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Everything posted by cas

  1. cas

    VLS artillery computer

    1: Use a drone to laser mark a target 2: Use the drone (UAV) terminal to switch to the VLS 3: lock the VLS to the laser target ("r" key) and press fire works just fine but you need a UAV terminal
  2. The blackfish gunship is a nice toy! I wonder why it is totally underused in the Campaign and all SP missions. For the future of ARMA i would like to see campaigns for planes / helicopters . ARMA has a perfect environment to make evasion and rescue of downed pilots to an natural part of a Pilot campaign. (kind of like in OFP but more random depending on your actual mission performance)
  3. cas

    Thank you BI [2018 Roadmap Update]

    Yes the new ship is great especially with the new features (boat, heli landing, fire support). I can accept that it is static (we don´t have moving subs or other ships anyway). I would like to see a static cargo ship/ferry that could be used (by all factions) to get the heavy equipment like tanks to the islands. With that implemented the ARMAIII universe would be more or less complete / plausible. The long range AA assets are great. Right now you can fly your planes >4000m above the islands and you are invulnerable to AA. Nice to see this changing. Is it possible to make the big radar domes on the islands working? (or a device we can place inside them to make them work) Would be nice to see them feed data to AA units!
  4. cas

    Thank you BI [2018 Roadmap Update]

    Great roadmap! I like every part of it Still hope that they allow a community version of the Apex campaign to become a true single-player campaign! If you want to replay the entire campaign (with the new assets implemented) the Apex part would really be missing for SP
  5. I just finished re playing the east wind campaign. After all the new mini campaigns it was nice to see the original timeline and all the locations! Then I saw the news about the apex SP campaign..... Such a shame I really hoped for a release of a proper SP campaign. The original campaign is quiet open ended so the Apex campaign is really important to conclude the story! For me the apex campaign really is a let down in SP Could you consider to give the campaign contend to the community so it can be converted as a Third-Party DLC?
  6. Oukej I really like the new MFD functions, a thing I really would like to see changed: Give the key to change mode of the GPS/map MFD additional zoom functionality. The first two key press do the same as now and additional key presses go to the view that has a static map (north up) and cycle through the different zoom settings (zoom out). Like this we would get a zoomable map without adding additional keys (if that is what you want to avoid) Thank you for constantly improving the game!
  7. No, only the teamleader of the other crew members, not the pilot!
  8. WOW Gave the Blackfish another try after the tank addon: Waypoint: careless, speed slow, loiter left, radius 1000m, altitude 800m Put a spotter on the ground and group all the other positions in the Blackfish to the ground spotter. Make them all playable. Works perfect: after ranging targets with T all shots are spot on! 20 and 40mm are very effective against soft targets. You can also switch to the spotter on the ground and the AI in the Blackfish will engage, including soldiers. Nice fireworks!
  9. Still would like to see a propper SP version too! Player controlled AI squads and connected missions.
  10. cas

    My first Tac-Ops DLC Impression

    Always nice to see new SP contend! ARMA has always some surprises.... I did not expect anything special from the Laws of War addon and boy I was wrong: Some of the best missions in the arma3 series and new contend! The Laws of War campaign felt realistic and the missions encouraged to explore the map. And now with the new Tac-Ops addon I had big expectations: Improved close quarter combat or improved high command? No ... nothing Tactical missions? What is tactical about them? Pretty standard missions that play the same every time you play. The missions are pretty difficult resulting in heavy use of save games... this leads to you facing exactly the same enemy's in the same locations. Makes it feel like a tunnel shooter and highlights ARMAS week points for example AI enemies spinning around when shot in the back and killing the player instantly. All missions make you face a superior adversary, is this necessary to be fun? I hate playing save games after you die but if you restart the missions they are basically the same again! Where is the re-playability? My "dream mission" for this addon would have been: A big take this town/area mission, delay reinforcements and hold back a counter-attack. Good AI battle plans including attack forces, blocking forces and support forces (including planes, drones, helicopters and artillery). The battle should basically play out without player input. After a set time the mission should end and there should be a real debriefing that describes the mission outcome: victory /draw/ defeat in relation to the losses on both sides. The player can in the beginning chose one of ALL the units that participate: You can choose a simple soldier and follow the AI or command a squad and find a new path. You could command a helicopter or have a high command function where you control the support assets (artillery /CAS) from a drone and synchronize the troop movements via radio triggers. The same mission could also be played as the defender... This would be a true "tactical" mission that would highlight ARMA´s strong sides: The high number of different assets the game offers, true combined arms, replayability and change of perspective. It would not be crucial that you archive a certain goal (never a mission failed message that stops the scenario) the mission would come to an end no matter what and you could evaluate the debriefing. Sometimes you did good but the other AI units failed and the mission is still a defeat, or the other way around -many possibility's... I made such missions for myself in the editor and I would love to see this made professionally! Come on BIS I know you can surprise me! Anyway thanks for the new SP content, it is still nice.
  11. cas

