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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @thy_ hey here is the simple code it gets the job done!!!!. I am sure there is a more sophisticated and sexy way to do this put it checks off all the needs I need in a mission. a way for AI units and players to repair refuel and rearm. call{{_x setDamage 0} Foreach thislist;}; call{{_x setFuel 1} Foreach thislist;}; call{{_x setVehicleAmmo 1} Foreach thislist;hint "you are are in the Auto services sector.Your Vehicle will be Restored. Your can still take damage and will use up Ammo and fuel in the sector."} place a trigger down pick your size of the trigger areas and shape Type none activation any player activation type present repeatable server only condition call (this) interval .05 on activation please code above in box trigger timer timer type timeout timer valves 1 1 1 trigger effects SFX debug this give a beeping noise when in the trigger area. I am using messing around in the editor AVIBIRD PC stop by anytime.
  2. Hello thy. I have a very simple script that refuse rearms repairs vehicle. Its in a trigger area. If any vehicle player or AI enters the trigger. I have place a large fuel tank a repair pod and ammo crates in this area. Yes vehicles can use them but the code in the trigger areas works the best. AI units will move to the trigger area if low in resources most of the time. AI behavior for rearming refueling and repairing is still very sketchy at times. But it works during a mission. If you want I can drop the code for you. It meets all my needs for mission design.
  3. avibird 1

    Cycling Waypoints

    A very simple fix is to use JEBUS You can spawn a unit use editor placed waypoint at the last waypoint you can delete unit and JEBUS will respawn the vehicle and all the waypoints as many times you want it to spawn back in the mission
  4. This is a very interesting set of scripts that should have been in the vanilla game. The whole rearming in OFP-Arma series ha always been a clusterfuck. When a units in a group goes to rearm it mess the whole group movements if the group is in combat mode. SMH I use have been using script that since arma2 that will always keep one magazine in the unit inventory. The players and AI will always have one magazine and one AT round in inventory. The group will always be ready to fight. When controlling AI units in a group rearming can be game breaker when trying to manage a group.
  5. avibird 1

    Carrying wounded AI...

    AIS wounded system has all those functions you're asking for
  6. I only found a few AI Recruitment Scripts for ARMA3. 1.Bon's Infantry Recruitment 2.Simple AI Recruitment Dialog / Script 3.[FOCK] AI Recruit - Cheap and cheer full [ALPHA] 4. using ZEUS (not really good for static mission design) 5. using MCC (not really good for static mission design) Bon's with its dynamically built subfaction system is great. Dadds Army Simple AI Recruitment is very nice as well but both of them you can't just limited the Recruitment to a particular unit at multiple set locations ie only a pilot at an airbase or a tank crew at an armor depot position. There is a way with both of them but I would have to make second set of folders files and scripts to run the them with only one unit class in the script. As is I am trying to reduce the number of folders files and scripts in my little project :unsure:
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_MP_Support_Guideline Trying to understand how to setup some of the vanilla modules we have in the editor. Some are very straightforward while others are very complex with very little information. Supposedly there are sample missions either on steam or already located in our steam folders in our PC. I Can't locate this file. "You can find the example in the Arma 3 Tools (accessible from Steam): \Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Samples_F\Example_Supports_Mission\MP_GroundSupport01.Altis" This statement is directly taken from the Wikipedia. There is no tool folder located in my arma3 folder following the pathway provided above. Avibird
  8. I don't play with respawns. I use a health system that your playable unit will never die only go unconscious. If all the playable/switchable units in your group/Squad/Platoon go unconscious the mission ends. I call it the last man standing game game mode. The JTACtab advanced support module mod is based off the vanilla mods and you have access to the unit on different playable Switchable units in your group so again I don't understand why the vanilla can't work with a little workaround. SMH,🤔 Could you post a new link or DL that support mod you posted above. The link did not work!!! Avibird
  9. I know this has been an issue for a while that you can't have two support requesters on the same side. For example two blufor either two players or different switchable playable units. This is the way it was I don't know if anything has changed or has somebody came up with a solution to allow two players or playable units to have access to it. I have a workround that the support requester modules would follow the player on any unit he was but that is more geared towards single player then co-op play. This has been on my to do list for a while. Is there any new workround that will allow the in game support modules to apply to two different playable units? If not what community scripts or mods that are very similar to function to the vanilla support modules. I just need the basic functions artillery CAS support and transport. Avibird.
  10. so after a week or so of testing playing Drongos artillery and JTACtab advanced support modules are the best options that will allow A player to use with different switchable playable units with the support modules. I still don't understand why the vanilla support modules will not allow a player to use it with switchable units. Can someone please explain why ?
  11. Yes it still works very good but starting to get script errors and some of functions are not working now. I would say 85% of the functions still work and it's has a lot of functions. It's a shame that it is not being up kept anymore and eventually if Arma 3 continues to get a few more updates it's only time and a few updates away 😐😢🤢
  12. So sad you are not updating this anymore. It was the greatest all-in-one mod for Arma 3. Still works but a lot of bugs now. Thank you for your work

