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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r

    Config Inheritance problem

    I figured out the other ones thanks to your tip.. Really appreciate it!
  2. cosmic10r


    it might be easier to just do this _unit = _this select 0; _unit call rvg_fnc_equip; _unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}]; and take out the spawn.. let me know if the first one doesnt work... BB was using it for some other code too so it may be why the spawn is there.
  3. cosmic10r


    yup... might be cool to have the jamming increase incrementally... Thanks to Reyhard, I was able to figure out where I was messing up in my configs and got the ak12 working which means my problems are all solved and I know more about where i went wrong AK 12 and the menu icons which are much easier to pick up now
  4. Glad you got it working... Reyhard helped me and got mine working too... Good news on the EGLM... wish they would do that for all the accesories.
  5. cosmic10r


    create a file in the main mission folder where init.sqf and the description.ext are and name it onPlayerRespawn.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _unit spawn { _unit = _this; sleep 2; _unit call rvg_fnc_equip; _unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}]; }; That should work... i modified the one we use in escape a bit for what you want there... The traders one is much harder ... you would likely need to spawn a loop but animations are a pain...
  6. cosmic10r


    thanks to @reyhard I got two of the configs working and I am fairly happy with the result... Doing all the Icons today and getting the AK12 config working as well. The Lim turned out very well and I just need to look at adjusting the shine via the rvmat... :D Sorry for the full size pics
  7. cosmic10r

    Config Inheritance problem

    you sir are my hero for the day... there it is... i must be doing something wrong with the other ones too so i will back track through all the configs my respect to the config people out there... it is some tedious stuff :)
  8. addMissionEventHandler [ "TeamSwitch", { private ["_from","_to","_grpFrom","_grpTo"]; _from = _this select 0; _to = _this select 1; _grpFrom = group _from; _grpTo = group _to; _grpTo selectLeader _to; if (_grpFrom != _grpTo) then { // UP HERE TOO .... LEXX systemChat "DEBUG: Switched group."; }; }; // <<<<< RIGHT HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]; might be the part i posted ... edit - lexx is right to i think Try Lexx's part first then if it still throws the error throw in the ; i suggested
  9. cosmic10r

    Config Inheritance problem

    pretty odd when i add the right baseweapon the LIM shows up... if I have the wrong one you can't see it in editor Even when it shows up it will not apply the textures on the gun... Odd thing is that the same method that always works worked for the Spar drum mag version... but with the pistols and the LIM mmg it isnt working ,,, very odd
  10. cosmic10r

    Config Inheritance problem

    Thanks for the tip... Ill keep digging.. weird thing is it only happens with certain guns... Ill give it a go Cheers
  11. cosmic10r

    Config Inheritance problem

    @reyhard Sorry to ping you but you may know what is going on here... Congrats by the way... I see you are on with BI... cool stuff...
  12. cosmic10r

    Formula Arma

    Lol... i can see some funny liveries coming... like the IDAP munitions delivery car LOL or the high speed injured transporter with a gurney using attachTO... fantastic! Great job Red!
  13. change these 3 lines weapons[]= { "Joots_arifle_Mk20_black_F" }; class Joots_arifle_Mk20_black_F: arifle_Mk20_F and displayName="Joot's Mk20 5.56 mm (Black)"; Should create the new weapon. Problem was the second one... Class Joots_arifle_mk20_black_F... you were using the same classname as the original so it wasn't making a new one. Let me know if it doesnt work... Im having trouble getting my textures to show up on a few guns.. @joostsidy
  14. You should always post your config. Im having a similar problem with some guns and wondering if its related
  15. Lol... Im a gun loving, truck driving conservative and i appreciate this lol... Does Stella Artois count as piss water lager... if it does im in deep ;) Why people are so uptight about what other people choose to do is beyond me. The whole point of life is get one's own poop in a pile and find some happiness before their time is up. Treat others as you would want to be treated... pretty simple stuff... Katie's choices are hers to make and have nothing to do with me... the only reason im annoyed is some intolerant people ruined arma for Katie and as a result... the community loses an excellent resource and modder... Idiocy...
  16. Well i can understand why Katie might leave or take a break but i feel like when you let intolerant people ruin the things you enjoy doing they win... that goes for both sides of any argument ... Hopefully Katie will return one day and find a more tolerant group to be a part of...
  17. cosmic10r

    Unable to load kits in arsenal

    Some of my scripts wont load masks from loadout anymore... also bis fnc ambient anim removes masks??
  18. cosmic10r


    I'll be updating the rusty guns with UI icons in the following Livery
  19. cosmic10r

    Arma 3 inventory idea

    Ahhh i see... i didnt realize you wanted ai to have it to. You make a fair point about what is available in real life... but to that i would answer... true... there are also women in real life ;) BI would have to redo every kit, worry about game balance and possibly create errors for everyone. Not only that if people didnt want it they now have to make a mod and install that to potentially lock it out including all the milsim units... It would seem easier to request/work on a mod that does what u want then force all the other players who may not want it, to have to deal with it... Couldnt agree more on your last point... it is why we love her lol
  20. cosmic10r


    The spar drum mag version in Ravage rust. Went for a little more understated look on this one. It retained the base detail well such as the firing selector indicators.
  21. cosmic10r


    nice job @Evil Organ looks great! I see others are doing scirpts for it like phronk so it's a great time for ArmA... finally it will have that natural feel. be great to see it in game because that and the ambient looting really take it to the next level...
  22. cosmic10r

    Arma 3 inventory idea

    There is no need to keep pushing this... There are mods that do this... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=780974479&searchtext= Why you feel the need the push this as necessary in engine and compare it to a single/mulitplayer game like stalker that is NOT a combined arms military sim as its base with moddability to do exactly what you want which is already available is confusing... Most modern military units are not equipped with two primary weapons... I'm sure some units carry a sniper rifle that can be deployed for instance but it is not a normal thing that I am aware for any modern military to deploy every unit with two primaries...
  23. cosmic10r

    "Just for fun" script

    It can be fun... Ive fiddled with it with headgore... were you able to keep the helmet on the ground once it spawned? In some cases the helmet rolls well but in others it sits above the ground...
  24. No major spoilers but does contain mission info from am optional objective and main objective... mainly the incoming radio Intense firefights in the second part... i keep coming up on guys and we dont seem to realize each other is an enemy lol
  25. cosmic10r


    I havent actually tested it. But before you hack apart the code cam you set the loot module to 0 for loot and set your chances of static loot to whatever u want That may work without playing with the code. I agree about ammo... ive been try to think of a solution for mission designers so they get more control. It would likely be fairly easy to return the weapon and give a slight extra chance its magazine appears. It could be used in the init... so again... not having to play with the code... Reason i try to avoid using the main code is once the mod updates you have to go back in and "reupdate the update" which gets annoying...