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Everything posted by FoxhoundBC

  1. sorry for the late reply I just got a chance to check it out, it seems like no one gets an squelch from any radios?
  2. I also added allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi","b64"}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi","b64"}; to the server.cfg but no one gets the incoming squelch still with the 152s?
  3. I was wondering how can you toggle squelch on the PRC-152? I found but when I click the squelch toggle nothing happens? Thanks!
  4. Thanks so much that worked perfectly! Outstanding mod btw!
  5. Thanks! I tried adding the classnames of the units specifically but it didnt seem to work, Im using Lythium do I need to add that somewhere? Hmmm after doing so digging it looks like Lythium is already added. Im trying to get a custom made civilian faction to work with it wit the classname "MSF_AFG" and each civilians classname starts with "C_MSFAFG_Afghan_Civilian"
  6. Awesome thanks! I Forgot to relaunch arma after adding the userconfig. For the strings of classnames for Civs/Vehicles is that the faction classname?
  7. This looks great! Im having some issues getting it to work, I have the mod running with the with TPW_MODS in my userconfig folder but nothing seems to happen? is it map/building specific? Thanks!
  8. Im not sure if this belongs in the RHS thread or here but I noticed that the RHS NVGs wont increase brightness past 0, not sure if this is on purpose or not? Thanks!
  9. Ive been trying all sorts of values and the stamina regeneration never seems to work right (It will either regenerate very slowly up to a point or not regenerate at all). Also does everyone need to have filepatching enabled or just the server?
  10. What values are people using for advanced fatigue/stamina?
  11. Im having some weird issues with the stamina system. I have filepatching turned on for my server and clients and in my servers userconfig folder I have cba_settings.sqf that contains TFAR_giveLongRangeRadioToGroupLeaders = false; TFAR_givePersonalRadioToRegularSoldier = false; force TFAR_giveMicroDagrToSoldier = false; TFAR_SameSRFrequenciesForSide = false; TFAR_SameLRFrequenciesForSide = false; TFAR_fullDuplex = true; TFAR_enableIntercom = true; TFAR_objectInterceptionEnabled = true; TFAR_spectatorCanHearEnemyUnits = true; TFAR_spectatorCanHearFriendlies = true; TFAR_default_radioVolume = 7; TFAR_volumeModifier_forceSpeech = false; TFAR_intercomVolume = 0.3; TFAR_pluginTimeout = 4; TFAR_tangentReleaseDelay = 0; TFAR_PosUpdateMode = 0.1; TFAR_ShowVolumeHUD = false; TFAR_VolumeHudTransparency = 0; TFAR_oldVolumeHint = false; TFAR_showTransmittingHint = true; TFAR_showChannelChangedHint = true; STHud_Settings_Font = "PuristaSemibold"; STHud_Settings_HUDMode = 3; STHud_Settings_Occlusion = true; STHud_Settings_SquadBar = false; STHud_Settings_RemoveDeadViaProximity = true; STHud_Settings_TextShadow = 1; STHud_Settings_ColourBlindMode = "Normal"; L_Immerse_twitch = true; L_Immerse_exShake = true; L_Immerse_recoil = true; L_Immerse_force = true; ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 2; ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0; ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false; ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "[]"; ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1; ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0; ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1]; ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1]; ace_cookoff_enable = true; ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true; ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true; ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 1; ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 1; force ace_finger_enabled = true; ace_finger_maxRange = 4; ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true; ace_finger_indicatorColor = [0.83,0.68,0.21,0.75]; ace_frag_enabled = true; force ace_frag_spallEnabled = true; ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true; ace_frag_maxTrack = 10; ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10; ace_gforces_enabledFor = 1; ace_goggles_effects = 2; ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = false; ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = false; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,1,1,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_textSize = 2; ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 2; ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true; ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 0; ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false; ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 0; ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true; ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = true; force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = true; ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 0; ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2; ace_laserpointer_enabled = true; ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1.5; ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 2; ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 8; ace_map_BFT_Interval = 1; ace_map_BFT_Enabled = false; ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = false; ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false; ace_map_mapIllumination = true; ace_map_mapGlow = true; ace_map_mapShake = true; ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false; ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false; ace_map_defaultChannel = -1; ace_map_gestures_enabled = true; ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 7; ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03; ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3]; ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95]; ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7]; ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1; ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true; ace_markers_movableMarkersEnabled = false; ace_markers_moveRestriction = 0; ace_medical_level = 2; ace_medical_medicSetting = 0; ace_medical_increaseTrainingInLocations = false; ace_medical_enableFor = 0; ace_medical_enableOverdosing = true; ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 1; ace_medical_painCoefficient = 1; ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds = true; ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes = true; ace_medical_enableScreams = true; ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1; ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 1; ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI = 1; ace_medical_remoteControlledAI = false; ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = true; ace_medical_enableRevive = 1; ace_medical_maxReviveTime = 120; ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives = 3; ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement = true; ace_medical_allowLitterCreation = true; ace_medical_litterSimulationDetail = 3; ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay = 0; ace_medical_medicSetting_basicEpi = 0; ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK = 2; ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK = 0; ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_useLocation_basicEpi = 0; ace_medical_useLocation_PAK = 4; ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_useCondition_PAK = 0; ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit = 1; ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced = true; ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage = true; ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed = true; ace_medical_painEffectType = 1; ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment = true; ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious = false; ace_medical_menuTypeStyle = 0; ace_medical_delayUnconCaptive = 3; ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 2; ace_medical_menu_allow = 1; ace_medical_menu_useMenu = 1; ace_medical_menu_openAfterTreatment = true; ace_medical_menu_maxRange = 3; ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2; ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = false; ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = true; ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true; ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = false; ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [0.77,0.51,0.08,1]; ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 1; ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = true; ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true; ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = false; ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = false; ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1; ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 5; ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8; ace_nametags_tagSize = 2; ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = true; ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 1; ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 1; ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 1; ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = true; ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = true; ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true; ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = false; ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1; ace_overheating_enabled = true; ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1; ace_pylons_enabled = true; ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false; ace_pylons_searchDistance = 15; ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5; ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false; ace_pylons_requireToolkit = true; ace_quickmount_enabled = true; ace_quickmount_distance = 3; ace_quickmount_speed = 18; ace_quickmount_priority = 0; ace_rearm_level = 2; ace_rearm_supply = 1; ace_refuel_rate = 1; ace_refuel_hoseLength = 12; ace_reload_displayText = true; ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 0; ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0; ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.6; ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4; ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0; ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 2; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 0; ace_repair_addSpareParts = true; ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = 0; ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = false; ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = false; ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true; ace_scopes_enabled = true; ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = true; ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true; ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = true; ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 100; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0; ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = true; ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = false; ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false; ace_spectator_enableAI = false; ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0; ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0; ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false; ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false; ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false; ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false; ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false; ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true; ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100; ace_tagging_quickTag = 1; ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true; ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true; force ace_ui_vehicleRadar = false; force ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true; ace_ui_commandMenu = true; ace_ui_groupBar = false; ace_ui_weaponName = true; ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_firingMode = true; ace_ui_ammoType = true; ace_ui_ammoCount = false; ace_ui_magCount = true; ace_ui_throwableName = true; ace_ui_throwableCount = true; ace_ui_zeroing = true; ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_stance = true; ace_ui_staminaBar = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleName = true; ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true; ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true; ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true; ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true; ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true; ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10; ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = false; ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = -1; ace_viewdistance_enabled = true; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 10000; ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 0; ace_weaponselect_displayText = true; ace_weather_enabled = true; ace_weather_updateInterval = 60; ace_weather_windSimulation = true; ace_winddeflection_enabled = true; ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true; ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05; ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = true; ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = true; ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 3; ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 5; ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 1; ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1; ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true; ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true; ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true; ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true; ace_captives_requireSurrender = 1; ace_captives_allowSurrender = true; ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = false; ace_cargo_enable = true; ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5; ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = false; force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = false; force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = false; ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 2; ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true; ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.5; ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.4; ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = false; ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = true; force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = false; ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false; ace_zeus_zeusBird = false; ace_zeus_remoteWind = false; ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false; ace_zeus_revealMines = 0; ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = false; ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05; ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = true; ace_noradio_enabled = true; ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = true; ace_arsenal_camInverted = false; ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true; ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5; ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true; ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true; ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = false; but it doesnt seem to matter what value I adjust ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor to stamina regenerates extremely slowly or sometimes not at all?
