R. Ebay: additional screenshots - Darryl Baskin : additional screenshots - Outwardpanicjoe: WAT - everyone who has done pre-release testing, reporting any issues and adding good advices 🙂 - did I miss anyone? Special thanks to Lackrica, Matt, Barden, Motta, MachoMan, ded pat, GeorgeRavioli , Beachhead, Local_Alcoholic_Tex, and Coldfront for additional support! Additional thanks to Coldfront, Giga-rat/Dusty from the 101st Milsim Unit for kickstarting this project!
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US General Equipment and Accessories (WW2)
simcardo posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
General Equipment and Accessories (GEAR) includes several items such as uniforms and equipments aimed at accurately depicting the US military in WW2, such as field jackets, web gear, and a wide array of helmets. everything comes in several variations enough to make each person in a squad looks different to one another, while keeping things historical accurate at the same time. Units uses IFA3 weapons, early USMC ones uses M1903s from FoW FIles: This pack has been configured to be rather modular so that you can remove certain files if you wish to not play with certain things. Core Files (do not remove): - simc_uaf_44.pbo: most of the assets are here - simc_uaf_44_preview.pbo: bunch of icons and editor preview Other files: - simc_uaf_44_divisie.pbo: file for all the numbered units and helmets - simc_uaf_44_cfg.pbo: US Army equipments - simc_mc_44.pbo: USMC/USN equipments - simc_mc_44_cfg.pbo: USMC units (requires FoW) - simc_uaf_44_floaties.pbo: US Aircraft Retextures - simc_uaf_44_panzers.pbo: US Panzers Retextures - simc_uaf_44_ifa3_replats.pbo: Replaces IFA3 US Army Assets - simc_headfuck.pbo: Heads Current full list of included items: Classnames (thanks to mc_woland for the list) Credits: - IFA3 team for everything; weapons for units, rank and unit patches; - FoW team for M1903A1 - Bohemia Interactive for the arma sample models (and the game itself), made my jeep cap out of one of those beanies - Ethridge for m1 helmet shell, liner strap, and CC2 HBT textures - Lennard: Gloves model - motta: teaching me how to measure in blender, giving me accurate sizes for E-Tools, made 87th ID patch and stencil, providing 3D scanned boots and m1 helmet models. - Justin N. for basically teaching me how to sculpt nice normal maps, all the newly sculpted uniforms wont happen if it wasnt for his instructies. he also bought tannenbaum's models which is the base for several of the gear models. - Шоиветс for references and death threats - Schwienyy: UV-mapping the haversack, photorealistic scrim, advices and ideas, testings, and additional screenshots - Bigstone for advices and ideas, helmet band model, patch textures, and testing; Actually bigstone deserves more credits for dropping me all those ideas, w/o him this mod probably wont be this big, which actually, its not even that big now but it still could be much smaller - Frenchy56: structured collar 1937 khaki and wool uniforms, advices and threats, testings, additional screenshots - Jaki for advices and ideas, testing, some textures, and additional screenshots. - Courtland: Garrison cap model - Asmoro: Wool Trousers sculpt - Unitatoe: 39IR helmet stencil - Jujurat: Polaroids and M1 eyeshields - Olmo Potums: M1974 Goggles (part of the CVC helmet model ) - did i miss someone? Download (Requires FoW and IFA3): Steam Workshop Or Armaholic Alternate Version (Requires only IFA3): Steam Workshop Or Armaholic Full Changelog: By the way, If anyone wants to somewhat help me out even more, (which will help me in a rather significant way) one can donate to me via paypal; send it to my paypal email adress arkan_ebi@hotmail.com Or alternatively, you can support me on Patreon -------------------------------more pics:- 147 replies
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US General Equipment and Accessories (WW2)
