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Everything posted by lordprimate

  1. just finished a fun test. i turned the ai's accuracy way down and shake up. I had a med range enguagment as an enemy group had to cross a road in the open view of my squad. as they ran across we opened up and lay'd down a blanket of bullets. it was funny! the enemy layed down and continued to crawl evading our fire by rolling left and right occasionally. so picture one by one as each unit in the enemy squad came to the road they would lay down and crawl, and roll back and fourth.. I dont think we killed a single one... it was just fun to watch!!
  2. speeking of rain and fog, I believe the balls are from the Heat Haze. at least when i see the debug balls there is a haze directly above the ball, and moves with the ball.. And a feature request if i may TPW. With the heat haze, i had an idea. haven't figured out or implemented it yet in my test builds, but heres the idea. in prone: heat haze is close , and the haze "ball" that spawns the haze from its pos. are closer together. in crouch: heat haze is further away and more spread out. while standing: heat haze is even further away and even more spread out but still present. maybe just on roads? but the idea is that the higher you angle is to the ground the less pronounce the effect but noticeable.
  3. oh yea i have been meaning to post up, Super_Green. I really dont know what to say, the AI dont over do the smoke which is nice. and it seems to be fairly well placed. I have the buildings for cover enabled and i dont see them getting stuck. but maybe its be cause they come into contact and move. As always i tweek the setting a bit after running out the box a few times. I got a question. Do you have any plans to add the ability for AI to use flares at night upon enemy contact for illuminating enemy pos? Targeting the Enemy and poping flares on their Pos. Just asking because it seems like a good fit. you got the ai using grenades, and now smoke. Once you have refined the smoke and the grenades, are they any plans for the flares? And same thing with static defense teams. IE units with backpacks for deployable static weapons. any plans to have a unit that has a deployable weapon be able to deploy it and use it agains players? or is this completely outside the scope of this mod? probably, well thought i would ask anyway.
  4. or you can help debug and test it... .... FAB downloaded .15 already. about to fire it up and test
  5. lordprimate

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    I have great news I got this to work some what....I'm now getting instant kill with head shots....I changed 2.0 to 0.60 ....Line 221: bcombat_damage_factor = 0.60; // Damage multiplier to correct unrealistic body armor values....but with body shots still takes 3 shots kinda strange. i am interested in this however i do not have a line 221 in my config. do i create it ? is that why im not seeing this variable in config.sqf? the same with the second bit of code, i am guessing that this is stuff i have to add to the mod. I have been working alot more lately and its been difficult to get around and just read up and catchup on whats goin on..
  6. lordprimate

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    this is because you enabled finding cover in/around houses. i dont know what page its on but somewhere in this thread it was discussed that this is caused by command, hintc. in common.sqf?? or one of the .sqf files. all you have to do is //coment it out.
  7. since you necro'd a thread with a complaint on how hard it is to utilize this in a mission... i have to ask... what exactly is so hard about putting a module on the map????? its two-three clicks with your mouse and your done... on a side note.. I wonder if Feint is still working this, if there are any improvements to be made? and or updates he as yet to push out?? Feint any comments?
  8. lordprimate

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    you just made my night ... funnies question ever... what is latter... where can i find this.... LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I am assuming you were being funny, I dont mean to insult!! Latter, as the previous poster is using it is, "Iron Front in Arma 3 mod" and it is in the completed mods section... LOL what is latter... thanks for that
  9. lordprimate

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    nope. i believe found the culprit. it was @Blood_Mist. I should have looked INTO my mod folders.. i had combind this into another mod folder and forgot about it. DERP. I am pretty sure that it is blood_mist that is causing the flying blood. I dont know why ill look into it as i go
  10. lordprimate

    OHally's Boats - ARMA 3

    This is an Amazing Idea!!! Nice Work!!! Can i has make suggestion and agree with others. two backpacks would be nifty since there are already items that take two backpacks (ie static weapons) it should fit right in to the norm. of the game any way to change the animation when placing or packing the boat? there are a couple of anims that are "mechanics" anims. ie working on something mechanical. so it would look more like packing something up then just the "Put" action. as is this mod is TITS.... Thanks again and for possibly considering our ideas and incorporating them into your mod!
  11. lordprimate

