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Everything posted by swtx

  1. "MakePbo.exe "-PgF" "-X=thumbs.db,*.txt,*.h,*.dep,*.cpp,*.bak,*.png,*.log,*.pew, *.hpp" "Mods\Rook18s\Auto" "C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\PG Pistols work in progress\@Rook18s\Addons"" MakePbo: Building entries:... config.cpp rapWarning: **********missing file(s)*************** gear_rook40.paa rook40.p3d scanning... rook40.p3d: missing \a3\data_f\penetration\metal_plate.rvmat rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40.rvmat rook40.p3d: missing \A3\data_f\Penetration\metal_plate.bisurf rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40_nohq.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40_as.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40_smdi.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\data_f\env_land_co.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40_ti_ca.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\data\rook40_co.paa rook40.p3d: missing \a3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\muzzle.p3d rook40.p3d: missing \a3\data_f\proxies\muzzle_flash\muzzle_flash_pistol_p07.p3d rook40.paa rook40.rvmat //===============================================================================// enum { DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { class Pistols_Rook18s { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; addonRootClass = "A3_Weapons_F"; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class hgun_Rook18_Select_F; // External class reference class WeaponSlotsInfo; // External class reference class CfgWeapons { class Pistol; // External class reference class Pistol_Base_F : Pistol { }; class hgun_Rook18_Select_F : Pistol_Base_F { scope = 2; model = "\Rook18s\Auto\data\rook40_F.p3d"; picture ="\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\data\UI\gear_Rook40_x_ca.paa"; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Red_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Green_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_red_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_green_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_yellow_Mag"}; displayname = "Rook18 9MM Select Fire"; discreteDistance[] = {100, 200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; descriptionShort = "Rook18s"; reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistol"; opticsZoomMin = 0.375; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; distanceZoomMin = 50; distanceZoomMax = 50; bullet1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\metal_9mm_01", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\metal_9mm_02", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\metal_9mm_03", 0.177828, 1, 15}; bullet4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\metal_9mm_04", 0.177828, 1, 15}; bullet5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\dirt_9mm_01", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet6[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\dirt_9mm_02", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet7[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\dirt_9mm_03", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet8[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\dirt_9mm_04", 0.1, 1, 15}; bullet9[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\grass_9mm_01", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet10[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\grass_9mm_02", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet11[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\grass_9mm_03", 0.01, 1, 15}; bullet12[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\shells\9mm\grass_9mm_04", 0.01, 1, 15}; soundBullet[] = {"bullet1", 0.083, "bullet2", 0.083, "bullet3", 0.083, "bullet4", 0.083, "bullet5", 0.083, "bullet6", 0.083, "bullet7", 0.083, "bullet8", 0.083, "bullet9", 0.083, "bullet10", 0.083, "bullet11", 0.083, "bullet12", 0.083}; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\firemode_changer_1", 0.251189, 1, 20}; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { reloadTime = 0.0545; recoil = "recoil_single_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_single_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.00435; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 350; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; aiRateOfFire = 2.0; aiRateOfFireDistance = 500; sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle"; closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 1, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 1, 1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1", 2, 1, 2000}; begin2[] = {"Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S2", 2, 1, 2000}; begin3[] = {"Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S3", 2, 1, 2000}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.4, "begin2", 0.3, "begin3", 0.3}; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1", 0.562341, 1, 200}; begin2[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_2", 0.562341, 1, 200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5}; }; }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { reloadTime = 0.06; recoil = "recoil_auto_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.065; minRange = 0; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 70; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; aiRateOfFire = 1e-006; aiRateOfFireDistance = 50; sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { weaponSoundEffect = "DefaultRifle"; closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 1, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 1, 1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_1", 2, 1, 1800}; begin2[] = {"\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_2", 2, 1, 1800}; begin3[] = {"\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_3", 2, 1, 1800}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.4, "begin2", 0.3, "begin3", 0.3}; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1", 0.562341, 1, 200}; begin2[] = {"\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_2", 0.562341, 1, 200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.5, "begin2", 0.5}; }; }; drySound[] = {"Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Rookdry.wss", 1, 1, 60}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\reload_rook40", 1.0, 1, 40}; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 20; class PointerSlot {}; class CowsSlot {}; }; }; };
