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Everything posted by zulu1

  1. zulu1


    It took some time to check out all the addons and verify that this works. The list of addons should be complete, let me know if anything is missing. Mission: http://www.mediafire.com/file/aacc5drzy77b3f9/SASAfgh1.02.rar/file Note: This is a campaign so put it in the campaign folder. The screen will go black for about a minute while DAC is initializing. Addons: ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/BLEED_1.0_d_FULL.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/rktmerlin.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/JAM3_FIXED6.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/ukf_dpmtrppk1_1.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/ukf_wmik_101.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF_land_rovers_v1.0.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF_LRPatch1.1.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF_Warrior_Pack1_V1.0.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF_L96A1.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF Sidearms.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/UKF Weapons 2.0.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons3/MAP_Ruck.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/OFPDAfganPack2.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/islands2/OFPDAfganeveron2.rar ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/USMC_AV-8B_HARRIER.RAR http://www.mediafire.com/file/ydsdc9ixzachzrz/cti_markers_v1.rar/file (CTI Markers is needed for DAC)
  2. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    dara sounds: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qo13bm8s65zs418/DaraOfp__New_sounds_v.1.2.rar/file peep zombies and farmland can be found here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqSK/pqnB9aCY6/unofaddons2/pepzombiesV1.0.rar https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqSK/pqnB9aCY6/unofaddons2/Farmland_v2.0.rar
  3. For a while now Bushwhacker and I have been hosting Friday and Saturday nite Coop sessions for U.S. old timers. Game times can start between 8:00 and 10:00pm US pacific time. We run the old VS / BDA addons. FCM CBT VS Here is a link for addons: http://www.mediafire.com/?bun114cbl1lb5we,ce4rww9x2xzir4g,oehqd061je4nw7w,f706n3b24uq1779 All are welcome to come play. Look for either Bushwhacker's Server or mine, Zulu's [VS] VetSquad Coop Server, IP: Currently my server is up.
  4. I remember in SLX being suppressed by enemy fire made missions unplayable as you were constantly forced to the ground.
  5. Both entries are essentially the same. You may notice that all sections begin with { and end with }; The second is more typically what you see. addOns[]={"objects"}; addOns[]= { "objects" };
  6. My experience with making missions and quirky addons taught me two things about missions complaining about missing addons. 1. If it says missing addons and you find it listed in the addons section of the mission.sqm, then remove the entry. 2. If it says missing addons and it is not listed in the addons section of the mission.sqm, then add it. btw...keep in mind the entries are classnames and not the name of the pbo file.
  7. Apparently this is not a user made campaign, but a commercial release from a 3rd party company. https://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005QKGX I can not find this in my file archive, so I can not help.
  8. That information was provided so you could do it yourself. No one will do it for you. Just follow the instructions.
  9. It's part of Lost Brothers (LoBo) first mod pack.
  10. That's a ton of addons you got there. I was going to suggest the same sources. Also check here and here . And as a last resort here or here . And very last ask me for specific files you can't find else where.
  11. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Do you have a little more info?...Real File name?
  12. zulu1

    [WW4 EXT] [SP] Rabbit Hunt

    I seem to recall playing this, but I can't find it. Will keep looking.
  13. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    You mean like offshore oil rig? Not really There is this: ftp://ftp.armedassault.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/MAP_OilAddon_v1.02.rar
  14. Sorry Slavko but I don't think aspect ratio has anything to do with it. South America, I think you need the 5.12 patched version of WGL. Download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4rm6uf16ihe36ce/wgl512_2006-11-12.rar/file
  15. I seem to recall bandages require a weapon also, like for nades and satchels you need "put" and "throw" weapons.
  16. This is getting to be endless.... Send your script and name the vehicles you have problems with.
  17. There are several spawning script packages around and they all have some basic things in common. # 1 A GameLogic placed on the map named "server". # 2 The first line of the script : ?!(local Server): goto "end" (or just exit) # 3 You need to introduce delays between spawns and also crews boarding vehicles, like Alex says above OFP needs time for all players connected to the server to synchronize. Spawned vehicles are local to the player. Some scripts even take an extra step using a "Dummy Unit" to execute grouping of units. BTW... placing one empty vehicle or unit of each type you want to spawn on the map will reduce lags.
  18. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Final Jam version and additional sound files. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/8hayh0zqck4qkhu,iet2j03f1drc58x,1597faz7kk2d78n,30ond32jkan2rr8,d8h94nm22gmprmw,s8scj5sfqjpdf49/shared
  19. Glad to help. Here are some thoughts I have. 1. Fwd Observer will start calling fire missions as soon as the enemy is in sight, so placing him is critical like I did in the first demo. 2. The observer will continue to call fire missions as long as enemy is in view. Gen.Barron did not provide a way to end or kill the script, so I guess you need to use deletevechicle to get rid of the observers at some point. You can use an alive check in a trigger. Here are some examples of conditions to use in a trigger. !alive shilka && !alive t80 && !alive bmp "alive _x" count units eg1 < 2 "alive _x" count units egrp1 <= 3 && "alive _x" count units egrp2 <= 3 "alive _x" count thisList > NUMBER ("alive _x" count units groupname) == count units groupname ("not alive _x" count units natz) == count units natz (("alive _x" count ConvoyArray) <= 10) Another solution may be to move the observer with the trigger instead of deleting him??? 3. With the delays this script only works good when units are stationary or confined to an area. Trying to hit moving targets will not work very well.
  20. Hi, Ok I played around some and I got it to work. The tip about placing the artillery units first seems to be the key to it. My first attempt give me the scalar booleen error that you got. I made 3 basic scenario's for you to try. The 3rd shows you can have multiple observers ordering multiple batteries (or even a single one). Try these out. http://www.mediafire.com/file/mnhh73hq1rlqatp/UA_AI_Test.zip/file The only beef I have with UA is the long delays and it's really not too accurate.
  21. Ok init.sqs for the other functions. Was there some kind of demo or template that came with the script and does it work? You want the earlier CoC UA addon I believe, ver. 1.0. Since you supplied the script maybe I'll see if I can make it work.
  22. Hey Snafu, Looks like it uses CoC UA. If you also have that you might be missing the Preprocess line required in the Description.exe file. This is covered in the docs for CoC UA. You also need two of GenB's functions with their Preprocess lines in the description file too. findUnits.sqf knownUnits.sqf If you don't have these I can dig them up for you.
  23. Hi Xetex, I finally got this, but after installing I get this error and no game start. "Texture has bad pixel format (VRAM)"
  24. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Both Pre ECP 1.85 and all EECP can be found here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqSK/pqnB9aCY6/unofaddons2/