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About ozzbik

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    Staff Sergeant


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    Games, modelbuilding, reading, wife...not necessarily in that order.. :)
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    6.76 meters below sea level

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    nose, ears, hair.. :p

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  1. The engagement is there if you know where to look. This forum is but one place where you can find updates. Arma Reforger Feedback Arma Discord Also if you wondering about development, you can check steamdb.info on what new builds are uploaded (for internal testing i guess).
  2. You're indeed right that my path wasn't complete. I've checked again and for me the config is located "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\app1874880_userxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\settings\ReforgerEngineSettings.conf" where the x's are my SteamId.
  3. ozzbik

    Confused over pricing.

    If you bought Reforger before this update, the deluxe update was free. When you buy it now those extra's are not free.
  4. ozzbik

    TrackIR support?

    TrackIr is supported for all I know. Joystick controllers not yet.
  5. ozzbik

    RHS: Status Quo

    https://docs.rhsmods.org/rhs-status-quo-user-documentation/arma-reforger/rhs-status-quo/general-systems/navigation-and-positioning has part of the documentation.
  6. ozzbik

    Low Sound Problem

    Did you make sure that the game itself has the right volume (settings can vary per application)? You can check by right clicking on the volume icon and select "Open Volume Mixer". In the popup you can see what the volume is for all active applications.
  7. This is the troubleshooting section so i presume you're in the right place ;). You can try to validate your game file to see if there's a corrupt file. (right click on your game in the library, select properties, then click on Installed File and press the "Verify integrity of game files" button). If that doesn't work, remove your profile settings from the "My Games\ArmaReforger" folder and try again.
  8. As of DX12 Microsoft has replaced fullscreen with borderless fullscreen. Fullscreen exclusive mode does not exist in DX12 anymore. Did you check the config file for the resolution (My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\ReforgerEngineSettings.conf)?
  9. Copying an existing mod folder could work. I've had mods that were canceled (or stopped) still working locally while not being available in the workshop. I'm not sure if this will work multiplayer however, but you can always try with a locally hosted dedicated server.
  10. Some mods haven't been updated after the 1.0 release and therefor won't show up in de mod-list (which currently is the only way to get mods). It's up to the mod-er to recompile the mods for Arma Reforger 1.0.
  11. ozzbik

    RHS: Status Quo

    I'm not sure if you meant that the left is different from the right but, just to be sure, this is the illumination which many optics have as a mode (a little overdone in this case)? I guess that anything to do with lighting alterations could be the cause (like darker nights)?
  12. ozzbik

    How can bind on mouse HOLD

    What is it exactly that does not work? There are two different options for aiming: - Hold to aim (keep key pressed for aiming) - Toggle aim (press once to turn on and press again to turn off) I can change the aim toggle (hold) option to any key available (incl. mouse button 2 - right mouse button). Check if the user control file (InputUserSettings.conf) isn't set to readonly. This file can be found in your \My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\settings\ folder. If you want to remove the keybinding from the toggle, select the aim toggle and press R to remove the keybind.
  13. BMP1 attacking Stryker Mods: Stryker, BMP1 IFV.
  14. Very strange behaviour. But good to see you have a way to play. Now hope that this is going to be picked up soon by the developers.
  15. ozzbik


    You have to add the mod to your Workbench launcher. Just click on Add Project and browse to to folder containing the addons.proj from Kumar. Then when you right click on your own new project, you can select Open with Addons, at which you should be able to select Kunar as an additional addon.