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Everything posted by pettka

  1. Dear community members. We are planning to release quite a big change to current muzzle accessory system in Arma 3 and it requires some changes in configs. Weapons are not going to have any sound nor animation (including muzzle flash) if they are not configured properly. The configuration is pretty easy, it's just about copying sound parameters into a subclass of the weapon. I have tried to document it to the best of my abilities on Community wiki, let me, please, know if there is anything missing :icon_twisted: The point of this change is that, we are going to be able to define weapon-specific sounds for silenced weapons and it is going to solve some strange issues with weapon fire modes changing with suppressors. The change is going to take place on Monday 23. 6. 2014 in development branch; I am sorry for such a short notice but we wanted to let you know well before the Bootcamp update so that you can prepare your mods :icon_twisted: /// Edit: Made clear that the change is going to hit development branch first.
  2. pettka

    Problem with floaty weapon parts

    This is rather strange, I have tried it and it worked fine for me with Titan (I have used the same model.cfg just renamed the classes to fit the model name and created selection on the optics unit). The only possible issue I can think of may be some other selection in model interfering with this, but that shouldn't be a problem as it is not addressed in model.cfg :icon_evil:
  3. 08-08-2014 EXE rev. 126636 (game) EXE rev. 126634 (launcher) Size: ~157 MB DATA Changed: Explosive ammo (only for A-164) particle effects optimized Fixed: Cargo get in side for Fuel Trucks Fixed: Civilian Fuel Truck has correct textures Fixed: Banking of cyclic for Mohawk Fixed: There is even some unarmed version of WY-55 it seems (collective and pedal animations fixed) :icon_twisted: Fixed: Reduced yaw rate maximums (see AFM Feedback Thread) Added: New sounds for different types of doors Fixed: Flags on shoulders now look better Possible Showcases spoilers: ENGINE Fixed: Possible CTD Changed: RotorLib code re-factoring Added: Object Builder Buldozer renamed to Model Viewer to stop potential confusion when speaking about Buldozer Fixed: Real-time control creation and IDC setting LAUNCHER Added: Code ensuring that presets will be initialized only once Fixed: Presets are not saved correctly after quitting Arma 3 Added: Parameter control with Browse button for browsing folders Added: Parameter control with Browse button for browsing files Added: Value coercion to Parameter controls Changed: Tab Control style font Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris researches how to improve multiplayer synchronization.
  4. I would dare say that reading our blog about DLC strategy could make our intents a bit clearer :icon_twisted:
  5. 07-08-2014 Size: ~15 MB Addon Builder Fixed: On hover issues with buttons (they tried to run away) Buldozer Configurator Changed: Errors are now described Terrain Builder Fixed: Missing DLLs on start-up Game Updater Added: Can store the Steam guard code Fixed: Console allocation when -debug start-up argument is used Fixed: The allocated console is bound to the forms Arma3Tools.exe Changed: Start-up of the application Changed: Menus have been reworked Changed: If run mode is used (/mode=run) and a tool is unsupported, returns an error in Logs\Arma3ToolsOperations.log Fixed: The generated settings.ini wasn't in UTF-8 charset DevP Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Changed: For safety reasons, -clearInstall is no longer executed on uninstall (mainly because Steam run uninstall scripts when it verifies the cache) Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry Fixed: DevP was spamming mapDisk and mapFolders logs MapDisk Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry MapFolders Added: Link Arma 3 path from Game Updater to P Drive (A3_dev) Added: Link Samples_F to P Drive (if P drive is not Arma 3 Tools installation folder) Changed: Improved logs (readability and relevance) Fixed: Some links were wrong Fixed: Some systems added a whitespace at the beginning and/or end of strings retrieved from the registry Samples New: Sample for Functions Addon
  6. We have fixed this - there was some inconsistency in values for animation sources :icon_twisted:
  7. 07-08-2014 EXE rev. 126616 (game) EXE rev. 126603 (launcher) Size: ~172 MB DATA Changed: Some AAF soldiers now use U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve instead of U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt, which is used no more Fixed: Various changes in localization and scope parameter of uniforms Fixed: Various insigina issues of soldiers Added: Pedals and collective of all helicopters animate correctly Fixed: Removed random rotor from PhysX LOD of XH-9 family of choppers Added: Wheels of helicopters properly roll while taxiing Added: Transmission hitpoints to helicopters Fixed: Arsenal module placed by Zeus didn't work correctly when Zeus was client Fixed: Adjusted durability of the Devices Fixed: Cyclic behaves correctly in both Advanced and Standard simulation ENGINE Fixed: Enable RotorLib for server configuration and fix macro usage Fixed: CTD in path finding Fixed: Helicopter should be less prone to explode when landing; added main rotor collision Fixed: NearestObject search (problem with objects in different land grid) LAUNCHER Fixed: Launcher crashed when launching Arma 3 Fixed: Launcher crashes after click on Play button in Steam Dev-Branch version Fixed: Server password is not disabled after restore to default settings Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris investigates how much space we need for our flags to work correctly.
  8. This should be fixed with tomorrows development branch update, it seems like the animation sources update has somehow switched left and right :icon_twisted:
  9. 06-08-2014 EXE rev. 126347 (game) EXE rev. 126345 (launcher) Size: ~121 MB DATA Added: Collective and Pedals animations for some helicopters Fixed: Pitch indicator of Blackfoot was reversed Fixed: Decreased direct impact of damage suffered over breathing Changed: Tweaked AAF officer Changed: Minor weapon sound changes Fixed: Pop-up error with Zubr .45 ENGINE Fixed: Removed URL length limit in structuredText control Fixed: RTD animation sources Fixed: AI was more resistant to bullets while moving Fixed: Instancing of proxies with different heat source in TI LAUNCHER Known Issue: Some problems with accuracy of German translation (please continue to let us know about any others!) Changed: Moved advanced parameters to new tab Added: Restore factory defaults button to parameters Changed: Modified alignment of status text in main window. It's displayed in the same position across different localizations. Fixed: Removed padding change when mouse hover over button from default button style (was breaking custom message box) Fixed: Sorting arrow is blurred (replaced with custom path) Fixed: Removed dependency on assembly 'Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.dll' Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris searches for necessary additions according to his zodiac.
  10. pettka