  2. Title says it ! Please take a look and help if you can help ! Addon Builder say it's at " class PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader" If you can spot the problem, your help is appreciated. class CfgPatches { class Pistols_Rook18s { units[] = { }; weapons[] = { }; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Sounds_F","A3_Weapons_F"}; version = "3"; projectName = "Project Genesis"; author = "Project Genesis Team"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_FullAuto; class CfgWeapons { class Pistol_Base_F; class hgun_Rook18_Select_F : Pistol_Base_F { class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; }; }; class CfgSoundSets { class PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; occlusionFactor = 0.45; obstructionFactor = 0.35; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; class PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shell_Inroom_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; soundShadersLimit = 3; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 3; }; class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader","PG4_FIVE_Silenced_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; occlusionFactor = 0.5; obstructionFactor = 0.5; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; }; class CfgSoundShaders { class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }, { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }}; volume = 1.3*interior; range = 65; }; class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = 1.8*interior; range = 65; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02",1 }}; volume = 2; range = 5; }; class PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S1_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S2_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S3_Mid",1 }}; volume = 2.00; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 40,0 },{ 145,1 },{ 300,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_3",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_4",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_5",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_6",1 }}; volume = 2.50; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 145,0 },{ 300,1 },{ 1000,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 65; limitation = 1; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }, { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_2",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 250; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_3",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 50; limitation = 1; }; };
  3. These are the errors I'm getting with PBO Project. Don't quite understand it. I have all the correct files in my mod data folder. The config entry that links to the folder is correct also. Updated config is included.
  4. Got the error above fixed. Now I'm getting another error in Virtual Arsenal when I select the pistol. If you guys could help me out with this I would appreciate it. Updated config is posted below. class CfgPatches { class Pistols_Rook18s { units[] = { }; weapons[] = { }; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Sounds_F","A3_Weapons_F"}; version = "3"; projectName = "Project Genesis Rook Select Fire"; author = "Project Genesis Team"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_FullAuto; class WeaponSlotsInfo; class CfgWeapons { class Pistol_Base_F; class hgun_Rook18_Select_F : Pistol_Base_F{ scope = 2; model = "\Rook18s\Auto\data\rook40.p3d"; picture ="\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\data\UI\gear_Rook40_x_ca.paa"; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Red_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Green_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_red_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_green_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_yellow_Mag"}; displayname = "Rook18 9MM Select Fire"; discreteDistance[] = {100, 200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; descriptionShort = "Rook18s"; reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistol"; opticsZoomMin = 0.375; opticsZoomMax = 1.1; opticsZoomInit = 0.75; distanceZoomMin = 50; distanceZoomMax = 50; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\firemode_changer_1", 0.251189, 1, 20}; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; drySound[] = {"Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Rookdry.wss", 1, 1, 60}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\reload_rook40", 1.0, 1, 40}; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto{ reloadTime = 0.0545; recoil = "recoil_single_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_single_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.00435; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 350; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; aiRateOfFire = 2.0; aiRateOfFireDistance = 500; class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto{ reloadTime = 0.06; recoil = "recoil_auto_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.065; minRange = 0; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 70; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; aiRateOfFire = 1e-006 aiRateOfFireDistance = 50; class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; }; }; class CfgSoundSets { class PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; occlusionFactor = 0.45; obstructionFactor = 0.35; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; /*class PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shell_Inroom_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; soundShadersLimit = 3; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 3; };*/ class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader","PG_4_FIVE_Silenced_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; occlusionFactor = 0.5; obstructionFactor = 0.5; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; }; class CfgSoundShaders { class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_2",1 }}; volume = 1.3*interior; range = 65; }; class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = 1.8*interior; range = 65; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02",1 }}; volume = 2; range = 5; }; class PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S1_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S2_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S3_Mid",1 }}; volume = 2.00; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 40,0 },{ 145,1 },{ 300,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_3",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_4",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_5",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_6",1 }}; volume = 2.50; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 145,0 },{ 300,1 },{ 1000,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 65; limitation = 1; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }, { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_2",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 250; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_3",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 50; limitation = 1; }; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 20; class PointerSlot {}; class CowsSlot {}; }; };