simcardo replied to simcardo's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Update: 19 June 2020 - added medical web gear - added belts w/ wire cutters - added belts w/ compass pouch - added pistal holster and ammo pouch (nonfunctional, not intended to. made by jujurat) - added leather chin cups (made by Francois1956) to M2 helmets - added type-A5 container (as static ammo box object) - updated materials to use proper DirectX normals format package is now standalone; can be downloaded here units/groups for EDEN/Zeus and ifa3 vehicule retextures are now moved to different page, here (requires FoW/IFA3) Lastly, if you do enjoy my content, please consider supporting me on patreon! (or perhaps if you don't want to or unable to, you can help spread the word around the network about it, thanks so much!) -
US General Equipment and Accessories (WW2)
simcardo replied to simcardo's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
this workshop item will be updated sometime within 48 hours, mod is restructured entirely to allow complete independency of other mods (ifa3/FoW); it will break some stuff initially -
Updates for April 2021 - added USMC TCUs - added USMC t-shirts - replaced OG107 mk1 model - replaced OG107 mk3 model - added additional og107 model variants (rollsleeve etc) - added 4cm grenade vest (standalone, w/m56, flak, etc) - added M56 webgear w/ claymore sack - added m56 webgear w/ bandoleer on belt - added marston mat static object - added hot weather cap - added MC utility caps Upcoming content:
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Previously called the "US Army 2005" addon, now i renamed it to "US Forces 2000s", so the addon can have a wider scope and can include more branches. This pack includes Soldiers and Marines wearing BDUs in Desert camo or M81 Woodland camo and Interceptor Body Armors in M81 camo, 2004-2006 era Marines wearing Marpats, IBAs, Nomex Flightsuits, and there are also 2007 Era US Army units that wear Full UCP camo. They use RHS weapons and vehicles, GSTAVO's M16A2s are also used by most of the Marines from 2001-2003, and also rear echelon US Army units Features: - Units, primarily US Army and USMC, from 2001 to 2007, wearing appropriate uniforms and gear for each year - units are mostly available in woodland and desert variants (except for later US Army, wearing universal camo pattern, of course) - Generic Special Forces Units, from 2001s to 2005 era - Adapter for users of RH Accessories pack is available, inside the "optionale" folder found in the mod's directory (@simc_uaf_08_rhs). using RH Optics will give more period accurate attachments not found in RHS, primarily PEQ2s and Aimpoint M2s, also TA01 ACOGs Gear: - ACU Uniform (UCP camo, IR flag option) - MICH helmet (UCP, M81, and DCU camo, and coverless versions) - MICH battery pack accessories made by Lennard - PASGT helmet (M81, DCU, 6-colour, and Marpats) - LWH Helmet (Desert and Woodland Marpat) - Interceptor Body Armour OTVs (a shitload of them, really, in M81, DCU, and UCP camo, also plain coyote brown) - CIRAS vests - SPEAR BALCS vests - FLCs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - ILBVs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - BDU Uniforms (M81 and DCU) - Raid BDUs (M81 and DCU) - Units have randomised helmets - Nomex Flightsuit (model by Cinco) - ESS and SWD Goggles - few other glasses, ESS V12 and Birth Control Glasses (Made by Lennard) - Watch Caps for early years SF (Also Made by Lennard) - PVS7 NVGs on rhino mounts - optional ace compatibility for all glasses and NVGs available, config made by lizardbolo, optional config comes in a pbo located in "optionale" folder under the mod's directory - patrol caps, utility caps, and boonie hats, in DCU and M81 - Fleece jackets and MOPP suits Planned stuff: - Wound textures - m40 gasmask + hoodie - editor icons - some additional SF Vests Full Changelog: Known Issues: - Nametapes does not receive shadows (idk how to fix this yet, material issue or smthing i have no idea even) - Wound textures not yet working Credits: - Bohemia Interactive: A2 Sample models, for base of uniform model and also the pouches - bolo861: Helped me fix loades of config errors, beta testing, and made config for the glasses ace