  12. Im having some weird issues with the stamina system. I have filepatching turned on for my server and clients and in my servers userconfig folder I have cba_settings.sqf that contains TFAR_giveLongRangeRadioToGroupLeaders = false; TFAR_givePersonalRadioToRegularSoldier = false; force TFAR_giveMicroDagrToSoldier = false; TFAR_SameSRFrequenciesForSide = false; TFAR_SameLRFrequenciesForSide = false; TFAR_fullDuplex = true; TFAR_enableIntercom = true; TFAR_objectInterceptionEnabled = true; TFAR_spectatorCanHearEnemyUnits = true; TFAR_spectatorCanHearFriendlies = true; TFAR_default_radioVolume = 7; TFAR_volumeModifier_forceSpeech = false; TFAR_intercomVolume = 0.3; TFAR_pluginTimeout = 4; TFAR_tangentReleaseDelay = 0; TFAR_PosUpdateMode = 0.1; TFAR_ShowVolumeHUD = false; TFAR_VolumeHudTransparency = 0; TFAR_oldVolumeHint = false; TFAR_showTransmittingHint = true; TFAR_showChannelChangedHint = true; STHud_Settings_Font = "PuristaSemibold"; STHud_Settings_HUDMode = 3; STHud_Settings_Occlusion = true; STHud_Settings_SquadBar = false; STHud_Settings_RemoveDeadViaProximity = true; STHud_Settings_TextShadow = 1; STHud_Settings_ColourBlindMode = "Normal"; L_Immerse_twitch = true; L_Immerse_exShake = true; L_Immerse_recoil = true; L_Immerse_force = true; ace_medical_blood_enabledFor = 2; ace_common_checkPBOsAction = 0; ace_common_checkPBOsCheckAll = false; ace_common_checkPBOsWhitelist = "[]"; ace_common_settingFeedbackIcons = 1; ace_common_settingProgressBarLocation = 0; ace_common_displayTextColor = [0,0,0,0.1]; ace_common_displayTextFontColor = [1,1,1,1]; ace_cookoff_enable = true; ace_cookoff_enableAmmobox = true; ace_cookoff_enableAmmoCookoff = true; ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 1; ace_cookoff_probabilityCoef = 1; force ace_finger_enabled = true; ace_finger_maxRange = 4; ace_finger_indicatorForSelf = true; ace_finger_indicatorColor = [0.83,0.68,0.21,0.75]; ace_frag_enabled = true; force ace_frag_spallEnabled = true; ace_frag_reflectionsEnabled = true; ace_frag_maxTrack = 10; ace_frag_maxTrackPerFrame = 10; ace_gforces_enabledFor = 1; ace_goggles_effects = 2; ace_goggles_showInThirdPerson = false; ace_hitreactions_minDamageToTrigger = 0.1; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_cursorKeepCentered = false; ace_interact_menu_alwaysUseCursorInteraction = false; ace_interact_menu_useListMenu = false; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMax = [1,1,1,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorTextMin = [1,1,1,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMax = [0,0,0,1]; ace_interact_menu_colorShadowMin = [0,0,0,0.25]; ace_interact_menu_textSize = 2; ace_interact_menu_shadowSetting = 2; ace_interact_menu_actionOnKeyRelease = true; ace_interact_menu_menuBackground = 0; ace_interact_menu_addBuildingActions = false; ace_interact_menu_menuAnimationSpeed = 0; ace_interaction_enableTeamManagement = true; ace_interaction_enableMagazinePassing = true; force ace_interaction_disableNegativeRating = true; ace_inventory_inventoryDisplaySize = 0; ace_laser_dispersionCount = 2; ace_laserpointer_enabled = true; ace_magazinerepack_timePerAmmo = 1.5; ace_magazinerepack_timePerMagazine = 2; ace_magazinerepack_timePerBeltLink = 8; ace_map_BFT_Interval = 1; ace_map_BFT_Enabled = false; ace_map_BFT_HideAiGroups = false; ace_map_BFT_ShowPlayerNames = false; ace_map_mapIllumination = true; ace_map_mapGlow = true; ace_map_mapShake = true; ace_map_mapLimitZoom = false; ace_map_mapShowCursorCoordinates = false; ace_map_defaultChannel = -1; ace_map_gestures_enabled = true; ace_map_gestures_maxRange = 7; ace_map_gestures_interval = 0.03; ace_map_gestures_nameTextColor = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.3]; ace_map_gestures_defaultLeadColor = [1,0.88,0,0.95]; ace_map_gestures_defaultColor = [1,0.88,0,0.7]; ace_maptools_rotateModifierKey = 1; ace_maptools_drawStraightLines = true; ace_markers_movableMarkersEnabled = false; ace_markers_moveRestriction = 0; ace_medical_level = 2; ace_medical_medicSetting = 0; ace_medical_increaseTrainingInLocations = false; ace_medical_enableFor = 0; ace_medical_enableOverdosing = true; ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient = 1; ace_medical_painCoefficient = 1; ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds = true; ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes = true; ace_medical_enableScreams = true; ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold = 1; ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold = 1; ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI = 1; ace_medical_remoteControlledAI = false; ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = true; ace_medical_enableRevive = 1; ace_medical_maxReviveTime = 120; ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives = 3; ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement = true; ace_medical_allowLitterCreation = true; ace_medical_litterSimulationDetail = 3; ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay = 0; ace_medical_medicSetting_basicEpi = 0; ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK = 2; ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK = 0; ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_useLocation_basicEpi = 0; ace_medical_useLocation_PAK = 4; ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit = 0; ace_medical_useCondition_PAK = 0; ace_medical_useCondition_SurgicalKit = 1; ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced = true; ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage = true; ace_medical_painIsOnlySuppressed = true; ace_medical_painEffectType = 1; ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment = true; ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious = false; ace_medical_menuTypeStyle = 0; ace_medical_delayUnconCaptive = 3; ace_medical_ai_enabledFor = 2; ace_medical_menu_allow = 1; ace_medical_menu_useMenu = 1; ace_medical_menu_openAfterTreatment = true; ace_medical_menu_maxRange = 3; ace_microdagr_mapDataAvailable = 2; ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled = false; ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder = true; ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass = true; ace_mk6mortar_useAmmoHandling = false; ace_nametags_defaultNametagColor = [0.77,0.51,0.08,1]; ace_nametags_showPlayerNames = 1; ace_nametags_showPlayerRanks = true; ace_nametags_showVehicleCrewInfo = true; ace_nametags_showNamesForAI = false; ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles = false; ace_nametags_showSoundWaves = 1; ace_nametags_playerNamesViewDistance = 5; ace_nametags_playerNamesMaxAlpha = 0.8; ace_nametags_tagSize = 2; ace_nightvision_disableNVGsWithSights = true; ace_nightvision_fogScaling = 1; ace_nightvision_effectScaling = 1; ace_nightvision_aimDownSightsBlur = 1; ace_optionsmenu_showNewsOnMainMenu = true; ace_overheating_displayTextOnJam = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffects = true; ace_overheating_showParticleEffectsForEveryone = true; ace_overheating_overheatingDispersion = true; ace_overheating_unJamOnreload = false; ace_overheating_unJamFailChance = 0.1; ace_overheating_enabled = true; ace_overpressure_distanceCoefficient = 1; ace_pylons_enabled = true; ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false; ace_pylons_searchDistance = 15; ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5; ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false; ace_pylons_requireToolkit = true; ace_quickmount_enabled = true; ace_quickmount_distance = 3; ace_quickmount_speed = 18; ace_quickmount_priority = 0; ace_rearm_level = 2; ace_rearm_supply = 1; ace_refuel_rate = 1; ace_refuel_hoseLength = 12; ace_reload_displayText = true; ace_repair_displayTextOnRepair = true; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_repair = 0; ace_repair_engineerSetting_wheel = 0; ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold = 0.6; ace_repair_repairDamageThreshold_engineer = 0.4; ace_repair_consumeItem_toolKit = 0; ace_repair_fullRepairLocation = 2; force ace_repair_engineerSetting_fullRepair = 0; ace_repair_addSpareParts = true; ace_repair_wheelRepairRequiredItems = 0; ace_repair_autoShutOffEngineWhenStartingRepair = false; ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear = false; ace_respawn_removeDeadBodiesDisconnected = true; ace_scopes_enabled = true; ace_scopes_forceUseOfAdjustmentTurrets = true; ace_scopes_correctZeroing = true; ace_scopes_overwriteZeroRange = true; ace_scopes_defaultZeroRange = 100; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceTemperature = 15; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceBarometricPressure = 1013.25; ace_scopes_zeroReferenceHumidity = 0; ace_scopes_deduceBarometricPressureFromTerrainAltitude = true; ace_scopes_useLegacyUI = false; ace_scopes_simplifiedZeroing = false; ace_spectator_enableAI = false; ace_spectator_restrictModes = 0; ace_spectator_restrictVisions = 0; ace_switchunits_enableSwitchUnits = false; ace_switchunits_switchToWest = false; ace_switchunits_switchToEast = false; ace_switchunits_switchToIndependent = false; ace_switchunits_switchToCivilian = false; ace_switchunits_enableSafeZone = true; ace_switchunits_safeZoneRadius = 100; ace_tagging_quickTag = 1; ace_ui_allowSelectiveUI = true; ace_ui_soldierVehicleWeaponInfo = true; force ace_ui_vehicleRadar = false; force ace_ui_vehicleCompass = true; ace_ui_commandMenu = true; ace_ui_groupBar = false; ace_ui_weaponName = true; ace_ui_weaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_firingMode = true; ace_ui_ammoType = true; ace_ui_ammoCount = false; ace_ui_magCount = true; ace_ui_throwableName = true; ace_ui_throwableCount = true; ace_ui_zeroing = true; ace_ui_weaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_stance = true; ace_ui_staminaBar = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponName = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponNameBackground = true; ace_ui_gunnerFiringMode = true; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoType = true; ace_ui_gunnerAmmoCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerMagCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableName = true; ace_ui_gunnerLaunchableCount = true; ace_ui_gunnerZeroing = true; ace_ui_gunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleName = true; ace_ui_vehicleNameBackground = true; ace_ui_vehicleFuelBar = true; ace_ui_vehicleSpeed = true; ace_ui_vehicleAltitude = true; ace_ui_vehicleDamage = true; ace_ui_vehicleInfoBackground = true; ace_vehiclelock_defaultLockpickStrength = 10; ace_vehiclelock_lockVehicleInventory = false; ace_vehiclelock_vehicleStartingLockState = -1; ace_viewdistance_enabled = true; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceOnFoot = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceLandVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_viewDistanceAirVehicle = 0; ace_viewdistance_limitViewDistance = 10000; ace_viewdistance_objectViewDistanceCoeff = 0; ace_weaponselect_displayText = true; ace_weather_enabled = true; ace_weather_updateInterval = 60; ace_weather_windSimulation = true; ace_winddeflection_enabled = true; ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled = true; ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval = 0.05; ace_advanced_fatigue_enabled = true; ace_advanced_fatigue_enableStaminaBar = true; ace_advanced_fatigue_performanceFactor = 3; ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor = 5; ace_advanced_fatigue_loadFactor = 1; ace_advanced_fatigue_terrainGradientFactor = 1; ace_advanced_throwing_enabled = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showThrowArc = true; ace_advanced_throwing_showMouseControls = true; ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUp = true; ace_advanced_throwing_enablePickUpAttached = true; ace_captives_allowHandcuffOwnSide = true; ace_captives_requireSurrender = 1; ace_captives_allowSurrender = true; ace_captives_requireSurrenderAi = false; ace_cargo_enable = true; ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent = 2.5; ace_explosives_requireSpecialist = false; force ace_explosives_punishNonSpecialists = false; force ace_explosives_explodeOnDefuse = false; ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 2; ace_hearing_enableCombatDeafness = true; ace_hearing_earplugsVolume = 0.5; ace_hearing_unconsciousnessVolume = 0.4; ace_hearing_disableEarRinging = false; ace_hearing_enabledForZeusUnits = true; force ace_hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits = false; ace_zeus_zeusAscension = false; ace_zeus_zeusBird = false; ace_zeus_remoteWind = false; ace_zeus_radioOrdnance = false; ace_zeus_revealMines = 0; ace_zeus_autoAddObjects = false; ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_muzzleVelocityVariationEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled = true; ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval = 0.05; ace_common_persistentLaserEnabled = true; ace_noradio_enabled = true; ace_parachute_hideAltimeter = true; ace_arsenal_camInverted = false; ace_arsenal_enableModIcons = true; ace_arsenal_fontHeight = 4.5; ace_arsenal_allowDefaultLoadouts = true; ace_arsenal_allowSharedLoadouts = true; ace_arsenal_EnableRPTLog = false; but it doesnt seem to matter what value I adjust ace_advanced_fatigue_recoveryFactor to stamina regenerates extremely slowly or sometimes not at all?
  13. FoxhoundBC

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Great mod! I get "Cannot load material patch_med.rvmat" errors on all the Communication, Patch CPCs
  14. I was wondering what settings are people using with the new NVG system? I notice with the RHS NVGs you cant increase the brightness past 0 and its pretty hard to see anything when its overcast/no moon. Thanks!
  15. Im having a tough time trying to get the ACE Arsenal working, Im trying the [_box, ["MyItem1", "MyItem2", "MyItemN"]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox (with the items replaced with gear, weapons, magazines etc) method but I just cant seem to get it to work, Ive tried it with this instead of _box but I just dont get the option to open it?
  16. Outsanding work! I was wondering if theres a way to disable the creation of a respawn point?
  17. Does the 303 antenna function?
  18. FoxhoundBC


    Thanks! I updated and its all good to go now lol
  19. FoxhoundBC


    An absolute must have for people using ACE! With the new arma update/CBA update it seems that the defib is no longer in the arsenal?
  20. FoxhoundBC

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I was wondering if anyones experiencing any errors/memory leaks? Last time I tried using RHS I got some pretty bad memory leaks
  21. FoxhoundBC

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Still loving this mod! I was wondering how can I change the union jack flag on the landrover that cna be raised/lowered again? :P
  22. FoxhoundBC

    JSHK Contamination Area Mod

    This looks great! One odd thing is that I dont see any of the MOPP stuff in the arsenal?
  23. FoxhoundBC

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    I was just going to ask that lol