  5. Thx, I'll give it a try. Thx so much for your help.
  6. Sorry about the double post. Please Close.
  7. Title says it ! Please take a look and help if you can help ! Addon Builder say it's at " class PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader" If you can spot the problem, your help is appreciated. class CfgPatches { class Pistols_Rook18s { units[] = { }; weapons[] = { }; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Sounds_F","A3_Weapons_F"}; version = "3"; projectName = "Project Genesis"; author = "Project Genesis Team"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_FullAuto; class CfgWeapons { class Pistol_Base_F; class hgun_Rook18_Select_F : Pistol_Base_F { class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto { class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_DIST_TAILS"}; }; class SilencedSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet","PG_4FIVE_SILENCED_SOUNDSET"}; }; }; }; }; class CfgSoundSets { class PG_4FIVE_Shot_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; occlusionFactor = 0.45; obstructionFactor = 0.35; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; class PG_4FIVE_Shell_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Shell_Inroom_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; soundShadersLimit = 3; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 3; }; class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundSet { soundShaders[] = {"PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader","PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader","PG4_FIVE_Silenced_SoundShader"}; volumeFactor = 1.495; volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve"; occlusionFactor = 0.5; obstructionFactor = 0.5; sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType"; spatial = 1; doppler = 0; loop = 0; distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter"; frequencyRandomizer = 1; }; }; class CfgSoundShaders { class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }, { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }}; volume = 1.3*interior; range = 65; }; class PG_4FIVE_Interior_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = 1.8*interior; range = 65; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Closure_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02",1 }}; volume = 2; range = 5; }; class PG_4FIVE_close_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }, { "Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Pistol_S1",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,1 },{ 20,1 },{ 40,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_mid_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S1_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S2_Mid",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\Pistol_S3_Mid",1 }}; volume = 2.00; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 40,0 },{ 145,1 },{ 300,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_far_Shot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_3",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_4",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_5",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Shots\B_9x21_Ball_Dist_6",1 }}; volume = 2.50; range = 2500; rangeCurve[] = {{ 0,0 },{ 145,0 },{ 300,1 },{ 1000,0 },{ 2500,0 }}; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }, { "A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\4-Five\4-Five_tail_interior",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 65; limitation = 1; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class PG_4FIVE_Shot_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_1",1 }, { "\A3\sounds_f\weapons\Pistols\Silencer_Rook40_2",1 }}; volume = 1.8*(1-interior/1.4); range = 250; }; class PG_4FIVE_tailInterior_Silenced_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_1",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_2",1 }, { "\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\SD_Interior_3",1 }}; volume = "interior"; range = 50; limitation = 1; }; };
  8. swtx

    Re-texturing questions

    This helped me tremendously. You gotta use PhotoShop. If you don't have a subscription you can use the trial version. It's good for a few days. ARMA 3 Texture Tutorials
  9. swtx

    Feedback Thread

    That's actually on my to-do list for my Mod, Project Genesis. The maps will be made with custom assets and you will automatically start with a pistol and upgrade based your kill ratio. You will upgrade to everything in the arsenal with Sniper rifles being the granted with the highest number of kills. Each round lasting 10 minutes with a 30-minute map rotation. I plan on having 8 -10 custom maps, again with custom assets. Stay tuned! Scott out!
  10. swtx

    I need a solution

    Open Steam and go to your library. Right click on ARMA 3 and select "Uninstall". Reinstall ARMA APEX be sure to allow Battle Eye installation. I don't think you can install Battle Eye separately. I might be wrong though.