  13. @pierremgi and @Larrow can't get any of the scripts/codes from the two posts above to work. I don't understand why this is so hard to get this done. I just want the support to be used by two playable/switchable units in the mission. The mission is for SP or a small coop group. I had some code that allows the support to follow the player on any unit he team switch into but that was for SP only. Should I just give up on this and move on or can this be done with some workaround script ? Avibird
  14. I am using team switch in my mission I have a 20 playable/switchable units in a platoon divided up into two different squad of 10. I would like each squad to have one unit to have access to the vanilla modules. But only one unit will have access to the modules. Whichever unit I switch into first gets the access and the other one does not. This is my issues. Can you have two playable switchable units that have access during the mission ?
  15. Sorry to bring this old post up but this has been on my to do list for a while. I can't seem to get a work around to allow for two playable units on the same side to use the vanilla support modules. I attempted all three ways that are stated above non work. has anyone got this to work. I would greatly appreciate it.
  16. I don't think so. Once a unit uses the support then no other unit can use it. Are you sure you got multiple playable units to use the vanilla support modules in the same mission? If so please can you provide a demo mission show me how because I could never get multiple units to have use during a mission.
  17. I was able to remove all of the Ace medical from the mod to allow my modified version of the AIS wound system to work. Have some issues with mcc4 and Ace playing nice together. The only issue I see some of the support assets are not virtual and if you have random air units patrolling around the map they will engage the support assets that are stationary on the map regardless how far they are away. Try to figure this out. But the support modules work with the vanilla support modules. I have a 20-man playable platoon that is divided up into two 10-man squads and I want to each squad to have the ability to utilize artillery CAS and transportation during the mission.
  18. I look at it but you need to have Ace installed to use it I believe. I can't use Ace it messes up some other modified mods and scripts I use in the bulk of my missions. Sad 😢
  19. avibird 1

    Drongo's Air Support

    Does anyone have a active link to this mod Avibird can't find it on steam
  20. avibird 1

    Project injury reaction

    Yes but tell me would it be that much more work to add the functions into mod but if you were going to add the wounded drag function then adding carrying and loading functions should be straightforward within the script/mod scope. Just curious great mod hope that behemia puts in some type of system between this and Ace in the next Arma. I can't understand why they took out the function from arma2.
  21. avibird 1

    Project injury reaction

    Hello two questions. Love the mod I've been saying this for a while Bohemia needs to put something like this in the vanilla game for sure Question one I don't want the playable units to ever die only stay unconscious. That is a easy fix by turning the minimum and maximum blood loss time to 3600 but this affects all AI in the mission is there a way that will only affect playable units? Ai and playable units can still die on one shot of hit in the right spot. Can this be toggled on and off. Question two are you ever planning on adding a carry and load function for wounded units. I use a modified AIS wound system that allows for all of this but your mod has some really nice functions and you still updating and working on the mod. I would like to start switching over to your mod but those are two important functions I need in my missions. Avibird
  22. This has been a little pet peeve of mine but I'm sure it's a simple fix. After completing a mission or losing e mission the win or lose screen appears at mission start of the next mission attempt. Is there something I can put in the mission description to prevent this? After all these years I figure it's time to try to fix this issue in my missions lol.
  23. @Gunter Severloh I had your script for a few years in a folder of to look at scripts. I attempted to use it this weekend but did not work I was wondering if there's an updated version what is the number and when was the last time you attempted to see if the script still works after all the new engine updates?