    Full SITREP
  11. 05-08-2014 EXE rev. 126334 (game) EXE rev. 126319 (launcher) Size: ~137 MB DATA Changed: Increased weight of GM6 Lynx and M320 LRR rifle to better match their RL counterparts Changed: Water impacts of units (soldier falling into water) tweaked Fixed: Weapon sway should now be affected by fatigue again (conflict with recent breathing mechanics overhaul) Fixed: Default collective and auto-hover tweaks Added: New sounds for getting in planes Changed: Color of selected item in ListBox, XListBox and ComboBox to white Fixed: Binoculars and range finders were not exported correctly from Arsenal (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20026) Added: Pressing Ctrl + Shift + C in Arsenal will export loadout in config format, usable in CfgVehicles and CfgRespawnInventories. This option might be moved to interface later. Localized: Arsenal module error states Fixed: Missing camo selection added to the remaining LOD of Press Vest ENGINE Changed: Optimized order of cleaning PhysX scene. Fetch simulation before world cleanup. LAUNCHER Fixed: Window is too small when user has DPI over 100% Changed: News list is scrolled to the top after changing page in All news page Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris explores how the pathway lods work in houses.
  12. It's the new 6DOF setup, it should help a bit in helos, mainly during (crash) landings :icon_twisted:
  13. pettka

