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Everything posted by thecoolsideofthepillow

  1. I'm just wondering if it's possible to disable the light on the "Device (Assembled)" prop. It has animation states defined, but maybe I'm using the command wrong. _Device animate ["Light_1_rot",1]; or _Device animate ["Light_1_rot",0]; Have no effect. But the light does seem to turn off in the day automatically. I would like to disable not only the light (if it's night time) but also the fans if possible.
  2. thecoolsideofthepillow


    Is there a way I could manually set the fast-travel points? It tends to like to put them in the water when the sector is along the coast.
  3. thecoolsideofthepillow

    [CTF] Code-Red

    !WORK IN PROGRESS! Two teams are tasked with securing an Encryption Key and uploading it to a Device to either arm or disarm a bomb. Arm/Disarm 2 out of 3 devices to win. The mode is inspired by the official End Game scenario as well as Obliteration from Battlefield 4. WIP notes I am uploading this now as it is currently in a perfectly playable state as far as I am concerned. Both teams can spawn, both can change loadouts, both can respawn, both can obtain the key and arm or disarm devices as intended, and both teams can win or lose correctly. I want to work more on the polish, though. It's very, very basic as of this writing. The To Do features may not be complete, it just includes what I have in mind right now and is completely subject to change. To Do List Get the walls for both team's bases to spawn correctly. The in-built objectmapper function is not grabbing them for whatever reason. Include more robust options for transport and support. Create custom HUD elements to track Devices Armed/Disarmed, the status of the key/carrier, and display other relevant mission-specific information. Customize the classes to fall more in line with a Battlefield-like experience with appropriate naming conventions. Increase the player count to the absolute maximum. Or 100. Whatever. Change how Independent team enemies are created to prolong combat. Include Independent enemy vehicles Bug Reports If you encounter a bug, please reply on the Workshop comments and I will look into it. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=919943712
  4. I have a variable to keep track of a player who should be holding a certain item. The item is not always in the possession of a player, though, so the variable in question may be undefined. It doesn't stop it from working when it needs to, but the RPT error every time the onPlayerDeath script runs and the variable isn't defined makes debugging other things a bit annoying with the debug output of the non-critical error on screen. I put a waitUntil {!isNull MyVariable} at the start of it, but it still continues with the script regardless, thus throwing up the undefined variable error, for some reason (and in line 3, not line 1 to indicate that the waitUntil command is giving the error). Entire onPlayerKilled.sqf: //This event script handles dropping the Encryption Key and changing the appropriate tasks waitUntil {!isNull KeyCarrier}; //Still says undefined variable on init when units are set to spawn on start. Annoying, but does not affect functionality _Corpse = _this select 0; _CorpsePos = getpos _Corpse; if (_Corpse == KeyCarrier) then { _EncKey = "Land_Laptop_device_F" createVehicle _CorpsePos; _EncKey addAction ["Take Encryption Key Locker", "EncryptionKey.sqf"]; "KeyMarker" setMarkerPos getPos _EncKey; if (side _Corpse == west) then { tsk7b = ["Bring Key BLU", "FAILED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; tsk7r = ["Kill Carrier RED", "SUCCEEDED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; if (side _Corpse == east) then { tsk7r = ["Bring Key RED", "FAILED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; tsk7r = ["Kill Carrier RED", "SUCCEEDED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; }; tsk2b = ["Get Key BLU", "ASSIGNED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; tsk2r = ["Get Key RED", "ASSIGNED", true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState; KeyCarrier = nil; }; Any input on the task stuff would help too; that's what I'm actually working on now and it's a PITA.
  5. The method I used to use no longer works, and the other two methods I have found on Google looking for a solution have also failed to work (probably for the same reason as the primary one listed on the wiki that does not work in A3). Is there really no way to do this anymore?
  6. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Eden Composition Spawning

    I can not get the composition to spawn. Set up a super basic thing on Stratis to just spawn my composition somewhere and while I get no script errors, I also wind up with no composition. _basePos = [[],0,15000,5,0,0.5,0,[]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _FlagRef = "FlagPole_F" createVehicle _basePos; _basePosATL = getPosATL _FlagRef; _Blu_Base = ["BluBase",_basePosATL,0,0,true,true] call LARs_fnc_spawnComp; The flag spawns, the composition doesn't.
  7. I did this a while back before the ED3N editor came out where I could sync I think a trigger, a lock or unlock logic and the sector in question to any other module/trigger to make it so when the sector is captured by one team it would unlock one set of things, and if captured by the other, lock those first things and unlock others. I don't remember how to do it though. The pictograph as a reference was only in the 2D editor, which is no longer in the game and very few of the modules in the 3D editor have yet to have these ported over. I've tried a scripted method, and it works for the player spawns; but activating/deactivating the "AI Spawnpoint" modules with enableSimulation does not seem to work. Regardless of whether the simulation is enabled, the AI never uses spawnpoints other than the one at their respective AI Spawn module that controls the overall spawning behavior. Even if the weighting is set higher on the unlocked modules. I know modules and syncing aren't the norm around here, but I'm hoping maybe someone knows what I'm referring to here and knows the proper set up. Using as little scripting as possible always seems to make a smoother mission.
  8. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Locking/Unlocking AI Spawnpoint Modules from Sector Ownership?

    No problem. You helped me get what I needed so I should be good for, oh another 3 hours until I try to get crazy with something and need help again. lol
  9. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Locking/Unlocking AI Spawnpoint Modules from Sector Ownership?

