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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Apologies, they're under cfgMagazines - I wrote cfgWeapons by mistake. e.g. Path: configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "PylonRack_Missile_BIM9X_x1" Why would they start adding unrealistic loadouts to the game in this instance with the pylons menu though? You can just as well addweapon+addmagazine a tank to fire A2A missiles from its cannon. But if you could just select that from the editor instead of having a normal selection of AT and HEAT shells, people would think the game was stupid unrealistic crap. In terms of presentation of the assets, it benefits them to keep things realistic. If I could just drop one of these down in the editor, I'd feel like BIS was losing the plot.
  2. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    I could agree with that. I think for BIS it's kind of important in the first instance of the editor though to enforce the idea that there are realistic limitations to what types on munitions can be loaded on certain pylons. Similarly, one can't stick a rocket launcher or Machine-gun in the pocket of a unit's uniform. It's a feature that they consciously made when developing the whole pylonPod system, and the native attributes UI reflects BIS' intent for their game assets and what they feel are realistic configurations for each aircraft. Having access to all munitions should be the exception, not the rule IMO. Leaving it to scripts definitely makes for it as an exception, but I agree there could be more user-friendly ways of bending the rules. At any rate. BIS made it entirely possible to mod the Attributes menu, and allow addon-makers to implement different iterations of the loadout system on their own aircraft, with custom features rather than using the exact same template.
  3. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Try something like this in the debug console when pausing the game for "_x" from n1 to n2 do {vehicle player setPylonLoadOut [_x, "PylonRack_Classname",true,-1]} where n1 and n2 determine the range of pylons you want to fit that weapon to. e.g. "from 2 to 2" would apply only to the left-outer pylon, "from 1 to 2" would do the two outermost pylons on each wing, "from 1 to 6" would do all the 6 wing pylons on something like the Shikra It's simpler than writing a new line for every pylon when you want to add several of the same munition on symmetrical pylons. PylonRack_Classnames (e.g. PylonRack_Missile_BIM9X_x2) can all be found in the config browser under cfgMagazine. Just highlight and Ctrl+C to copy classname from the "Path" field when you click on the name of the munition you want in the browser.
  4. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    But it can already be determined by mission makers regardless of the native side and weight restrictions in the attributes menu. They can force any munitions on any pylon with setPylonLoadOut command using true in the fourth value of the array. Or have mission makers forgotten how to write basic init commands now we have modules and Eden attributes, and rely solely on drop-down menus? :D
  5. da12thMonkey

    Jet DLC?

    It's possibly a texture formatting issue. AO shines through DXT5 (alpha) textures like this unless they have a fully opaque non-alpha _co surface behind them. The opaque black background for the screens could have an channel alpha that should not be there - either because it was saved without the correct _co suffix before it was converted to .paa and thus not given proper DXT1 format. Or some occasional issue arises where having mixed _co and _ca textures in the model causes all surfaces to render like alphas (though I think this isn't the case since other cockpit surfaces are not affected) Applying named property forceNotAlpha = 1 usually sorts it out if it's not a simply .paa formatting problem The R77 missile is also affected by the ao alpha problem however: http://i.imgur.com/H4ZzTPU.png This one I'd be pretty sure it's improper naming of the before conversion, since I can't see where it has other alpha surfaces that would cause the model to render that way.
  6. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Loadout menus work for me on the DLC Jets and other "Dynamic" classes. Maybe it's just not where you're expecting to see it: The loadout menu is higher up the Attributes list now (since yesterday IIRC)
  7. It wouldn't be so unrealistic for that to happen. Javelins can and have been used in conflicts to take out individual people. The seeker can track and lock on a human heat source with enough contrast from background. FGM-148F was developed to optimise the warhead's anti-personnel effects, since so many of the original tandem-HEAT missiles had been used against non-vehicle targets in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  8. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The script is so that you can pick up either class and it will load the one that fits the model. It's not possible to show only one type of PEQ for a specific type of weapon in the Arsenal, without making the other type impossible to mount. Arsenal shows all compatible attachments for a weapon unless the attachment is placed in private scope in the config. And private scope is universal to all weapons.
  9. It's determined by the weaponInfoType you use for the optic. There are already Rsc classes ingame that you can assign directly to add ranging (like maybe weaponInfoType = "RscOptics_Rangefinder"; but that shows some other things like vision modes and heading). However, I figure you might want to customise it a bit, so it's probably better to write your own Rsc class. In your scope you need: weaponInfoType = "RscOptics_myOptic"; or some other equivalent custom classname Which points to a custom Rsc something like this if you want to customise the font, colour and position of the ranging text under CA_Distance: class VScrollbar; //External Class Reference class HScrollbar; //External Class Reference class RscText; //External Class Reference class RscControlsGroup; //External Class Reference class RscInGameUI { class RscUnitInfo; //External Class Reference class RscOptics_myOptic: RscUnitInfo { idd = 300; controls[] = {"CA_IGUI_elements_group"}; class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup { idc = 170; class VScrollbar: VScrollbar { width = 0; }; class HScrollbar: HScrollbar { height = 0; }; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))"; y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)"; w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; class controls { class CA_Distance: RscText { idc = 151; style = 0; sizeEx = "0.045*SafezoneH"; colorText[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.5}; shadow = 0; font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; text = "- - - -"; x = "38 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "19.1 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5.6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; }; }; }; }; idc = 151; gives continuous range readings. Use idc = 198; if you want the discrete range-finding used in the game's dev branch for Tank FCS. This requires player to press a key each time to change the rangefinder reading. https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/202603-tanks-fire-control-system/?do=findComment&comment=3160717 However, this wont work on stable branch yet (AFAIK it's projected to be included in the 1.70 patch). x,y,w,h parameters determine the size and position of the textbox Other dialog control parameters you can find here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dialog_Control#Controls
  10. da12thMonkey

