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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Hi guys, I want a certain area (e.g. a trigger area) to sound like the player is walking in a puddle of mud, even if it is not raining or wet. Is this possible?
  2. Black Lands >> Read a review at The Abandoned Workshops (April 27th, 2014) Version: 1.2 (beta) Author: Undeceived Required game version: Arma 2: Combined Operations (v. 1.62) Features: Story-driven resistance campaign (19 missions + cutscenes) with an enthralling plot about a group of men struggling against their enemies Custom music (including some self-composed titles) Many cutscenes, intros and outros A mix of linear, straight-forward missions and wide and complex ones with many tasks Weapon pool (weapons and gear are forwarded and available in the next missions) Squad management system (get to know the background story of your men and chose your group for the next mission) Description: After the Russian army takes control over Chernarus, Tomas Cerny and his best friend Dimitri, among other war-survivors, form up a resistance movement. At first, the group is able to cause harm to the Russian intruders, but little by little, Tomas sees the strength of the movement crumbling and deteriorating. As eventually Dimitri is killed in an Russian ambush and Tomas, all at once, loses everything he loves and cares for, the resistance fighter finds himself all alone, devitalized and a broken man. In his darkest hour, Tomas is suddenly contacted by an agent of the U.S. intelligence, who is able to light up a small flame in the young Chernarussian again. Tomas learns that there are still people who want to rise up against the Russians. He is able to find new courage, meets new friends and goes on the most difficult journey of his life. He passes through adventures and defeats, experiences friendship as well as betrayal and faces survival and death. Beta status (read!😞 Please help me with the English translation! 🙂 (I'm not a native speaker and many expressions might sound a bit strange. Please give me suggestions and corrections!) Bug reports are much appreciated Download: All required addons + installation instruction are contained in the download. Black Lands 1.2 (beta)
  3. (Solved - check this post) Hi guys, can you help me with that? In the beginning of the mission, the player is number 5 in the group (lead by AI). The group leader is number 1. The unit was created "manually" in the editor via F2-connecting of the units to the leader. Later I want the player to become the leader and also the number 1 in the group. But no matter what I do, I couldn't get this working... The player's unit will stay as number 5. All other units (1-7) join him, but he stays 5. So what do I need to do to turn the player to the new number 1 and the former leader to number 2, followed by the former number 2 who becomes 3, etc...? I tried this: [player] join grpNull; sleep 0.5; [player] joinsilent player; player = leader group player; player setrank "COLONEL"; dudeone setrank "MAJOR"; dudetwo setrank "CAPTAIN"; dudethree setrank "LIEUTENANT"; dudefour setrank "SERGEANT"; dudesix setrank "CORPORAL"; dudeseven setrank "PRIVATE"; [all dudes] join grpNull; sleep 0.5; [all dudes] join player; The problem is that the player's unit, when I throw him into grpNull, stays as number 5, even being the leader of the newly created group (group leader). How can he be set to be number 1? :) That's the question I have. :D Thanks for your help!
  4. It worked like magic! Thanks a lot, man! I would never have thought that only one variable had to be changed. 😄
  5. I have another question here that has me racking my brains... @Larrow's code copies the subcontainers (uniforms, vests, backpacks) and their content to the end container (crate). The stuff stays in the subcontainers. How would the code have to look like when you want to empty ("pour out", so to speak) the subcontainers into the crate, so that the contents of the uniforms, vests and backpacks are directly in the crate, not in the subcontainers anymore? I hope my question is understandable. 😅
  6. Hi guys, I would like to "collect" the items, weapons, magazines and backpacks that the player has put on the ground inside a certain trigger and put then into a crate. Is there a way to detect this stuff and create an array out of it. The relatively new command inAreaArray looked promising at first but unfortunately it doesn't recognize items, weapons and magazines (I couldn't do it at least). Does anyone know more? Thanks a lot! See the solution here:
  7. Thanks, @Clayman, and sorry for the late reply, I was busy with other things in the project. Now I got back to this. I couldn't make it work with your code, but I managed to use Larrow's code here as basis to make it work somehow. Collect items, magazines and weapons (in weaponsItems format) from a trigger area, INCLUDING everything that is inside a container (e.g. vest or uniform) and copy everything to a container: Small note: Uniforms, vests and backpacks will stay filled in the container with their content, like they were laying on the ground. If you want to "empty" the subcontainers in the target container (so that their content is outside of them in the target container), check Larrow's answer here. Super simple.
  8. You will probably see different "scenes" everytime you launch Arma, do you? It could be that in one scene there is music implemented and in another one there is none. Depends what the scene authors have set. Or are you talking about music coming and going while you're seeing one menu screen only (in one single Arma session)?
