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Everything posted by aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57

  1. aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    I am a bit confused now. So where is the difference between GLX and this one?
  2. aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57

    All-in-One Single-Player Project

    Wrongly read the date of his post. Thought it was a year ago and not a few months.
  3. aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57

    HCC - High Command Converter 1.5.5

    It is a shame that BIS broke nearly every vehicle formation. This array system was a very good solution. The mod lacked other features like the Task System in Platoon Leader mod but the Array system was great.
  4. aDRI-37458bb81ef6ec57

    AI Vehicle Formations Broken?

    I searched for this but could not find anything. Either I am living under a rock, this error comes because my game files are messed up or nobody even bothers anymore but basic formations like line and echelon r./l. are totally broken for groups of vehicles. When the units are placed in this formation only the group leaders vehicle moves to placed waypoints the rest of the vehicles just stay where they are and do not move at all. Example Does anybody knows why.