  11. Mod has been updated to .04, see the first post for more info.
  12. swtx

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    I have got the A3_weapon_f Pbo included in required addons section of the config. Please take a look. Everything packs and compiles fine but the short sounds don't work and the directory structure is correct. I will be glad to upload the mod via Mega so you can check it out. Any help with this is greatly appreciated. class CfgPatches { class SWTX_Magnum { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; name = "Rhino .357 Magnum"; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Sounds_F"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {}; ammo[] = {"B_357_JHP"}; magazines[] = {"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; weapons[] = {"hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class B_762x51_Ball; class B_357_JHP : B_762x51_Ball { audibleFire = 50; typicalSpeed = 825; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder; class 6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder : 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder { ammo = "B_357_JHP"; authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; displayName = ".357 Magnum 6Rnd Speed Loader"; descriptionShort = ".357 Speed Loader"; initSpeed = 825; mass = 6; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // external class reference class BaseSoundModeType; // external class reference class CfgWeapons { class Pistol_Base_F; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F : Pistol_Base_F { class Single; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F : hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; baseWeapon = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; scope = 2; magazines[] = {"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; displayname = "Rhino .357 Magnum"; descriptionShort = ".357 Magnum"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F_Library0"; }; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType { soundSetShot[] = {"Pistol_357_F","Zubr_Tail_SoundSet","Zubr_InteriorTail_SoundSet"}; // Weapons use Sets now for sounds }; }; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F : hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F"; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "CowsSlot"; item = "optic_Yorris"; }; }; }; }; class Pistol_Shot_Base_SoundSet; // external class reference class CfgSoundSets // There is a new superclass called soundsets and soundshaders { class Pistol_357_F: Pistol_Shot_Base_SoundSet // Here we define what soundshaders will be used in what soundset, a set can always have multiple shaders { soundShaders[] = {"Zubr_Closure_SoundShader","Zubr_closeShot_SoundShader","Zubr_midShot_SoundShader","Zubr_distShot_SoundShader"}; }; }; class CfgSoundShaders // These are the shaders, they tell the game how many sounds to use per shader groupd and where they are located { class Zubr_closeShot_SoundShader { samples[] = { { "PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short (1)",1 }, { "PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short (2)",1 }, { "PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short (3)",1 }}; volume = 1; // Should be simple range = 50; // Range depends on the other sounds that gets mixed into the sound set of sounds. In this case its only a "close shot" that gets mixed with "midShot" and "distShot" so we only have 50 meters here rangeCurve = "closeShotCurve"; }; };
  13. swtx

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    Can anybody tell me how to get my custom sounds working in my pistol mod. I have a working config. It packs just fine and I can select the pistol in VA. When I fire the weapon the default ARMA tails play just fine, it's my custom short sounds that don't play. The directory structure is correct but no luck. Is there a special procedure for converting stereo wav files to .wss or .ogg that need to be followed for them to work in game? Do I have to do all conversions on the P drive and pack the PBO there as well to get them to work? I'm at a loss. Your help is appreciated. Scott
  14. Here is the updated Rook config. I made a few changes like renaming some of class names. Mod will compile and pack just fine with PBO manager. Addon Builder will crash when compiling. I can see the pistol and Icon fine in VA, when I select it the game will CTD. I'm doing something illegal Your help with is greatly appreciated enum { DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { class Pistol_Rook18_Select { addonRootClass = "A3_Weapons_F"; authors[] ={"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"hgun_Rook18_Select_F", "hgun_Rook18_Select_snds_F"}; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class MuzzleSlot; // External class reference class hgun_Rook18_Select_F; // External class reference class Pistol_Base_F; // External class reference class Pistol; // External class reference class BaseSoundModeType; // External class reference class WeaponSlotsInfo; // External class reference class CfgWeapons { class hgun_Rook40_F; // External class reference class hgun_SelectF_Pistol : hgun_Rook40_F { class WeaponSlotsInfo; // External class reference }; class hgun_Rook18_Select_F : hgun_SelectF_Pistol { _generalMacro = "hgun_Rook18_Select_F"; baseWeapon = "hgun_Rook18_Select_F"; scope = 2; model = "\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_F.p3d"; picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\data\UI\gear_Rook40_x_ca.paa"; magazines[] = {"16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_red_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_green_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Red_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Green_Mag"}; displayname = "Rook 9mm Select Fire"; descriptionShort = "Rook 18s"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_hgun_Rook18_Select_Library0"; }; drySound[] = {"\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Rookdry", 0.223872, 1, 20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\reload_rook40", 1.0, 1, 10}; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\firemode_changer_1", 