    Arma 3 too small for fixed wing

    I would like the Maps to have a bigger area of sea surrounding the islands! You could park the carrier long away from the island. And there would be enough space for air combat.
  12. cas

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I am surprised to see no new content / features. (was hoping for improved high command or close quarter battle) But: As I am mostly playing single player, good crafted SP missions with high re-playability would be very nice indeed! We still get new features with the tank-DLC
  13. Quote Added: Vehicle commander can now control his vehicle directly by the WASD keys without AI responsibility delay (there should be no difference by driving from driver or commander position, AI crew still needs to be present) Does the indirect steering (with AI as driver) also work for helicopters and planes? Would be great if you could steer (WASD) a helicopter from the gunner position while zoomed in using the optics!
  14. cas

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    Great campaign!!! Love it! I was really worried after the Apex campaign (spoiled the add-on for me and I still hope they convert the Apex campaign to a popper SP campaign too) I have big respect for BIS for making an effort to educate about laws of war. Still hope for improved medical simulation and MEDEVAC functions -would fit perfect to the new items and vehicles. Made me start playing the original campaign again! Thanks for all the fixes in the original campaigns! (please remove the forced regular diff. for the prologue)
  15. cas

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Could we get a MFD map we can zoom in/out manually?
  16. cas

    Fix High Command?

    For me it would be one of the highest priority fixes! -Load / unload of vehicles (most important) -Better waypoint system for helicopters and planes, including height and take-off + land waypoints -rearm orders / waypoints -Go codes and timing for waypoints In the long run it would be perfect if a real chain of command with autonomous subunits could be implemented: -If you select a single soldier you can order them as we know it today -If you select a sergeant in his function as a squad leader he will use the rest of the team to accomplish the given mission. The AI splits the squad in teams and uses leap frogging and flanking manoeuvrers ( works OK with today's AI) -If you select a lieutenant in his function as platoon leader he will use his squads in the same way (and the squads using their teams) -you could extend this system all the way up the chain of command (with the proper routines for the level of command, platoon (or company) size would be enough for a beginning) -Airborne and mounted troops should have better routines when to unload their transports and continue on foot when used by the AI. If this update to the AI and user interface could be implemented large scale missions would be easier to set up and more fun to play.
  17. Improved AI would be great! When shot (or exposed to a shock wave like a flash-bang) there should be a high chance that the AI drops the weapon and flees or ducks for cover. The chance could be influenced by the skill level and the body part hit. There would be a risk that the AI returns to the fight - especially after being patched up. An unarmed, injured, suppressed and/ or overwhelmed enemy should have a high chance of surrendering. It should be possible to restrain them. As long as they are not restrained there should be a risk that they flee or pick up a weapon again. Would make a more dynamic gameplay!
  18. cas

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    Looks very interesting! At least we get a mine detector that works when the HUD is disabled! -Does it actually bring working logistics? -Can you load a patient on the stretcher and the stretcher into the ambulance? -Can you put dead body's inside body bags and load the bags inside vehicles? Any improvements to the medical system?
  19. cas

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Improved high command would be great too: We need better implementation of loading troops into vehicles. Load/unload commands to specific vehicles Helicopters need a "land" command. And it should be possible to give helicopters /planes a flight plan with specific height (like you can do with drones) The drone/ artillery interface would be an option as a command interface. The waypoint options could be extended similar to some editor functions. With this implemented you would have a game comparable to the wargame series or combat mission or similar strategy games.
  20. cas

    joystick in Arma 3

    so why don´t you use the joystic in the Helis?
  21. cas

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Carrying wounded and dead would be great. And loading/ unloading them to vehicles. Missions could have the side goal to bring all team members home - dead or alive. Would connect you more to the members of your team. Would be much more realistic. Mods always struggled to get this feature implemented. I would love to see it implemented in vanilla.
  22. cas

    joystick in Arma 3

    I have a microsoft joystik with thrust slider. When configuring it you have to use the analog thrust configuration and move the slider all the way up and down. You will see +1 -1 in the setting. After that the thrust slider works just fine!
  23. cas

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    I can see that, I just do not think it helps me to orientate on the big maps. There should be keys to zoom and move the map.
  24. cas

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Hey oukej, is it possible to zoom and move the map in the MFD? Would be great for orientation. If it is not implemented now could it be implemented?
  25. cas

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Read somewhere that the update should bring a new interface for the mine detector?! How does it work? (I have the HUD switched off and can not see mines) -Planes can see submerged submarines -nobody else having problems with the GPS map? -maybe i just do not know how it works (zooming, adapting window like the big "M" map) +the UAV´s seem to be working better than before (not spinning in place)