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Everything posted by markocro

  1. markocro

    Aspect ratio option removed

    here is the ticket for this please vote https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121809 @redarmy can you please edit first post and put ticket link
  2. In one of the recent Dev-Branch updates, we've removed the possibility to set the aspect ratio of the User Interface of the game. Senior Designer Bořivoj Hlava explains some motivations behind this decision: "The 'Aspect Ratio' setting helped users to run the game on non-standard resolution monitors in the past. These days, however, there is no need for this setting and it can even be misleading for some people. In fact, our Analytics data show that more than 10 % of our players have their aspect ratio set incorrectly which can significantly impact their experience of the game. Therefore, we decided to make things easier to understand by implementing a fully automatic aspect ratio detectioninto the game."
  3. It looks like i cant chose aspect ratio, is there some way i can select 16:9 wide, it got removed that options in patch. Any fix?
  4. markocro

    1.66 Audio issue with footsteps

    always play in 1st person, and also hear footsteps like behind me, very annoying, lot of people complains on that!
  5. Good luck Silola with your next projects. P.S. so about that 5% unfinished, do you mean it will be blank map with nothing on it, if so, would it mabye be better to just cover that large area in forest.
  6. strap some dirt on it, make seats lil bit wrapped and thats that :) Fine progress good job.Im following this since day 0
  7. Awesome looking, keep up
  8. markocro

    War Sim Studios

    back in action :P
  9. You could go this way: -Clean -Dirt -More dirt -Great ammount of dirt
  10. wooow that 3rd screen is life like scene :)
  11. Doing great work on those missions, il wait until you make full campaign, keep up :)
  12. really love it thanks for updates on project, but can i ask you please can you also post few screenshoots in darker atmosphere just to get idea on how it will look that way. keep up! :)
  13. good luck guys have fun along the way :)
  14. killjoyau73 and slatss you guys working together on bringing back OFP campaign missions or...?(ofp remake i mean)
  15. I remember Stoyan :D jezzz that was ages back
  16. markocro

    War Sim Studios

    I like the textures are in last pics, so ship doesn't look super brand new and clean. Some dirt or sea alges on sides are good here and there. Keep up :)
  17. markocro

    [WIP] Los Santos map

    two lane road?
  18. markocro

    War Sim Studios

    can u show us M198 in dessert camo now with other dessert camo vehicles on some terrain. just to see how it blends :) and keep up going, never give up :P EDIT: yay :D u pushed button few seconds before
  19. are they losing stamina with this ? :D
  20. markocro


    guess its not this month, too bad
  21. unsung will be even richer in content now, im glad you decided and merge with tanoa props. Apex is 20% on discount now, go grab it guys
  22. markocro

    Russian Railways mod

    amazing project
  23. great work metalcraze, spread the word how you managed to fix it :P I hope this gets to Silola and he continues work on his map Taunus