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road runner

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Everything posted by road runner

  1. That's interesting Locklear, I thought as much, although I also thought that hidden selections also mean that it was possible to hide individually assigned parts, regardless of their textures? I love it and what it can do, I have been able to get this working on a single vest model too, by having the various pouches and addon bits of shit, by "hiding them" it offers so much more variation, throw in the hidden selection texture and you can have 4-5 different cammo patterns, along with a multitude of variations. Not sure that's what BIS had in mind when they created that little beauty, but man I'm glad they did.. no more multiple models, just multiple selections!! I've been using this feature for several years now. Once again thank you for your time and expertise.
  2. road runner

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    unless you have a particular animation for the camera, no matter what you do, in 3rd person view it's going to look awkward. Like I said, you're basically creating a giant Iron sight, work from that point. it also looks like you've set up your camera to be a disposable launcher, but it will inherit everything from the disposable launcher including it's view points. Jackal326 will keep me right here I'm sure, but you maybe need to actually create a camera class itself, line # 4 I think should be included in line #44 somewhere, as all you're doing is using an existing class, but replacing the model, which I don't think will work.
  3. road runner

    Arma 3 2DEditor and you! Please leave feedback!

    What would be the point in having 2 3D editors in the game, a full version and a lite version, when they do exactly the same thing? Fair enough keeping the current 2D editor, but I wouldn't want to have to fuck about with loading up a full, versus lite option of the same thing, that does the same thing, that produces the same results. In what way would you make it a "Lite version" ?
  4. road runner

    Arma 3 2DEditor and you! Please leave feedback!

    You're having a laugh sunshine, nothing aggressive in my post, you're on the other hand... reeks of angst and aggression. Let me clarify a few points,you have made, making assumptions.. I clearly don't know what I'm talking about? This coming from a guy who said to have a Lite version of Eden also in the game? ummmm okay, ain't going to happen, and the Dev's have been pretty clear about the road they're taking. You do everything via script? sounds like you don't even need an in game editor at all to do this, what's wrong with notepad++ for writing scripts? Oh yeah, you want to keep checking it works, I get it, but for an extra 10-15 seconds of the 3D editor firing up isn't going to make ANY DIFFERENCE to your overall objective, it's not like you're actually making a living out of scripting, and have deadlines to meet is it? ;) You need to take a chill pill, all I said was it's an evolution, go with the flow, you cannot change the inevitable, well you can, you can stick with old builds and restart your mission 100 times an hour till your hearts content, whilst the majority will be enjoying the game for what it is.. you sound way too serious and are acting like it's life or death when you need to restart missions 100 times in an hour. The community isn't made up of guys who just spend all their time scripting, the community is huge, and the devs responded to what the community wanted, the overwhelming majority wanted a 3d editor. So my feedback is that I'm Happy with the 3D editor, as I can still do everything in it that I could do with the old 2D one.. I'm entitled to that opinion as a paying customer, I respect your views, you should try respecting others opinions and also those of the devs too who have striven to make this game better.
  5. road runner

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    what I mean is that what you're trying to do is to copy what a set of Bino's does, so why not use the config.cpp for those? A camera is basically an optic that is the same as a set of bino's, almost held the same too, so to me, using the bino's model.cfg and the config.cpp would be the simplest thing. If you've never done this type of modding before, that's where you are coming unstuck. The eye point needs to be behind the camera, and not in front of it, think of it as a giant iron sight, and you will get the picture!! pardon the pun.
  6. road runner

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    would you not be better using the Bino's proxy as a source for your camera?
  7. road runner

    Arma 3 2DEditor and you! Please leave feedback!

    for whom? You mean a lite version of the 2D editor surely (which is what's there as it is) ? why have a lite version and a full version, what possible benefits could that achieve? Seems like a waste of processor and storage space having 2 version of the same editor running within the game. APEX was all about the 3D Editor, plus a few other enhancements. The problem with you guys set in your ways, is that you don't like change, its called evolution, and the game devs had a road map to work to, and as it stands, the old fashioned 2D Editor is on its way out, welcome to progress guys.
  8. road runner

