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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. froggyluv

    Max Zombies

    Hey man -see your new here but this isnt really the right place for mod specific questions. First as stated in other thread, try contacting mod authors and next, ask question in that mods specific thread. You can also try the Steam chat thread. Good luck
  2. Hell I'd literally pay top DLC money for an exquisite new UI and Action menu
  3. Oooh feral dogs -nice touch. Looks like the perfect mission to draw me back to Arma after a long hiatus (*mumbles devs ..fix....AI....)
  4. froggyluv

    Make unit run away from fire

    Devs talked about working on this a while ago and would be a great asset to the game. Giving the AI the ability to tactically withdraw and/or straight up run would be awesome
  5. froggyluv

    RPGTard - Liberal use of RPGs

    Thanks for doing this - one of my biggest gripes with this game is it being a wargame yet so many units hesitate to really open up. In a wargame...lol thanks again
  6. froggyluv

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Confused here: So now when im playing as either Tank Commander or Driver, my Gunner is never taking the shot -period? It used to be you give him a target and he either fires or waits for the 3-1 Fire command but now it seems i have to hit the LMB Fire myself whilst im focused on also driving ?? This cant be right..
  7. Hey man I appreciate your passion. Im a general disgruntled rabble rouser but also appreciate all the many things you've listed that BI HAVE delivered over the years.
  8. froggyluv

    Making AI hunt down other AI/player

    Sounds like a good place for you to start learning as everything you need is already here. Simply set a trigger that detects if/when the plane is destroyed and then release the Hunter/Killer team (who should be on a Hold waypoint in the meanwhile). So you don't want to use George's script because you dont want the spawn? Then cut out the spawning aspects of the code and just use the Waypoint (tracking) ones. This is really the best way to learn to do some things on your own is just by extracting useful parts of other's scripts, play with them until they work for what you want.
  9. froggyluv

    Forced Ragdoll

    Yeah pretty nice man -gonna use this for sure. Pretty much always have a bankround script running in that if I kill too many civilians -hordes of townspeople-hired shotgun crews show up to well um, chase you all over the map and shotgun you dead. In honor of this bayou violence:
  10. froggyluv

    Forced Ragdoll

    Tried this but just seems to drop the guy in place for a few seconds -any way to forcefully blow him back? Been wanting this for some old school Doom style shotguns forever now
  11. froggyluv

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    For some of us, the lacking of these very pertinent military behaviour modifiers -ruins our fun. I love Arma, but without heavy scripting interference AI battles play out way to haphazardly and samey when it just doesnt need to be this way. My best example would be when I was playing a CTI a few years ago and saw the enemy had sent some Recon level troops toward the woods to the right of my base -for fun i sent a team of Repairmen and Pilots and tagged along to watch the massace (of my men). Results were anything but -they fought exactly the same and actually my guys (about 12 vs. 12 )actually got the better of them. Now wouldnt it have been more interesting if my guys were actually frightened and it effected them? Knowing your going up against Force Recon in the woods while you should be changing a fuel pump? The point is, incorporating a crew's skill level to time to bail out would be pretty low cost and a reasonable outcome on an albeit simple level. If i send my crack armor tank team in, they arent going to be pulling any Rommel level maneuvers angling for *cough* best angle of attack on enemy armor while expertly navigating the terrain -so why not at least make them more survivable then a Green level troop?
  12. froggyluv

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yep as well as tied into AI crew skill level. Hell just about everything "random" AI related should be tied into one of their sub-skills so the game could actually play out *cough* strategically?
  13. froggyluv

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Agree on the low tech being more fun but can I just say that its FUCKING AWESOME theres really gonna be an Arma 4!!
  14. froggyluv

    missing bracket

    via Imgflip Meme Generator
  15. froggyluv

    missing bracket

    How (after 5+ years) did I never pick up on this??
  16. 1st time trying this mission and looks great except my insertion Helo is always locked and takes off without us on board :(
  17. Holy Necro Batman! But these appear to be gone -that is, the invisible targets are non visible..
  18. - nice on new fire mode - +1 to for the above on both firing from ground and FFV - please find way to unhandcuff AI AT soldiers from being so tentative to open up. Im not sure whats making them so hesitant so often but this kinda goes for the game in general. As it say in the Good Book ~ "Let Them Shooteth!"~
  19. froggyluv

    Tac-Ops Mission Pack DLC Feedback

    Played it briefly and really, really like the dynamic Map intros showing the progression of attacks. I see in the Home screen DLC slot there are troops using its mech as cover as they advance -is that actually in game?
  20. So need to determine which AI in group detects the enemy so he can specifically call it out (seperate from the default game callouts) but am finding that all units in a group are aware of the enemy at the EXACT same time _teamK =[]; ////The Team that Knowsabout Enemy - generally the Player's team { _name = name _x; _ne = _x findnearestenemy _x; _nameE = name _ne; if (_x knowsabout _ne >.8) then { _teamK pushback _x; sleep .1; /////////////Was hoping to create artificial delay here so 1st soldier to spot would be listed first -futile.. _caller = _teamk select 0; hint format ["%1: Theres %2!", _caller,_nameE]}} foreach units group player; player sidechat str _teamK; This builds and shows array of the group that has spotted enemy but it lists them all simultaneoulsy - I cant believe there is no delay in terms of which specific soldier has spotted an enemy and the rest of that units team -not even a millisecond BI?? So when using _caller = _teamK select 0, it always selects the Player for instance as he is first in that array.
  21. Ok -lemme test it it out a bit more -wanna run it thru a bunch of situations first
  22. Yes thanks man - for some reason ive always resisted learning or using commands like abs/lineintersects/checkvisibility forever -funny cause it seems i always need them...old man stubborness i guess. Your loop does the trick just needed to add an integer check to checkVisibility checkVisibility [eyePos _x, eyePos _targetDude] > 0) - im guessing greater than zero implies some visibility? Just show your boss those chickens -if he cant apprciate them at high velocity than HE"S got issues! @GOM: Yeah how hard would it be for BI to place miniscule delays to the rest of group as this would also help humanize their immediate response times abit