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Everything posted by pawelkpl

  1. what is X1 ? cant find anything about that. pawelkpl
  2. It is the old one version of domi NOT NEW ONE (as per workshop). 1. I do not get it what that shit you got is about. 2. As far I know Xeno has forbidden some time ago to port domination to A3 but he made A3 version of it. It removes his "NO TO A3" 3. I have never found any word about "not porting" to different map. 4. Since we have Iron Front mod in A3 - It is A3. So I did not break any Xeno policy. regards pawelkpl
  3. Hi all, I have ported Xeno Domination missions to this Iron Front mod. It is US vs Germany - AI Ranked version. If someone wants to join the server I host it every evening 5-10pm. You need only A3 + Iron front mod. Server name: Arma 3 domi regards pawel
  4. I can tell what I did to install that MOD: 1. Install A3 , A2CO or A2 + A2OA (that what I have); 2. Install Iron Front (I do have Iron Front SA + DLC); 3. Intstall Playwithsix and show where your games are installed. 4. Register an account in Playwithsix 5. Install mods: IF3SA, IFA3, Iront Front - Arma 3 (it can take a long time to do so), after that you should have mods installed in your A3 folder: @LIB_DLC_1;@if_other_addons;@IF;@CBA_A3;@pws_enablea2oacontentina3;@ifa3sa;@ifa3m;@ifa3" . It is total 10GB 6. Open playwithsix and find collections. 7. Find a collection: Iron front 8. Choose collection you need and subscribe (I've chosed: IFA3+IFA3SA) 9. Launch your collection. I made it 3 Times (my computer, friend computer and my dad's computer) It works. regrads pawel
  5. Hi, So it is the reason why US cars do not have sounds, right ? Anyway thx for GREAT MOD !
  6. Can someone show step by step how to install this mod ? I do own ARMA 3 and Iron Front SA. I have installed mod IFA3SA via playwithsix but when click launch it does start arma 3 only. Checked extension and mod @IFA3SA in enabled. Answers eg. "@ 82ndairbornerealism Please read the wiki. Or what is the problem with it?" is NOT ANY HELP. Thank you in advance.
  7. Very, Very good job, model, body texture, cockpits, flight model are 10/10/ Thank you.
  8. yes, you must join game and log as admin first (if you not logged as admin you can't even see HC slot) than start HC and let him join.
  9. Hi, I got you were kicked from the game :( when HC tries to join server. Any help ? < NVM got it to work but now has the same issue as post above. HC does not want to join "Virtual entity" and can't be assign by admin. <NVM got it to work. My headless client name (in editor) is: DCSlot In the init of (virtual entity - named DCSlot) I added: if (profileName == 'DCSlot') then {selectPlayer this}; profile name for headless client (player) is: DCSlot my startup line for headless client is: Arma3Server.exe" -client -connect= -name=DCSlot regards pawel
  10. I 'can't wait for a release !
  11. pawelkpl

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    yeah, it is very sad, I'm over with Arma 3 because it's failed to deliver truly immersive battlefield (as A2 did). It is over for my friends as well. To get it right I've installed tones of mods but so many issues and DLC model makes me feel very sad...and force me to make decision. GAME OVER.
  12. Hi all, today I tried support module to call CAS. Everything works fine until player dies or rejoin server. It simply disappears from menu (0-8). Any solution to that or it is bug ? Thx in advance.
  13. Has anyone noticed if logged as admin there is no option to lock/unlock vehicles in MP game (editor and stable branch is fine) ???
  14. what is the sling load compatibilty progress ? if any...
  15. pawelkpl

    Sling Loading Feedback

    so , no chance to lift hunter ? setmass made a trick...
  16. HI all, can anyone confirm when looged as admin there is no option to lock and unlcok vehicles ?
  17. thx to all, problems solved. BI has changed vehiclescfg/simulation and I had to update script with new cfgvehicles.
  18. Hi All, I have a problem with a script since advanced flight model was introduced. Simply AI and vehicle spawns ok but it does not fly even if "FLY" option is added. Heli spawns and AI turns engines on but there is not enough time to do that and heli crashes into ground. any help ? the code line looks like that: _veh = createVehicle [_typev1, _posv1, [], 0, "FLY"]; regards; pawel
  19. It is domi script and It worked OK before AFM was introduced. thx.
  20. Thank you for your reply but it spawns with crew inside, THEY start engines on but it takes time to do so. I will make short movie clip soon and give link to show how it looks like. Below you can find whole script: #define THIS_FILE "fn_spawnvehicle.sqf" #include "x_setup.sqf" /* File: spawnVehicle.sqf Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land Description: Function to spawn a certain vehicle type with all crew (including turrets). The vehicle can either become part of an existing group or create a new group. Parameter(s): _this select 0: desired position (Array). _this select 1: desired azimuth (Number). _this select 2: type of the vehicle (String). _this select 3: side or existing group (Side or Group). Returns: Array: 0: new vehicle (Object). 1: all crew (Array of Objects). 2: vehicle's group (Group). */ private ["_posv1", "_azi", "_typev1", "_param4", "_grp", "_side", "_newGrp"]; PARAMS_4(_posv1,_azi,_typev1,_param4); if (typeName _param4 == "SIDE") then { _side = _param4; _grp = [_side] call FUNC(creategroup); _newGrp = true; } else { _grp = _param4; _side = side _grp; _newGrp = false; }; private ["_sim", "_veh", "_crew"]; _sim = toUpper getText(configFile/"CfgVehicles"/_typev1/"simulation"); if (_sim in ["AIRPLANE", "HELICOPTER", "AIRPLANEX", "HELICOPTERX"]) then { if (count _posv1 == 2) then {_posv1 set [count _posv1, 0]}; _posv1 set [2, (_posv1 select 2) max 200]; _veh = createVehicle [_typev1, _posv1, [], 0, "FLY"]; if (_sim == "AIRPLANEX" || {_sim == "AIRPLANE"}) then { _veh setVelocity [100 * (sin _azi), 100 * (cos _azi), 0]; }; } else { _veh = createVehicle [_typev1, _posv1, [], 0, "NONE"]; _svec = sizeOf _typev1; _isFlat = (position _veh) isFlatEmpty [_svec / 2, 150, 0.7, _svec, 0, false, _veh]; if (count _isFlat > 1) then { _posv1 = _isFlat; _posv1 set [2, 0]; }; if (random 100 > 50) then {_veh allowCrewInImmobile true}; }; _veh setDir _azi; _veh setPos _posv1; _crew = [_veh, _grp] call FUNC(spawnCrew); _grp addVehicle _veh; if (_newGrp) then {_grp selectLeader (commander _veh)}; [_veh, _crew, _grp]
  21. It must be like that because any spawned heli with crew crashes. On stable branch it works OK.
  22. Hi all, is there any chance to disable new/advanced helicopter fly model on dedicated servers. It looks like AIs has problems to fly and crashes.
  23. pawelkpl

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    I got the same issue yesterday in dev branch , do you use stable version ?
  24. pawelkpl

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    No I'm not. How can I get access to that ? thx, pawel
  25. pawelkpl

    Domination Redux by Champy and Tankbuster

    Hi Tanky; I just added A-164 Wipeout and change to ranked version. It looks like everyone can fly that bird or other air vehicle even with private rank. Any chance to solve that problem ? Thank you in advance.