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Everything posted by marceldev89

  1. In case you're running it on a Linux dedicated server then make sure all the PBOs are lowercase. Other than that, no clue. :D
  2. Added your post to the issue. :) (https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/7)
  3. There is some "documentation" you can find at https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/pull/389 :)
  4. Please stop spreading the false statement that ALiVE doesn't work using the 64-bit, it works fine and you can ignore the "incompatible with 64-bit" messages. :-) The only case where ALiVE doesn't work with 64-bit yet is when you want to index a map but that's not required to play... and sorry for the off-topic ^^
  5. Yes, ALiVE works fine in 64-bit as it is at the moment so you can ignore the warning that the A3 launcher gives. The only things not working with the 64-bit client is generating new map indexes and data persistence (war room) with the 64-bit dedicated server.
  6. marceldev89

    Forums Upgrade

    I'm missing the old "Content I follow" system. :(
  7. withSix should be up to date again thanks to Sonsalt! :)
  8. I'm sorry, I didn't intent to convey the idea that I wanted to have a crack at it. Was just relaying some information. :)
  9. I stumbled upon https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Visual_Upgrade a little while back. It might help you with the water colors, no terrain making experience so no clue beyond a link. :D
  10. It's a known issue (see https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/136). It seems like it slipped through the cracks with the last update. :(
  11. Don't quote me on it but it seems that the assassination task is the only one that's tied in to OPCOM.
  12. marceldev89

    Editing a mod map

    You'll need permission from the original terrain creator and the sources to be able to modify it. Not sure about retexturing.
  13. Added your suggestion to https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/pull/42, haven't worked on the artillery module a lot lately but it's still on my mind. :D
  14. Did some poking around in game today and it seems that the command bar is handled entirely in engine.. Doesn't seem to be open to modding.. :(
  15. marceldev89

    Task does not create on dedicated server?

    I see, disregard my comment about the locality thing then, shouldn't matter with editor based things. :)
  16. Your best bet would be to get the configs for the command bar from an AllInOne config dump and work from there. Check visibility of GUI objects (e.g. the 11th box, highlighted boxes) to determine the state of the command bar. EDIT: Seems like the command bar has a template defined in config (http://pastebin.com/SuScG9WN) CfgInGameUI >> CommandBarand is handled further by the engine. :( Perhaps it's possible to find the controls with allDisplays and allControls.
  17. marceldev89

    Task does not create on dedicated server?

    How are you creating the task(s)? Tasks created by scripting commands are only created locally, you'll need to somehow make the global by running the code on all clients.
  18. marceldev89

    Tools Development Branch Discussion

    Ah so that's why it appeared to not work properly, it's just not visible as a non-elevated user. I guess I'm stuck with the UAC prompt then. Thanks anyway. :)
  19. marceldev89

    Tools Development Branch Discussion

    I would like it very much if WorkDrive would support starting via the task scheduler. I'm getting fairly annoyed with the UAC popup every logon.. :( Getting the following message when I setup an elevated scheduled task: 0x30098001 STARTUP_ELEVATED_NO_PARENT: Elevated process without parent. This may lead to unexpected behavior. Mounting the work drive from "D:\ArmaWork" Child Started: FileName: WorkDrive.exe - Arguments: /mount P "D:\ArmaWork" /parent=10168 Work drive mounted from D:\ArmaWork
  20. marceldev89

    Unable to find my team server

    Nah, it's the server browser killing your modem due to the amount of UDP connections it makes. Existing connections won't drop but new connections can't be made until the UDP connection timeout. It sucks. :) Try direct connect from within Arma 3. If that also doesn't work something else is wrong.
  21. There's the waypoints command but not sure how it behaves with color teams. Didn't even know it's possible to do the color team thing with scripting. :)
  22. marceldev89

    Unable to find my team server

    Seems like the server browser is choking your modem. Try using the direct connect button to connect to the server and then check the recent tab and favorite it from there. Next time you open the launcher it should show all your favorite servers. :)
  23. marceldev89

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Driving enhancements didn't make it in to 1.62, see https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00161. They are included with the 1.64 RC it seems. :)