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    To explain the idea behind this change: As I understand it, if I stood somewhere holding a light gun in my arm and having Zafir shouldered after a long patrol, it would possibly feel better than the other way around - standing with a heavy machinegun in my hands would exhaust me a nick more I would say :icon_twisted:
  14. 04-08-2014 EXE rev. 126317 (game) EXE rev. 126298 (launcher) Size: ~151 MB NOTES RotorLib simulation enabled; it is available for all stock helicopters (disabled by default; available after switching in Configure > Game) Known issue: Forcing RotorLib simulation for SP/MP scenarios may not work correctly DATA Fixed: Incorrect color of side picture of selected player Added: An option for turning off headgear randomization for civilian characters. Rejoice! Via "this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false];" in the character's init For turning off facewear randomization, insert "removeGoggles this;" into the character's init Or simply use desired facewear via "this addGoggles "facewear_class_name";" [*]Fixed: Minor volume changes of crash sounds [*]Fixed: Wrong structural armor of static GMG [*]Fixed: Rahim 7.62 - Ironsight on barrel is too cold in thermal [*]Fixed: Repaired fire geometry of Ghosthawk [*]Changed: In addition to stance, resting (fatigue decay rate) when stationary is now also dependent upon: Weapon type (smaller weapons increase resting effect) Weapon position (lowered state increases resting effect) Rotation (turning on spot decreases resting effect) [*]Changed: Optimized various resting values [*]Changed: Substantially increased fatigue gain when getting from prone to kneel [*]Changed: Set up correct breathing values for new breathing mechanics Potential campaign spoilers ENGINE Added: RotorLib helicopter flight model Added: Resetting RTD options to default when new profile is created Fixed: Analogue controls for when RTD is disabled; removed dead bodies from sensors targets Fixed: Speed of sound simulation Fixed: Multiplayer turrets movement not visible for other players Changed: Strings in Helicopter Flight Model switch LAUNCHER Fixed: XAML is unable to parse relative font size from HTML. Relative sizes are now removed by HTML to XAML converter Fixed: Image directories are deleted as well now Fixed: Headers in news have incorrect size Fixed: Subscribed items filtering - items which have any of addonreqtag get into launcher Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris examines options of displaying water flow.
  15. 04-08-2014 Size: ~32 MB Publisher Changed: Separate DLL for the Steam interface which is used by Launcher and Publisher Fixed: Remove close on ESC key press Changed: Log file has been renamed to RPT Addon Builder Fixed: Crash on first start, default EXE path was not set Game Updater Added: First iteration, no UI skin yet Buldozer Configurator Added: First iteration Arma 3 Tools Launcher Added: License manager Added: Check installation at startup - Preview stage Added: Splash screen during loading Added: EULA manager Changed: License management Changed: Icon of Addon Builder Changed: The application closed itself when -clearSetting argument was used Fixed: It was possible to use it without agreeing to the license CfgConvert Fixed: Crash while using array extension Common.dll Added: More common functions and modules DevP Added: Window has a descriptive title Fixed: Copy of DLLs on some OS Fixed: "the system cannot find the batch label specified - formateddate" Install Script Added: Game Updater Added: FileAssoc Changed: Version MapDisk Added: Window has a descriptive title MapFolder Added: Window has a descriptive title Object Builder: Added: Standard layout after first installation Samples Added: Sound parameter for doors (house sample) Fixed: Configuration of Lamp sample Fixed: Configuration of House sample Fixed: Configuration of Boat sample Fixed: Configuration of Car sample Fixed: Configuration of Character sample Fixed: Configuration of Heli sample Fixed: Configuration of Plane sample Settings.ini Changed: Now used by Game Updater in some cases Fixed: Arma 3 AppID for development branch
  16. pettka

    ArmA Future Wishlist

    Wishlist obviously found :icon_twisted:
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Cars_Config_Guidlines Feel free to use it according to our modding license It roughly describes new features for cars in Arma 3, You still would need to know the basics from A2/OA.
  18. pettka

