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  1. gc8

    Performance after the latest Update yesterday

    i thought that i did notice something but wasnt sure. i have just few mods
  2. gc8

    Button Blinking

    i believe its one of the color values that controls the blinking as the color changes. sorry i forgot which ones 😕 but if you change everything to same color it should not blink anymore
  3. the format is not going to work because _grp will become string and not the actual variable its better to put the code in function like this: private strReport = { // Rest of the code here }; Then call it like this: _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "call strReport"];
  4. This: _simpleObject hideSelection ["zasleh", true];
  5. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    yes put the client part in initPlayerLocal and when you want execute the server part somewhere in server files. But if you want to have the action at the beginning of the mission then you don't need remoteExec at all, only the addAction call in initPlayerLocal
  6. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    I assumed VN_fnc_endMission ends mission for all, havent seen that function used before
  7. gc8

    RemoteExec a Function

    if you want the simplest approach you can just do: // In client: createTheMisEndingAction = { player addAction ["End Mission", {["end1", true , 3, true, true, true] call VN_fnc_endMission;}, nil, 7, false, true, "", ""]; }; // Then in server: remoteExec ["createTheMisEndingAction ", 0]; didnt check your code for typos you might want to change 0 to clients only (0 means everyone including server) HTH
  8. gc8

    TADST problem

    have you put the .pbo to the arma 3 MPmissions folder? not the user mpmissions folder
  9. lot of new features since last update. 0.9.96 is the current version. Read all about changes in here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/1981883271
  10. Another update, posting here for the change Version 0.9.89 What's new: FOBs have radar that displays aircrafts on the map New trait to allow running faster Capturing places does no longer require defeating all enemies but have superiority in numbers Fixed script errors
  11. Made some changes to allow better flying with aircrafts Version 0.9.86 What's new: Enemy AA range is reduced to allow more room for flying AA threat map can be turned on while in aircraft Other smaller changes
  12. New version is out! (0.9.84) What's new: Added 3D pointer on purchased vehicles Added ability to buy vehicles locked Fixed some vehicle actions had long delay to appear Other bug fixes
  13. isnil gives false if the function/variable passed to it, is defined
  14. Hi I'm trying to make some of the barrier objects destructible but i don't know why one of the towers takes more damage than the other before being destroyed. pic: https://ibb.co/TcmD9hB I put this to both of the classes: armor = 3000; destrType = "DestructBuilding"; but it takes different amount of shots from the tank to destroy them what am I missing? thx!
  15. @Shepskii thx for reporting! i fixed the bug in unsung loading. there's still some error messages regarding unsung gear but I'll try to remember to fix those later