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Everything posted by reyhard

  1. Mass & their speed - in that CRV7 article you have specified why it's so accurate - main dispersion comes from right after the launch, when motor starts - artillery rounds ofc don't have that issue since they are fired at usually ~900m/s. Due to low mass S5 rockets had terrible accuracy and that was a main reason why Russian army no longer use them and switched to S8 & S13 instead. Still, there are plenty videos from Syria or recent military Russian military training where you can see how accurate (or not) are S8 rockets - Don't forget that there are also such rocket systems as Grad which launches rockets with significant dispersion. Anyway, ingame there DAR rockets, which are based - surprise - on DARs & Skyfires which shares ballistic characteristics of S8. You can google how accurate are DARs ;)
  2. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Try eden attributes instead maybe
  3. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Customization_(VhC) perhaps you might find it interesting. Vano is using script system for livery randomization so your changes are overwrite You can try to configure your textures as a proper VG entry or try adding something as simple as textureList[] = {};
  4. Tried some Vanillia & RHS and I haven't found any issues with hatches - can you elaborate a little on this one? Are you inheriting from some base vanila vehicle maybe?
  5. Checked stable and problem was there all the time but don't worry, seems like it's just matter of changing "engineShiftY" parameters in config ;)
  6. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    They CCD fire and forget style but in real life they would require help from some sort of targeting system like Shkval. As I mentioned before, Su-25 is quite hard to use and it's especially visible with AI, therefore for now I decided to keep those missiles available in loadout selection. Thing would definitely change once Su-25T or Su-25SM3 would be available since those two are quite nasty armor killers. @Devastator_cm - there was a lot of reference material + for russian aircrafts a lot of work was already done when making MiG-29, since both aircrafts share instruments.
  7. reyhard

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    As far as I know AI is limited by ranges indicated in fire modes and they should engage up to 3km with their main cannon. It can be overridden though with direct "Fire" command issued by player commander. I agree 3km's is somehow low number but changing it would need some investigation how it would affect gameplay.
  8. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In currently released version there is no way to do so. In next hotfix there will be following procedure for using Klen PS onboard laser designator & laser designated missiles (Kh29L, Kh29ML, Kh25, Kh25ML): 1. Activate laser with R key [ "Next target (in vehicle") key, binding can be checked by typing in console watch field following code - actionKeysNames "vehLockTargets"] 2. Green light should be engaged, laser designator is engaged. Now you can adjust reticle position with user15-18 keys 3. After acquiring target press Ctrl+T ( "Stabilize Turret" action, actionKeysNames "vehLockTurretView" ) to switch on stabilization. 4. If you are within launch range (in current released version it is 2000m-8000m, I've reduce minimum range to ~800m to accommodate it to Arma scale), orange light on the right should lit up. If you are to close to the target (below 800m) red light will turn on which indicates that you should disengage and do another round. 5. Fire missile & watch it as it's automatically heading to the reticle center 6. After you are done don't forget to switch off laser with R key again. Cooldown time is dependent on duration of laser operation. Lasing below 15s = 15s cooldown, lasing below 30s = 30s cooldown, lasing below 60s = 60s cooldown. Laser can be used for max 60 seconds. Here is a video illustrating how it's working Note that Kh-25 & 29 missiles are not designed as a anti tank weapon but rather as a fortification/ship/structures destroyer. Since it's quite huge change and creating Su-25T or SM3 will take some time I left TV guided missiles available in pylon tab - this might change though!
  9. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We weren't sure about this feature so for now only self lasing is possible. If you have some source stating ability to lock on 3rd party laser targets then please don't be afraid to post it here ;) Here is some update on Su-25 cockpit update - added warning lights & repainted rest of the gauges + calibrated them. I guess with all that functionality it will be nice to have some video tutorial ;)
  10. You can use animPeriod in animation cfg to smooth movement a little bit. There were some packing issues recently so probably that's why this change didn't made to Thursday and Friday update.
  11. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    do you mine detector e quipped? Interesting, I've used almost same numbers as vanila R77 missile and someone else reported that on our feedback tracker too. Personally I was able to shot down targets even though enemy was using chaffs but perhaps I'm take second look at it. fixed in Anyway, here is something that I'm working on recently - Klen-PS simulation for Su-25 used for guiding Kh-25L & Kh-29L/ML missiles.
  12. since 1.74 viewDriverInExternal is working properly Same as above, since 1.74 you can use TankX + drivingstickLeft/Right or drivingWheel for steering wheel rotation. It wouldn't be 100% correct but visual thing should be at least acceptable. I've seen before those new animation sources that some folks from IFA made workaround with using gmeter instead. Certainly mods are not forgotten and in fact some of us are modders. ;) @x3kj have you tried modifying accelAidForceYOffset? I've played a little bit with it and I got pretty interesting results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY96PmNepBw
  13. Only unarmed one? If yes, then it should be fixed tomorrow
  14. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There is nothing like that on A10A, you need to use CCIP on HUD or have someone on ground with laser marker
  15. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Do you have Mavericks equipped? That little screen is called TVM - TV Maverick - and is showing view from missile seeker itself
  16. reyhard

    Jets - HUD improvements

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A3_MFD_config_reference Here you can find source for Angle of Attack or do you mean something different?
  17. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    check virtual arsenal + http://www.rhsmods.org/faq#1 Scripts responsible for spawning HEAT submunition are connected to vehicle "Hit" event handler for performance reasons + some engine limitations. Well, I did experiment with realistic number of submunition but impact was quite visible Increasing number of bomblets slightly is still on the table though.
  18. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There is no A10C atm in RHS. As for A10A follow this instruction From our tests it seems chances to hit something with those unguided heat munition is actually very low, unless you release 2 or more bombs at once It has max range ~1100m if I remember correctly could you create ticket here? http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view_all_bug_page.php
  19. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes, there are some plans but it heavily dependent on available time
  20. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You need to lock something first in order to have autoseek working since autoSeekRange is calculated from distance to target. I've tested it on R-27T (it's available in 0.4.3 too) and it has some issues
  21. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Mi-24VT is a transport variant with slingload ability which cannot mount any weapons to accommodate extra takeoff mass when sligloading. It's 19km, you can toggle Radar scale with Left Ctrl + ] just like on Vanila aircrafts
  22. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Afair it wasn't working for missiles with just saclos so dunno if it's not engine issue. Didn't have time to test it further though
  23. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    How did you tested saclos with ai on kajman?
  24. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Maybe in future, I don't have time for that now
  25. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Good catch - I actually wanted to convert altimeter to feets from meters but somehow I forgot to update rest of the instruments It's not working on Ka-52 due to turret setup