0.251189, 1, 20}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 0.158489, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 0.158489, 1.1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_01", 0.562341, 1, 400}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_02", 0.562341, 1, 400}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_03", 0.562341, 1, 400}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin2", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_interior", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 0.158489, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 0.158489, 1.1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; }; recoil = "recoil_auto_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.095; reloadTime = 0.1; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 50; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; aiRateOfFire = 2; aiRateOfFireDistance = 25; inertia = 0.2; aimTransitionSpeed = 1.6; dexterity = 1.8; initSpeed = 450; maxZeroing = 100; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 20; class CowsSlot {}; class MuzzleSlot : MuzzleSlot { linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE"; compatibleItems[] = {"muzzle_snds_L"}; iconPosition[] = {0.3, 0.38}; iconScale = 0.2; }; }; class hgun_Rook18_Select_snds_F : hgun_Rook18_Select_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Rook18_Select_snds_F"; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsMuzzle { slot = "MuzzleSlot"; item = "muzzle_snds_L"; }; }; }; }; }; };
  15. Getting a config error "some input after end of file" error. Indicates to me there is a bracket issue but I don't see it. Hoping you guys can look this over and let me know how to fix this. Thx a bunch for your help. enum { DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; name="Rhino .357 Magnum"; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Sounds_F"}; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]={}; ammo[]={"B_357_JHP"}; magazines[]={"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; weapons[] = {"hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class B_762x51_Ball; class B_357_JHP: B_762x51_Ball { hit=12; caliber=1.6 deflecting=15; audibleFire=50; cost=1.2; typicalSpeed=825; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder; class 6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder: 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder { ammo="B_357_JHP"; author="Project Genesis Team"; author = "SWTX"; picture="\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Data\ui\M_6Rnd_revolver_CA.paa"; displayName=".357 Magnum 6Rnd Speed Loader"; descriptionShort=".357 Speed Loader"; initSpeed=825; count=6; mass=6; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class SlotInfo; // External class reference class CowsSlot; // External class reference class PointerSlot; // External class reference class CfgWeapons { class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F; class hgun_357_Magnum : hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F { class WeaponSlotsInfo; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F: hgun_357_Magnum { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; baseWeapon = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; scope = 2; model = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Pistols\Pistol_heavy_02\Pistol_heavy_02_F.p3d"; picture = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Pistols\Pistol_Heavy_02\data\UI\gear_Pistol_heavy_02_X_CA.paa"; magazines[]={"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; displayname = "Rhino .357 Magnum"; descriptionShort = ".357 Magnum"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F_Library0"; }; reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistolHeavy02"; recoil = "recoil_pistol_zubr"; drySound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\dry_Zubr", 0.398107, 1, 20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\reload_Zubr", 0.562341, 1, 10}; modes[] = {"Single"}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Closure_Zubr_01", 0.199526, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Closure_Zubr_02", 0.199526, 1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; begin2[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; begin3[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType {}; recoil = "recoil_pistol_heavy"; recoilProne = "recoil_prone_pistol_heavy"; reloadTime = 0.25; dispersion = 0.00145; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 50; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; aiRateOfFire = 2; aiRateOfFireDistance = 25; }; bullet1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet6[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet7[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet8[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet9[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet10[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet11[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet12[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; soundBullet[] = {"bullet1", 0.083, "bullet2", 0.083, "bullet3", 0.083, "bullet4", 0.083, "bullet5", 0.083, "bullet6", 0.083, "bullet7", 0.083, "bullet8", 0.083, "bullet9", 0.083, "bullet10", 0.083, "bullet11", 0.083, "bullet12", 0.083}; inertia = 0.3; aimTransitionSpeed = 1.5; dexterity = 1.7; initSpeed = 480; maxZeroing = 100; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 30; holsterScale = 0.85; class CowsSlot : CowsSlot { compatibleItems[] = {"optic_Yorris"}; iconPosition[] = {0.4, 0.3}; iconScale = 0.15; }; class MuzzleSlot {}; class PointerSlot : PointerSlot { linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\SIDE"; compatibleItems[] = {"acc_flashlight_pistol"}; iconPosition[] = {0.35, 0.6}; iconScale = 0.3; }; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F; // External class reference class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F: hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F"; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "CowsSlot"; item = "optic_Yorris"; }; }; }; };
