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Everything posted by NexumX

  1. Hello All! It has been a while since I have posted on the forums! (Personal Life and all that jazz) I have been a member of the community since OFP however, I didn't migrate my usernames and it seems it has all been lost in translation. My original usernames probably included something similar to OChristie etc! ;) Quick Background: OFP, ArmA 1/2/3, VBS 1/2/3. I make terrains and love it! Lampedusa Challenge The best terrain, mission and unit content pack wins! Summary The community that exists for any large game title always manages to bring a new dynamic to its respective platform. With the ease of modification to the ArmA platform since its conception, the possibilities have truly been endless. Because of all of this, I am very interested to see just how far we can take this little project. Lampedusa Island is here. I would do this myself however I don't feel that I have the skill in A3 terrain development and I love the power that the community have! Structure This challenge can be completed as an individual or as a team. The Challenge To create the best or most interesting terrain of Lampedusa, Italy combined with an in depth, diverse and fun mission to explore it. (Think CTI, COOP, Domination). If you want to create a content pack then feel free! Competition Rules You will have no more than 3 months to complete the challenge and all entries MUST be submitted as a reply to the main BI Forums thread by the 1st April 2017. Most importantly have fun! Tools You are able to use any GIS / Terrain / Mission tools that BI authorise the community to use. Data The starter pack contains Imagery, Elevation and Vector data which should point you in the right direction. You can download the data here: LampedusaChallenge.rar (via Google Drive ~275mb) Testing You are welcome to publicly test your Terrains / Missions on the A3 servers. Good luck. P.S. This thread will grow, please feel free to ask questions and I will add any key information to the thread.
  2. Great. Sounds good. I am am going to remove the cash incentive. I will be open sourcing more data (imagery, elevation, vector) for the community to play with!
  3. If the participants come to the joint agreement that more time is required we can extend a month or 2 dependent on feedback! Had not thought of that! Haha
  4. Excellent! There is some OSM vector data in the pack, I think it's pretty basic but it helped with the classification of the satellite imagery!
  5. @lumnuon Great! Thanks for the support! I was hoping to save the time if even by a few days for other guys! :)
  6. Thanks FM! Good to see you again. No negative intent here just wanted to give some blokes a good set of data and see what happens, but didn't want to be boring with it! I am happy to work with all of the community to make this better for everyone! Yeah, I have thick skin I like a bit of constructive criticism, makes you human! Again, a great idea, I had mentioned an individual or a team of people can enter! Lets see what happens with it! Let me know if you do start a version!
  7. Again, fair point, I will happily remove the cash incentive then if the above is the general consensus! No skin off my back!
  8. That is really nice to hear! It's not all perfect by anyone's standard but hopefully provides a base to build off!
  9. I see your POV mate! I can always extend past 3 months if people needed it! Just trying to give something back to a community that's been pretty supportive!
  10. Thanks mate! If I had the time and the skill in the A3 terrain development field I would have a crack myself!
  11. That sounds fair! They can be released into the public domain by their owners, completely at their discretion. All free! Always free it's the ArmA community! I am not a community or a server, just a member of the community! Literally just got some high quality data and wanted to give it to the community, except with a cash incentive. You are welcome to try and find 4M DTM of the Island for free. I couldn't! So I purchased some topographic maps (digital) traced the contours and then after some fiddling generated a pretty accurate DTM, I then tidied it up in Visitor 4 and VBS and exported the work in progress ASC.
  12. It's a shame people can't just be like 'Free data, maybe will win some money, cool.' :D
  13. I can remove the cash incentives if people aren't interested! You can treat it as some free data, work in progress at a high resolution or you can jump in and create your best attempt at a project! The data is all geo projected and I am now aware that TB requires a different type of projection! Was just a quick thought to release it as a fun competition, no one has to jump in at all!
  14. If you have too many vertices for your vector data, it can cause issues with the output of the roads in A3. Better to keep them smooth and only have a vertex when necessary.
  15. I like how you have actually given us a story for each team!
  16. NexumX

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Looks really interesting! :)