    Is there a possibility?

    you're getting your panties in a twist, go back and look at what you originally wrote, and then see how much you've changed as to what you really meant. If you had mentioned right from the start you would like a features that customises faces and skin, in multiplayer, you might not be getting all wound up about your own lack of explanation!! no mention of it being a texture change no mention of it being a texture change for bare arms. and no mention of it being for multiplayer but, when you get some responses not really to your liking, you get all defensive?? what you originally posted was like describing a cat, when in fact you really meant a dog!! ;)
  9. I appreciate that you'd take the time. My understanding is that Hidden selections are basically parts of the model you DON'T want seen Hidden selection textures allows you change the textures on the fly of said selections?
  10. road runner

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    The addon community vests all clip the arms anyway so having a weapon clipping isn't going to spoil "realism" too much, I'd love to see collision boundary boxes around the lower abdomen so that arms stop clipping, but maybe one day eh?
  11. road runner

    Weapon Switching on the Move

    Sling the weapon to the the weak hand side, I'm sure I read on a previous SITREP they were toying with the idea of having the weapon slung to the front centre, pretty sure there was a video to accompany it, same video mayeb talking about shooting from vehicles ??
  12. road runner

    Switching weapons on the move

    Even when BIS just implemented this in recent Dev builds?
  13. road runner

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Awesome video, what model has the little bobble head in the console ?, I love the attention to detail!!
  14. Thanks, it's pretty technical talk lol
  15. That's what I have, all these selections are separate items, however all from the same texture, if I didn't "hide them as selections" then they'd all show or be hidden by default. The items that have separate textures such as the manta and the HD contour don't need to have the texture hidden, it's a default texture from the base model, unless I was planning to use alternate camo's, then I'd have the textures as hidden also. If I wanted to, I could Group items together cutting down the amount of selections available. I have something like 28 separate items on the helmet model, so from a single model, I can make, with the 30 odd textures, over 15,000 variations pure overkill of course, but it shows that it's possible to have headgear that can be fully customisable for "eye candy" purposes.
  16. Can you elaborate a bit more please mate, as the MICH2001 addon I made works perfectly the way I have it set up. Edit my config to show me more clearer what you mean, if you don't mind? Am I right in saying the selections only need to be in this part? class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem { mass = 20; uniformmodel = "\MICH2001\MICH_2001_1"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "_NVGArm", "_Bungee", "_Bungee3", "_NOROTOS", "_NVGMount", "_MantaTop", "_SureFire", "_SureFire2", "_VLiteRear", "_VLiteTop", "_ContourHD", "_HelmGoggles", "_HelmNVGStrap", "_HelmStrobeRear", "_HelmStrobeBack", "_HelmStrobeTop", "_HelmHeadset", "_HelmHeadset3", "_HelmHeadset4", "_HelmHeadstrap"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\MICH2001\tx\Helmet_2_co.paa"}; modelSides[] = {3,1}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Head { hitpointName = "HitHead"; armor = 6; passThrough = 0.5; }; }; }; };
  17. road runner

    Is there a possibility?

    Ah.. but you never mentioned anything about it just being textures... easy enough, find the model you wish to use, obviously short sleeves/t-shirt, create a texture with tattoo's, make it into and addon, and then use "SetObjectTexture" ??
  18. road runner

    Is there a possibility?

    For what purpose? A leg is a leg and is for running walking and jumping, same with the arms, what difference does it make to the game if the guy has Biceps like Arnie, or a seven stone weakling?
  19. road runner

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Duala for A3

    I'd like to see Lingor give the same TLC!! :D
  20. Thanks, I've heard so many good things, and would like to try it out..
  21. Is there a particular reason it doesn't work with dev branch versions?
  22. road runner

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    depending on how you have your sling set up, mine was always set up to fall to my left, allowing my right (strong) hand to draw my sidearm no matter what speed I was moving at.. It amazes me how people harp on about certain realism, but chose to ignore others, it's IMPOSSIBLE to feel anything remotely close to real combat within a game.
  23. road runner