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    This is strange, the fatigue should not have been changed recently, the system should still be in place and settings haven't been changed for nearly two weeks :icon_wink: We are going to investigate that, thanks a lot for letting us know :icon_twisted:
  19. Warning, danger, infraction inbounce, infraction inbounce :icon_twisted: There definitely wasn't any other trolling in any of the changelogs :icon_twisted:
  20. 01-08-2014 EXE rev. 126281 (game) EXE rev. 126278 (launcher) Size: ~195 MB DATA Fixed: Color of pictures in variables ListBox in Colors tab Fixed: Removed excessive smoke magazines for Speedboat Fixed: Adjusted damage resistance of raised static weapons Fixed: Raised static GMG had a wrong get-out animation Changed: Optimized inventory capacities of helicopters Changed: Minor volume changes of reloading sounds of vehicle weapons Fixed: Tweaked selections for GM-6 model Fixed: Decreased too high maximum inventory capacity of several vehicles Fixed: Repaired shadow & placement of suppressor of 4-Five ENGINE Added: Detect interpolation change, added terminated parameter for doors Added: Event Handler for clicking on HTML tag in structuredText control Fixed: AI soldiers: dynamic error influenced by fatigue and damage Fixed: UAV turrets rotation control restored Changed: Separate DLL for the Steam interface which is used by Launcher and Publisher LAUNCHER Fixed: Drag and drop sorting doesn't work correctly after open and close info of a few addons Fixed: Newsfeed is still loading, when the Internet connection is lost Fixed: Text overlaps, if overwrite dialog appears Fixed: Scrolling doesn't work, if mouse cursor is on picture in OPREP (SPOTREP, SITREP, TECHREP, BROREP, REPREP, REPPIZ) Fixed: HTML to XAML converter: when adding image, make sure parent element is block element (add additional paragraph otherwise) Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris searches for new means of dynamic lighting, with the side 'benefit' encouraging our fearless moderators to deal with splendid conspiracy theories.
  21. 31-07-2014 EXE rev. 126238 (game) EXE rev. 126239 (launcher) Size: ~165 MB DATA Added: colorPicture parameters to ListBox, XListBox and ComboBox Changed: Renamed pictureColor parameters to colorPicture Fixed: Missing icons in ComboBoxes in editor Fixed: Incorrect colors of pictures in Insert Marker Fixed: Color of RscCombo Fixed: Missing rank picture in the map Changed: Increased weight of GPS and Radio items Changed: Increased weight of Rangefinder and Laser Designator items Changed: Minor sound changes for weapons Fixed: Shadow for TRG-21 EGLM Changed: Shadow of GM-6 Changed: UI icons for Rook Fixed: UI icons of P07 Fixed: ARCO accuracy Fixed: TI on GMG static turret Fixed: Path LODs for AI in military cargo HQ buildings Potential Campaign Spoilers: ENGINE Added: Dynamic creation of UI controls Added: Getters for control object directions, etc. Fixed: Ordering of axes for UI object position getter Fixed: Autohover info control Fixed: Fatigue now not restored when holding breath Changed: Commands everyBackpacks and everyContainers return empty array also for null objects LAUNCHER Fixed: SITREPs should have the same font like on web Fixed: Space is missing between some words Fixed: Links in SPOTREP don't work correctly Fixed: HTML to XAML converter updated to handle (and display) space at the beginning of element's inner text (directly after opening tag) Fixed: Launcher version can once again be copied to clipboard using shortcut Ctrl+. (Control + dot) Fixed: Improved word spacing in news Changed: Generation of localization assemblies for Launcher re-enabled Updated: CS, DE, RU translations Fixed: Existing preset is possible to save until after second change Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris investigates new means of the Zone Restriction system.
  22. pettka