  9. Someone please correct me but I think that it isn't possible to turn music on / off in the main menu, because what appears there is a cutscene mission which the author (either BI or a mod author) has chosen and implemented music for. Of course it's possible to tune music down in the audio settings, but I don't think, this is what you're after.
  10. UNDERDOGS Author: UndeceivedVersion: 1.92 (updated December 15, 2023) Review (spoiler-free) at D E S C R I P T I O N "We were totally excited when we finally got the green light for the job that our contact Manos had told us about. Just a simple burglary - a pile of money waiting for us in return. At that moment we didn't know that this would be the trigger of a terrible nightmare and a wearying run for our lives..." A story-driven mini-campaign (5 missions, cutscenes, multiple endings) about a group of Altian kids trying to survive the consequences of a deadly coincidence. T R A I L E R S F E A T U R E S Story-driven SP mini-campaign (5 missions) A civilian style "crime thriller" - take a refreshing break from the daily military duties Cutscenes Multiple endings Many ways to solve certain tasks Crafting of certain needed improvised items You can adjust the brightness in night missions A V A I L A B L E L A N G U A G E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S Everything is part of the campaign download I S S U E S Playing with other mods apart from the required ones could break the missions or cause bugs. Other than that I have no clue what happens in the Arma dev version, so better play in the stable version. A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N D O W N L O A D Underdogs v. 1.92
  11. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    Hello guys, I'm proud and happy that my campaign was reviewed by the folks at legendary OFPEC.com. 😊 You can find it here (it's spoiler-free).
  12. Just thank you, @Larrow You're a mastermind. 😄 Lil' beer incoming.
  13. Hi @Schatten @bad benson (or others who can help), how are you guys doing? After 5 years, I have another question on this topic: Is there a way to include items, magazines and weapons (in weaponsItems format) that are inside a container (e.g. vest or uniform) which is lying in the "collector" trigger area? EDIT: Brief summary of what I'm looking for: This code creates an array of all items, magazines and weapons that are on the ground in a trigger area (if I'm not mistaken, more precise, they're in a WeaponHolder in that trigger area). Later in the code, I also put all the stuff in a crate. Now I'd like to expand this code so it also gets items, mags and weapons that are in containers (e.g. vests, uniforms) which are in this trigger area. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
  14. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    Hello everyone, I got back to this project and updated it with lots of bug killings and optimizations (see first post). In case anyone gets lost in here and tries it out - have fun!
  15. Evil's Last Will (Arma 3) Author: Undeceived Version: 1.4 (updated March 20th, 2023) T R A I L E R D E S C R I P T I O N Eliminate a target person and witness how murder and hatred only stoke more fear and death in this land - when evil fulfills its last will. F E A T U R E S A story-driven one-mission-mini-campaign with many objectives, ported from Arma 1 (OFPEC score back in the days: 8 out of 10) Modernized and optimized with Arma 3 features Full voice acting (German) English and German subtitles Thrilling and dark story, set in the deep forests of northern Sahrani Play as a Germany / NATO special forces operator: Infiltrate enemy positions, take out a highly valuable target, try to help local resistance forces, adapt to harsh circumstances due to missing allied support Cutscenes Custom music Custom main menu design Choose your equipment in the Arsenal, not in the briefing R E Q U I R E M E N T S CUP (Vehicles, Units, Weapons, Maps, Core) CBA (required by CUP) (Steam Workshop link) C H A N G E L O G D O W N L O A D Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 OneDrive Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 Make sure you log out from your 1drv before clicking the link. Otherwise your name shall be known to my 1drv for all eternity. 😲
  16. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Added a non-SW download. @ak47-su
  17. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Hi! I don't have Google Drive. What's the problem with the Steam Workshop?
  18. Sorry to dig out this old thread. I thought that it would solve my problem but it didn't. You guys @Grumpy Old Man @GEORGE FLOROS GR talked about how to prevent the player from opening a backpack, when he selects the action "Search backpack". But how can I prevent the action itself appearing in the first place?
  19. Undeceived

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Just a small addition: I noted that this is indeed a problem on my end, so nevermind.
  20. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    This helped me. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/241737-how-to-disable-the-small-tank-animation-in-main-menu/?do=findComment&comment=3473234 I hope that it's not just a local fix for me. 😄
  21. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Released a small update that removes the "Invaders" mini game in the main menu (small tank showing up) which "destroys" my custom menu cutscenes. 😄
  22. Hi all, is there a way to make that small white tank symbol disappear that emerges from the bottom in the main menu together with the change of music? Thanks a lot!