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Promising looking addon, will you be modelling the Scottish Regimantal head dress, the Tam O' Shanter, worn by most Scottish Regiments during WW2?
  24. I've just released a MICH2001 addon, that has over 28 hidden selections, so nothing wrong my end. This is how I have set up all the classes, you must define the base model first, that uses the default texture applied in O2, it's the subsequent models that will all be using the "Hidden selection texture" class cfgWeapons { class H_HelmetB; class ItemCore; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class HeadgearItem; class MICH2001: H_HelmetB { scope = 2; dlc = "DEVGRU"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "MICH2001 camo 1"; picture = "MICH2001\ui\mich2001_helmet_ui.paa"; model = "\MICH2001\MICH_2001_1"; hiddenSelections[] = {"_NVGArm", "_Bungee", "_Bungee2", "_Shroud", "_NVGMount", "_MantaRear", "_SureFire", "_SureFire2", "_VLiteRear", "_VLiteTop", "_VLiteNav", "_ContourHD", "_HelmHeadset2", "_HelmHeadset3", "_HelmHeadset4", "_HelmGoggles", "_HelmStrobeBack", "_HelmNVGStrap", "_HelmStrobeRear", "_HelmStrobeTop", "_HelmNVGBattery", "_HelmRail"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {}; author = "Road Runner"; class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem { mass = 20; uniformmodel = "\MICH2001\MICH_2001_1"; hiddenSelections[] = {"_NVGArm", "_Bungee", "_Bungee2", "_Shroud", "_NVGMount", "_MantaRear", "_SureFire", "_SureFire2", "_VLiteRear", "_VLiteTop", "_VLiteNav", "_ContourHD", "_HelmHeadset2", "_HelmHeadset3", "_HelmHeadset4", "_HelmGoggles", "_HelmStrobeBack", "_HelmNVGStrap", "_HelmStrobeRear", "_HelmStrobeTop", "_HelmNVGBattery", "_HelmRail"}; modelSides[] = {3,1}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Head { hitpointName = "HitHead"; armor = 6; passThrough = 0.5; }; }; }; }; class MICH_2001_2: MICH2001 { scope = 2; dlc = "DEVGRU"; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "MICH2001 camo 2"; picture = "MICH2001\ui\mich2001_helmet_ui.paa"; model = "\MICH2001\MICH_2001_1"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "_NVGArm", "_Bungee", "_Bungee3", "_NOROTOS", "_NVGMount", "_MantaTop", "_SureFire", "_SureFire2", "_VLiteRear", "_VLiteTop", "_ContourHD", "_HelmGoggles", "_HelmNVGStrap", "_HelmStrobeRear", "_HelmStrobeBack", "_HelmStrobeTop", "_HelmHeadset", "_HelmHeadset3", "_HelmHeadset4", "_HelmHeadstrap"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\MICH2001\tx\Helmet_2_co.paa"}; author = "Road Runner"; class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem { mass = 20; uniformmodel = "\MICH2001\MICH_2001_1"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "_NVGArm", "_Bungee", "_Bungee3", "_NOROTOS", "_NVGMount", "_MantaTop", "_SureFire", "_SureFire2", "_VLiteRear", "_VLiteTop", "_ContourHD", "_HelmGoggles", "_HelmNVGStrap", "_HelmStrobeRear", "_HelmStrobeBack", "_HelmStrobeTop", "_HelmHeadset", "_HelmHeadset3", "_HelmHeadset4", "_HelmHeadstrap"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\MICH2001\tx\Helmet_2_co.paa"}; modelSides[] = {3,1}; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Head { hitpointName = "HitHead"; armor = 6; passThrough = 0.5; }; }; }; };
  25. road runner

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Sprinting at full pelt wearing 20-40KG's of weapons, Gear and Ammo also shouldn't be allowed either, but the AI are like Olympic class/Tier 1 athletes !! :D , are you trying to say that breaking contact as fast as you can, and transitioning from Primary to secondary (would) never happen in real life?