    It's not the weighting of the AI to spawn itself; there's another option in there for when you use multiple spawnpoints, it wants to use one more than another. But since it's a numerical value, it's a bit vague as to whether a lower number or a higher number is given priority. If they're all equal, it just picks at random.
  10. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Locking/Unlocking AI Spawnpoint Modules from Sector Ownership?

    Yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to do. Got a trigger with the condition: sectorA getVariable "owner" == WEST Activation: aispawnA enableSimulation true; Deactivation: aispawnA enableSimulation false; My sector module's variable name is "sectorA" (I *am* supposed to use the variable name, right, and not the display name?), my AI Spawner is "aispawnA." When BLUFOR owns sectorA, the AI never spawns at the designated point. The always on spawner has a weight of 1, the new spawner has the default of 5; but I have also tried these weights reversed because I am not sure which direction it goes for "more weight" so-to-speak. Thanks for the command to get to the 2D editor, by the way. I just needed this little bit: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/96107790574488733/F232E196E704574FE263A2F24FA4D2C2488EFF98/ I was almost right with it when I started last night. Just forgot to set my triggers to the proper team (left them default). Haha
  11. thecoolsideofthepillow

    BMR Insurgency

    I've been playing by myself on a local server, but I have noticed that even with the option to allow the AI to revive, they can never revive because when the player (me) is incapacitated, they all immediately die. Even if I just knocked myself down from a fall when no enemies are within 2 klicks, they just disappear the moment I am "dead." Can this be fixed?
  12. Once I've saved a composition with the new update, how would I call that composition to be spawned from a script? Or is that not possible (yet)?
  13. I am having a bit of an issue regarding Respawn Tickets and respawning AI. The tickets will go down upon an AI's death, but it only seems to make them go down if they died attacking a sector controlled by the other team; dying while defending or before any sector is controlled has no effect on the tickets when the AI dies, only the human players. How can I make the AI deplete the tickets just as players would?
  14. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Calling Custom Compositions?

    Same. Just want to be able to throw together a composition then have a script calling them dynamically. The normal method of saving a composition doesn't account for init lines or anything (height isn't too hard to work around since I use the functions that find a "safe" position), so it makes it a pain in the butt to get dynamically generated tasks such as "destroy the radio tower" to work properly since they don't spawn with the necessary stuff in their init to just work.
  15. Does this mean the thing on Steam isn't for normal use...? It says "Profiling" client, not performance; but it does give me better performance than vanilla stable. Now I am confused.
  16. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Changing the malloc from system to tbb4malloc_bi only helped in so far as not having the performance issues start until a much later time for me.
  17. thecoolsideofthepillow


    You can run a dedicated server on any modern version of windows. The wiki link says Windows 2008 *and up.* It just wouldn't work with older versions of Windows like 2000, 98, ME, 95, 3.1, etc. XP, Vista, 8, 8.1, 10, server, etc all work.
  18. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Arma 3 stuttering issue

    Those pics are the exact thing happening to me; character models start folding/disappearing and all the textures look like LOD textures. At first I thought my GPU was overheating or something, but the thing was stone cold pretty much. There was no anamolous HDD, CPU, or memory usage during it according to the task manager, but I noticed the activity light for the drive was pretty much just on; not flickering here and there, but solid. Specs: AMD FX-6300 AMD HD7770 8GB DDR2 1TB HDD Windows 10 x64
  19. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Calling Custom Compositions?

    Bummer... I over-hyped myself for this feature a little bit. Haha. Good thing I don't follow the development super close. I'd end up doing that all the time.
  20. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Arma 3 stuttering issue

    I just had the game start corrupting models and drop the framerate to a slideshow after about an hour of play. Menu would work fine and fast when it opened a few moments after hitting escape, though. Just updated to 1.58 and started a new single player mission.
  21. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Locking Building Doors?

    I was thinking about this feature on some Life servers where you can own a house in Altis, and it allows you to lock the doors to the building. Now, I don't really care about home ownership in the game, but locking doors for an enemy stronghold would be insanely fun to work with. I'm just not sure how I would even do that. The doors are first of all not vehicles, so AFAIK they don't have the built in lock-out system available to them, and secondly, they are pre-placed on the map; I don't know if the *doors* have unique names I can work with, just the entire building. The only way I know I could lock a door now (and perhaps it's how those Life servers work for all I know) would be to spawn an object on the otherside of the door to prevent it from opening, since the doors won't clip through objects and then delete the object when the condition to open the door is met. I was hoping there was a more elegant and non-immersion breaking method instead. The buildings I am using are the Takistan style ones, so a lot of the times you can see the other side of the door through a window; I think it would be weird to see an H block or something barring the door until you had the key.
  22. thecoolsideofthepillow


    I came across this scene while playing my port on Al Rayak. I was wondering what all the commotion was about when I approached the city. This answered that question.
  23. thecoolsideofthepillow


    What happened to the little guide on how to edit the random loot spawn table? I already have a bunch of stuff from CUP in arrays for a store that works on a similar method of categorization; I am wondering where I can pass those arrays to Ravage's loot table for the various location types (Civilian, Military, etc).
  24. thecoolsideofthepillow

    Locking Building Doors?

    Now, in case this doesn't work with the map(s) I have in mind, how would I find the door name to add to this script's custom list of door names? My usual method of looking at the thing and having a hint tell me what the cursorTarget is just shows me the building name (if not <<NULL-OBJECT>>)
  25. thecoolsideofthepillow


    yay! it works! Now I just need to take the time to figure out which buildings are which so they are not all spawning civ loot. At least *two* of them have "military" in the name. lol