    Error: missing '}' (SOLVED)

    class ASCRU in cfgFactionClasses is missing a }; and as Greenfist said you're missing one from right at the end of the config to close class cfgweapons
  11. da12thMonkey

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    If you're launching the game with PWS it might still be forcing MRT to load in addition to CBA, even if MRT is not in your current Collection. I sent a message to one of their staff about removing the dependencies from mods in their system that used MRT and when I got no response to that I've tried filling out the request for for removing the mod completely, but that didn't seem to do anything either. So if this is the problem you're having, I suggest you also go and ask them to sort their shit out because I don't have any further time for it.
  12. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Welcome to Arma 3's PiP rendering
  13. da12thMonkey

    O2 / Object builder export/imports?

    Most likely OB can't find FBX.dll Since it's a new install I'm guessing you've not set the path to the DLL folder in options
  14. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Guys on the team noticed the same - Steam only showing a single 580-ish MB transfer that updates all mods if they're subscribed. Steam's doing I guess, for whatever reason. But seems it's all there after the update.
  15. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Of course
  16. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    There's a separate keybind for deploying the airbrake now, instead of how it was before where the aircraft would automatically deploy the brake when throttling down. It might still be called wheel brake in the Plane controls menu though
  17. da12thMonkey

    Remove Weaponmodel of the Bobcat

    Model will still have the shadow of the gun turret if you use setObjectTexture. Try instead: this animate ["HideTurret",1]; On many BIS vehicles this will hide the gun turret
  18. da12thMonkey

    [WIP] Virtus Body Armour System

    Sweet. Normals looks like the side plate pocket is there on yours. vs this without This shows some of the other configurations, but not the side plates
  19. da12thMonkey

    [WIP] Virtus Body Armour System

    Looks really nicely done. Which protection configuration are you doing the scalable vest in? Can't tell if it's the Level 2 (frag filler and sides folded out) or Level 3 (frag filler + side plates) from the images, but I can see it's not the minimalist plate carrier setup, or the max protection one with pauldrons and gorget
  20. da12thMonkey


    If you rename the file from .rvmat to .bin you can use BIS' CfgConvert tool provided with the Steam toolset, to turn it in to a readable .cpp file. And then rename it back to .rvmat again when you're ready to pack it. Many tools that can convert .bin to .cpp can probably do it though, if you associate .rvmat files with the tool. I'm still using kegety's old UnRAP tool when I want to check BIS' .rvmat values because it allows me to just double-click the .rvmat once associating the .rvmat format with the tool, and it'll make an unbinarised version as a .cpp file for me. The way .rvmats text is RAPified (binarised) is seemingly the same as how it's done for configs, just no change to the file extension between RAPifiedd and and unRAPified .rvmat formats
  21. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    rhs_acc_harris_swivel and rhsusf_acc_harris_swivel are the same model, but in order to maintain both RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF mods as standalone, it exists separately in both with the appropriate prefix on the classname. rhsusf_acc_harris_bipod is the original Harris bipod from the RHSUSAF mod that has a picatinny rail mount and is designed to go on the M2010, EBR, Mk.11 etc. etc. rhsusf_acc_harris_swivel only fits the M40A5 and M24 (as I said, it's a copy of rhs_acc_harris_swivel, which was originally added to AFRF for the Orsis T-500) rhs_acc_harris_swivel is primarily for the T-500 but seems to be configured for joint rails for some reason, so will fit other weapons (it probably shouldn't since it doesn't have a proper rail mount modelled - hence the "swivel" name for the type mount they are supposed to use) rhs_acc_at4_handler is a dummy attachment for animating the peep-hole sight on the M136. Handled by script. rhs_bipod is an obsolete attachment that was used to simulate animating the bipod on the PKM before proper bipods were added to the game in the Marksman DLC.
  22. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    rhs_acc_perst3_2dp_h is a special configuration to fit the handguard on the Zenitco AK variants, while rhs_acc_perst3_2dp fits the AK-74MR handguard. For players, there is a script that should automatically handle which model gets loaded depending on which rifle they are fitting the attachment to Same as there are special configurations for the AN/PEQ-15s for fit the dimensions of the HK416 handguards (which is where the _h suffix and rhsusf_acc_anpeq15 = 0/1; parameter in the weapons that the script uses to determine which attachment to load, comes from)
  23. da12thMonkey

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    AFAIK the L-159 ALCA (upon which the Buzzard is based) cannot mount releasable ordnance on the centreline hardpoint because it is right in front of the airbrakes Releasing a bomb from that station in flight risks striking them. So IRL it seems that position is only used for the gunpod or a fuel tank, and probably doesn't even feature an ejector mechanism.
  24. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Imbalance based on what? Number of different launcher types in the Arsenal is what your image is suggesting? You realise that the RPG-7 has many more different ammunition types than any of the US launchers, and that each M136 variant is a separate ammunition type based on the fact that they are single-use tubes? Reality is that there are 4x Russian shoulder-fired launchers vs 5x American ones - it is hardly a major imbalance in terms of content. We already have Metis in the mod on a tripod like it should be. Shoulder-firing Metis like a Javelin would be utter nonsense