compatibility - punky: original FLC model - bigstone: Scrim helmet model, ISAF patch texture, and several other texture for other unit patches, and lots of advices - cinco: NOMEX fligtsuit model - Johannes for his awesome SF template for Arma 1 - RHS team: Awesome mod in general that becomes the base for this mod (vehicles and weapons) - GSTAVO: That wonderful M16A2 - Lennard: Several great models that he gave me, including the watch caps, glasses, and battery pack - John Hansen (of Brazilian Defense Force mod) for ALICE webbing models - everyone here who helped me discover all the bugs that appear due to mijn clumsiness, and also for all the suggestions and critics! image albums: https://imgur.com/a/hdcjLq9 https://imgur.com/a/DaEScEM https://imgur.com/a/WWkAhrA https://imgur.com/a/dVLSUVv Download: Steam Workshop ------------- Additional Units Optionally, if you want some more units, you can grab some here. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1116198232 The extra units that are included in this optional pack are: - 173rd Airborne Bde (2004 and OEF) - 10th Mountain Division (2004 and OEF) - 101st Airborne (OEF) - 3rd Infantry Division (OEF) - 4th Infantry Division (2004 and OEF) - 1st Infantry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 1st Cavalry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment (2004, OEF) As always, the 2004 ones wears DCUs and M81 IBAs, and a mix of MICH and PASGT helmets. The OEF units are in Full ACU gear and they wear ISAF patch on their left arm.
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im pretty sure theres some vest sets that has it, even tho less than 1961 buttpack im sure theres some, i know one of the webbings that has grenades on it has 56 buttpack, but i might accidentally replaced em with 61 this is good idea tho, and ive also been thinking of it, and also thinking of adding additional stuff like poncho roll or or ERDL poncho liner w/ spaghetti straps on top of buttpack
Happy 2nd week of the (still relatively) new year everyone 🙂 Update: 7 Janvier 2021 - added uncovered M1s - added M1923 Cartris belt - added M1937 BAR belt - added chicom mk56 rigs - added PAVN uniforma - added namcom pyjamas - added M67 gear - added M56 LCE w/ frags and M43 e-tool - added M56 LCE w/ sidearm and M43 e-tool - added Tropical Caledonia Rucksack - added illegal canteen (decorative) - added M56 LCE w/ chicom rigs - added mk3 TCU w/ straight nametapes - added TCUs w/ leGGings - added blackened TCUs - added t-shirts w/ highland ERDL trousers - added ARVN tiger stripes - added Amerikanski tigre stripes - added TCUs w/ tiger stripe panties - added BDQ uniforma - added ARVN ERDLs - added ARVN OG107s - added Boonie hats (OG107) - added Boonie hats (El tigre) - added Boonie hats (ERDL) - added Asian conical hat - adjusted helmet cover colours - adjusted postion on some helmets for variative sake - added winston cigs on helmets - added lucky strike cig on helmets - separated KP ranks PBO so that they are removable special thanks to blokes that made screenshots that showcases the update before (Bossman, Joe, Beachhead)! Download: Steam Workshop Lastly, If you do enjoy the content i made, please consider supporting me vie patreon 🙂
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US General Equipment and Accessories (WW2)
simcardo replied to simcardo's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Just load one of em its barely differnt -
Update: 5 Desember 2020 - tweaked load capacity for most vests - Updated M1 helmet covers - Added M1C helmets - Added PRC on Frame (withoutt rucksack) - Added additional LW rucksacks - Added LW rucksaks w/ M1 helmets - Updated TCU model and textures Download: Steam Workshop Lastly, If you do enjoy the content i made, please consider supporting me vie patreon 🙂
the nametapes can be retextured or u can assign different textures on them using SetObjectTexture on a unit's init file tho i do wish theres a way to make like actual player names appear on it 😕
forgotten fronts Forgotten Fronts: 40-45
