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Everything posted by gc8

  1. gc8

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    i thought that i did notice something but wasnt sure. i have just few mods
  2. gc8

    Button Blinking

    i believe its one of the color values that controls the blinking as the color changes. sorry i forgot which ones 😕 but if you change everything to same color it should not blink anymore
  3. the format is not going to work because _grp will become string and not the actual variable its better to put the code in function like this: private strReport = { // Rest of the code here }; Then call it like this: _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "call strReport"];
  4. This: _simpleObject hideSelection ["zasleh", true];
  5. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    yes put the client part in initPlayerLocal and when you want execute the server part somewhere in server files. But if you want to have the action at the beginning of the mission then you don't need remoteExec at all, only the addAction call in initPlayerLocal
  6. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    I assumed VN_fnc_endMission ends mission for all, havent seen that function used before
  7. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    if you want the simplest approach you can just do: // In client: createTheMisEndingAction = { player addAction ["End Mission", {["end1", true , 3, true, true, true] call VN_fnc_endMission;}, nil, 7, false, true, "", ""]; }; // Then in server: remoteExec ["createTheMisEndingAction ", 0]; didnt check your code for typos you might want to change 0 to clients only (0 means everyone including server) HTH
  8. gc8

    TADST problem

    have you put the .pbo to the arma 3 MPmissions folder? not the user mpmissions folder
  9. lot of new features since last update. 0.9.96 is the current version. Read all about changes in here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/1981883271
  10. Field of war FOW is AI commander led CTI mission which creates a dynamic battlefield for the players to play on. Player can help the AI to capture towns or go solo and fight wherever he wants to help the team to win Current version: 0.9.136 This mission is WIP but can already be played. List of main Features (So far): https://armagc.blogspot.com/p/field-of-war-features.html Notes on parameters: At 100% max locations attacked at a time is 3 And max attackers at a time is 6 Mods required: Either IFA3, Unsung, Apex, CUP or RHS Bugs: Sometimes the civilian module will throw an error, this is being investigated Starting dedicated server and joining it may take a while before the mission is loaded Sometimes respawn position is weird but works at next respawn While in respawn dialog there can be error messages (But doesn't seem to be a problem?) To play: Download/Subscribe the FoW mod and FoW mission you wish to play Activate the mod and start the FoW mission you chose Play as multiplayer to enable respawning Optional: Try running the mission on dedicated server environment for better performance. You can setup dedicated server on your PC with the TADS or FASTER tool Important: When playing with new version check your lobby parameters that everything is setup correctly That's it, enjoy! Download links: Mod Download Missions available for download: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1757695005 Alternative non-steam downloads: The mod: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZBIab7KZOHYg6KMu8xt9ldhsRQpP_8VU/view?usp=sharing (v0.9.114) Updated 8 Aug 2024 (Updated later or upon request) Missions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3iSj62LuO7k26A-W4JItfcwquqBxsHl/view?usp=sharing Updated 10 Jul 2024 (Rarely needs updating) Also new 3 sides supported maps in here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e3_aNPtJ_rQV1qI75ZAk_-QAgcEKofps/view?usp=sharing (Updated 25.Oct.2023) Important note on mods: If you have issues of getting gear or vehicle menu working try disabling all mods to fix this. For server admins https://armagc.blogspot.com/p/fow-admin.html Login as admin prior to mission start to see the admin dialog For mission makers Field of war mod can be used to create custom missions. Tutorial: https://armagc.blogspot.com/p/field-of-war-custom-mission-creation.html Optimization tips: Via admin menu Login as admin before mission start to see the admin dialog that allows selecting performance presets - good for quickly selecting less performance heavy setups Via mission parameters Toggling some parameters off (under the performance section) can help to rise the FPS Check the color coded parameters! Green means faster Also try playing on smaller map or set the full map parameter to no More about optimization can be read from here: https://armagc.blogspot.com/p/field-of-war-optimization-guide.html (If you have ideas for this mission please post them) Beta testers: I'm also looking for beta testers so if there's anyone willing please let me know :) Have fun!
  11. Hi Is it possible to abort auto pilot landing? Or prevent player from starting the auto landing? I'm making a script that checks if one plane is already trying to land so other planes cant land at the same time tried these but didn't work: pl land "NONE" pl landAt -1; thx!
  12. Another update, posting here for the change Version 0.9.89 What's new: FOBs have radar that displays aircrafts on the map New trait to allow running faster Capturing places does no longer require defeating all enemies but have superiority in numbers Fixed script errors
  13. Made some changes to allow better flying with aircrafts Version 0.9.86 What's new: Enemy AA range is reduced to allow more room for flying AA threat map can be turned on while in aircraft Other smaller changes
  14. New version is out! (0.9.84) What's new: Added 3D pointer on purchased vehicles Added ability to buy vehicles locked Fixed some vehicle actions had long delay to appear Other bug fixes
  15. isnil gives false if the function/variable passed to it, is defined
  16. Hi I'm trying to make some of the barrier objects destructible but i don't know why one of the towers takes more damage than the other before being destroyed. pic: https://ibb.co/TcmD9hB I put this to both of the classes: armor = 3000; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; but it takes different amount of shots from the tank to destroy them what am I missing? thx!
  17. Hi I'm trying to play some sound but when I wanted to change the sound volume I found that playSound3D doesn't really work with many parameters. This works: playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_blufor.wss", player]; But this doesn't: playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_blufor.wss", player, false, [0,0,0], 3, 1, 0]; Any one know why? thx!
  18. @Shepskii thx for reporting! i fixed the bug in unsung loading. there's still some error messages regarding unsung gear but I'll try to remember to fix those later
  19. yes, you have to use the admin menu to pick which save you want to load to enter admin menu you should be logged in as admin and when the mission starts the menu will be shown to you
  20. Quick fix! version 0.9.81c Fixed: Resistance AI (In 3 sides mode) was not buying units, etc
  21. 0.9.81b released! What's new: Three sided play mode (Mission parameter) Player can now play as resistance where resistance has active army (currently supported mod is apex 3 sides and Tanoa, Altis, Malden maps)
  22. sorry my bad i thought you were working with sliders unless its possible to set values greater than 1 with ctrlSetScrollValues then Idk
  23. have you used https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sliderSetRange on it?
  24. I like your tool but there is this bug that -filepatching is set even when I try to disable it by setting "allowed file patching" to zero. its really nice tool so thanks for it. too bad I cant always use it due to this bug
  25. Lot's of changes lately. New performance tweaks and mission rules to kick team killers, idlers and side changers version 0.9.78