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Thanks OS for this present!! the last thing we need is you disappearing in to your dungeon never to be seen again!! Please, stay in the light. Bask in it!! i do have a question about an effect. when i shoot someone i see a mist of blood fly straight up into the air... I have not read any posts specifically about this issue. i have seen posts about bullet impacts in general. but nothing about blood (unless i missed it which could have happened)
  12. nice find pelle. I wonder if this will fix the issue with debug balls on a MP/dedi server.
  13. lordprimate

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    how are you using GroupLink 4 in arma 3???? fab, sorry i have not been able to post any feedback. look at it like, "No news is Good news". Using the Stable build of Arma 3, no script errors, no hangups. The only thing i changed was a few of the moral %. i dropped known_contact down to 15 from 25 and moved fiendly_killed to 25 from 20. Makes more sense to me that a lost comrad or being wounded would affect moral more then seeing enemy contact. I have noticed less surrendering though. it does happen often, just not as much (as far as i can tell). I dont see ai getting stuck. in houses or by houses or anywhere. but it may just be circumstance. I recently updated my BIOS. was outdated like 7 years(extradition). Still running benchmarks to see if it helped any.
  14. got a chance to get into our server, installed the new .exe right out the box we could all tell the server was running better frames. we (6 people) loaded up in vics and heli's and flew around an insurgency map to activate as many areas at once.. the server stayed around 30fps. Was nice. and our server is Ok, its not really BAD ASS or anything to write home about but it works for us. I had set #monitor 60 so after an hour of playing i can say that the server was steady around 30 while we just tried to bog it down. It was not our usual style of game play we derp'd out. Thanks for the Ability to get in on testing. ON average our server used 1.2Gb of mem. out:1000-1200 in: 130 those are just the average of what i saw using #monitor.
  15. I can only assume that you took my previous post as "asshole sarcasm" however, it was suppose to be just a good ole poke.. Like, " heyyyy, what do i gotta Beg.:p" but yea. I just ment,"What is the fix?" IE.. what lines of code in your mod fix this problem. is there any way you could point us to the fix WithIn your mod? Did you post the fix on DevHeaven? if so i wouldnt know where to look to find it. It would be greatly appreciated!!! Im sure that CBA team will get to it. BUT as you have a fix now, there really is no reason we can't patch it for personal use, until they fix it(with out having to use AiA...)
  16. well... do we have to beg... or are you planning on sharing? or is this only privileged info?? are you just here to taunt us or is it because no one has specifically asked, " how do we get rid of this glitch?"... preytell if it was as simple as a search as a search function on the forums i would have found it by now, but searching threw a mod for a needle in a haystack is different..
  17. lordprimate

    Mods won't load from a save game

    This is and has been an issue. With a little reading you would have found that out(no need for a poll just use the search function). I forget exactly what the problem is, however, a little searching can go along way. no need to get sensitive, i am just saying the answers are out there. some people think it is CBA.. some people think its the game itself. i forget where and how long ago i read about this but i stopped caring because i never really load saved games... because they never work...
  18. lordprimate

    Refined Vehicles

    I think this mod may be messing some Vic's up.. when i run your mod I get some strange vehicles in the editor.. under blufor support tab there are Two (Fuel) trucks... once i remove this mod everything is back to normal in the blufor support tab . this is just noticed while making a mission. i havent check all the other faction's vic tabs in the editor. After removing the mod and dropping all the support vic's on the map, i relaunched with your mod again. you have named the Ammo truck (Fuel). this was with the real names version
  19. So, with my limited knowledge of programming, this is what i am gathering from what you all are showing here. No matter what you guys do, the game (ARMA 3) keeps dumping its memory banks once it reaches a certain amount of memory? causing the game to lag, because its reloading everything to memory again? Is this what i am to understand? Oh and BTW, I can use your malloc fred. Its only after a few games(restarts) that i cannot launch with your custom Malloc. i then have to reboot the pc. once the pc is rebooted everything works like a charm
  20. lordprimate

    Simplest way to record gameplay video?

    Free, easy to use, and Light weight : http://obsproject.com/
  21. Any way i can get my hands on this "performance binary"?
  22. I have seen quite a few people talkin about this performance server... where do we get it??
  23. lordprimate

    [WIP] bCombat infantry AI Mod [SP]

    Scratch that problem solved my fault.... derp