simcardo replied to Justin N.'s topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Forgotten Fronts DEV updated (few times since 31 Agustus, but guess we forgot to put the announcements here!) 31 Agustus: Soviet Update Added New Uniforms: >OBR 35 >OBR 43 >SHINEL >TELOGREIKA + VARIATIONS Added - PPSh-41 Drum Pouch to gear variations Added - RGD-33 Hand Grenade pouch to gear variations Added - Obr. 35 Captain belt with Golden Star insignia Added - Ushanka Folded models Added - Ushanka Folded + SSh-40 models Added - Tanker Helmets (Black and tan) Added - Tankist Furazhka Added - Tankist uniform (Private. Junior Sergeant and Senior Lieutenant Added - Obr. 35 Shinel ranks Added - Obr. 35 Gimnasterka Ranks (Subdued) Added - Obr. 35 Gimnasterka Ranks Added - BN-39PM Gasmask Bag Added - BN-40PM Gasmask Bag (Grey and Khaki) Added - F1 Hand Grenades in NVG Added - Medals and Awards Added - Officer gear! Added - Obr.35 1939 ranks Added - Furazhka with Dust Goggles Added - F1 Hand grenades to webbing and NVG Updated - Pilotkas Updated - SSh40 texture + variants Removed Obr 35 w/ puttees (including telogreika variant) Old gear 21 September: - Fixed Bolt action firing framework (shall no longer conflict with NF! All credits to h- for the framework) - Added new helmet net model - all NVO accessories are now also available in glasses - Added FJ Helmets (also with camos, nets, covers) - Updated M26 Adrian Helmet models - Fixed Burlap cover w/ band being off center - Updated helmet covers 5 Oktober: - added LW fliegerbluse - added LW parkas - added Fallscihrmjager - added LW Webbings (proportion for ystarp still wip, kinda clippy with fallschirmjager smock) - added open parkas - Updated all parka textures - Added WH Smocks for DE - Added WH Smock over M40 Mantel for DE - Added M38 SS Smocks over M40 Mantel - Added more M40 helmet textures - Added SS Smocks with dot 44 trousers - Added M44/M43 feldbluse mix - Added M43 Feldmutze variaties (total 6 modelle) - Added LW and pantser Feldmutzen - Added SS M42 Camo Cap - Updated M38 SS Smock models - updated pants/Jackboots models for DE feldbluse sets - Updated Lewis M20 texture - Updated DE web gear texture - Updated Textures and normals for NL Veldtenues - Updated French gear and uniform models - Fixed inappropriate proxy in obr43 viewpilot LOD - Fixed Uniforms appearing whitewashed in long distances 6 Oktober patch - Fixed broken shadow on reversed M43 feldmutze - Fixed Ersatz MG pouch is canvas instead of Ersatz leather - Fixed missing model.cfg entry for early MG Webbing - Fixed incorrect belt buckle on one of the dot44 uniforms - Fixed strange litzen artefact on M43 and mixed pea dot - Fixed weird selection issue on wehrmacht smocks - Removed Broken Feldgendarmerie kette from arsenal - Added Mantels with SS belt buckles Current issues: - Some uniforms does not have proper insignia slots, smocks missing sleeve ranks slots, etc - some uniforms might still suffer distant whitewashing syndrome - floating breadbag on several vest models Download: Steam Workshop -
Arma 3 Photography - Pictures only NO comments! And List your Addons Used!
simcardo replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Mods: Unsung, CUP weapons, RHSPKL, S&S- 6814 replies
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if im ever updating this mod, it's not anytime soon so please just consider it as dead
Update: 15 August 2020 - added highland ERDL TCUs - added towels (model by Lakarak) - added 11ACR patch, SF, MACV, 196 and 199LIB patches (patch textures by Lackrica and Bigstone) - improved several patch textures (patch textures by Lackrica) - improved TCU textures - several config fixes - groups are now separated to different workshop item ( therefore no more CUP dependency) - Radios are now TFAR compatible (thanks a lot to Joe and ashton324) - added ACRE radio racks to vehicles (thanks to Carrick) - ACRE compatibility patch Download: Steam Workshop - S&S Base mod - S&S Units - S&S ACRE Compatibility patch Lastly, If you do enjoy the content i made, please consider supporting me vie patreon 🙂 Screenshots:
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