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I would say that at least some of the old issues have been already fixed as described in the Captain's AI log, and the squad is going to work on more as soon as the new features are ready enough :icon_twisted:
  23. 29-07-2014 EXE rev. 126181 (game) EXE rev. 126176 (launcher) Size: ~145 MB KNOWN ISSUE Some icons are missing in units selection in editor DATA Fixed: Nasty hit point settings issue that caused Helicopter Pilots, Helicopter Crews and Pilots across all factions to be able to sustain unreasonable amount of damage suffered to their extremities. Their coveralls now offer much lesser protection against direct hits, however, they now offer some protection against explosive damage Fixed: OPFOR VR Soldier and Entity tweaked to receive the same damage as their counterparts (so now you can kill them as easily, poor souls) Added: Damper selections in geometries of Mohawk Changed: Sight tweak to sound gain of pistol's closure Changed: Adjusted PAPI light material to shine at night Potential campaign spoilers: Engine Added: Support for multi-samples in animation sound, direction controller fix Fixed: UAV can not be hacked if setCaptive = true Changed: Changed config params naming for listboxes Added: New commands for setting and getting models for ControlObject Fixed: Problems with wrong FSM for mine deactivate action Fixed: CTD after pressing M in UAV terminal view (fixed http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19890) LAUNCHER Fixed: Workshop item name change was neither detected nor updated in the Launcher Changed: Modified label sizing of Parameters page Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris gets inspiration for a new flexible-wing plane.
  24. pettka


    Full SITREP
  25. 28-07-2014 EXE rev. 126163 (game) EXE rev. 126155 (launcher) Size: ~495 MB DATA Fixed: Pilots visibility of compass if radar is disabled Fixed: Adjusted water resistance of Mohawk Fixed: Sochor is now usable for artillery support module Changed: Changed breathing speed coefficient to 10 Fixed: Skinning of back shields of VR Soldier improved Fixed: Adjusted durability of rear glass of SUV Fixed: Adjusted geometries of Zamak Added: Sound of vehicle HMG reloading Added: Prepared doors for distinctive sounds for each type Added: CheckBox for controlling AV lights in AV terminal Changed: Adjusted positions of all UI elements in AV terminal Added: IDC of lights CheckBox in AV terminal Fixed: Model of Supply Crate has been recreated to prevent script issues (fixed http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19324 and http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19339) Changed: OPFOR medic now has his rifle equipped only with laser pointer by default just like medics of other factions Changed: OPFOR repair specialist now has correct weapon variant Changed: Urban OPFOR medic now has correct weapon variant Changed: Urban OPFOR explosive specialist now has correct weapon variant Changed: Urban OPFOR engineer now has correct weapon variant Engine Fixed: UAV cannot be connected after setCaptive true Fixed: Dedicated server CTD Fixed: Possible CTD Fixed: UAV cannot be connected after setCaptive true Added: New event onCheckedChanged for checkbox in UI Fixed: Wrong initial path planning checks Fixed: Possible CTD Added: Possibility to enable / disable UI control directly in configs Changed: World array vehicles for PhysX simulation moved to separate array Added: Support for URL tags in structuredText control Added: New command for getting class name of given UI control (ctrlClassName) Added: Lock PhysX scene during buoyancy update for safety Added: New command for setting orientation of UI object (ctrlSetDirection) Changed: Behavior of how fatigue and damage affect the ability to hold breath Fixed: LnbValue scripting command Added: Reading of config params for slider Added: Loading of visible attribute for controls LAUNCHER Added: Automatic upgrade of application settings between versions Added: Feature "Addon Presets" (+default file-based provider) Added: Blurred background under main area if any content is displayed there Added: Examples to parameters Changed: Options page header visually unified with the rest of the application Added: Support for displaying hints and errors in adorned box under text box control Changed: Icons for buttons in addon manager, Options icon Changed: Visual tweaks to controls (check box, combo box, drop down menu, text box, scrollbar, expander, progress bar) Added: Page for News, displaying development reports from dev.arma3.com Added: HTML to XAML converter Added: Styles Compiled by pettka while Master Lord Joris investigates how food affects combat efficiency.