  16. Here's the Rook Select File config. The config and mod files will pack into a pbo no problem. I can see the pistol in the VA, However, when I select it the game will CTD. Your help is appreciated. enum { DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { class PG_Pistols_Rook40s { addonRootClass = "A3_Weapons_F"; authors[] ={"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"hgun_Rook40s_F", "hgun_Rook40s_snds_F"}; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class MuzzleSlot; // External class reference class hgun_Rook40s_F; // External class reference class Pistol_Base_F; // External class reference class Pistol; // External class reference class BaseSoundModeType; // External class reference class WeaponSlotsInfo; // External class reference class CfgWeapons { class hgun_Rook40_F; // External class reference class hgun_SF_Pistol : hgun_Rook40_F { class WeaponSlotsInfo; // External class reference }; class hgun_Rook40s_F : hgun_SF_Pistol { _generalMacro = "hgun_Rook40s_F"; baseWeapon = "hgun_Rook40s_F"; scope = 2; model = "\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_F.p3d"; picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Pistols\Rook40\data\UI\gear_Rook40_x_ca.paa"; magazines[] = {"16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_red_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_green_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Red_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Yellow_Mag", "30Rnd_9x21_Green_Mag"}; displayname = "Rook 9mm Select Fire"; descriptionShort = "Rook 18s"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_hgun_Rook40s_Library0"; }; drySound[] = {"\Rook18s\Auto\sounds\Rookdry", 0.223872, 1, 20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\reload_rook40", 1.0, 1, 10}; modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"}; changeFiremodeSound[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\firemode_changer_1", 0.251189, 1, 20}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 0.158489, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 0.158489, 1.1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_01", 0.562341, 1, 400}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_02", 0.562341, 1, 400}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_short_03", 0.562341, 1, 400}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin2", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_interior", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Silencer_Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 400}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_01", 0.158489, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Closure_Rook40_02", 0.158489, 1.1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; begin3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1200}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Rook40\Rook40_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1200}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; }; recoil = "recoil_auto_pdw"; recoilProne = "recoil_auto_prone_pdw"; dispersion = 0.095; reloadTime = 0.1; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 50; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; aiRateOfFire = 2; aiRateOfFireDistance = 25; inertia = 0.2; aimTransitionSpeed = 1.6; dexterity = 1.8; initSpeed = 450; maxZeroing = 100; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 20; class CowsSlot {}; class MuzzleSlot : MuzzleSlot { linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE"; compatibleItems[] = {"muzzle_snds_L"}; iconPosition[] = {0.3, 0.38}; iconScale = 0.2; }; }; class hgun_Rook40s_snds_F : hgun_Rook40s_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Rook40s_snds_F"; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsMuzzle { slot = "MuzzleSlot"; item = "muzzle_snds_L"; }; }; }; }; }; }; Y
  17. That took care of the compile errors. The config compiles and packs just fine. However, when I select the pistol in the game, I get an error and the sounds are not working either. I'm praying this is the last error. I can't thank you enough for your help and perseverance.
  18. Still getting the same error at the same location, "" encountered instead of }. Thanks so much for the help and a fresh set of eyes. It must be a bracket error in another part of the config.
  19. Thx again for pointing that out. I'm still getting the same error, "" encountered instead of } in that same area. could be a problem somewhere else in the config. Here is the updated and corrected config up to this point. Thx so much for your continued help with this. // config.bin - 09:08:36 06/10/17, generated in 0.00 seconds // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys // Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled enum { DESTRUCTENGINE = 2, DESTRUCTDEFAULT = 6, DESTRUCTWRECK = 7, DESTRUCTTREE = 3, DESTRUCTTENT = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISX = 1, STABILIZEDINAXESXYZ = 4, STABILIZEDINAXISY = 2, STABILIZEDINAXESBOTH = 3, DESTRUCTNO = 0, STABILIZEDINAXESNONE = 0, DESTRUCTMAN = 5, DESTRUCTBUILDING = 1, }; class CfgPatches { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; name="Rhino .357 Magnum"; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Sounds_F"}; requiredVersion=0.1; units[]={}; ammo[]={"B_357_JHP"}; magazines[]={"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; weapons[] = {"hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F"}; }; class CfgAmmo { class B_762x51_Ball; class B_357_JHP: B_762x51_Ball { hit=12; caliber=1.6; deflecting=15; audibleFire=50; cost=1.2; typicalSpeed=825; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder; class 6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder: 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder { ammo="B_357_JHP"; authors[]="Project Genesis Team"; author = "SWTX"; picture="\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Data\ui\M_6Rnd_revolver_CA.paa"; displayName=".357 Magnum 6Rnd Speed Loader"; descriptionShort=".357 Speed Loader"; initSpeed=825; count=6; mass=6; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class SlotInfo; // External class