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About chernaruski

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    Staff Sergeant

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  1. chernaruski

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    core files seem fine, what static mission are you trying to use? (maybe zip the whole dms folder so I can dwell on it)
  2. chernaruski

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    we need to go deeper. can you do the same for fn_GroupReinforcementsManager ?
  3. chernaruski

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    can you post (use pastebin link) the full fn_MissionsMonitor_Static.sqf file you are using?
  4. chernaruski

    Issues with adding CUP to traders

    Well that was quick ;). Usually these server restart loops/init fails are due to some missing comma ,semicolon, "" or brackets not closed. Guys, always provide as much info as possible including your RPT log files (server and client side) so we can help you much quicker. Anyway, glad to hear it worked out.
  5. Sick stuff man @Dan Tronic Can't wait to roam around this new and extraordinary Arma terrain!
  6. chernaruski

    Chernarus Redux [WIP Release]

    I remember I used something for CHR: https://pastebin.com/AQK6ny6B It's pretty heavy, but it did the job for my needs.
  7. chernaruski


    lol, "loot refresh rate" aka "Wallmart restock day". people forgot what's the challenge in games these days
  8. chernaruski

    Fixing Inventory Order

    Pretty sure you don't have a fix for this. It's a core Arma3 part of how inventory works. If there was a fix for this I'm pretty sure they would have integrated it a long time ago.
  9. Try this overwrite, its from my old server. I'm pretty sure it works. It should do exactly what you want, since I was using the same logic of RANDOM spawn only.
  10. contact your exile server admin topic closed
  11. chernaruski

    Failed to open object builder

    for future generations: if you'll ever have missing mfc120.dll error appear when running and failing to start OB, install this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=40784
  12. @Ch4rl0 make sure you write in English from now on. All posts must be in English language.
  13. You have too many errors in your logs. Seriously, it has a cluster of issues it seems. Isolate the issue, by starting from clean exilemod, then start adding exile overrides (changed exile code sqfs) you use. One by one. Only then start adding addons for AI,zombies, Vehicles,etc. One by one. The moment you will be able to start the server, you will identify which one is causing it. Isolate it and check logs again to see what error it spits out. AND ONLY THEN you will know what is there to fix and what solution to look for. From rpts you can see that DB is actually working and somewhat exile connected to it. So its a completely different issue from what you initially stated about database and "CallExtension 'extDB2' could not be found". Just go line after line (starting from Starting mission) in your RPT logs and look for code errors debug messages.
  14. your RPT saying you running 64bit and not arma3server.exe, even name of your log files starting with arma3server_x64_2021-03-26_19-17-14.rpt TDAST is cancer, I don't want to even look at it. If you can, maybe use a different way to run your server?