reference class CowsSlot; // External class reference class PointerSlot; // External class reference class BaseSoundModeType; // External class reference class CfgWeapons { class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F; class hgun_357_Magnum : hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F { class WeaponSlotsInfo; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F: hgun_357_Magnum { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; baseWeapon = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F"; scope = 2; model = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Pistols\Pistol_heavy_02\Pistol_heavy_02_F.p3d"; picture = "\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Pistols\Pistol_Heavy_02\data\UI\gear_Pistol_heavy_02_X_CA.paa"; magazines[]={"6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder"}; displayname = "Rhino .357 Magnum"; descriptionShort = ".357 Magnum"; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgWeapons_hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F_Library0"; }; reloadAction = "GestureReloadPistolHeavy02"; recoil = "recoil_pistol_zubr"; drySound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\dry_Zubr", 0.398107, 1, 20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\reload_Zubr", 0.562341, 1, 10}; modes[] = {"Single"}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {"StandardSound", "SilencedSound"}; class BaseSoundModeType { closure1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Closure_Zubr_01", 0.199526, 1, 10}; closure2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Closure_Zubr_02", 0.199526, 1, 10}; soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5}; }; }; class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType { begin1[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_01", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; begin2[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_02", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; begin3[] = {"\PG_Zubr\sounds\Zubr_short_03", 3.16228, 1, 1600}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.33, "begin2", 0.33, "begin3", 0.34}; class SoundTails { class TailInterior { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_interior", 1.41254, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "interior"; }; class TailTrees { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_trees", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees"; }; class TailForest { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_forest", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest"; }; class TailMeadows { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_meadows", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)"; }; class TailHouses { sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\arsenal\weapons\Pistols\Zubr\Zubr_tail_houses", 1.0, 1, 1600}; frequency = 1; volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses"; }; }; }; class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType {}; recoil = "recoil_pistol_heavy"; recoilProne = "recoil_prone_pistol_heavy"; reloadTime = 0.25; dispersion = 0.00145; minRange = 5; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 25; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 50; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; aiRateOfFire = 2; aiRateOfFireDistance = 25; }; bullet1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet6[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet7[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet8[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet9[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet10[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet11[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; bullet12[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound", 1.0, 1, 15}; soundBullet[] = {"bullet1", 0.083, "bullet2", 0.083, "bullet3", 0.083, "bullet4", 0.083, "bullet5", 0.083, "bullet6", 0.083, "bullet7", 0.083, "bullet8", 0.083, "bullet9", 0.083, "bullet10", 0.083, "bullet11", 0.083, "bullet12", 0.083}; inertia = 0.3; aimTransitionSpeed = 1.5; dexterity = 1.7; initSpeed = 480; maxZeroing = 100; class WeaponSlotsInfo : WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 30; holsterScale = 0.85; class CowsSlot : CowsSlot { compatibleItems[] = {"optic_Yorris"}; iconPosition[] = {0.4, 0.3}; iconScale = 0.15; }; class MuzzleSlot {}; class PointerSlot : PointerSlot { linkProxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\SIDE"; compatibleItems[] = {"acc_flashlight_pistol"}; iconPosition[] = {0.35, 0.6}; iconScale = 0.3; }; }; }; class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F; // External class reference class hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_Yorris_F: hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_357_F { authors[] = {"Project Genesis Team"}; author = "SWTX"; _generalMacro = "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F"; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "CowsSlot"; item = "optic_Yorris"; }; }; }; };
  20. That helped, thx for pointing that out. Now I'm getting an error in this area of the config. "" instead of }; class CfgAmmo { class B_762x51_Ball; class B_357_JHP: B_762x51_Ball { hit=12; caliber=1.6 deflecting=15; audibleFire=50; cost=1.2; typicalSpeed=825; }; }; class CfgMagazines { // In this area just above or below. class 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder; class 6Rnd_357magnum_Cylinder: 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder { ammo="B_357_JHP"; authors[]="Project Genesis Team"; author = "SWTX"; picture="\A3\Weapons_F_EPA\Data\ui\M_6Rnd_revolver_CA.paa"; displayName=".357 Magnum 6Rnd Speed Loader"; descriptionShort=".357 Speed Loader"; initSpeed=825; count=6; mass=6; }; };
  21. Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error message. If you spot anything else, please feel free to post it below. Thx again.
  22. Thanks Scruffy for your input. Could you fix the problem and repost the fixed config below, I'm not sure I'm clear on your fix. Thx so much
  23. class ItemInfo ; Remove the space after ItemInfo.